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Lady Bars And Gogos In Trat


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I only stop there to change buses for the visa run to Koh Kong.

Then I do all my loot at the chicken farm before returning a couple of days later, with new visa, to LOS.

I've been told that there are a couple of bars behind the bus station (if you can call it that) but I'd have to check back into my archives to find the exact details. Give me the weekend to do so.

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As with most of Cambodia, it is just knocking shops. But CHEAP knocking shops :o

Koh Kong is less than 20km from the border check-point. Especially now that it is connected by road bridge. It used to be that you piled into a small row-boat until it was awash at the gunwales, then cast-off and travel the 100 metres or so across the water. Now you can do it by moto - more dangerous, less exciting.

From the centre of town, which is a grotty market, there is a road leading to the Rasmey Makara Hotel (spelling is correct). This is best place to book a room, if you can. Very often full. If it is full, I go back to the centre, where there are a couple of ratty hotels. (But RM is not much better - all are cold-water showers). There is another hotel, can't recall the name, at the other end of town, quite good, but away from the action.

The chicken farm is about 5km beyond Rasmey Makara. About eight or ten premises, plus a canteen. You hire a moto and moto-dop (motorbike and driver) to take you there.

Go ito the canteen first, if you can fight fee of the girls at the two huts before the canteen. If not, the price will go up to cover the moto-dop's commission. Then stroll from end to end and pick your choice(s). ither an on-premises quickie, or an all-nighter back at your room.

Pay in Thai baht, go to Otto's for breakfast, moto to the border, catch the next bus back.

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beauty.. So how much should I be paying at the boarder?

From what I can remember, I paid the following, I reckon they were on the rob but here goes.

Yellow form thing = 200 to some muppet in the office

Visa = 1100 robbin gets, will take USD next time, $20 is also ok??

Stamp to leave = 300 they wernt budging ( said if I had stayed over night wouldnt have had to pay).


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US $ 20 is OK, staying overnight relieves you from paying exit-money.

1100 baht is right at Koh Kong, but at Poi Pet the Cambodian runner seems to only take 100 for each visa.

It's worth staying over at least once, just for the variety.

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