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Thai Visa, the most popular thai forum?


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SoiBiker, on 22 Jan 2015 - 16:07, said:

Socialist? What the hell are you talking about?

Thaivisa is first and foremost intended as an portal for information for those seeking to come to or remain in Thailand. And yet you think its ok for us to belittle and mock them for discussing the kind of issues that people new to the country often face?


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So what if the guy is on an ED visa?

This is exactly the kind of thing that spoils this place. People attacking those they feel aren't 'proper' expats. All should be welcome here, long-termers, those with Thai spouses, those here to work, those here to study, those who're just visiting - or even those who are yet to visit Thailand but want to learn more about the place. Thaivisa should be a welcoming place to them all, not a clubhouse for those who feel they've somehow earned the right to post here.


How sad does somebody have to be to actually believe

that attaining the age of 50 and getting a

retirement visa or - in the cases of the Bitter Old

Men - getting the legal right to punch a blue-collar

clock each morning is a profoundly noteworthy

achievement that somehow guarantees them an enchanted

life in the Kingdom and the right to queue up for

service at a rub and tug????

Having said all that, it is fun to ridicule them so

it isn't all bad.

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SoiBiker, on 22 Jan 2015 - 16:10, said:
ATF, on 22 Jan 2015 - 16:08, said:
SoiBiker, on 22 Jan 2015 - 16:07, said:SoiBiker, on 22 Jan 2015 - 16:07, said:

Socialist? What the hell are you talking about?

Thaivisa is first and foremost intended as an portal for information for those seeking to come to or remain in Thailand. And yet you think its ok for us to belittle and mock them for discussing the kind of issues that people new to the country often face?


In that case, thanks for providing a perfect example of exactly what's wrong with this place.

Bikey I know what type of person you are sitting around on your bean bags and Afghan rugs sharing pseudo intellectual discussions with your neophytes about how you can change the World. Sorry Buddy the World is what it is and we all have to make the best of it. Humor in my opinion is priceless even if it is at someone else's expense.

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SoiBiker, on 22 Jan 2015 - 15:59, said:

ATF, on 22 Jan 2015 - 15:56, said:

SoiBiker, on 22 Jan 2015 - 15:52, said:SoiBiker, on 22 Jan 2015 - 15:52, said:

That's hardly fair. Of course people make mistakes when they're new to a place. We all do. You never overpaid for a single thing when you first got here? You never had a single issue with a taxi driver?

People who're new to the country should be welcome here, not mocked and belittled for not knowing the ropes by a bunch of cynical old-timers who feel the forum is just for them and their cronies.

Ok so what you're saying is we should have a "Special Needs" forum. Not a bad idea. Remedial education for those new to Thailand and not smart enough to play with the big boys. I like it.

No. What I'm saying is this forum should be welcoming to everybody - not a place where we call people stupid for making the same kind of mistakes we all made.

We were all new here once. Why be so unpleasant to those who come after us?

What you are saying is a load of PC, Socialist claptrap. I'd rather have the piss taken out of me by someone who's been in Thailand 20-30 years rather than some Pikey know it all tell me I can get around the law by doing whatever. TV is a reflection of the World with real people that's why I like it the way it is.


Yep "PC" and "Socialist" - the Thaivisa forum equivalent

of abandoning reason and debate in favour of pitchforks, torches

and cries of "Witchcraft" once they've exceeded the paltry

limits of their kerosene-powered intellects.

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YeahSiam, on 22 Jan 2015 - 16:27, said:


ATF, on 22 Jan 2015 - 16:03, said:

What you are saying is a load of PC, Socialist claptrap. I'd rather have the piss taken out of me by someone who's been in Thailand 20-30 years rather than some Pikey know it all tell me I can get around the law by doing whatever. TV is a reflection of the World with real people that's why I like it the way it is.


Yep "PC" and "Socialist" - the Thaivisa forum equivalent

of abandoning reason and debate in favour of pitchforks, torches

and cries of "Witchcraft" once they've exceeded the paltry

limits of their kerosene-powered intellects.

Well at least you have a child that will require love, care and attention. Let's see how you think 15 years from now.

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SoiBiker, on 22 Jan 2015 - 16:30, said:
ATF, on 22 Jan 2015 - 16:23, said:

Bikey I know what type of person you are sitting around on your bean bags and Afghan rugs sharing pseudo intellectual discussions with your neophytes about how you can change the World. Sorry Buddy the World is what it is and we all have to make the best of it. Humor in my opinion is priceless even if it is at someone else's expense.

You couldn't be more wrong, as it happens.

But lets go back a little to your suggestion that we have a special area that's welcoming to all. How about instead of that, we have a special area of the forum where it's open season on anybody, and you can take the piss as much as you like?

Thing is, we have exactly that - the pub - and that's fine. We all like a laugh now and again. The problem is that some posters can't keep the humour in the area intended for it, and instead wade into threads in the general forum having a pop at anyone they feel is an acceptable target, slapping each other on the back for being so clever - and often getting the thread closed by the mods. Can you not see how detrimental this might be to the atmosphere of the forum?


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How sad does somebody have to be to actually believe

that attaining the age of 50 and getting a

retirement visa or - in the cases of the Bitter Old

Men - getting the legal right to punch a blue-collar

clock each morning is a profoundly noteworthy

achievement that somehow guarantees them an enchanted

life in the Kingdom and the right to queue up for

service at a rub and tug????

Having said all that, it is fun to ridicule them so

it isn't all bad.

Your envy and anger towards the more successful in life in Thailand is a sad thing...that you can't even 'change the record' as it were. With every post you make yourself seem more foolish and sad. I'd wager none of us 'punch any clock' no matter how stuck in your limited mind the phrase or idea you are some how 'freer' than we are is; indeed most of us are in positions where we are above such things.


Sorry but such is the intensity of my amusement that I'm

sitting here shaking like a paint mixer at your

ridiculous assumptions. OK I'm composed now so can you

please explain - exactly - what it is that I'm supposedly

envious of or angry about, Eddie?

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One is led to wonder why those with little or no experience of Thailand find it a necessary part their little lives to lambaste those who have been here a good many years and are family men and women who are in possession of the correct documents to either retire here invest in a businesses or property here or actually pursue a decent career here and possibly to retire and generally enjoy life.


First, the legality of people's tenure of stay in the country

isn't at issue nor is a person's desire to retire,

work, run a business or invest in Thailand. Who cares

how long someone's been here; does that mean they're

more knowledgeable even if they've spent much of their

time posting to an anonymous forum?? I've heard

cringeworthy advice from old-timers and sage advice

from relative newbies.

Second, sorry but it takes a certain kind of jerk to demand

respect for simply going to work or reaching the age

of 50. Neither is a major achievement unless you've got

little else to be proud of in your life.

Every one of the foreign software developers,

teachers, bankers, consultants or managers I know

with work permits would never adopt tasteless,

vulgar posturing to validate themselves and their

purpose in Thailand - even anonymously. To go further

and suggest that others were envious of them for it

would have all of them cringing with embarrassment.

That certain members here seem to delight in assuming

others are envious of them points to an overall lack

of self-esteem, debilitating insecurity or possession

of button-mushroom penises.

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I so wish there could be more humor and light-heartedness on Thai Visa Forum.

Even in the Farang Pub, it seems that whenever someone tries to post anything humorous, more often than not, they are quickly told that they must suffer from dementia, or that their mood disorder medication needs to be adjusted, or that if they jumped off the nearest balcony the world really would be a better place, or that -- within three standard deviations of certainty -- they are definitely not funny, and that the only thing their post has accomplished is to annoy the holy crap out of everyone.

If people would make more of an effort to embrace the Thai value of 'sanuk,' and try to find the humor in life, and not take everything so seriously, I think TVF would be a friendlier place to visit, and your stay in Thailand would be more enjoyable as well.

It used to be like that a few years ago...especially on Friday nights, when everyone posted something...usually funny comments. What a laugh it was.

This Negativity was discussed also about a year ago, and the year before that....on General Forum.

It's up to the posters, to decide if humour needs to be bought back in this forum...and i am one old Fart, that enjoyed the humour tremendously.

I dont post humorous things too much now...(why would you? your head may be bitten off)...but I like to see something funny posted...even if it's part of good advice to someone. thumbsup.gif

Edited by weegee
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i do not like posting a topic sometimes because you just know before you finish writing it that some sad a*******e is going to come on a give a rash negative comment for no reason at all and probably without even reading the topic in full to start with. i have seen that time and time again on here and it really is about time the mods put an end to it. saying that ive had some great advice especially from visa sub forum .

another well known forum based in pattaya, again full of a********es.

"...some sad a*******e is going to come on a give a rash negative comment for no reason at all..."

Are you sure you've read some of your own posts?

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