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Shocking Difference Between Thai and Farang Toddlers


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Totally believable. I "taught" in a kinder out beyond Yasothon last year and what bowerboy is saying I would concur with. The kids out there were . . . hopeless, compared to what I have seen back home (AusTralia).

The kinder did nothing to improve the situation I hasten to add.

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Totally believable. I "taught" in a kinder out beyond Yasothon last year and what bowerboy is saying I would concur with. The kids out there were . . . hopeless, compared to what I have seen back home (AusTralia).

The kinder did nothing to improve the situation I hasten to add.

I suspect its to do with the quality of the "teachers" in Thailand seeing as most of them ain't "teachers" to start with

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Totally believable. I "taught" in a kinder out beyond Yasothon last year and what bowerboy is saying I would concur with. The kids out there were . . . hopeless, compared to what I have seen back home (AusTralia).

The kinder did nothing to improve the situation I hasten to add.

I suspect its to do with the quality of the "teachers" in Thailand seeing as most of them ain't "teachers" to start with

Yeah, some little wooden shack in the middle of Yasothon is hardly representative

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What a load of TV <deleted> this thread is!! Superior patronizing ethnocentric attitudes prevail as always on TV.

Don't you know there is huge variation in development of kids especially at that age? One advanced white child in one kindergarten is hardly a serious study of the subject.

To the OP - for Gods sake relax a bit and let your child be a child. Homework in kindergarten? <deleted>! Most studies find homework in primary school is a waste of time, let alone kindergarten. Personally I'd be looking for a new kindergarten that allows kids to be kids; they will mature at their own pace which can vary wildly even within one family. Your parenting style and skills really has little effect.

Thai kids grow up more slowly. Happens to be a great aspect of Thai culture IMHO.

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That little diatribe would have went down well in Germany circa 1939 to 45

This. Short of saying something which would have made hitler proud you know it's because of the farang genetics from both parents that was the cause of this kid's superior mental skills and other development due to PC constrains. Notice he does describe it but in a roundabout way. This farang kid much superior compared to his thai and half thai contemporaries is nothing special just an ordinary farang kid compared to other farang kids which indirectly is saying that farang kids are just naturally smarter than thai and half thai half farang kids.

He of course forgot to mention that the luk kreung kids are smarter than the pure thai kids because they have half farang genetics. Also some of the pure thais have chinese genetics in them so they are smarter than the pure thais with no chinese genetics. The thais that had issan genetics in them were the lowest in class except that there was one thai kid in there that was the lowest of all because it turns out that he has african/black genetics in him

This is what op meant describing the class.

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Bowerboy. I think the clue lies in this statement which comes straight from your own initial post.

'We have raised our kid very much the Thai way where anything goes and there is no discipline or direction or guidance...just do what has to be done hour by hour and see where it all ends up.

I know the childs parents well and I know the steps they take when child rearing and it is so very very different to the Thai way and the results are just so clear and so profound.'

I have lived in Asia, both east and west, for much of my adult life. I brought up my own daughter in Saudi Arabia. There is no doubt in my mind that the way we nurture our children in their early lives have a big impact on their future and I am not, in the least surprised by your observations.

Reading to and talking with children, encouraging them through creative play with educational toys that challenge their motive and cognitive skills are all part of this formative process. And above all, a proper nights sleep! Something that, sadly, most Asian kids are deprived of.

This is the kind of parental upbringing that I would expect from two teachers from a developed country such as Australia. It is also the kind of upbringing that I have yet to observe anywhere in Asia or the middle east.

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If i didnt know the kids parents and did not know how they approach raising their kids and how much of what they say fits in with what my brother and sister and freinds back in the Uk and Oz say then it wouldnt be so relevant.

When westerners raise a kid they really sit down and think about everything they say and do and how it will impact the kid and they have a pretty clear strategy on what they want to do to raise the kid in the right way.

Thai's on the other hand have no strategy and seemingly no idea...my wife now is starting to understand that the reason the young Aussie kid is the way he is is so no accident and nothing to do with genetics...its just purely the result of the parents thinking things through and implementing their child raising strategy and plan....ie: good parenting.

Now my son still has to learn to use the potty and how to feed himself whereas this Aussie kids mind is totally free of that burden already and thus his development will be exponentially more substantial....same theory as Malcolm Gladwell and Chinese kids with Maths.

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Genius cannot be inherited per se although if a child is nurtured by a genius the child will of course be influenced.

What is genius? To play guitar like Jimi Hendrix or to be Steven Hawkin?

Being able to spell Stephen Hawking would be a start.

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If i didnt know the kids parents and did not know how they approach raising their kids and how much of what they say fits in with what my brother and sister and freinds back in the Uk and Oz say then it wouldnt be so relevant.

When westerners raise a kid they really sit down and think about everything they say and do and how it will impact the kid and they have a pretty clear strategy on what they want to do to raise the kid in the right way.

Thai's on the other hand have no strategy and seemingly no idea...my wife now is starting to understand that the reason the young Aussie kid is the way he is is so no accident and nothing to do with genetics...its just purely the result of the parents thinking things through and implementing their child raising strategy and plan....ie: good parenting.

Now my son still has to learn to use the potty and how to feed himself whereas this Aussie kids mind is totally free of that burden already and thus his development will be exponentially more substantial....same theory as Malcolm Gladwell and Chinese kids with Maths.

Per your last paragraph, unless of course said child grows up and becomes a drug addict or a similar drop out because he couldnt take the pressure of his parents pushing all the time ?

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How many languages does white boy speak?

What's with the 'color' differentiation?

As soon as you enter 'color' into the equation, you haver lost the plot.

OP specified 'Farang' in title = white foreigner

OP specified 'luk krung' in OP = half white Thai/foreigner

The whole thread is racist.

(PS. I'm not white)

(PS. I'm not white)

Cool...thanks for the announcement.

For the record...I'm not colored.

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Bowerboy. I think the clue lies in this statement which comes straight from your own initial post.

'We have raised our kid very much the Thai way where anything goes and there is no discipline or direction or guidance...just do what has to be done hour by hour and see where it all ends up.

I know the childs parents well and I know the steps they take when child rearing and it is so very very different to the Thai way and the results are just so clear and so profound.'

I have lived in Asia, both east and west, for much of my adult life. I brought up my own daughter in Saudi Arabia. There is no doubt in my mind that the way we nurture our children in their early lives have a big impact on their future and I am not, in the least surprised by your observations.

Reading to and talking with children, encouraging them through creative play with educational toys that challenge their motive and cognitive skills are all part of this formative process. And above all, a proper nights sleep! Something that, sadly, most Asian kids are deprived of.

This is the kind of parental upbringing that I would expect from two teachers from a developed country such as Australia. It is also the kind of upbringing that I have yet to observe anywhere in Asia or the middle east.

Thanks for the thoughts....and I think this sentiment is played out in reality and market dynamics...i mean how many adverts do you see for Thai schools or universities in "western" countries...i have never seen an advert or industry built around sending "western" kids to study in Asia.

Conversely it is pretty much the dream of most educated Thai's and Asians to send their kids to study in "western" countries and the salaries they command when they return reflect the value that Thai's and Asians place in that....with such a massive industry built around it there must be something in it.

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Which kids a the happiest?

Which kids interact best with their peer

Good Point

Emotional and social intelligence is, I believe, more important.

This has been answered already..

Most of the Thai kids are crying or wandering round in a daze while the little Aussie kid talks to them or tries to engage with them or goes off to play on the slides.

The Aussie kid is miles ahead in interaction and happiness...and I do mean miles ahead...unavoidably in your face obvious...that is why i raising it.

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bowerboy, on 21 Jan 2015 - 21:13, said:

This has been answered already..

Most of the Thai kids are crying or wandering round in a daze while the little Aussie kid talks to them or tries to engage with them or goes off to play on the slides.

The Aussie kid is miles ahead in interaction and happiness...and I do mean miles ahead...unavoidably in your face obvious...that is why i raising it.

Wait until he meets some British kids his happiness will be curbed.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

How many languages does white boy speak?

What's with the 'color' differentiation?

As soon as you enter 'color' into the equation, you haver lost the plot.

OP specified 'Farang' in title = white foreigner
OP specified 'luk krung' in OP = half white Thai/foreigner

The whole thread is racist.
(PS. I'm not white)

(PS. I'm not white)

Cool...thanks for the announcement.

For the record...I'm not colored.

Eh, just for the record. We are all coloured!

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bowerboy, on 21 Jan 2015 - 21:13, said:

This has been answered already..

Most of the Thai kids are crying or wandering round in a daze while the little Aussie kid talks to them or tries to engage with them or goes off to play on the slides.

The Aussie kid is miles ahead in interaction and happiness...and I do mean miles ahead...unavoidably in your face obvious...that is why i raising it.

Wait until he meets some British kids his happiness will be curbed.

Whilst reading this last comment, do put the emphasis on 'some' please.

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The op has a point.

I have a friend with 2 separate families.

Divorced 2 kids educated in thailand.

Second marriage 2 kids educated in OZ..

Both marriages thai mother.

The differences are stark..

Second lot, seem calmer, more settled, more purposeful in what they do, more engaged and way happier..

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I said to her from the very beginning that the problems that arise from all this (sleepless nights, anarchy at feeding time etc etc) will be her problem and not mine and indeed I stick by my guns....after 8:30pm (way past bedtime for a toddler anyway) I a retreat to my man cave and the rest is up to her and same for most things...when it starts getting out of control (for reasons that are claerly attributable to the Thai parenting style) i walk away.

Then you'll reap what you sow. You clearly know nothing about parenting. As a father, you're a loser.

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When westerners raise a kid they really sit down and think about everything they say and do and how it will impact the kid and they have a pretty clear strategy on what they want to do to raise the kid in the right way.

You've never been to Detroit then?

Or the East End of London, or Tower Hamlets ......

Spot on- some of my students had to deal with drugs, alcohol, dad in jail, the most scary housing estates, mum on the game- you name it we had to provide a safe environment for these kids.

Of course every evening they sat down in a civilised home and their parents ( if around) and tried to engage in explaining quantum physics.

Really pushy parents cause real harm- and will result in teenagers rebelling in a major way.

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>We have raised our kid very much the Thai way where anything goes and there is no discipline or direction or guidance...just do what has to be done hour by hour and see where it all ends up.

I feel sorry for your child. It's beyond my ken why someone would set his child up for failure by raising him this way.


Why the OP liked this post is a little perplexing. It's stating that, as a father, he's a loser...

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Back in the '80s I taught in an experimental Individually Guided Education school in the inner city of Milwaukee.

Instead of busing the "minority" children out of the ghetto, the white kids were bussed in from the east side.

About 50% of the student population was made up of children of university professors, lawyers, and other professionals from the wealthy east side.

The other 50% lived in the ghetto neighborhood.

It was clear to me, as a specialist walking into the classrooms starting in Kindergarten that nothing could be done to lessen the chasm of difference in the lives of these young people.

For example at the age of 5:

Half of the children could read and half did not know the alphabet.

Half of the children could add and subtract and half did not know how to count.

Half of the children were sitting quietly listening to the teacher and half were fighting and urinating and defecating in their pants almost oblivious to the teacher.

You can guess which half was which.

The differences only gained with each progressing year.

The only ones who were affected were the little white kids who didn't try as hard as they learned to mimic the ghetto culture.

What can we do? Am I racist to just observe and report?

Very interesting ,the parents of the east side kids did not mind that their children would be in the same class as the ghetto kids ?

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Back in the '80s I taught in an experimental Individually Guided Education school in the inner city of Milwaukee.

Instead of busing the "minority" children out of the ghetto, the white kids were bussed in from the east side.

About 50% of the student population was made up of children of university professors, lawyers, and other professionals from the wealthy east side.

The other 50% lived in the ghetto neighborhood.

It was clear to me, as a specialist walking into the classrooms starting in Kindergarten that nothing could be done to lessen the chasm of difference in the lives of these young people.

For example at the age of 5:

Half of the children could read and half did not know the alphabet.

Half of the children could add and subtract and half did not know how to count.

Half of the children were sitting quietly listening to the teacher and half were fighting and urinating and defecating in their pants almost oblivious to the teacher.

You can guess which half was which.

The differences only gained with each progressing year.

The only ones who were affected were the little white kids who didn't try as hard as they learned to mimic the ghetto culture.

What can we do? Am I racist to just observe and report?

Yes. What you observe and report indicates that you are a racist.

If it quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, and swims like a duck, then in all probability it's a duck.

In all probability, you're a racist.

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I appreciate that someone tells the truth with the correct words.

For me it has always been so obvious that I feel ashame for Thai and the Thai way...

Sorry, no offense but how can you accept to raise your kid like a Thai ? Not feeling guilty ? Just like my friend who had a kid with a retarded hooker: so sad for the kid when he will understand...

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Totally believable. I "taught" in a kinder out beyond Yasothon last year and what bowerboy is saying I would concur with. The kids out there were . . . hopeless, compared to what I have seen back home (AusTralia).

The kinder did nothing to improve the situation I hasten to add.

Your experience "teaching" in Australia?

I'll wager it's zero, you have no teaching qualification, and you have never taught in an Australian school.


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