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Shocking Difference Between Thai and Farang Toddlers


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It's all about the parents involvement.

May I ask why your kid is already in school at 2.8 years old?

It's a tragedy that these kids are starting to be forced to confirm at such a young age. They should be with a parent until 5 at least!

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Another Thai-bashing thread from our resident basher, the bower boy. How can you possibly know, at two to three years of age, that "the Farang kid is absolutely miles and miles ahead of every other kid in that Kindergarten." Is he doing advanced calculus? Is he publishing research papers? The answer is you don't know. But being as hopelessly biased as you are, I'm sure you'll come up with a long list of bogus reasons.

perhaps you are the biased one..."everything thai is just so good is n't?"

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AOA said - "Australia has the worst schooling in the western world.

I can spot Australian posters in a second, they confuse loose with lose (etc.), and never learn from their mistakes.

I have several Australian friends who freely admit they left school illiterate."

Oh come on AOA, Australian education system is slipping but is still way ahead of America. In secondary school PISA rankings of Maths, Science and Reading. 19th, 16th and 13th v 36th, 28th and 24th, even accounting for all our 'loose' friends. (I thought that it was just the standard TV way to spell 'lose'.) Drives me mad every time I see it actually, but you're not supposed to comment on that <deleted> here. And here's me always assuming it's an American. What an eejet I am!

But I won't argue with you about university standards seeing as the US dominate the top 50 unis on the planet.

Aussies are pretty much brain dead when it comes to general knowledge...............they always come last in our trivia quiz!tongue.png

Edited by samuibeachcomber
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Just to emphasise again the key point here:

That Aussie Kid is nothing special compared to other Western kids...he is just a normal western kid..

The point is the vast Chasm between a NORMAL western kid (not gifted or especially well developed or advanced by Western standards) compared to a NORMAL Thai Kid.....in fact I would go one further and say that these Thai kids are actually probably more advanced than the average Thai kid considering their parents are the type that can afford to send them to International School...not just the average Somchai.

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Just to emphasise again the key point here:

That Aussie Kid is nothing special compared to other Western kids...he is just a normal western kid..

The point is the vast Chasm between a NORMAL western kid (not gifted or especially well developed or advanced by Western standards) compared to a NORMAL Thai Kid.....in fact I would go one further and say that these Thai kids are actually probably more advanced than the average Thai kid considering their parents are the type that can afford to send them to International School...not just the average Somchai.

no need to apologise bowerboy...thai learning ability is pretty poor cos most are lazy,they have never been taught to think for themselves.

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Its not the academice difference that concerns me ....

Its the emotional maturity compared to his peers...

It is no accident he is that way.

Just for one thing amongst many is that I am shocked to see he is pretty much the only kid there that can feed himself...

Thai children are fed by their parents for a number of reasons. Its a cultural nuance. The parents want to ensure that their kids are full.Food is of paramount importance here. Or haven't you noticed??

My son goes to an international school.He is often crying with hunger. Western kids are often not fed enough. They scoff down cereal in the morning that is full of artificial nutrition. Thai children will be given a cooked breakfast and they will eat it themselves and if they are slow eaters their parents of siblings will help them eat. This becomes a habit. I've often seen older kids been hand fed by their parents on the way to school. They are just ensuring that their child is full.Western parents don't really care about that as much. Don't bash the Thai's because they do things differently...Thai kids usually seem much happier than western kids. Probably because their parents look after them better....

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AOA said - "Australia has the worst schooling in the western world.

I can spot Australian posters in a second, they confuse loose with lose (etc.), and never learn from their mistakes.

I have several Australian friends who freely admit they left school illiterate."

Oh come on AOA, Australian education system is slipping but is still way ahead of America. In secondary school PISA rankings of Maths, Science and Reading. 19th, 16th and 13th v 36th, 28th and 24th, even accounting for all our 'loose' friends. (I thought that it was just the standard TV way to spell 'lose'.) Drives me mad every time I see it actually, but you're not supposed to comment on that <deleted> here. And here's me always assuming it's an American. What an eejet I am!

But I won't argue with you about university standards seeing as the US dominate the top 50 unis on the planet.

Aussies are pretty much brain dead when it comes to general knowledge...............they always come last in our trivia quiz!tongue.png

Watch your tongue.

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Yes the smart kid is a farang, but more specifically he is an Aussie, so it's not surprising.

Here's what Bill Maher thinks of his own people -

And Aussie comedian Jim Jefferies on Americans being raised as the worst type of stupid people - stupid "confident" people!!


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I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link to the excellent article in the ajarn website (David Walters blog) about bilingual children and the different density of their brains. A very educational read.

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international schools do great jobs at teaching toddlers to be independent I wouldn't worry about it too much also the kid is growing up with two teachers who presumably teach at an international school and know this stuff inside out.

Thais have a general problem with teaching independence to little ones and that is something that myself and my wife are trying to instill in our 2 year old just little things like making him feed himself, taking his plate to the sink, washing his own hands and brushing his teeth, all of those little things make a difference. i remember when I first settled here my five year old step son was being spoon fed - it was actually disgusting watching it happen I had to really put my foot down and stamp it out quickly he also slept with his grandmother until the age of 9 ( what the <deleted>). In fairness though you should see some of the Thai kids at Harrow and places like that they are miles ahead of government school toddlers just because they are being taught to be independent.

My Thai mother asked me if I wanted to learn to iron clothes when I was about 8 or 9.

It'll be fun, she said...

I jumped at the chance to learn how to do this fabled adult activity. From then on I almost never had any clothes ironed for me again. Y___Y

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How the hell did you come up with your child rearing strategy "We have raised our kid very much the Thai way where anything goes and there is no discipline or direction or guidance...just do what has to be done hour by hour and see where it all ends up."

Jeez, what did you expect....

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I think your thread would be better if you provided concrete examples rather than subjective observations that must be trusted. e.g.

The kid knows his multiplication tables up to 9x9 but the other 2y10m old kids only can count to 10.

Or he can say and write both the English and Thai alphabet but the others can just sing it.

And without some concrete examples, I find it difficult to relate to your post.


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I went to school with a kid whose parents were astrophysicists. He was always top of the class. He did particularly well in maths and physics. He is probably an astrophysicist himself now.

The point is the home environment is of paramount importance to a child's academic, emotional and behavioural development.

If the home life consists of the tv on full blast for 18 hours a day then many studies have shown this is not the best way.

BUT, is he ( the astrophysicist ) happy? If he's not, then all his qualifications are as dust. Too many people in the west are unhappy, divorced and depressed, despite ( or because of ) their so called career success.

I scorn the west's obsession with money and career. As anyone with a brain cell can see, prosperity does not a happy nation make. Bhutan is going down the right track with it's desire to make it's people happy.

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Well I don't care much how other kids get educated.

I care about the 100% Thai girl we are educating, me the acting farang father and the acting Thai mother.

The girl is nearing her 4th birthday, attends 1st year kindergarten in a private school (all kids Thai) and this Monday we got a letter asking to pay 300B for a school computer. Thus Tuesday evening she came home with the thing, teacher just showed me how to wake up the machine.

At home she started pushing buttons and I had to show her where the on/off button was. The machine has around 50 colored buttons (thai and farang letters and numbers and function buttons) Within minutes she found the machine asking for Thai letters, took her a few tries to understand the sound of right/wrong. Her right rate was immediately around 80%. Not bad on a 50 button thing.

Is she a smart girl?

I dunno but hope so.

She is fairly good trilingual, I often ask her daily ordinary happenings in Thai like "where is your mother", she will reply something in English.

I gave her my old ipad and she is very good in manipulating the thing, playing games and viewing all kinds of youtube movies, good and bad ones. She found a couple of American teenagers acting really stupid, but I can not forbid her to watch that crap.

This morning at breakfast she told me: "Nos vamos a la compra"

I looked in surprise, where does this come from?

She smiled and said: it means "We go to the shop"

Ah, learning Spanish before your 4th birthday eh?

Time to learn French I would rather say...

Now I wonder how the kids in her class do with the school comp.

I guess time will tell how close or far away her education will go as compared to real Thai educated kids.

Still she will need to live in Thailand. So there need to be a balance between westernness and thainess, not sure how this can be achieved.

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My neice in Thailand had a daughter born in 2008 and the family jokingly refer to her as two-brains. By 8 months she was speaking and copying every word I spoke in English, then had to be careful as she kept calling the wife "big-bum". She is still a smart kid, doing well in school and brought up in a Thai manner - everyone is different

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"Thai Kids Are Happier"

I always doubt this often used broad brush statement.

I think "Ignorance is Bliss" is far more fitting.

If a Thai child could comprehend the opportunities they were being deprived of in life then I am pretty sure they would not be happy.

Luckily they are taught not to be curious or to ask questions...thus "ignorance is bliss".

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Its not the academice difference that concerns me ....

Its the emotional maturity compared to his peers...

It is no accident he is that way.

Just for one thing amongst many is that I am shocked to see he is pretty much the only kid there that can feed himself...

Thai women mollycoddle their kids. My son is 4 yrs old and my wife treats him like he's still 2. He drinks from a baby spouted cup and he can't even dress himself. The home environment is very important to a child's development but having everything done for you discourages development.

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My 3 kids started off their education in the States and in the UK. In most of the International schools of Thailand the curriculum is in English language. Many of the children that attend the International schools, their first languages is not English, so therefore when my kids began International school they were at an advantage because at the time their first languages were English. Nothing to do with being smarter than the Thai kids.

Reverse the situation and place a farang child in an all exclusive Thai school the Thai children would be leaps and bounds ahead.

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