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Please does anyone have any experience in getting 6 month teaching contracts, say from October to March on an annual basis?

My ideal scenario would be to spend these winter months working as a ESL teacher in Thailand, and spend the summer months doing seasonal work back home.
I have the appropriate teaching qualifications and a bachelors degree.
Is this a realistic possibility for me? Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

It should be possible but you probably could only do it through an agency and I'm not sure what the position would be re work permit and visa status.


There are now a bunch of these crap ads on the Internets. "teach and travel", teach part time, short time...needed immediately.

They will all end badly and most assuredly come without wp.

Having said that, Thailand is one of the few low quality teaching environments that would tolerate such vagrancy.

You do realize that you would never save anything let alone pay for plane fare and that is assuming the agency you are working for doesn't totally rip you off.

Beer bellies, piercings, tattoos, facial hair, mincers and prancers - no problem.


Thanks both, I agree the wp side of things is a worry. I don't really know of any agencies but I can do some further research so thank you for the suggestion.

I'd be working to live not save, I was previously considering it as volunteer work for the poorer refugees in Thailand but I don't think my money will actually stretch that far. I just need enough money to live, planes fares etc can come from other resources. I appreciate the consideration though, it's a valid point!

I do have a conscience too, I am concerned that my pupils may suffer from the lack of teacher consistency though the academic year, but as you say Thailand seems to be 'one of the few low quality teaching environments that would tolerate such vagrancy', and hopefully my lessons will be enough to still provide a good standard of learning to compensate for my short term availability. I would hope I'd still be able to contribute significantly to their education. Fill the role that perhaps a relief teacher might fill in the UK?

Thank you both for your relies, I appreciate your help.


There are now a bunch of these crap ads on the Internets. "teach and travel", teach part time, short time...needed immediately.

They will all end badly and most assuredly come without wp.

Having said that, Thailand is one of the few low quality teaching environments that would tolerate such vagrancy.

You do realize that you would never save anything let alone pay for plane fare and that is assuming the agency you are working for doesn't totally rip you off.

Beer bellies, piercings, tattoos, facial hair, mincers and prancers - no problem.

Idiot alert. Why do people make such sweeping generalisations that simply are not true? Probably has never been a teacher too.

The work permit will be no problem and so will be the permission to stay from immigration. The problem will be to find a job, but certainly not impossible.


Sorry, no agency is going to get this guy a wp for essentially two months. Takes them three months in best of circumstances. Another two and he's out the door.

How many agencies work these guys all year with no wp, lol. Not gonna happen.

And...he wants to work the back half of the year. He cant even lie and say he's going to wirk the full year.

And...if he does get a wp, he gets a waiver. After two years he's done anyway and no way tct gonnis gonna give him a third or forth when he's only worked half years on the first two.

Total mental masturbation.

Please note your wage will never cover anything but most basic needs and will not include airfare or other costs such as visas. You won't even break even, do the math don't take my word for it.

If you are making 30k as average flunkie teacher, you'll need minimum 40k to cover the flight. Have a look on ajarn, aboit 5% of those jobs pay better than 35k.

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