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Being laughed and sneered at by Thais.

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Was with my young daughter in B2S, buying some canvases and other stuff.

3 canvases the same size, 2 different brands, one didn’t have a price tag, as it was removed.

Checked the receipt after paying as it was more than expected and the one with the removed price tag was almost triple the price of the other 2.

So after looking at the receipt in the till area and noticing this, we went back to the canvas section to see if there was another one of the cheaper brand hiding somewhere so we could exchange.

Nope, never mind, walked back out. While entering the till area again the 4 female cashiers didn’t have any customers and there was an exclamation of 'Maa lao, maa lao' followed by a loud chorus of laughter (not very pleasant laughter, very sneering and snidey) for the 10 seconds or so myself and my daughter walked past them.

They looked very, very happy in themselves.


(I’m interested in sociology and found it very bizarre.)


Edited by Happy Grumpy
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They all hate us, pack your bags and move to a country that welcomes you with open arms, it's a Farangs only hope.

Always anazes me that with all the moaning and whining Farangs do on this forum, they still stay here by choice, wh?

If it's that bad, why do you stay and suffer, why not just pack up and move on, now I know that doesn't apply to most TV members as most don't live here, but those that do and do nothing but complain, why stay ?


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A bunch of immature girls saw a foreigner raising a minor issue which could not be resolved. They found it amusing and had a giggle.

There really isn't any more to it than that... Hardly a sociological epiphany...

People will read what they want to in a situation... look for the negative and you will find it. In this case you think they were laughing and sneering at you.

Someone else may see that they were just childish girls...

Quite often foreigners in Thailand look for some secret underlying reason to someones behaviour when in reality what you see is what you get... simple innocence, sometimes ignorance, a direct unadulterated response..

Fair comment

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what does maa lao mean?

Come (back) already/Come (back) now.

Klub mah. Come back.

Mah Laos means come already. Have you heard women say that to you before ? whistling.gif

Anyway I think what they were saying was the guy who bought the pre schoolers guide to space has come already.

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Farangs get stopped on Motorcycles and complain that the Cops are only stopping Farangs, BS, they stop hundreds of Thais too, but you only see what you want to see, poor me, I'm a Farang, they're picking on me, cry me a freaking river.

I had Black mates in the UK who had the same attitude, the cops only stopped them because they were Black, how about when they stopped me, was it because I was white ?

Some Farangs just ain't meant to live in another country, the Grumpy one is one of those people, but I bet he tells all his mates back in Farangistan what a great time he's having in Thailand, when in reality he hates it here and spends every waking hour tapping out meaningless whining posts on an anonymous forum, yes Grumpy, you're living the dream mate.smile.png

Edited by Banzai99
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what does maa lao mean?

In this context... He's 'returned already'...

Interesting,,, He has returned already,means they new he would, So something is fishy as usual. Maybe the price or the brand?

The usual cheating going on?

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You must be pretty thin-skinned to let a handful of giggling girls get to you.


Nope, I found it odd and am interested in sociology. smile.png

It's strange that you got that from it.


You described the laughter as 'not very pleasant laughter, very sneering and snidey'.

Sounds like you put a pretty negative interpretation on it to me.

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You must be pretty thin-skinned to let a handful of giggling girls get to you.


Nope, I found it odd and am interested in sociology. smile.png

It's strange that you got that from it.


So, according to you, I'm a Troll and so is Soi Biker, but I take it you're not huh ?

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Farangs get stopped on Motorcycles and complain that the Cops are only stopping Farangs, BS, they stop hundreds of Thais too, but you only see what you want to see, poor me, I'm a Farang, they're picking on me, cry me a freaking river.

I had Black mates in the UK who had the same attitude, the cops only stopped them because they were Black, how about when they stopped me, was it because I was white ?

Some Farangs just ain't meant to live in another country, the Grumpy one is one of those people, but I bet he tells all his mates back in Farangistan what a great time he's having in Thailand, when in reality he hates it here and spends every waking hour tapping out meaningless whining posts on an anonymous forum, yes Grumpy, you're living the dream mate.smile.png

WOW This has certainly stirred up your chicken-tika-mazala whistling.gif

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what does maa lao mean?

In this context... He's 'returned already'...

Interesting,,, He has returned already,means they new he would, So something is fishy as usual. Maybe the price or the brand?

The usual cheating going on?

Yes they picked that particular product and reprogrammed the bar codes knowing a whitey would come in and buy it.

If a Thai was buying it they would immediately change the bar code or reduce the price by 50%.

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You must be pretty thin-skinned to let a handful of giggling girls get to you.


Nope, I found it odd and am interested in sociology. smile.png

It's strange that you got that from it.


So, according to you, I'm a Troll and so is Soi Biker, but I take it you're not huh ?

I think we know the answer to that.

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You must be pretty thin-skinned to let a handful of giggling girls get to you.

Why are so many farangs so concerned about what the locals think of them?

It destroys that fantasy that has been built up in their head by the bar girls. Especially when the gigglings is done by young shop girls, when the the bar girls have been telling them for years how smart and attractive they are.

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Farangs get stopped on Motorcycles and complain that the Cops are only stopping Farangs, BS, they stop hundreds of Thais too, but you only see what you want to see, poor me, I'm a Farang, they're picking on me, cry me a freaking river.

I had Black mates in the UK who had the same attitude, the cops only stopped them because they were Black, how about when they stopped me, was it because I was white ?

Some Farangs just ain't meant to live in another country, the Grumpy one is one of those people, but I bet he tells all his mates back in Farangistan what a great time he's having in Thailand, when in reality he hates it here and spends every waking hour tapping out meaningless whining posts on an anonymous forum, yes Grumpy, you're living the dream mate.smile.png

WOW This has certainly stirred up your chicken-tika-mazala whistling.gif

haha......nice one.


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You must be pretty thin-skinned to let a handful of giggling girls get to you.

Why are so many farangs so concerned about what the locals think of them?

It destroys that fantasy that has been built up in their head by the bar girls. Especially when the gigglings is done by young shop girls, when the the bar girls have been telling them for years how smart and attractive they are.

You mean it isn't true ? facepalm.gif

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