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Selling Timeshare In Thailand

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We would hardly expect someone IN the timeshare Biz to say that theywere ALL scammers .....

Thats my point.... JD this thread is pointless because people have fixed viewpoints...because what you are really saying is that you are not interesting in listening to anyone who has experience of the industry...very balanced and mature...why has nt anyonre responded to why people buy more weeks and send friends and family to buy (at the decent ones)....?

Could it be because the some actually work out well??? We would want to change our thinking now would we....

you say people do ....

I on the other hand ONLY know people (3) that feel they made stupid mistakes buying into timeshare scams ..... when I meet someone that actually has bought and was happy enough to buy again ... I'll change my mind.

<will that happen? probably not>

So for now I'll leave it that my personal experience has been sitting through one presentation in PVR AND telling the scumbags to take a hike ever since!

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so ... I am guessing you sell for Marriot? :D

:D:D:o yellowcard for thinking that having a vested interest in people NOT thinking that timeshares sales is a scuzzy line of work makes you credible

Edited by jdinasia
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approx 50% marriott sales are referrals or repeat purchasers....FACT maybe JD doesnt mix in the right circles :o /.....sorry but there it is ...im sure they are all stupid

In my young dayz I sold magazine subscribtions, they told me to learn this speach they had writen & also to make sure I put my body/foot in the doorway, so they couldn't shut it in my face. Well I worked for them one month, and had gotten many (ignorant) people to go for it, BUT found out I was the ignorant one, since I didn't get the $ I had coming to me, all I got was less than mim. wage. Later I meat a friend from school who was selling TS for, yes your company, the biggest and best hotels, and to get to the point he told me how he scammed people for there money (HIS WORDS) And said that only a fool or a company executive would go TS since the executive can pass the bill on to his company, in other words, FREE. There is you answer stevespiral (he was NEW to this forum as well) and you might want to read his posts(since he strangely, isn't posting no more) Another answer to you questions-LOL- I know the more posts the better for TS scum-So bye Stevelikeitalot.

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ho hum

this thread is like a conversation on religion or politics. Those people thinking TS is all bad are never going to change their thinking. I know the industry reasonably well having worked at the 2 exrtremes, in one rip off and in one top of the line organisation, where the staff even bought their own product!

So, I KNOW there is good and bad. But of course news is always about the bad.

Simple question, why if they are ALL a scam why would intelligent people from all walks of life (not just the doddering oldtimers Mr Jones thinks are targetted)buy additional weeks at the same resort on different occasion having already experienced used their existing one?

Also, why do Owners of timeshare send friends and family to see for themselves if it was all so terrible?

Its really the low end marketing and low end sales people that give the product a bad name. The timeshare product itself is fantastic for many poeple who bought a reputable one.

OK, I will tell you (from a guy that knows)...... People who buy additional weeks are the ones that get looked after for the 1st 2 or 3 years of owning the timeshare. This is also the time when they are convinced to send there friends to get scammed too.

It is fact that in timeshare the new owners always get looked after, they will always get the weeks they request and will generally have the 1st couple of years of extortionate yearly fees "hidden" amongst the initial joining fee. What this does is it gives them time to concentrate on convincing the owner to buy more weeks, once that owner has been bled dry and does not want anymore weeks he then goes to the bottom of the pile, and its a slippery slope !

By now he owns 2 or 3 weeks or a 2 bedroom instead of the crappy studio he started with, when in fact the timeshare company or resort doesnt even have or own a 2 bedroom apartment ! Will he get that week in high season like he did in his 1st year of owning ?.. Not a chance !

The 2nd biggest part of the robbery cycle is the maintenance, what may appear to be only $300 a year will quickly become double that. Generally a timeshares maintenance will increase by approx 15% per year after the 2nd or 3rd year (i.e. once they have had a shot at loading you). Now lets see. Based on 15% per year COMPOUNDING, $300, $345, $397, $456, $524, $603.... pretty scary eh !

It is fact that the average time span for a timeshare owner is about 4 to 5 years, after this they will attempt to sell it, when they realise it cant be sold it goes in the bin ! So, you have $15,000 up front fee + $2,600 in fees, thats $17,600 for 6 weeks of use, thats just short of $3,000 a week, for a poxy room which you can stay in for $300, this is how they make so much money, they keep what you walk away from !

Its a very clever scam and nothing short of blatant robbery but people will fall for it, and always will. :o

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Consider this. If you were wealthy enough to employ a financial advisor and they suggested you buy a timeshare, how many minutes would it take you to FIRE that advisor?

All this about financial advisers, doctors and lawyers buying timeshare is a pile of rubbish.

This is typical of what a Manager or a trainer would install into the minds of the young and inexperienced sales rep when starting out.

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Selling timeshares is legal. It's hard to find customers, specially without experience and without other incomes to survive. Of course if you can find real customers regularly (1-2 times/week) you can obtain a work permit too.

I think it could be a good secondary job (and income) if you meet daily a lot of people with your primal job.

The primal job is the hardest thing to find, specially without big savings..

Sorry to say unless the laws have changed over the last 4 years selling time shares anywhere in the kingdom is definately ILLEGAL. This is directly from a manager of one of the businesses aswell as a Thai lawyer. When I confronted the the manager of such a business he confessed that they were not really selling time shares at all. He put it in different terms then showed me the door with alot of concern. A few months later I saw a Bangkok post article that mentioned several foreigners being deported for selling time shares "an illegal activity". So check the laws carefully.


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As a fulfillment for a nearly free 10-day vacation for two to the Bahamas, I had to sit through a 2-hour timeshare presentation. At every chance, I'd say, "I'm not interested." The original price was $15,000 but, with my mounting resistance, the salesperson offered "foreclosed timeshare weeks" at half-price. That had to one of the funniest sales pirches I've ever heard.

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I've heard of some foreigners in Thailand making very good money selling timeshares in Bangkok, Samui and Phuket. (I'm talking enough to live very, very well in the US or UK).

Does anyone know more about this? Are there illegal things happening here? Unethical? Fraudulent?

Or is it all totally legit and these guys are just hard workers and good sales people?

Well, after reading all these posts, pro/con, what are you thinking on doing, get a TS job or a real job? I'm sure we all await your answer.

Have a nice life


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so ... I am guessing you sell for Marriot? :D

:D:D:o yellowcard for thinking that having a vested interest in people NOT thinking that timeshares sales is a scuzzy line of work makes you credible

1) No i dont work for marriott and i am not stevespiral

All this about financial advisers, doctors and lawyers buying timeshare is a pile of rubbish.

This is typical of what a Manager or a trainer would install into the minds of the young and inexperienced sales rep when starting out.

2) i am not inexperienced and for 3 years I sold to doctors, bankers, CEO's, schoolteachers, accountants...some very clever financial people who did thir own spreadsheets etc.

So taxin youre talking pure crap. These people were not pressured, i was selling a good product.

Balls, about the exchanges which go thru a 3rd party company and charges around $100 to swap resort for that year. They could nt care whn you bought so dont give special treatment they exchange to equivalent properties so those idiots who bought crap(naive) get crap exchanges and those who bought and paid for the best get the best.

Thats why some timeshare works and some doesnt.

Though the maintenance example may be true in some less good timeshares, In reputable many have a cap or allow the Owners themselves to set it.

Your point on financial logic is further evidence of the typical mistakes by people with limited financial reasoning abilities.

Let me teach you....

lets say your 300 went up at 15% compounded, hotel price inflation also goes up at 8-10%(do the google) this is the bit that the anti timeshare and maths simpletons miss out.......timeshare is actually an upgrade of lifestyle deal that also hedges hotel inflation, so if you are a family who usually rent 2 rooms at say 150 or 200 usd x2 rooms youre looking at 7x400

=2800 going up at 8-10% per year so thats $3080, $3388, $3726,$4099 and lets just stretch 6th year....you would have spent $ 18801 ANYWAY on poxy hotel rooms....


youve laid out $15000 + $2625(taxin's 15% maintenance) = $17625


Oh and know ive stayed in a villa with kitchen laundry etc

Oh and Ive still got the timeshare for another 20-freehold amount of years to sell, pass to the kids etc ( admittedly you should not buy to sell higher) that is not the return on timeshare its the money you would have spent anyway that you never added up (as taxin didnt think, wasnt capable or didnt bother to do)

Anyone who is ok with maths should be able to follow this if not its back to school for you....

of course there are different shades of grey...

I rest my case

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Again ... a Timeshare salesman ... limited credibility since your overt goal would to NOT be thought of as being in a scuzzy profession .. since that would directly affect your income!

oh dear JD ur exposing yourself as a bit of a simpleton.....and i could not care less what anyones opinion is on this site in relation to my financial income because i am not even selling now...dont need to given my earnings......lastly the chances of the people on this site buying any timeshare is 0.0000001 or lower whatever i say...

the only reason im posting is because i like to expose simple, moronic and closed monded thinking for what it is...............

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From your very first post -------

1) You can make a lot of money -several of the top paid employees in the State of Hawaii are Marriott timeshare salespeople upto (0.5 million a year USD. There are also opportunities in Asia. ( I earned over 4 million baht per year for last 3 years in Thailand) I'm sorry to upset anyone for that true piece of info for those hard working teachers and people who hate timeshare and probably can't afford them anyway! OK ... the last 3 years in Thailand .... Then go on to insult teachers (which I am not :o

3) There are many advantages if you buy the right ones and if you get to know the system....in the top quality companies, 30-40 % are repeat purchasers who add more weeks or refer friends or family. Would they do that if there wasn't something worthwhile about it. That number sure jumps in your later posts!

No ... I did say you worked in a scuzzy profession ... and that your credibility was lessened by having a vested interest in people NOT thinking it is scuzzy ..... so I guess you could construe that as insulting ... not meant to be .. just a basic reality! But wheeeee you had fun with the flames you gouted out on me :D

Again I only know 3 people that have dealt with TS's and all three were unhappy ... that is 100%

You also worried in one post that people saying TS's were stupid and made no sense in Thailand would be offensive to people that had bought them or werefamily of people that had bought them... but in your last post ..... you state

......lastly the chances of the people on this site buying any timeshare is 0.0000001 or lower whatever i say...
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I've heard of some foreigners in Thailand making very good money selling timeshares in Bangkok, Samui and Phuket. (I'm talking enough to live very, very well in the US or UK).

Does anyone know more about this? Are there illegal things happening here? Unethical? Fraudulent?

Or is it all totally legit and these guys are just hard workers and good sales people?

Well, after reading all these posts, pro/con, what are you thinking on doing, get a TS job or a real job? I'm sure we all await your answer.

Have a nice life


I don't want a timeshare job and never did. I'm not much of a salesman. I wanted to know if farang here were making big money legally selling timeshare.

I think there are more bad timeshare companies than good. But that doesn't mean that all are bad. If you look at it from a neutral point of view, some of the biggest and most respected hotel chains in the world are actively involved in timeshare. If it was a complete scam and offered no value to the buyer, it is completely unreasonable to think that they would involve themselves and risk their reputation.

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If you look at it from a neutral point of view, some of the biggest and most respected hotel chains in the world are actively involved in timeshare. If it was a complete scam and offered no value to the buyer, it is completely unreasonable to think that they would involve themselves and risk their reputation.

How do you think these large chains got so big? By charging enough people 500 dollars a night for a 20 dollar product. Timeshares fit in well with their model. By your reasoning, Donald Trump has the morality of the Pope (hmmm, I'll have to think about that one for a moment).

Edited by Thaiquila
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Some time ago, I had a bit of money to invest, and a financial adviser said that, at that time, the best return he could get me was to purchase life insurance-with-profits policies that had some years to run, but people had given them up, at divorce. There was a market in them, as they were worth more than their surrender value.

I am not in the least attracted to buying a time-share, but wouldn't it be most sensible to buy one that someone wants to give up, if I did?

Is there a second-hand time-share market, like there is for second-hand cars, that no new-car salesman would ever wish you to think about?

Even then, one should factor in the fact that the price of oil is making it more and more likely that we will be able afford to travel less and less for holidays. In effect, the big hotel chains have managed to sell forward a lot of production that will never be claimed.

That is even cleverer than Mr Colman, who did have to produce the mustard for us to not consume!!

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so ... I am guessing you sell for Marriot? :D

:D:D:o yellowcard for thinking that having a vested interest in people NOT thinking that timeshares sales is a scuzzy line of work makes you credible

1) No i dont work for marriott and i am not stevespiral

All this about financial advisers, doctors and lawyers buying timeshare is a pile of rubbish.

This is typical of what a Manager or a trainer would install into the minds of the young and inexperienced sales rep when starting out.

2) i am not inexperienced and for 3 years I sold to doctors, bankers, CEO's, schoolteachers, accountants...some very clever financial people who did thir own spreadsheets etc.

So taxin youre talking pure crap. These people were not pressured, i was selling a good product.

Balls, about the exchanges which go thru a 3rd party company and charges around $100 to swap resort for that year. They could nt care whn you bought so dont give special treatment they exchange to equivalent properties so those idiots who bought crap(naive) get crap exchanges and those who bought and paid for the best get the best.

Thats why some timeshare works and some doesnt.

Though the maintenance example may be true in some less good timeshares, In reputable many have a cap or allow the Owners themselves to set it.

Your point on financial logic is further evidence of the typical mistakes by people with limited financial reasoning abilities.

Let me teach you....

lets say your 300 went up at 15% compounded, hotel price inflation also goes up at 8-10%(do the google) this is the bit that the anti timeshare and maths simpletons miss out.......timeshare is actually an upgrade of lifestyle deal that also hedges hotel inflation, so if you are a family who usually rent 2 rooms at say 150 or 200 usd x2 rooms youre looking at 7x400

=2800 going up at 8-10% per year so thats $3080, $3388, $3726,$4099 and lets just stretch 6th year....you would have spent $ 18801 ANYWAY on poxy hotel rooms....


youve laid out $15000 + $2625(taxin's 15% maintenance) = $17625


Oh and know ive stayed in a villa with kitchen laundry etc

Oh and Ive still got the timeshare for another 20-freehold amount of years to sell, pass to the kids etc ( admittedly you should not buy to sell higher) that is not the return on timeshare its the money you would have spent anyway that you never added up (as taxin didnt think, wasnt capable or didnt bother to do)

Anyone who is ok with maths should be able to follow this if not its back to school for you....

of course there are different shades of grey...

I rest my case

:D So a poxy 3 years is "experienced" ?

This guy is great, I would have him working for me any day if I had a timeshare company !! As they say, the best sales people are the ones who believe in what they are selling, and this clown ACTUALLY does believe it !!

I can picture him right now, on the table with his pen & pad giving the bull#hit spiel about saving money ! :D

You keep knocking those deals down superstar, and lets see how many of those doctors and lawyers come looking for you when they find out that they cant get what you promised them !


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At least change mai mike has the intellect to take a balanced view, even tho he does not have an incentive to say anything positive...

So a poxy 3 years is "experienced" ?

This guy is great, I would have him working for me any day if I had a timeshare company !! As they say, the best sales people are the ones who believe in what they are selling, and this clown ACTUALLY does believe it !!

I can picture him right now, on the table with his pen & pad giving the bull#hit spiel about saving money !

You keep knocking those deals down superstar, and lets see how many of those doctors and lawyers come looking for you when they find out that they cant get what you promised them !


easy example...top QC bought one week from me in 2003 circa $20,000 ....used came back bought 2 more weeks...so hes got three weeks...2005 he used the 3 weeks to have 15-16 family members all go together in 3 villas(who dont have his money and wont take charity)...


my commission only about 200k on this sale but I dont mind as i made a very busy guy take a holiday with his family and gave him some quality time....

another guy saw next year on resort with mum and dad on 40th anniversary...could not say thanks to me enough as it would not have happened without timeshare

many more egs just from my experience..is why i believe SOME work well....these are intangibles which may be beyond the thinking of some lesser intellects postin g and resorting to insults....

even when they are 56 year olds who list women and being cool as their main interests


you know the sort ......you see them scuttling down the road with some little thai girl from isan who hates their (usually fat) guts and is with them for the paltry 500 this type of cheap skate will give them...disgusting sir...

have a nice day

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At least change mai mike has the intellect to take a balanced view, even tho he does not have an incentive to say anything positive...

So a poxy 3 years is "experienced" ?

This guy is great, I would have him working for me any day if I had a timeshare company !! As they say, the best sales people are the ones who believe in what they are selling, and this clown ACTUALLY does believe it !!

I can picture him right now, on the table with his pen & pad giving the bull#hit spiel about saving money !

You keep knocking those deals down superstar, and lets see how many of those doctors and lawyers come looking for you when they find out that they cant get what you promised them !


easy example...top QC bought one week from me in 2003 circa $20,000 ....used came back bought 2 more weeks...so hes got three weeks...2005 he used the 3 weeks to have 15-16 family members all go together in 3 villas(who dont have his money and wont take charity)...


my commission only about 200k on this sale but I dont mind as i made a very busy guy take a holiday with his family and gave him some quality time....

another guy saw next year on resort with mum and dad on 40th anniversary...could not say thanks to me enough as it would not have happened without timeshare

many more egs just from my experience..is why i believe SOME work well....these are intangibles which may be beyond the thinking of some lesser intellects postin g and resorting to insults....

even when they are 56 year olds who list women and being cool as their main interests


you know the sort ......you see them scuttling down the road with some little thai girl from isan who hates their (usually fat) guts and is with them for the paltry 500 this type of cheap skate will give them...disgusting sir...

have a nice day

I think lickitalot is going to expose himself shortly.

You mean he hasn't yet?

He started his posting life on TV with an insult ...... teachers I think ....

his last post had this in it ...

many more egs just from my experience..is why i believe SOME work well....these are intangibles which may be beyond the thinking of some lesser intellects postin g and resorting to insults....

Followed by even more insults ...

even when they are 56 year olds who list women and being cool as their main interests


you know the sort ......you see them scuttling down the road with some little thai girl from isan who hates their (usually fat) guts and is with them for the paltry 500 this type of cheap skate will give them...disgusting sir...

Edited by jdinasia
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At least change mai mike has the intellect to take a balanced view, even tho he does not have an incentive to say anything positive...

So a poxy 3 years is "experienced" ?

This guy is great, I would have him working for me any day if I had a timeshare company !! As they say, the best sales people are the ones who believe in what they are selling, and this clown ACTUALLY does believe it !!

I can picture him right now, on the table with his pen & pad giving the bull#hit spiel about saving money !

You keep knocking those deals down superstar, and lets see how many of those doctors and lawyers come looking for you when they find out that they cant get what you promised them !


easy example...top QC bought one week from me in 2003 circa $20,000 ....used came back bought 2 more weeks...so hes got three weeks...2005 he used the 3 weeks to have 15-16 family members all go together in 3 villas(who dont have his money and wont take charity)...


my commission only about 200k on this sale but I dont mind as i made a very busy guy take a holiday with his family and gave him some quality time....

another guy saw next year on resort with mum and dad on 40th anniversary...could not say thanks to me enough as it would not have happened without timeshare

many more egs just from my experience..is why i believe SOME work well....these are intangibles which may be beyond the thinking of some lesser intellects postin g and resorting to insults....

even when they are 56 year olds who list women and being cool as their main interests


you know the sort ......you see them scuttling down the road with some little thai girl from isan who hates their (usually fat) guts and is with them for the paltry 500 this type of cheap skate will give them...disgusting sir...

have a nice day

I think lickitalot is going to expose himself shortly.

You mean he hasn't yet?

He started his posting life on TV with an insult ...... teachers I think ....

his last post had this in it ...

many more egs just from my experience..is why i believe SOME work well....these are intangibles which may be beyond the thinking of some lesser intellects postin g and resorting to insults....

Followed by even more insults ...

even when they are 56 year olds who list women and being cool as their main interests


you know the sort ......you see them scuttling down the road with some little thai girl from isan who hates their (usually fat) guts and is with them for the paltry 500 this type of cheap skate will give them...disgusting sir...

Nice try ....my posts are referring to those people who from the start of the thread have come out with one sided prejudiced offensive crap such as

'scuzzy' 'cheat' 'stupid' slimeball' etc

i dont think a taste of their own is undeserved...especially if they do list women and being cool as their interests....and then have the nerve to slag of others....

and if the cap fits wear it...and saying teachers dont earn a lot in thailand which they dont is not insulting anyone...some of my best friends are teachers..... :D

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Some time ago, I had a bit of money to invest, and a financial adviser said that, at that time, the best return he could get me was to purchase life insurance-with-profits policies that had some years to run, but people had given them up, at divorce. There was a market in them, as they were worth more than their surrender value.

I am not in the least attracted to buying a time-share, but wouldn't it be most sensible to buy one that someone wants to give up, if I did?

Is there a second-hand time-share market, like there is for second-hand cars, that no new-car salesman would ever wish you to think about?

Even then, one should factor in the fact that the price of oil is making it more and more likely that we will be able afford to travel less and less for holidays. In effect, the big hotel chains have managed to sell forward a lot of production that will never be claimed.

That is even cleverer than Mr Colman, who did have to produce the mustard for us to not consume!!

Martin, yes there is a 2nd hand timeshare market, its pretty big in the States and Europe where almost every timeshare now sold is 2nd hand, you can pick them up for less than $1,000. In some cases they are even given away for free as they are so desperate to get rid of them, this is due to a combination of extortionate yearly fees and simply being unable to use it.

Asia will not be far behind as its now approaching the stage where people are now realizing that what they bought is in fact totally useless. Timeshare in Asia is no longer considered a new concept, what the timeshare companies are doing now is desperately trying to convert there own members into a new flexible style "Vacation Club". Some companies will even go to the extremes of telling there OWN members that what they bought from them is now useless, but if you give them another 10K everything will be ok again, the crazy thing is they believe it and fall for it !

And "scam"alot, nobody is disputing that people do not buy timeshares. And your constant rantings is not going to make us run along and buy one off you.

This "some are good, some are bad" along with your 3rd party stories is not washing, the timeshare concept as a whole does not work and is proving to be the case day in day out, so give it up !! :o

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