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For new farang in LOS - The other 95% of Thai Women...a short story


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I'ts just a counterpoint - for the approximately 25-50% of new farang that seek out relationships with the 5% - by default, or osmosis, or lack of knowledge..

Taking the path of least resistance sometimes isn't the best path..you may end up with a psychopath..sad.png



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"Thai women are known around the world as being some of the most attractive women on the planet..."

You're kidding me, right? w00t.gif

"Beauty, in projection and perceiving, is 99.9 % attitude." - Anonymous

Watching the movie Susi Wong as a kid on late night TV, I was hooked...



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Ok..my wife is thai Chinese....we agreed early on that we are equal partners, though she does like to tell me I'm head of family when she's trying to make a point that I won't make a decent decision. Other than that we have a good partnership. She also can't cook so I am the family cook but she makes up for it by keeping the house clean.

OPs talk about pre marital sex must be his experience but it isn't mine.

Anyway interesting concept from the OP.

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Not to mention that 95% of that 95% won't marry a farang

I'd say closer to 90% - that 10% of the 95% adds up pretty quick...thumbsup.gif

but then, of that 10% of the 95%, only 30% of the 10% of them are really attractive, so...sad.png...


The cosine of 3.14..

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Ok..my wife is thai Chinese....we agreed early on that we are equal partners, though she does like to tell me I'm head of family when she's trying to make a point that I won't make a decent decision. Other than that we have a good partnership. She also can't cook so I am the family cook but she makes up for it by keeping the house clean.

OPs talk about pre marital sex must be his experience but it isn't mine.

Anyway interesting concept from the OP.

A lot of Thai women don't go for pre marital sex, but try to find a guy on here that was subjected to ( or will admit ) that sort of abuse.. I admit I'm in that campsad.png , when your bride-to-be says you can go for a short timer in lieu, as she sure as hellll told me -- only years later do you find out she didn't really mean it..thumbsup.gif

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Thai women shocked by nakedness ...........

I was in a bar near Patpong and there must have been 200 totally naked Thai women walking around.

Not seen American women doing that sort of thing.

Whenever I get a Thai women in my room, naked within 5 minutes.

Never got an American women naked in anything near that time.

Don't think your qualifications for being an expert on Thai women count for much.

But you might win an award for the silliest thread starting.

I've probably been with some of the same gals.giggle.gif ..on Walking street, Bangla Road, Patpong..Ko Samui, Chiang Mai..even Chiang Rai.. but those girls don't stick around long, correct me if I'm wrong. "Shockingly," many of the other 95% also drop their drawers right away, I'm cognizant...the staples..

Be happy, your US $$ is kicking the crap out of ours....wai2.gif


easy come, easy go

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There are only two things to avoid with Thai women for a happy relationship, bar girls and gold diggers. All others should work out fine. If either one of the above fit the girl you are dating drop her and find one who does not. Your chances for happiness will be greater and your back account will be healthier. There are exceptions but .....

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"For us farang - being married to a good Thai lady is like being a parent."

Why, b/c Thai women act like children? laugh.png

Just kidding. Not a bad piece. But I think you're underestimating how much of this 95% are willing to date foreigners. Or are really single. I've met some pretty classy women that we're playing around on their husbands... Also, it seems like many of the women that are willing to date foreigners are generally seen as undesirable, at least by Thais. Thai guys always ask me why so many foreigners choose to date unattractive Thai women. I'd say most of the guys that date that 5% do it b/c those girls come easily. Which is fine. I mean, unless you're obsessed with having a Thai gf/wife that fits the stereotype you described, then what's the point of putting so much effort into meeting a girl. Relationships should happen naturally, shouldn't they?

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"Thai women are known around the world as being some of the most attractive women on the planet..."

You're kidding me, right? w00t.gif

The funny thing about this is 95% of farangs go for ugly thai girls..................hahahaha!

Thais ask me everyday.................WHY WHY WHY ? when so many pretty thai girls want a sex tourist as a husband............hahahaha.

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What is this, your blog?

nahhh..part of a book that I never published...for obvious reasons..whistling.gif

Please...keep writing "redandyellow". I am Brazilian.

You may write the book about Thailand I have in mind..but I cannot write because my English is very bad.

We had and have the same experience in Thailand, married with a beautiful and wonderful woman after dating like craze for 3 years....even not going to a bar even once, even with a lot less energy than in my 40s....and with not so updated shape and seducing skills.

Why come to Thailand to get involved with easy Thai women dressing and acting like Westerners just to get one easy "farang" for a "ride"?

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