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Suthep reports to NACC for 2010 crackdown charges

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Still hiding behind the robes. Look at me, I am a spiritual leader and a man of peace, I would never break a law. Sickening and this lowlife makes me sick. He is pure evil and the devil himself would not even accept him. I believe the devil has a restraining order on Suthep.

When are all the high ranking military officers going to be asked to explain or are they now the rulers and exempt?

Still hiding behind the robes.

At least he is not hiding in Dubai.

Why would he want to hide anywhere. He and the military colluded to disrupt the nation to allow (in their twisted minds) the way for a coup. By his own admission he was in talks with Prayut long before the coup


Using this logic, any doctor that tried to help a patient(who later succumbed to injuries) should be punished. Silly really, because it was the underlying condition that was the killer. I don't believe Abhisit and Suthep woke one morning and decided to have the army fire willy-nilly into pedestrians going about their daily activities. Wasn't there and evil wanna-be dictator for life sponsoring a violent uprising to gain power, face and profit to the express cost of the uneducated and poor(who ironically were his main supporters)?

Deary Deary me. Oh how little you know. This man has taken money from the poor via his political position and made billions of dollars, more than the little red man ever made. You never read about the palm oil refinery scam? Look it up mate it is shocking. At least the rice farmers where paid double market price, the palm farmers had a block put on all exports and was all bought by him and his monopoly for half the market price. Then he turned it into billions of dollars profit refining it all. Yes everyone here are robbers but there are Robbing Barstuards and Robbing Hoods.


First, If you think Abhisit or Suthep may not wake up one morning and say, or at least think "let's move this and shoot them all.." you have not really understood thai and asian mentality..neither had you witnessed the social ranks stupidities...

Second Suthep is a corrupted politician, this cannot be denied, it has been proved and testomonies from his political side even approve it.

Third, he is not hiding of course, but guess what this saffron dress can do to help people having problems with police, army,....

Fourth : why do you think he arrives with his monk attitude? because he is really religious or because the will encline buddhist people to judge him less severly, why adding his picture as a monk on the report he made...

In fact he uses the same communication and marketing tools that Walt Disney would use to promote MIckey Mouse


Still hiding behind the robes. Look at me, I am a spiritual leader and a man of peace, I would never break a law. Sickening and this lowlife makes me sick. He is pure evil and the devil himself would not even accept him. I believe the devil has a restraining order on Suthep.

When are all the high ranking military officers going to be asked to explain or are they now the rulers and exempt?

Still hiding behind the robes.

At least he is not hiding in Dubai.

Why would he want to hide anywhere. He and the military colluded to disrupt the nation to allow (in their twisted minds) the way for a coup. By his own admission he was in talks with Prayut long before the coup

What ever, he is still a coward.


Oh strewth, robes and all....

and showing off a photo of him in robes too..

Well, since his explanation of 2010 events needed a cover page and knowing underboob selfies are culturally unacceptable ... ... rolleyes.gif

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nothing will ever come of this.

just smoke & mirrors... coffee1.gif

Yes it will. They will be found to have being doing their job in clearing the protesters who were squatting illegally, unlike Yingluck, who was er........just there in parliament (on occasions) getting others to do her job.

If the men-in-black hadn't have started shooting at the army then none of this would have happened. The soldiers were told to use live rounds in order to protect themselves - which they did!!!

I have the feeling that they might be impeached to justify Yingluck getting 'the big one' and it may be no bad thing as the less politicians there are the better!!!

I sincerely hope that you feel the same way about the protesters from 2014 who entered premises illegally too and the ones who barricaded polling stations?

Somehow I doubt that very much, I have a feeling you've been a previous banned poster as well.

The less Politicians the better? So democracy in any shape or form where there's a healthy opposition doesn't suit your styl;e of living? I wonder what your resident country was like that you left to feel happy living under a Military Junta.

I'll be honest, I don't like it, I didn't come here to live or have my family live without choices and rights, within the law, but I'm here, and as long as I follow the laws, and don't bring attention to myself then I'll crack on for the sake of my family.

I'm also very aware of WHY the Junta need to be in control till after the event, reforms and reconciliation are nothing but smoke and mirrors behind the facade of the bigger game being played at the top end of the scale.

For someone who stated they've been here 7 years and you're not aware of the bigger picture, makes me more inclined to believe you're not interested and that you're only here to wind people up. wink.png

The difference is, that the two protests you refer to were peaceful protests without guns. That is a big difference.

I wasn't referring to 'a healthy opposition or not' as you put it, I mean ALL politicians as they are self serving and only seem to be in government for the money and....well money (Abhisit and Korn excluded).

I am not living under a military junta - I am living exactly the same as before but with peace and stability and I can sense a general feeling of happiness that this General has brought to the Thai people throughout the country, I am not a great supporter of democracy admitted as it has too many flaws. In an ideal world (no such thing) then it would work beautifully, but surely you cannot possibly think that this 'democratically elected' government was even close to being democratic due to the abuses and non adherence to democratic rule once it got it's foot through the door under false pretences.

I am bringing attention to myself!!! adding my piece to a forum constitutes bringing attention to myself!!!

Crikey, you realise why the junta's intervention was necessary, well that's one thing we are agreed on at least. The reforms are needed because Thailand could not carry on as it was. I was pleased to see that the main proponents of complaint were the politicians as that signals to me that he is getting it right. They must be tearing their hair out that the government is closing their loopholes and cracking down on corruption both actively and through the constitution revamp that is making checks and balances (particularly relating to the procurement of large projects where they can rake it in) so much more transparent and open to the public.

I can see the bigger picture my friend, don't worry about that - if what I write winds people up then that is their problem. I may goad people on occasions (I think we all do given the chance) but I believe that I have my finger on the pulse and if I disagree with someone's view then I counter with my own and rely on my own arguments to carry the day!!

They still occupied places illegally Lucky, guns or no guns, violent or non violent, if you're going to apply the rule of law, apply it evenly, of course the more violent protesters caused more destruction, but it's selective justice if the two groups occupied the same buildings illegally.

All politicians are self serving ? There are over 50 I believe at the last count different political parties in Thailand pre coup, not all of these politicians were/are self serving, what makes the current Junta any different then? You don't believe that many there are abusing their power and self serving?

You are, if you reside in Thailand, whether you like it or not, living under the Junta, you are abiding by the laws of the land, and do what the Junta instruct you to do, they have not gone as far as imposing all the restrictions on the farang community they have on the Thai community, for a very good reason... we're not Thais ;)

The drawing attention to ones self was a figure of speech, it wasn't stating that you personally were doing so, and in this I am looking more towards being involved openly vocally about Thai politics and openly criticising the junta, not from the comfort of TVF. You have pointed out that you're living under peace and stability, that maybe the case if you lived in the areas of Bangkok that were taken over as protest areas. I have never felt anything other than peace and stability in my area up in Korat, I'm sure many others all over Thailand in places where there was zero protests or daily disruptions feel the same.

If the current Junta is all about checks and balances, WHOm are they accountable to? The reason for the coup, I'm not convinced, the levels of violence were not increasing, and why not step in after the first week of fatalities? It wasn't till after the removal of Yingluck by the courts, for an abuse of power, the very same thing that still goes on today, though nepotism and cronyism, but that's allowed as it's their ball, and they'll move the goalposts to suit.

A coup was always on the cards, even when Prayuth was telling the world he wouldn't stage one... aye okay, as if you can't plan a coup over breakfast like !! ;).

You state you hate the Shins with a passion, and yet you don't believe that you're living under a Junta, what exactly was the impact on your life here as a farang that was so horrendous under the Shins that you feel this way? Were you subjected to laws that were different then, as you are today? Do you pay less taxes today as you did then? (if you pay work and pay them that is? ) What was different about your quality of life under the Shins, that makes you swallow the Kool aid like a man who's just crossed the Sahara desert?

My life was never so horrendous here that I've developed a hatred for anyone or anything, I abide by the countries Laws, and keep myself to myself, and don't feel the need to impose my opinions about what a democracy is on anyone, let alone my Thai friends, that's down to them, if they wanted to chose Ronald MacDonald as their leader, it's down to them, no different to those in the UK who in the past voted for "Screaming Lord Such" or in the present day the "BNP" ... their choice their right.

There's so much more to life, than getting involved in a subject that Thais wont' let you be part of.. their politics.

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Hmmm... I think that Suthep and Abhisit are being charged, and will be acquitted so that they can return to politics without the sword of justice hanging over their heads. (Whitewashed?) Pigs will fly before either of them will be found guilty, let alone receive any severe punishment. IMHO justice is obviously not color blind. And the vast majority of the 90+ killed were not military people. They were civilians. A couple of past court cases ruled the particular parties in those cases were killed my military rounds fired from the direction where troops were located. As soon as all this blows over, Suthep will shed those robes in a heartbeat!

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Suthep said ... with "perpetrators using war weapons to kill people, police, and soldiers in the middle of the city."

so that was 2010 and...

this was 2014:

A Human Rights Watch researcher told VOA that militants had M79 grenade launchers and were firing at police.


This guy is a knucklehead.

The normal obfuscation and apples and oranges.

So, 2014 explains 2010? A single grenade thrown at police in 2014 with more than 100 grenades lobbed on anti-government protesters and most cowardly in the night (Bangkok Post kept a count it seems). Absolutely comparable with 2010 with grenades only lobbed on non-protesters like police, military, a reporter and normal people. The similarity seems in anti-government protests, but there it stops.

Anyway, both Abhisit and Suthep deposited their explanations. The fun can continue.

the deliberate 'obfuscation' began with your troll post.

You consistently and deliberately misrepresent the conflict over the last 10 years, and you apparently have no idea what happened before that time although you claim to have lived here for a couple of decades if my memory serves me.

I have not time for dutch fascists, not even polite ones.


Yes it will. They will be found to have being doing their job in clearing the protesters who were squatting illegally, unlike Yingluck, who was er........just there in parliament (on occasions) getting others to do her job.

If the men-in-black hadn't have started shooting at the army then none of this would have happened. The soldiers were told to use live rounds in order to protect themselves - which they did!!!

I have the feeling that they might be impeached to justify Yingluck getting 'the big one' and it may be no bad thing as the less politicians there are the better!!!

I sincerely hope that you feel the same way about the protesters from 2014 who entered premises illegally too and the ones who barricaded polling stations?

Somehow I doubt that very much, I have a feeling you've been a previous banned poster as well.

The less Politicians the better? So democracy in any shape or form where there's a healthy opposition doesn't suit your styl;e of living? I wonder what your resident country was like that you left to feel happy living under a Military Junta.

I'll be honest, I don't like it, I didn't come here to live or have my family live without choices and rights, within the law, but I'm here, and as long as I follow the laws, and don't bring attention to myself then I'll crack on for the sake of my family.

I'm also very aware of WHY the Junta need to be in control till after the event, reforms and reconciliation are nothing but smoke and mirrors behind the facade of the bigger game being played at the top end of the scale.

For someone who stated they've been here 7 years and you're not aware of the bigger picture, makes me more inclined to believe you're not interested and that you're only here to wind people up. wink.png

The difference is, that the two protests you refer to were peaceful protests without guns. That is a big difference.

I wasn't referring to 'a healthy opposition or not' as you put it, I mean ALL politicians as they are self serving and only seem to be in government for the money and....well money (Abhisit and Korn excluded).

I am not living under a military junta - I am living exactly the same as before but with peace and stability and I can sense a general feeling of happiness that this General has brought to the Thai people throughout the country, I am not a great supporter of democracy admitted as it has too many flaws. In an ideal world (no such thing) then it would work beautifully, but surely you cannot possibly think that this 'democratically elected' government was even close to being democratic due to the abuses and non adherence to democratic rule once it got it's foot through the door under false pretences.

I am bringing attention to myself!!! adding my piece to a forum constitutes bringing attention to myself!!!

Crikey, you realise why the junta's intervention was necessary, well that's one thing we are agreed on at least. The reforms are needed because Thailand could not carry on as it was. I was pleased to see that the main proponents of complaint were the politicians as that signals to me that he is getting it right. They must be tearing their hair out that the government is closing their loopholes and cracking down on corruption both actively and through the constitution revamp that is making checks and balances (particularly relating to the procurement of large projects where they can rake it in) so much more transparent and open to the public.

I can see the bigger picture my friend, don't worry about that - if what I write winds people up then that is their problem. I may goad people on occasions (I think we all do given the chance) but I believe that I have my finger on the pulse and if I disagree with someone's view then I counter with my own and rely on my own arguments to carry the day!!

They still occupied places illegally Lucky, guns or no guns, violent or non violent, if you're going to apply the rule of law, apply it evenly, of course the more violent protesters caused more destruction, but it's selective justice if the two groups occupied the same buildings illegally.

All politicians are self serving ? There are over 50 I believe at the last count different political parties in Thailand pre coup, not all of these politicians were/are self serving, what makes the current Junta any different then? You don't believe that many there are abusing their power and self serving?

You are, if you reside in Thailand, whether you like it or not, living under the Junta, you are abiding by the laws of the land, and do what the Junta instruct you to do, they have not gone as far as imposing all the restrictions on the farang community they have on the Thai community, for a very good reason... we're not Thais wink.png

The drawing attention to ones self was a figure of speech, it wasn't stating that you personally were doing so, and in this I am looking more towards being involved openly vocally about Thai politics and openly criticising the junta, not from the comfort of TVF. You have pointed out that you're living under peace and stability, that maybe the case if you lived in the areas of Bangkok that were taken over as protest areas. I have never felt anything other than peace and stability in my area up in Korat, I'm sure many others all over Thailand in places where there was zero protests or daily disruptions feel the same.

If the current Junta is all about checks and balances, WHOm are they accountable to? The reason for the coup, I'm not convinced, the levels of violence were not increasing, and why not step in after the first week of fatalities? It wasn't till after the removal of Yingluck by the courts, for an abuse of power, the very same thing that still goes on today, though nepotism and cronyism, but that's allowed as it's their ball, and they'll move the goalposts to suit.

A coup was always on the cards, even when Prayuth was telling the world he wouldn't stage one... aye okay, as if you can't plan a coup over breakfast like !! wink.png.

You state you hate the Shins with a passion, and yet you don't believe that you're living under a Junta, what exactly was the impact on your life here as a farang that was so horrendous under the Shins that you feel this way? Were you subjected to laws that were different then, as you are today? Do you pay less taxes today as you did then? (if you pay work and pay them that is? ) What was different about your quality of life under the Shins, that makes you swallow the Kool aid like a man who's just crossed the Sahara desert?

My life was never so horrendous here that I've developed a hatred for anyone or anything, I abide by the countries Laws, and keep myself to myself, and don't feel the need to impose my opinions about what a democracy is on anyone, let alone my Thai friends, that's down to them, if they wanted to chose Ronald MacDonald as their leader, it's down to them, no different to those in the UK who in the past voted for "Screaming Lord Such" or in the present day the "BNP" ... their choice their right.

There's so much more to life, than getting involved in a subject that Thais wont' let you be part of.. their politics.

They still occupied places illegally Lucky, guns or no guns, violent or non violent, if you're going to apply the rule of law, apply it evenly, of course the more violent protesters caused more destruction, but it's selective justice if the two groups occupied the same buildings illegally.

your point is valid, but I would point out that there exists a group of people for whom one side has always been peaceful and the other side are armed/paid/mercenary thugs. It's a blinkered view of the conflict. The PAD/PDRC side have always been armed and they have always been violent. And they have - like the red shirts - always had a bunch of normal folks out protesting.

Some posters have such an asymmetrical view of the conflict that any opinion that more closely reflects reality is "biased". Go figure... whistling.gif

PS: just need to delete my original comment that nothing will come of this - to which the response was the rather unremarkable, if no one had shot at the military this would have never happened... and that the military attack was some how self-defense. This can only come from posters who not only don't understand the events of 2010 but also don't know about the 60 years that preceded 2010.


At least he is not hiding in Dubai.

Still hiding behind the robes.

Why would he want to hide anywhere. He and the military colluded to disrupt the nation to allow (in their twisted minds) the way for a coup. By his own admission he was in talks with Prayut long before the coup

Looks like you were asleep during the last lot of protests.

He organised the largest ever set of demonstrations against the amnesty for big bro' bill, thereby getting the senate to unanimously vote against it. For that he deserves the thanks of all thinking people.

Yes, he then went too far for too long and his supporters paid the price of being targets of big bro's militias and the army stepped in as the police (as instructed by CAPO) were refusing to do their job and arrest the real perpetrators.

It was really straight forward without any conspiracy theories about collusion beforehand. He did ask the army to step in before they did which might have saved a few lives. But the army patiently waited until there was no possibility of a peaceful outcome.

that is a fairly sanitized, PDRC view of the last protests.

Suthep called for military intervention in November & December of 2013 - right from the start.

It was clear from the moment they hit the streets what the end game would be.

This group is not very creative, same MO as 2006 and 2008.

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It amuses me so that people so blinded with rage about Thaksin will basically let Suthep off because he plays for their team. Read up on the history of the man and how utterly corrupt he is (to the point of his own party members hating him for it). If Thaksin is the gangster from the North then Suthep is undoubtedly the gangster of the South. He has had so many cases against him yet strangely they never go anywhere. I wonder why that is.

Thaksin is a complete snake but all you yellow tinted mouth breathers are complete hypocrites for thinking Suthep is some sort of hero. Neither he or Marky Mark will see the inside of a cell, that's why they are so confident to turn up. Look at his little dossier with the picture of him on the front for god sake. cheesy.gif

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Mandela of the East! Ohh how my sides doth hurt! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Do all you yellow lads actually believe he is some kind of pariah or do you just completely ignore is corruption filled past? A recent example of him holding shares in a media company that received government concessions which is illegal. He quit as an MP before he went to court for it though whistling.gif

Maybe you lot just stick your fingers in your ears and sing "lalalalalalala"

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