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Update To Our Getting Married Saga


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spoke with a lovely woman in the consulate (a rather small, not really thai decorated, functional place actually) who helped explain stuff to anon; he filled in lots of papers etc since his id etc had been thrown out by an irate employer.... she suggested that we get married in cyprus and then he comes back to work and we start the rest of the procedures from there ...

today i went back to pick up the papers and worked up nerve and went ot a lawyer she had recommended (w/o a appointment ) and, of course, he recommended something totatlly different: go to thailand , NOW, before the whole work visa for foreign workers deadline comes in in december, get married, come back and start to deal with all usual stuff ....

so may be going to do the deed in november , its all dependant on anon's employer, but having a lawyer on my side, and a nice person from the embassy also, certainly relaxes me after weeks of panic, migraines etc (and i;m the jai yen one in the relationship)...

either way its huge loads of money which we really dont have, but they both seemed to think that it is possible and not to give up

the lawyer guy thinks that three weeks is enough time to deal with paper work et al in bangkok.... and the visit to mom in korat somewhere... where we will stay etc, havent a clue, anon is now telephoning all of his mubaan buddies that are working/living in khungtep to find a place to stay etc...

i can not understand why anyone in his/her right mind would go thru all this stuff just to get a fake visa for work in a foreign country.... and all of u that live in normal religioun separated from state countries thank your lucky stars.......



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Good luck bina.

I wish you and your bf chok dii! . Your relationship has withstood a lot of flak, i´ve followed over the years. Above all, it seems to be standing ultimatley the test of time.

All the best, love.


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  • 2 weeks later...


we just found out that we cant get the police record paper long distance without anon actually going and doing it himself which means that we will have to fly to thailand to get married... so, there goes the idea of a cheap one week civil wedding/marriage ceremony in cyprus!!

for all those that have done it (thai male, foreign female, not living in thailand)... is 21 days long enough to do all the paperwork (my paper work is probably what will take up the time)??

i will get all my papers translated from hebrew to english and notarized here in israel; worse comes to worse, i will have to do it again in thailand...

sorry, went and found my original questions and found the answers.... just prices etc.... when people say govt office do they mean the thai MFA?? so its.... my embassy in bangkok... translations etc, MFA bangkok, and then amphur and thats that???

yes the visa stuff has to be done here in israel he will be on an intravisa for leaving and coming back on his work visa here in israel.... and i will be on a VOA... is that ok for getting married with?? or do i need to get a tourist visa (israel is on the list for VOA? ) and i am not staying in thailand, just visiting.

now have to work on getting tickets aargh!!!

Edited by bina
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Thats me saying govt office, sorry for being vague, its just been a long time since I did this. MFA it is, but the embassy should give you the exact place to go to.

Don't need any visa to get married as far as I know.

Israel should be on the list, check the visas forum to be sure tho.

1) embassy


3)MFA and permission to marry paper


And thats that :o

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now have to tell ex that he is babysitting my 12 yr old; the 17 yr old is babysitting the dog and fish (we all live on same kibbutz)...


whats the weather like in tambon sra ta kien amphur soengsaang korat in november??

i've made him swear that we will heat water for my 'ap naam' , i dont care about any other type of amenities but will not shower in cold water even if its boiling hot outside... its my only 'CANT DO' on the list...

am now working on getting ready to meet THE FAMILY !!! as a very very poor farang :o

girls i have a really really dumb question: water for washing my diaphragm does it matter if its the regular issaan hong naam water or should i prepare for using bottled water for that also .... boys no snide remarks this is serious as most women will tell u that infections 'down there' are no fun on a honeymoon....

i drink bottled, eat anything that moves sleep on floors etc etc... am getting ready to search and photo the elusive issan cow (for those following the issaan farming forum), trying to think how i can keep anon from lao kao plying male friends, and trying to figure what clothes to bring (rural rural issaan) and one decent outfit for offices (and most important, what shoes?! since i am not a clothes horse.

and now to think out the list of inexpensive but good presents for mom, sister (who is lending us anon's money back), brother, et al... (perfumes? beauty creams/soaps dead sea made in israel? bottle of good whiskey? and obviously small presents for nephews (colouring books/markers?)

any suggestions, ideas , recommendations ??

getting nervous .... (paper work is daunting, anon's employer is a 'schmuck', ex can be nasty) but am sure that all will eventually work out.

obviously will not be able to see most people i speak with on forums due to money/time factor but if there is anyone really close to anon's muubaan, and need something that cant be gotten there and can be gotten in israel, will bring. (instant falafel, etc)



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Wow, Bina................you must be very very happy your marriageis finally coming closer and closer. I am very excited and happy for you after all these difficult years.

You and Anon really deserve the luck and happiness you were looking for so long.

Wish you and Anon well!

Have a nice trip to Thailand, and...............ALL WILL WORK WELL IN THE END :o

With sincere 'love'

LaoPo :D

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When we did the paper work, it was embassy ( for the declaration that you are free to marry), translation, MFA, Ampur. We let the translation place handle the MFA and paid them, easier and much cheaper as they just sent the paperwork up to us by registered mail so we did'nt have to stay a couple of nights in BKK.

November is coming into cold season, weather should be great, I'm exactly the same as you can eat anything and sleep any where but have to have my hot shower. Given the choice of air con or hot water the water would win hands down.

The diaphram stuff sorry can help you with :o

Anyway good luck and where's my invite :D

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just for dealing with crazy beauracracy i dont know who is worse, israel or thailand:

anon's mother sent back all the forms we were given by the consulate here, to get his new id card (last one stolen/lost), and police record-- she went to the amphur they said no can do.... so she put all the applications back in the mail to us!!!... here, other thai said that it can be done but only in bangkok, but of course now we cant send a brother or sister to do it since all the papers are on their way back to here.... argh!!!!!!!!!

in mean time, tried to open bank account for us as couple according to our foreign ministery rules of applying for a visa (proving we are a husband and wife we need a mutual account)... guess what??? new bank rule: no can do.... only after he is a resident he can sign with me; now, he can only have his own account....so how do i prove we are living togethre according to the MFA here?!!! a deliberately racist policy by the israeli govt to limit inter racial/religious marriages for sure.... :o:D:D

and the intravisa is the price of a ticket!!!! (i'm sure some money must go for palm greasing somewhere, what 700$! for an intravisa!!!)

but the good news is my father (not my mom still) is happy for me and emailed his blessings although as an old american beaurocrat he cant figure out the thailand/middle east style beaurocracy here/there......

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