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In Thaivisa Forum, What Should Be "moderated"


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Zen: Since you invited a review of the "Lasik" post, I did so and find your post to be so out of touch with reality or balance and to be nothing more than an illtempered, uninformed gripe about your host country.

Fortunately, there were a couple of excellent posts that followed yours. so if the original thread questioner waited for five or six posts to gain perpective, no real harm done.

If your looking for the freedom to defecate on the dining room table because you feel like it (no real harm done), our hosts most certainly have the right and responsibility, to their other guests, not to invite you to dinner again.

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There hasn't been a discussion yet and there was none regarding this incident, they try hard to cover everything up as quickly as possible. I myself asked It what happened after which he formulated his "negative" theorie. I clearly was taken away rights cause MR pong doesn't like me. period

Ok, you were unfairly suspended.

So what?

As you said, this forum is nothing but an exchange of ideas and information.

This is THEIR forum and they have every right to do whatever they think is best for the forum.

They do not like you, you do not like them, the internet will provide you plenty of other opportunities.

At the end, they have to make it work, not you,... :o

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This is THEIR forum and they have every right to do whatever they think is best for the forum.
I don't agree. In the best you could say it is OUR forum. I would say it is like every other forum, a PUBLIC forum.

Because somebody is moderating or has the most post doesn't give him the authority to PERSONALLY decide to delete stuff or people. That's called CENSORSHIP. And as the great leader of thailand himself experiences. You can censor and complain all you want. Somebody is gonna stuff your MISTAKE in your face, like the flu or the UN rapport on drug killings.

You can say WE don't LIKE you and try to cover everything up but it will always reflect on all of your policies.

I see hear the same thing. Cover everything up, try to distort the real thruth by lies and deceipt, ect...

They do not like you, you do not like them

I like most people here , even one of the respective admins. Maybe i could even like the other one if he at least admitted to make a mistake/hasty decision.

but then again...

At the end, they have to make it work, not you,...

Not true, They actually make nothing work. WE all make it work here , nothing less, Nothing more. At least as moderators they could be more open minded to ANY view be it negative or positive because that's what a forum is about.

Especially if they reap the benefits like exposure to prospective clients, income from advertising as such.

I merely want to let the WE know about what i'm having a problem with :o

Maybe your next, or anybody. Maybe we should all post joky online comments to each other? Who knows? Maybe we could ask newbie's 50 papers to fill in with 6 copies of passports to become a member?

Silence ??? utter silence.


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Zen: Since you invited a review of the "Lasik" post, I did so and find your post to be so out of touch with reality or balance and to be nothing more than an illtempered, uninformed gripe about your host country.

I also took the opportunity to review the LASIK postings and I totally agree with mrmnp.

If you, Zen, think, there is any reason to complain about medical care in Thailand, you should choose your arguments more carefully.


Visiting Thailand since 30 years, I myself, my Japanese family, and some of my friends had sometimes the questionable pleasure, to ask for medical help.... in Bangkok, Pattaya, Chiang Rai, HuaHin, Trang, Hadyai and Songkhla.

We never found any reason to complain. Medical care is good in Thailand, and all hospital staff were very kind and helpful to all of us.

We understand that Japan with a GNP/capita of USD 32.000,- is something different to Thailand with a GNP/capita of USD 2.000,- and we expected some surprises in the province - however even in villages, first aid stations offer a good standard, good communication and quick transfer to the next hospital.

Private hospitals in the bigger cities in Thailand are very serious, with doctors, who all of them made some studies overseas, indeed excellent in their services.

They offer the same standard we have here in Japan. - No reason to complain at all.


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Every few weeks, it becomes fashionable to kick one or the other of Doc, or myself, personally. I don't like it.

Well this time it isn't like that. I was attacked by the dear DR not the other way around. YOur meger attempt to turn it into that shows only your real motiv.

By the way, deleting and suspending to shutting me up and go on to blabbering your self protected distortion of what happened doesn't work. i can make just as many accounts as you can delete. You really want to play this game, David?

As to Zen/Thaigirl and his plastic surgery issue, he did not post anything which was informative, he posted a personal view of something he has absolutely zero knowledge of, and is unlikely to get any knowledge of, in the near future. As he reported, the view taken was, and I happen to agree, that many of his postings were reflecting (accurately), his extremely negative view of Thailand, and its' capacity to provide services, which many people here do use very successfully.
Isn't that a hypocritical qoute! So you can decide the things i have knowledge of or not ?? I would sincerely suggest you don't really piss me off or i'll prove your capabilities wrong in a lot of stuff. A negative view is a view as wel, it balances the over Rosy "i live thailand" stuff you all post. Let's brush the crap onder the carpet and call it roses mentality, i see around here. You guy's are just bothered by the fact it get's shoved under your nose which triggers your own reflection on your daily lives. You preferr to see it through pink glasses so you don't have to realize the fact that you have a crummy low paid job, live in a pour house , and drive around on a motercycle to go to your thai boss who crapps on you every day.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

The original poster was asking about something which is in fact not even plastic surgery, but Lasik Surgery, which Zen/Thaigirl is unlikely to ever use, here or any where else for that matter

I know what it is MR it , and i indeed won't need it because i got optimum vision. My eyes are not bad because i dare to see the world around me for what it is.

First off, why don't we start w/avatars giving us the "Finger" when we open a thread....Dealt with already.     
It was meant to attract attention to this matter and was my only recourse available since i couldn't post due to admins inability to discuss matters. They prefer to sweep it under the carpet and keep everyone not informed about it.

I was not meant to offend other posters, for which i apologize.

I've taken another login since they suspended the amazingthaigirl one also. Nobody yet has even considered trying to sort this out in private. they just try to solve this by making it go away (typical thai behaviour i might add).

Well problems don't go away , they escalate if you don't fix them.

I want a public apology on this forum From MR Pat Pong.

It does get hard to put up with some members Lamphun. Particularly when they personally attack admins

Hypocrit. You know just as well as i do that you started it...

I haven't talked to you in over 6 months. I don't like to discuss with people wo are not capable of producing more then a oneline smart anwser....

You hit on me remember 3 times in the last month! You're even a coward enough to not admit it. pff...

I would like george to contact me on mail to discuss this, instead of playing the logon account / delete game.

I don't want to discuss this with either the Dr or IT at the moment since they are only trying to cover their ass.


And pigs might fly MISS Zen

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There seem's to be a minor problem with one moderator who tends to get involved in arguements instead of staying "above the fray".

If he wants to do this he should refrain from falling back on his moderator position when somebody disagrees with him. To lower himself into the forum he should make a new moniker. We'd all no/know who he was as he has a certain style.  :o

It does get hard to put up with some members Lamphun. Particularly when they personally attack admins.

Dr Pat Pong, you and ###### are also instigators in many a flame war - you seem to believe, you can say and do whatever you want to do, but when someone sticks up for them selves, you take an admin stance, when in actual fact you started it in the first place - look at your own threads/posts - you antagonise people, then they post something you dont like and so on, until it escalates into them getting banned. It seems finally that a lot of the members here are starting to speak out - it is about time, you guys were suspended from George, then maybe you will feel the frustration that we feel, for something that could of been stopped in the first instance.

Look through a few threads that have been moved to this section - for 1 week, you guys and others, have had a go at me and now George has reinstated my membership you guys are having a go at me again for replying to your own flames towards me - if you dont want a "war", dont start one.

You guys, need to be brought down to earth!

No this isnt a flame, its my beleif and the belief of many, by how many people have pointed it out.

a moderator is a position that does not give you a biased stance.

I agree with you regarding myself getting out of hand on the bear pit - but go back once more and see where it started.

You guys keep going on about me threatening people - the two actual posts you refer to were as follows - socal? said he would come down to Phuket and I would hide - I said come...... - who was the instigator of the first threat?

Please post the so called threat against Georgie Porgie!, you will see it wasnt a threat as such, but how you guys have been talking about it, it has escalated into an untruth of what was posted.

You piss people off and thats how they stay - maybe if you were doing your job properly, it wouldnt get to that.

I will not return to the bear pit, I will carry on on this forum, if the powers that be let me, if not, thats life. Please just leave me alone and let me get on with it - this is my last complaint regarding admin/mods, from now on I will leave you all in peace, just leave me be also - have a nice Sunday!

To give the gent his due, I don't think that his threats were serious, and in some cases, he was not even the provoke-er. My real complaint was that he wasn't reprimanded right away, so that it would be obvious that that threats were not acceptable here (particularly from a self-admitted, one man killing machine).

I also don't think that he is a Nazi. I think that he has bought into the left-wing bias against Israel, which, IMHO, if one looks closely, is usually just anti-Semitism with another name, but I don't think that he, and many other people, are aware of that.

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Many of us who do not have a big stake in the forum but enjoy reading the posts nonetheless find offensive the amount of censorship, especially when there is no apparent basis for it. Is the pressure for such censorship coming from "external variables" (e.g., the government) or does it simply reflect arrogance by the censors? I don't know, but I find it regrettable in either case.

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Many of us who do not have a big stake in the forum but enjoy reading the posts nonetheless find offensive the amount of censorship, especially when there is no apparent basis for it.  Is the pressure for such censorship coming from "external variables" (e.g., the government) or does it simply reflect arrogance by the censors?  I don't know, but I find it regrettable in either case.

I think, Thaivisa is already remarkable large for a Forum and not so easy for administration anymore.

Such sites require some self-restriction, about what can be accepted and what not, yes, I agree, it is a kind of censorship. But I can assure you (myself also working in system-administration) that if you do not carefully check what is coming into your servers, the Thaivisa-site would be overflooded with any kind of crazy postings.....like trolls, just objecting all and everything, or fanatics, just using abusive language against anybody, if they have another opinion....any feminist group will call the forum a sex-market, the next troll will write back something about stupid women-rights....and so on.... simply said, it will end in chaos....

I think, there is no other way for the administrators to try to stay somehow in the middle..... comparing other sites, I can assure you, Thaivisa is still very liberal and not running in a one-way-opinion, where everybody, who thinks different of the administrators and his friends, is banned or receives a welcome with a bundle of vulgar messages.

I do not think, there is any pressure from outside like government regulations, not in Thailand.... if that would be the case, it is easy to move the servers to another country, and another person living overseas will take care of it.....

Thaivisa is not even registered in Thailand, but in Hongkong.

Up to now I cannot see any arrogance by the censors (administrators) so far....

I think the only way what a big site like Thaivisa can do, if there is an upcoming of very controversial subjects (like during the last days the subject: family plan including abortion between an American man and his Asian wife) - to remain calm and firm and to shut down such a thread.

If you like to discuss a controversial topic, (like a sensitive white man/Asian wife topic - abortion was a good example for that) - you cannot do that at Thaivisa.

It is better to post that in a forum of a small site, located in a country, where such postings are legal and where administrators still can check every single post.

I have some experience in that, and do not ask me, what I sometimes had to read on my screen - I had to close my eyes......


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aaaaaa...regarding your recent posts on this thread criticising tutsi's worthwhile efforts to maintain a clean and family orientated environment on the thaivisa forum you are now advised that tutsi's operatives now have you under surveillance. these are people that you don't want to mess with as they daily endure self-flagellation, self mutilation and regularly insult their mothers...

either clam up or get out of Dodge...I don't know how much longer I can control them....

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Many of us who do not have a big stake in the forum but enjoy reading the posts nonetheless find offensive the amount of censorship, especially when there is no apparent basis for it.  Is the pressure for such censorship coming from "external variables" (e.g., the government) or does it simply reflect arrogance by the censors?  I don't know, but I find it regrettable in either case.

I think, Thaivisa is already remarkable large for a Forum and not so easy for administration anymore.

Such sites require some self-restriction, about what can be accepted and what not, yes, I agree, it is a kind of censorship. But I can assure you (myself also working in system-administration) that if you do not carefully check what is coming into your servers, the Thaivisa-site would be overflooded with any kind of crazy postings.....like trolls, just objecting all and everything, or fanatics, just using abusive language against anybody, if they have another opinion....any feminist group will call the forum a sex-market, the next troll will write back something about stupid women-rights....and so on.... simply said, it will end in chaos....

I think, there is no other way for the administrators to try to stay somehow in the middle..... comparing other sites, I can assure you, Thaivisa is still very liberal and not running in a one-way-opinion, where everybody, who thinks different of the administrators and his friends, is banned or receives a welcome with a bundle of vulgar messages.

I do not think, there is any pressure from outside like government regulations, not in Thailand.... if that would be the case, it is easy to move the servers to another country, and another person living overseas will take care of it.....

Thaivisa is not even registered in Thailand, but in Hongkong.

Up to now I cannot see any arrogance by the censors (administrators) so far....

I think the only way what a big site like Thaivisa can do, if there is an upcoming of very controversial subjects (like during the last days the subject: family plan including abortion between an American man and his Asian wife) - to remain calm and firm and to shut down such a thread.

If you like to discuss a controversial topic, (like a sensitive white man/Asian wife topic - abortion was a good example for that) - you cannot do that at Thaivisa.

It is better to post that in a forum of a small site, located in a country, where such postings are legal and where administrators still can check every single post.

I have some experience in that, and do not ask me, what I sometimes had to read on my screen - I had to close my eyes......


You understand it very very well Yohan. It sure ain't easy, and there is always a punter or two trying to provoke us :o

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Just give me one other website forum, where I can find so much useful information as on this site!

I see some newbies showing up (without any profile info !! :D ) posting a remarkable amount of reactions/opinions/critics within (sometimes) one day after their entry as a member.I sometimes wonder how it can be that somebody does have so much knowledge about almost everything :o

Although I have my personal preferences about several members ( and their opinions) , I accept all posts as long as they are not offensive and even than I most of the time will not react,just skip and laugh about the ignorance of certain people.

To all , be a little bit more tolerant and accept the rules.No one forces you to stay on the forum.

For the hardliners; The new bear pit.

Adm. Please continue the good work.The silent majority supports you

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I see some newbies showing up (without any profile info !! :D ) posting a remarkable amount of reactions/opinions/critics within (sometimes) one day after their entry as a member.I sometimes wonder how it can be that somebody does have so much knowledge about almost everything :o

Because of my own situation, I object to the term "newbie". It sounds almost like an insult. :D

Because of certain illuminating, but rather blunt posts, that I have written, I maintain the philosophy that, for the grace of God, there go you or I. :D

I prefer the PC term, "Recently Re-incarnated Former Members under Unfortunate Circumstances", and I believe that we should maintain a "Don't Ask, and Certainly Don't Tell", policy concerning former incarnations. :D

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Why feel insulted?

You have a profile!

You are not new.

Although I not always agree with you , I think you are a normal member isn't it? :D

I surely do not consider you a newbie

Don't feel too bad Dutch. GP is down on me too these days, and somehow he has fallen back in love with Gentleman. Hard to fathom really. :o

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After one has been suspended a certain number of times, one starts to worry every time that one signs in, that one of those little messages will pop up telling one not to come back for a couple of years, therefore, it becomes easy to have sympathy for those who have already received the message.

I suppose that, in my own way, I am preparing for the future. :D

Georgie-Porgie is too whimpy anyway; Can you think of a really manly nick-name, so that everyone will be afraid to argue with me, or throw me off?

Do you like Butcher? Do you think that, that is more scary than Basher? :o

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After one has been suspended a certain number of times, one starts to worry every time that one signs in, that one of those little messages will pop up telling one not to come back for a couple of years, therefore, it becomes easy to have sympathy for those who have already received the message.

I suppose that, in my own way, I am preparing for the future. :D

Georgie-Porgie is too whimpy anyway; Can you think of a really manly nick-name, so that everyone will be afraid to argue with me, or throw me off?

Do you like Butcher? Do you think that, that is more scary than Basher? :o

Hard as it is for you to believe Georgie, I never suspended you or even warned you.

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Why feel insulted?

You have a profile!

You are not new.

Although I not always agree with you , I think you are a normal member isn't it? :D

I surely do not consider you a newbie

Don't feel too bad Dutch. GP is down on me too these days, and somehow he has fallen back in love with Gentleman. Hard to fathom really. :o

Doctor, I am assuredly not down on you; There is only one admin who has managed to get under my skin lately.

On the contrary, I suspect that you are the one lonely vote that has saved me from serving time in Purgatory, so far (and I wrote this before I saw your last note).

If something I have said offended you, forgive me, because nothing that I have said was directed at you.

As far as the Gent goes, it seems that sometimes I can get a little too convincing;

I don't know, for sure, that his threats were anything but boyish bravado.

I don't like being threatened, and I wanted such threats to cease, but sometimes it is easy to forget that there are real people behind these nick-names.

I can see in some of his posts that he wants to be a good person, he is just looking in the wrong direction, so, although he did barrage us with Nazi propaganda, he didn't intend to offend anyone but me, and you can't blame him too much for that. I tend to rub a lot of people the wrong way, and, I don't think that it is going too far to say that I have made a special effort with the gentleman!

I don't like a lot of the things that he does, but I also realize that, with a little guidance, he could be kept under control.

I think of the gentleman as the Blaster character in the last Mad Max. Remember how bad Mel Gibson (me!) felt when his helmet came off?

I'm not saying that he is in any way your responsibility, but for example, if your little Devil was on his shoulder (or another admin :D ), pricking him once in a while, MasterBlaster would be a completely different guy.

He might even be quite an asset to the forum, if you keep stabbing him with your pitchfork, and whispering directions in his ear (no politics Big Guy!).

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aaaaaa...regarding your recent posts on this thread criticising tutsi's worthwhile efforts to maintain a clean and family orientated environment on the thaivisa forum you are now advised that tutsi's operatives now have you under surveillance. these are people that you don't want to mess with as they daily endure self-flagellation, self mutilation and regularly insult their mothers...

either clam up or get out of Dodge...I don't know how much longer I can control them....

me? :D never! :o

I said - all glory to hero tutsi! - is is critising?

and in pervious post to that - I didn't mention any names at all - if you feel like it is about you - well then you might have your reasons, huh? :D

and I'm calm as water in Chao Phraya river! :D well - u can't expect it be totally calm - but it is much calmer then in some other rivers I think !

but then u might stop as well pursue your goal of establishing urself as something special by critising other and esepcially by directly or indirectly puting them down, disguising it as "wise cracks" or jokes or "cleaning the enviroment", whatever u might call it - just try not to make some ppl feel bad, that's all. coz sooner or later whatever we do to others will backfire at us - wouldn't it?

BTW - "ur ppl" r not by chance ###### or Dr. and their colleagues? unless they r - I guess I shouldn't worry much, huh?

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Just give me one other website forum, where I can find so much useful information as on this site!

I see some newbies showing up (without any profile info !! ) posting a remarkable amount of reactions/opinions/critics within (sometimes) one day after their entry as a member.I sometimes wonder how it can be that somebody does have so much knowledge about almost everything

Although I have my personal preferences about several members ( and their opinions) , I accept all posts as long as they are not offensive and even than I most of the time will not react,just skip and laugh about the ignorance of certain people.

To all , be a little bit more tolerant and accept the rules.No one forces you to stay on the forum.

For the hardliners; The new bear pit.

Adm. Please continue the good work.The silent majority supports you

u don't mean me - do u? coz I'm already ADVANCED ! :D so better watch out ! :D - just kidding :o

I'm wondering: do you mean that the process of acquiring knowledge or even ordinary information starts from then moment one joins this Forum and get "initiated" into it by what u call hardliners and their reactions/opinions/critics which one must edure for certain period of time and tolerate whatever mocking etc. - and then only one might qulify to express their opinions?

or is this Forum is the source of all knowledge and ultimate truth that one can't have any knowledge at all if one wasn't/isn't part of it? or is whatever said here is the final criteria of truth and reality of life and its members - actually only certain category of them , "THE seniors" and THE "hardliners" - are Supreme judges of mankind?

coz certainly ur statement cort of imply that !

funny, man!

the second part of ur post I agree with - let's rules rule !

give u another web site? I can:


and I'm sure must be many other as well...

although perhaps it won't be so much info especially about Thailand - but quite a lot nevertheless, and some other info would be even more. but at least there is a bit different spirit there - no "law of jungle" of "hardliners' " habit to ridicule and mock and even insult... simply exchage of info and experiences and opinions....

common man! if u call for tolerance - perhaps u should try to avoid making absolute statements or generalisition especially by slelected evidences....

it is a weak trick of supporting one's point !

amount of posts? r u kidding? is ther anything mentioned about restrictions or limits of allowed quantity of posts? it seems rather that there is steady and ecouraged competition - who will post more - coz it will make him/her accordingly "senior" or "super-pooper" or "almighty" or whatever - and therefor the most opinionated.... so why u contradict urself then? naturally newbies follow the footspteps of big shots....

BTW - I click on ur Mini Profile button and can't see ANY info there as well ! at least I have my photo on mine :D but then- tell me who does have full info on their prfiles - I doubt that even Admins do, although I haven't checked yet. so - why make a fuss of that?

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Adm. Please continue the good work.The silent majority supports you

as for admins -

I think I agree with u too - they do quite ok job....


be simple obvious advice though:

it might help if they avoid arguing/ fighting with certain "regulars" in this kind of fight almost everywhere and instead take it to PM level or specially designated thread - isnults between hardcoreres .... ooops - I mean hardliners - and Admins....

Like I've heard that in some companies in Japan boss would install his

mummy rubber doll - or whatever u call that thing which athlets use for

training or thos who study martial arts use ? - in the company's gym and

make it available to ne1 employee to come there in free time and kick it

to their full heart's content :o so in this way they help to keep healthy athmosphere - by allowing those who are angry at boss to let go out

their feelings. after kicking that mummy hard for a while they feel better

and when face boss in real won't be so angry anymore....

so u might try to adopt this system - I suspect many "hardliners" would love it...

but definetely to have the exchange in random places - wherever and whenever some through replica at them - bettween Admins and only few "unjustly abused" unhappy members - isn't interesting nor helthgy IMHO. in fact many would feel discouraged from this Forum - coz it gives wrong impression that Admins r dictators or that this Forum is only for echange of insults intead of info.... they might think that but making this exchanges publicly available gives them creadit - proves their fairness and ruighteousness... but still does damage their image of fair Admins - I think which is one of main objective of doing it - coz most of ppl being anaware and of the cause of particular quarell...

certainly it does give impression that often this Froum is nothing more than constant quarell between initiated into it and Admins... it is not interesting - coz most of ppl have know even slight idea what's is this about but rather get impression that it is personal matter! and in any culture to bring up personal matter into public is never interesting nor informative - what to speak helthy. if helthy eviroment is concerned ... or if you perfer it - not "poilitically incorrect" - coz seems like lot of people are eager to keep this forum free of "political correctness" so may be it is appropriate to say that they try to be "politically incorrect" . :D

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After one has been suspended a certain number of times, one starts to worry every time that one signs in, that one of those little messages will pop up telling one not to come back for a couple of years, therefore, it becomes easy to have sympathy for those who have already received the message.

I suppose that, in my own way, I am preparing for the future. :D

Georgie-Porgie is too whimpy anyway; Can you think of a really manly nick-name, so that everyone will be afraid to argue with me, or throw me off?

Do you like Butcher? Do you think that, that is more scary than Basher? :o


How about Arnold? As in the Govenor of CA? He kicks a*s & takes no sh1t!

BTW, where's our mess-cook friend these days? :D

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There seem's to be a minor problem with one moderator who tends to get involved in arguements instead of staying "above the fray".

If he wants to do this he should refrain from falling back on his moderator position when somebody disagrees with him. To lower himself into the forum he should make a new moniker. We'd all no/know who he was as he has a certain style.  :o

It does get hard to put up with some members Lamphun. Particularly when they personally attack admins.

Dr Pat Pong, you and ###### are also instigators in many a flame war - you seem to believe, you can say and do whatever you want to do, but when someone sticks up for them selves, you take an admin stance, when in actual fact you started it in the first place - look at your own threads/posts - you antagonise people, then they post something you dont like and so on, until it escalates into them getting banned. It seems finally that a lot of the members here are starting to speak out - it is about time, you guys were suspended from George, then maybe you will feel the frustration that we feel, for something that could of been stopped in the first instance.

Look through a few threads that have been moved to this section - for 1 week, you guys and others, have had a go at me and now George has reinstated my membership you guys are having a go at me again for replying to your own flames towards me - if you dont want a "war", dont start one.

You guys, need to be brought down to earth!

No this isnt a flame, its my beleif and the belief of many, by how many people have pointed it out.

a moderator is a position that does not give you a biased stance.

I agree with you regarding myself getting out of hand on the bear pit - but go back once more and see where it started.

You guys keep going on about me threatening people - the two actual posts you refer to were as follows - socal? said he would come down to Phuket and I would hide - I said come...... - who was the instigator of the first threat?

Please post the so called threat against Georgie Porgie!, you will see it wasnt a threat as such, but how you guys have been talking about it, it has escalated into an untruth of what was posted.

You piss people off and thats how they stay - maybe if you were doing your job properly, it wouldnt get to that.

I will not return to the bear pit, I will carry on on this forum, if the powers that be let me, if not, thats life. Please just leave me alone and let me get on with it - this is my last complaint regarding admin/mods, from now on I will leave you all in peace, just leave me be also - have a nice Sunday!

To give the gent his due, I don't think that his threats were serious, and in some cases, he was not even the provoke-er. My real complaint was that he wasn't reprimanded right away, so that it would be obvious that that threats were not acceptable here (particularly from a self-admitted, one man killing machine).

I also don't think that he is a Nazi. I think that he has bought into the left-wing bias against Israel, which, IMHO, if one looks closely, is usually just anti-Semitism with another name, but I don't think that he, and many other people, are aware of that.

Georgie ... is it my eyes ... or my mind ?

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Doc, I'm not quite sure what you are getting at specifically here. My brain gets fried after a certain number of hours at work.

If you are trying to prove that you don't have an easy life, or an easy job, believe me, I've figured that out already, any way, I just visited the new Bear-Pit, and it caused me to, once again, change my mind about certain, should-be former members.

It has been filled, once again with a large number of anti-Semitic articles.

Hopefully, in the future, I won't have any more attacks of feeling sorry for people who don't deserve it.

This is what I posted over there:

By pure chance, I just had a meeting to day with one member of admin. We talked about a lot of different subjects, but one subject was a particularly problematic member who has been known to flood the Bear-Pit with Nazi propaganda.

I ventured the opinion that this imbecile was too stupid to have realized what he had been doing, and, now that everyone had taken him to task for it, even the members of his own "side", probably he wouldn't do something so idiotic again.

I am starting, once again, to regret having any kind of sympathy for this person. He blatantly lied about posting this kind of trash under different names, and then claimed that "You know that [he] wouldn't do that", when it was super-obvious that he had, so, therefore, I will be very hesitant about believing him, in the future, when he says that he is not the one filling "The Garbage Pit" with this type of articles now.

However, there is a very slim chance that someone is imitating this unnamed individual's actions, for sh1t-stirring purposes, but I'm starting to think that, instead, he just wants any kind of attention, is truly brain-dead, should be bounced and is not worth wasting any more time on.

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Doc, I'm not quite sure what you are getting at specifically here. My brain gets fried after a certain number of hours at work.

If you are trying to prove that you don't have an easy life, or an easy job, believe me, I've figured that out already, any way, I just visited the new Bear-Pit, and it caused me to, once again, change my mind about certain, should-be former members.

It has been filled, once again with a large number of anti-Semitic articles.

Hopefully, in the future, I won't have any more attacks of feeling sorry for people who don't deserve it.

This is what I posted over there:

By pure chance, I just had a meeting to day with one member of admin. We talked about a lot of different subjects, but one subject was a particularly problematic member who has been known to flood the Bear-Pit with Nazi propaganda.

I ventured the opinion that this imbecile was too stupid to have realized what he had been doing, and, now that everyone had taken him to task for it, even the members of his own "side", probably he wouldn't do something so idiotic again.

I am starting, once again, to regret having any kind of sympathy for this person. He blatantly lied about posting this kind of trash under different names, and then claimed that "You know that [he] wouldn't do that", when it was super-obvious that he had, so, therefore, I will be very hesitant about believing him, in the future, when he says that he is not the one filling "The Garbage Pit" with this type of articles now.

However, there is a very slim chance that someone is imitating this unnamed individual's actions, for sh1t-stirring purposes, but I'm starting to think that, instead, he just wants any kind of attention, is truly brain-dead, should be bounced and is not worth wasting any more time on.


I think the Gent's chilled out some and all we can do is hope for the best. Don't fret!

Boon Mee

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I think, it is time now, to close this tread, not much seen during the last postings, which might cause a major reorganisation of the Thaivisa-Forum.


I am inclined to agree with you Johann. This thread is going absolutely nowhere. Killing it is the kindest option. :o

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