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does anyone shave their head with a razor? my hair is thinning and i have been cutting it with clippers and the number 3 attachment, i decided to shave it with a razor today. I shaved my head with just th clippers, took it down even shorter with an electric shaver, used some facial exfoliating cream on my head, lathered up and shaved. i suffer from mild dandruff and after shaving my head their are some pink patches where the dandruff was - will this clear up now i dont have hair??


If I was you, I would check with a dermatologist.

I'm not convinced the patches are from dandruff.

Could be something else that can be treated with some ointment that will prevent the loss of hair.

no my hair loss is hereditary, the pink patches are only small and i believe are from parts of my head i was scratching due to being a bit itchy from dandruff or what i think was dandruff


Geez, looking at your avatar I don't see the problem, LOL.

I can't answer your question. I look like your avatar. whistling.gif

Why not treat yourself a glass eye?tongue.png

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A trip to a good dermatologist should set you back less than 300 baht. It'd be well worth the peace of mind. The last time I went she knew immediately what the cause of my problem was, and I could never have guessed or made the same diagnosis myself.

Now that you are hairless up top, you'll need to buy some hats... of course you knew that already.

  • Like 1

Geez, looking at your avatar I don't see the problem, LOL.

I can't answer your question. I look like your avatar. whistling.gif

You don't know how the hair was before it was thinning.....


Willfreeman, you might be right about the pink patches being the spots infected with the dandruff causing fungus and if so, get some apple cider vinegar, coat your scalp liberally with it and leave on for 20 mins before washing off.

If you want to go one step further then after drying your scalp use coconut oil on your scalp, leave on for 20 mins also and wash. This is what I have done, 2 treatments 6 months apart and I am now dandruff free. Pretty cool that it was that easy.

But!, you should still take 96tehtarps' advice and see a dermatologist if the symptoms don't go away after the first treatment. You might like to grow your hair back after as it shouldn't be itchy.



It's just dry skin. Put on any after-sun cream will work, less oily. Your head is getting adapted to the new look so wear a hat when ever you are out in the sun or you will regret it. Been doing it for years so don't be too concerned.

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That's exactly the routine I fiollow with my sack, but no pink patches!!?? I didn't have sack dandruff though.

My chicky likes a smooth sack, so I'm happy to oblige, a self serving action, I know.


Is this "post" for real"......just visit a clinic...

The OP should not just visit any clinic, he should visit a dermatologist's clinic. Maximum cost should be about 300 baht including an ointment that will clear up he pink blotches.


Sure the best thing to do would be go see a dermatologist, but maybe the OP, is like me, he lives in the sticks and the closest dermatologist is 3 hours away. He was hoping someone might be able to reassure, him, he wasn't looking for criticism.


Before you dash off to a dermatologist, pop into Big C or something like that who sells Head'n Shoulders shampoo. It is a zinc formulation that will sort out the dandruff condition if thats what it is. If that doesn't fix it after a wash or two, then you don't have dandruff. Then you can justify get worried and seeing a dermatologist.


Just give it a few days. Shaving can cause a bit of irritation so be gentle. If you don’t have eczema, psoriasis or a variety of other skin conditions, just keep it clean and use some facial cream or lotion to help it heal and keep it from drying out, and things should get better with time.


As a newbie cue ball head myself, and also using a regular razor, does anyone have any observations as to the best way to cue ball? Is it a blade razor or should I think about an electric razor? How often? In the shower or at the mirror? Any lotion or anything deployed?

Any tips appreciated!


As a newbie cue ball head myself, and also using a regular razor, does anyone have any observations as to the best way to cue ball? Is it a blade razor or should I think about an electric razor? How often? In the shower or at the mirror? Any lotion or anything deployed?

Any tips appreciated!


How many people shave their heads to hide the old age of greyness? smile.png


Is this "post" for real"......just visit a clinic...

I for one have been doing this most of my adult life, if you

have psoriasis then you are probably stuck with it for life,

cure = none but poisons to keep it under control = lots

whatever you do don't use head and shoulders, it will

only make it worse,, if you must, get any coal tar shampoo,

as for the poison i have been using ''Elomat'' lotion,you can

buy it over the counter in any chemist,, i would also try any

of the above remedies over time and see if they help, one

thing that clears psoriasis naturally is the beach, salt water

and vitamin D, the sun but not sunburn, man i'd be happy

to put chicken shit on my head if i knew it would stop the

itching and red spots, by the way this might also help.


Been shaved since before it was popular. My Dad was doing cancer treatments and lost his so I matched him. Love the clean cool feel, just soap and a razor so I kept it shaved. Your head toughens up like your beard after a while. I can not speak to dandruff problems but I can tell you nothing is worse than a sunburn on the top of your head. The peeling pink and brown camo effect will draw some laughter. Invest in some hats and a pocket sized sun screen!

  • Like 2

As a newbie cue ball head myself, and also using a regular razor, does anyone have any observations as to the best way to cue ball? Is it a blade razor or should I think about an electric razor? How often? In the shower or at the mirror? Any lotion or anything deployed?

Any tips appreciated!

My preference is Mach3 Turbo in the shower with a foaming cleanser which doesn’t leave any residue. I like to let it grow out for a few days and end up shaving my whole head twice a week. That seems to give my skin time to recover without becoming too long for a razor to shave easily.


I use a number 2 buzz cut on my head rather than shaving so haven't noticed this, but I do find when shaving my face in this climate it can produce pink blotchy areas which do dissipate by the next day. I've found that being less aggressive with the shaving, keeping a sharp blade and being patient mostly eliminates that. Also if your head isn't used to shaving then maybe the skin is a bit sensitive initially.

For me I'd just use coconut oil or aloe vera or something and go gently to see if that doesn't change the outcome before looking too deeply at the issue.


I've some skin issues. Agent Orange related. No that is not a foe of 007. When we're living in Thailand, in a week or so, gone. I don't do anything, just live in Thailand and thank God for life.

In the USA, my Uncle prescribes all sorts of things. The one for the full head of no longer dark brown hair, Ketoconazole Shampoo, 2%. It is consider anti fungal, but when I did shave the head so I could look, didn't look like any fungus I ever saw. The doctor never even looked at it before writing the script. Hope it helps. Strange something on the head would be such a pain for the butt. Best of everything Sir.

Been shaving every 3rd day since I was about 23 (27 years ago) personally I use a standard Gillette Mach 3 and good quality shaving gel, tepid water on bonce and takes about 4 mins now, like a babys bum... smooth as silk, sometimes I have pink patches (very rare) is allergy - not dandruff, will clear after a day (sometimes after a few hours) No need for any clinics or magic potions lol, as always after shaving a good quality shaving balm will help moisturise the skin. In Europe (UK) I shave before shower/bath but in LOS I just do it when I feel like as is nice temp all time and in/out regular showers.

I would never use an electric shaver for either face or head, only for trimming beard, tash, side burns. I use quality shaving soap and a proper badger hair brush on face but prefer the finish and feel of shaving gel (Gillette) on head. I am sure there will be all sorts of advice but thats how I do mine and have no real issues. If any flakey patches you need to mositurise as part of after shave routine as I mentioned.

If you let the hair grow for say a week then is more of a ball ache to get back to the grain and will leave the red patches you want to avoid, so as said around every 3 days back to the bone is what works for me... and you will get use to doing it and being bald as a coot, women either hate it or really go for it. I am lucky having the right head shape, some of my mates when having had theirs off for charity etc just do not suit the look and they hope never to shed the locks with fear. Me I feel sorry for the poor blokes with syrups on, I really do but each to their own...


I had a part of my head that was very itchy and when i scratched it dandruff would fall onto my shoulder. It never spread so I was not unduly concerned, just tried to avoid scratching it. 4 years ago the hospital told me it was incurable but could be controlled by medication. They gave me two lotions to rub in, one called Dmv+Daivonex and the other called Trosyd + DX. After applying that for a few days I switched to Selsun shampoo and have never had the problem again. Maybe it's still lurking under the skin but it does not bother me at all. However I've never shaved my head so would not know if it appears as a red patch or not. I use number 3 clippers so my hair is reasonably short but the patch was on the side of my head where I still have reasonably thick hair.


does anyone shave their head with a razor? my hair is thinning and i have been cutting it with clippers and the number 3 attachment, i decided to shave it with a razor today. I shaved my head with just th clippers, took it down even shorter with an electric shaver, used some facial exfoliating cream on my head, lathered up and shaved. i suffer from mild dandruff and after shaving my head their are some pink patches where the dandruff was - will this clear up now i dont have hair??

Maybe it's razor rash?

But if you see the derm, and if he/she asseses it's fungal, then the following may be prescribed.

Stieprox or whatever the equivalent is over there.


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After washing your hair rub in a little baby oil to keep your skin hydrated.

You can't 'hydrate' your skin with oil, you have to drink lots of fluids for hydration.

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