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Cholesterol is not a nutrient to worry about in good.

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It's about time...

I wonder what all those big drug companies are going to do with the useless statins that they have been paying doctors to push on patients for decades?

Cholesterol IN FOOD is not a risk or worry. Cholesterol levels in your BLOOD are a risk and worry, and this is what statins act to reduce, and so lower your risk of heart disease.

Cholesterol levels in your blood are not significantly determined by the amount of cholesterol in your FOOD.

Every cell in your body, and especially your liver, makes cholesterol, and this is by far the most massive source of the cholesterol in your blood, NOT your food.

In fact eating lots of fat (triglyceride), especially saturated fat, is what makes your body make more cholesterol, and pump it into your blood.

One of the reasons for this is that triglycerides in your blood are packaged into spherical particles called lipoproteins (LDL, HDL and VLDL are examples of these particles). These particles need to be made with a layer of cholesterol on the outside. So when you eat more triglyceride your body knows it will need more cholesterol to package the triglyceride, so it turns on the cholesterol making pathway.

Statins work by blocking this cholesterol making pathway, and so they work to reduce blood cholesterol!

These simple metabolic facts have been known for at least three decades, and are in all the medical text books.

In fact a text book written for clinicians treating high cholesterol in the 1980's that I read at that time said, "patients find it confusing if doctors do not recommend them to lower dietary cholesterol, if their blood cholesterol is a problem, so you might as well go on doing it, even though we know it doesn't make much difference!"

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Countless threads over the past ten years have confirmed that you are wrong on this point, please feel free to search the many many debates on this topic.

But Dr Mercola is not the point of this thread so please, move on.

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chiangmai ...... the article is about cholesterol did u not read it?

I prefer to read articles on medical science from mainstream accredited medical sources. I try not to read anything written by Mercola any more since he makes his living from writing books and coincidentally happens to be an MD. The FDA has warned him numerous times about things he has written, including:

"FDA Warning Letters

Dr. Joseph Mercola has been the subject of a number of United States Food and Drug Administration Warning Letters related to his activities:

  • 02/16/2005 - Living Fuel RX and Coconut Oil Products - For marketing products for a medical use which classifies those products as drugs in violation of 201(g)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.[56]
  • 09/21/2006 - Optimal Wellness Center - For both labeling / marketing health supplements for purposes which would render them to be classified as regulated drugs as well as failing to provide adequate directions for use upon the label in the event that they were legally sold as drugs.[57]
  • 03/11/2011 - Re: Meditherm Med2000 Infrared cameras - For marketing a telethermographic camera for medical purposes which have not been FDA approved.[58]
  • 12/16/2011 - Milk Specialties Global - Wautoma - Failure to have tested for purity, strength, identity, and composition his "Dr. Mercola Vitamin K2" and other products.[59 ".



I learned that at University around 1995 and than it was already common knowledge. So they needed what? 20-30 years to react.


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Right. Cholesterol is good.

In arteries it is the result of vascular problems, not the cause.

What is the cause?

Too much refined sugars in diet, animal proteins, especially dairy, transfats.

Statins are poison.


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Right. Cholesterol is good.

In arteries it is the result of vascular problems, not the cause.

What is the cause?

Too much refined sugars in diet, animal proteins, especially dairy, transfats.

Statins are poison.


Without Cholesterol the cell surfaces would loose fluidity and we would get cancer or worse....Cholesterol is important.

+ sugars

+ transfat

+ Statin

but what should be the problem of animal protein and dairy. The only problems I see on animal products is that they often come with too much fat. That there are chemicals in the animal that shouldn't be there. And that they are too tasty so overeating happens easily licklips.gif.pagespeed.ce.v-hsVd-WpuUk8n.

(Beside moral reasons, the animal factories and halal slaughtering....)


Right. Cholesterol is good.

In arteries it is the result of vascular problems, not the cause.

What is the cause?

Too much refined sugars in diet, animal proteins, especially dairy, transfats.

Statins are poison.


Yes of course sugar and transfat are well-known to cause bad blood cholesterol levels.

But whats wrong with animal proteins...?

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In my humble opinion cholesterol in blood should be the focus for reduction to optimal levels. What's good? http://nutritionfacts.org/video/optimal-cholesterol-level/

Pathways to get to good cholesterol blood levels depend on your current condition and are up to you. For me, what has worked has been a mostly fiber rich, vegan diet with vegetable starch (like sweet potatoes). Free resources to get there include the nutritionfacts website and https://www.drmcdougall.com/health/education/free-mcdougall-program/free-resources/

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That's right folks the latest US guidelines on foods we should eat say we don't have to worry about foods with cholesterol. Of course anyone who has done any Google research on cholesterol in food already knew this. So everyone enjoy your eggs. New report: Cholesterol in food not a concern


The article suggests it is not the total cholesterol in the food that matters, but it doesn't say that excess cholesterol in the blood doesn't matter. In particular, the evidence that high levels of LDL are associated with heart attacks and strokes is still true.

Certain foods are known to help reduce levels of excess cholesterol in the blood, such as Oatmeal. Other foods are known to raise cholesterol levels to excess levels, such as too much sugar, or Chicken skin and fats, or white carbs, such as white bread or white potatoes, white rice or white pasta, as opposed to wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, brown rice, sweet potatoes.

Im surprised the article also suggests diet doesn't significantly influence blood cholesterol levels. It clearly does, there is ample evidence. Just because the liver produces cholesterol doesn't mean a bad diet cant influence levels of cholesterol in the blood.

The trouble with what i read many posters saying is that they grab one piece of the jigsaw puzzle and use it to reach extreme and illogical conclusions. For example, they will harp on a out how the body requires cholesterol, which we all know, but then they start concluding that arguments about excess levels are wrong. Or they grab onto the fact that the liver makes cholesterol and conclude that somehow that means the diet is irrelevant.

The truth is the process is complex and has many moving parts and so a properly balanced respect for the whole scientific picture is necessary. Many posters sound scientifically illiterate to me, making a balanced understanding very unlikely.

Id treat this article with a big pinch of salt, it sounds highly misleading to me.

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That's right folks the latest US guidelines on foods we should eat say we don't have to worry about foods with cholesterol. Of course anyone who has done any Google research on cholesterol in food already knew this. So everyone enjoy your eggs. New report: Cholesterol in food not a concern


The article suggests it is not the total cholesterol in the food that matters, but it doesn't say that excess cholesterol in the blood doesn't matter. In particular, the evidence that high levels of LDL are associated with heart attacks and strokes is still true.

Certain foods are known to help reduce levels of excess cholesterol in the blood, such as Oatmeal. Other foods are known to raise cholesterol levels to excess levels, such as too much sugar, or Chicken skin and fats, or white carbs, such as white bread or white potatoes, white rice or white pasta, as opposed to wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, brown rice, sweet potatoes.

Im surprised the article also suggests diet doesn't significantly influence blood cholesterol levels. It clearly does, there is ample evidence. Just because the liver produces cholesterol doesn't mean a bad diet cant influence levels of cholesterol in the blood.

The trouble with what i read many posters saying is that they grab one piece of the jigsaw puzzle and use it to reach extreme and illogical conclusions. For example, they will harp on a out how the body requires cholesterol, which we all know, but then they start concluding that arguments about excess levels are wrong. Or they grab onto the fact that the liver makes cholesterol and conclude that somehow that means the diet is irrelevant.

The truth is the process is complex and has many moving parts and so a properly balanced respect for the whole scientific picture is necessary. Many posters sound scientifically illiterate to me, making a balanced understanding very unlikely.

Id treat this article with a big pinch of salt, it sounds highly misleading to me.

This is from the FDA, I'm not saying they are perfect, but they are not quacks either.


Though i've been something of a cholesterol skeptic for some time like Partington I think we should parse a wise course and there may repeat may be a place for statins.

I am pretty sure I have it right though that for instance though women's incidence of heart disease is reduced by statins their mortality is unchanged. This suggests that the women will simply die of something else at the same rate, and begs the question why statins are prescribed to women. (sorry i don't have the refs but I would not have remembered it unless it came from robust and convincing evidence.) I remember that statins did have a modest effect in men....though of course there may be downsides to their use which will not affect mortality.

I have said before that counterintuitively my high lipid levels go down considerably and quickly by reducing starches and sugars. I am not careful about fat when I have been on these "starch diets" and it still works well.

Unfortunately I don't keep them up, but make myself feel better about the whole affair with pretty substantial exercise.


Ive measured the changes in my blood stats regularly during a time when i substantially changed my dietary habits. I did this by having full blood tests done in a controlled manner, with proper fasting, by a good clinic, at regular intervals. And the conclusion I've come to is that my diet has a very significant impact on my cholesterol (LDL and HDL) and triglyceride levels, my levels having been initially unhealthy and are now healthy, i.e., not too high, not too low. So i do not believe what this article is saying. In fact, i would go so far as to say it is utter rubbish.


Ive measured the changes in my blood stats regularly during a time when i substantially changed my dietary habits. I did this by having full blood tests done in a controlled manner, with proper fasting, by a good clinic, at regular intervals. And the conclusion I've come to is that my diet has a very significant impact on my cholesterol (LDL and HDL) and triglyceride levels, my levels having been initially unhealthy and are now healthy, i.e., not too high, not too low. So i do not believe what this article is saying. In fact, i would go so far as to say it is utter rubbish.

The article doesn't say that it doesn't matter what you eat. I believe if you eat less fat LDL and HDL and triglyceride will improve.

Just the cholesterol isn't the bad guy....

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