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coffee in Thailand, 3 in 1 sachet....


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Have you tried 'Civet Coffee' apparently somewhat better than 3 in 1. I know a guy who breeds them just to sell for coffee bean processing.

Have to sdmit that the price is above what I would pay for a cup.

There is also 'elephant processed coffee' smooth, rich and again a little expensive

I have had civet coffee or luwak coffee as it is known in Jakarta, it is a waste of money in my opinion. I think it was a way for local farmers to make it look like they where getting over on the Dutch after they first brought coffee to Indonesia and didn't allow the locals to have any of the bush
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Coffee is a strange brew in that I have seen "coffee snobs" of varying degrees in my travels. I worked for 3 years in Brazil and could not tell you the difference between one brand and another. I have had the 3in one variety here in Thailand. I have had the instant 7-11 variety which is decent enough if on a long journey.

But I have met and worked with people who pay exorbitant amounts for machines for their kitchens and say they will only drink such and such a brand, usually one I've never heard of.

Personally, whatever is to hand does me, and I've scant regard for those who turn up their noses when their favourite is not available

I'm the same with vodka, and that stuff is almost as expensive as designer coffee ;)

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I think 3 in 1 is not popular in the US because:

1. (as someone said before) not many people drink instant.

2. Not as many people in the US take sugar.

3. Coffee in the US is usually weaker than in Thailand.

I could not stand instant when I got here, but learned to like it.

Red Cup every day at work...

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Whatever that stuff is they serve at Amazon tastes pretty good to me but the serving is too small to satisfy my addiction. Haven't really tried any other Thai coffee. Usually just hit a Starbucks. Not partial to the instant.

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hahah.. in israel for 30 years so only drink nescafe or elite powdered 'coffee'... only recently have i seen those straws here, mostly for backpackers etc (mostly because it is a dairy not parve product so for many here that is difficult ) but loved them in thailand as it is impossible to speak with me before a cup of 'coffee' in the morning and it is great for when in hubby's house w/o fridge and i dont really drink real milk anyhow... totally dont like the american style of coffee (drip perculator or pod)...

and birdy cold coffee is great wish we had it here...

We get tinned iced coffee offshore from Israel which is like Birdy, as well as some nice sachet style for cappuccino etc, not a big fan of these style drinks, but not bad from memory. I think it comes from a place in Ashdod called Tib Tam or something like that with the rest of the grocery order.

In Thailand the TGF gets this 3 in 1 that is supposed to be good for joint pain. Seems to work, but oh so sweet. Have tried to get just the coffee, but no luck so far.


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I have been buying the American Blend Beans at Friendship in Pattaya. I am not sure what american blend means but the beans are ok. I use a press. Friendship will grind the beans for you.

I have been wanting to try a good bean from Laos.

I like dood coffee but I am not a snob. I keep Red Cup instant handy also.

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I have one 3 in 1 coffee every morning, a ST double shot, which I get from the "odds and sods" counter at the local Post Office. Never seen it anywhere else. Full name is Sangthong Chumphon Coffee.

17% coffee, the rest a bit more sugar than creamer, costs 100 baht for 20.

Yes this is one of the better instant coffees.

It isn't so sweet and actually tastes of coffee.

I have a Thai friend who often goes to Chumphon and brings me a few bags.

I prefer brewed coffee but haven't a preferred coffee bean yet. I like some beans from Starbuck's but tbey are overpriced.

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