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Help needed identifying chicken breed

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New to chickens, so as always, a steep learning curve.

These were bought as chicks and are now 2 months old.

Have no idea what breed they are but was told they are good for eggs.

Would appreciate any help offered identifying which breed, if they are layers and if it's possible to sex them at this stage.


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Yup ^^^, we have a couple of those (used to be three).

They were given to my grand-daughter as cute little chicks that had been dyed red, blue and green. Of course they started to grow so now we have them with the rest of Wifey's menagerie.

I'm 99.9% certain they're both boys.

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Grateful for the replies.

The info about males being sold around the villages cheap, kinda fits in with my own thoughts and the circumstances of their origin.

I got a phone call from my 'family' here: "Sean, we bought you some chicks. They were a good price."

If they are all male from hatcheries, I'm not alone. Uncles and cousins bought about 100 between them.

Not sure if it's a bit of hope for a few girls, but some of the birds' wattles and combs are a lighter pink and not as pointy as most of them.

Time will tell, and I'm getting used to the flow of lies that are abundant in this lovely land.

As it would seem that these lot may be headed for the dinner table. any recommendations for breeds that are good layers and Thailand friendly?

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if you were to get a female it would be brown my friend,

but they are handy i bought some and put them with our layers so now i breed my own layers,

i also pu them with our banties to get them bigger but will still go broody and make good mothers as the brown laying hens wont go broody, well saying that you might get the odd one that will sit, but they are few and far between,

you could ask round and get some ex battery brown hens, we call them warrens, f1 hybreds, put your whits males running with a dozen of them, get an incubator and hatch your own,


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I think that you need to define "Normal"

I beleive that all breeds of male chickens naturally fight, maybe some are more aggressive than others.

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  • 1 month later...

Now a little more time has passed, thought I'd do an update.

All boys.

Having probed a little deeper re the purchase, the guys selling the chicks made a specific point of saying the chicks were free, but when you got the chicks you HAD to buy self seal bag of medicine from them. The bags were very small and I've no idea what was inside. 10 chicks came with 50 baht of 'medicine'

Only got 6 left. They're very tasty.

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  • 8 months later...

Another update.

As per zimba's post, anything (male and female, chickens and ducks) that will stay still long enough for them to mount, they'll shag.

Hatch rate is very high.

The daughters are great layers with roughly a 50% split of broody and non-broody. The non-broody, so far, are laying every day.

From being a little p*ssed off about all males, I'm now quite pleased they came along.

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if you were to get a female it would be brown my friend,

but they are handy i bought some and put them with our layers so now i breed my own layers,

i also pu them with our banties to get them bigger but will still go broody and make good mothers as the brown laying hens wont go broody, well saying that you might get the odd one that will sit, but they are few and far between,

you could ask round and get some ex battery brown hens, we call them warrens, f1 hybreds, put your whits males running with a dozen of them, get an incubator and hatch your own,


Hi Jake,

I have seen hundreds of these male warrens and can assure you that there will be on rare occasions a female colored white with a small amount of red, just like the males. I know because we had one. The one we had was the best layer I ever had and so were her daughters.

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