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Surrogate mother cries foul after giving away her baby


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Surrogate mother cries foul after giving away her baby
Prapasri Osathanon
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- A woman who gave birth to a baby in January and then gave it away under a surrogacy programme has called on the authorities to help her get the infant back.

The 34-year-old woman, who cannot be named, now wants the baby back because she suspects he is her biological son.

"How do I know if it was my egg or someone else's egg? I can't be sure. So, I want the baby back," she said.

An agent recruited the woman to serve as a surrogate mother for an American man who was in his 40s, she said. The surrogacy contract involved a six-digit baht payment plus a monthly allowance of Bt14,000 during the pregnancy. After she gave birth to the baby, the man never contacted her again.

"We have already alerted the US embassy here to help prevent the father from taking the baby out of Thailand," said Verutai Maneenuchnate, an executive director at the Women Lawyers’ Association of Thailand.

Verutai yesterday brought the woman to National Legislative Assembly (NLA) member Wallop Tangkananurak to ask for legal help.

Wallop chairs the NLA committee on society and the affairs of children, youth, women, the elderly, people with disabilities and the underprivileged.

The paid surrogacy contract the woman signed constituted human trafficking and should be void, Verutai said.

The commercial surrogacy service was offered through a clinic run by Dr Pisit Tantiwattanakul, the same doctor who allegedly allowed a Japanese man to hire many Thai women to bear his children.

The case of the Japanese man caused a major scandal last year and the media speculated as to why he would want so many children.

Wallop said his NLA committee had set up a subcommittee to look into surrogacy issues.

"It will handle many cases including the one involving the Japanese man," he said.

Representatives from various relevant organisations, such as the Medical Council, sit on this subcommittee, he said.

While the NLA passed the Act to Protect Babies Born Through Assisted Reproductive Technologies on February 19, it has not yet taken effect. It will come into force 90 days after the NLA gives the green light. This law will not be applied retroactively.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Surrogate-mother-cries-foul-after-giving-away-her--30255204.html

-- The Nation 2015-03-03

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Notwithstanding the fact the contract seems to be a problem, she got the cash and now wants to cry 'Foul' ? A six figure sum is obviously 100,000 or more.

Will she be made to give the money back once she gets her baby back? I somehow doubt it.

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Not only will she keep all the money. Since he did father it, he would have to pay child support for 18 years. I'm sure both her and her sneaky little lawyer knows that. The children are just a means to an end of getting dollars for these cases.

How much can I get?

How much can I get?


Hope he left the country months ago.

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All she has seen or in truth has been primed for is to open a money channel as opposed to the birth channel she was paid to open.

Chav's now officially exist in Thailand.


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I'm sure there are many forms she has filled out with the understanding this is not a reversible contract. And you are correct in the stipulation give back the money you were given during your pregnancy. Living expenses were paid to you under the condition

of giving up parental rights to the child regardless of father or motherhood. Another Thailand scam gone astray!

Notwithstanding the fact the contract seems to be a problem, she got the cash and now wants to cry 'Foul' ? A six figure sum is obviously 100,000 or more.

Will she be made to give the money back once she gets her baby back? I somehow doubt it.

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"We have already alerted the US embassy here to help prevent the father from taking the baby out of Thailand,"

Yes, ruin the guys life by forcing him to stay here so you can blackmail him for a permission to leave. Don't worry the Thai judges are usually more than happy to comply with these unreasonable requests.

I wonder why she did not realise it could be her biological child before she received the money? Did she take biology classes during the pregnancy?

I am no expert on this matter, but as I understand, the eggs are normally fertilised in a petri dish before they are inserted in the uterus, hence it cannot possibly be her eggs.

In any case, a DNA test should quickly decide if it is her child or not, but I am guessing she will not agree to that, seeing that such a test will quickly put an end to her scam.

I hope she gets arrested for scamming and apparently for human trafficing???

Edited by monkeycountry
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"How do I know if it was my egg or someone else's egg? I can't be sure. So, I want the baby back," she said. So she doesn't want to test to see if the implanted pregants egg is hers or not? Just want the baby.... Gee, I wonder why that is? Skank is the word spinging to mind

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In my opinion, these so-called surrogate mothers are in the same league as women of ill repute, as these too are using their bodies for business purposes, profit and gain.

This disgusting practice of rent a womb babies that is no different from a customer reserving a puppy from a breeder, must be stopped. These children are at huge risk, being bypassed by the system and the official adopting procedures, perhaps going to unsuitable guardians or even for medical parts or experiments, could be for any purposes.

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