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Top police rank committee recommends stripping Thaksin Shinawatra off police rank


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He "fled" to Dubai with their blessings: how else can you explain allowing him to go to Beijing Olympics? Everybody happy. Ying Luck is so stupid or brave or ? that she was given an exit strategy but declined to take it & came back to face the atonal music.

Taking away his police job... boy they really know how to hurt a guy. I'm sure he will lose plenty of sleep over that. Does that mean his slice of tea money cake will be cut off too?

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What a surprise!!

And what a waste of time and money on a non-issue!!

You may be right! But perhaps not! It is a well known fact that any policeman wanting a high ranking position needed to go see Thaksin to get his approval prior to their promotion. Removing his rank in the police force is just one more notch they have taken from Thaksin that gave him a hold in Thailand. Time will tell!

That is an outright fabrication.

Removing his rank in the police force is just one more notch they have taken from Thaksin that gave him a hold in Thailand.

Your comment is idiotic because it disregards the fact that Thaksin was subject to a military coup d'état that had him leave the country. That government, was replaced by Abhisit's admin. Are you claiming that Thaksin had influence over appointments under those governments? Who did he appoint during that period? Even during the Yingluck admin there was little movement of senior police officers. Do you know why? Because they are protected under the civil service rules. Those rules apply to every civilian government. The only administration that can circumvent the rules is a military administration because of Rule 44.

Tell me how Thaksin has held any sway over police appointments in the past year. Can you even provide one example?

You are probably sitting there all offended that some called you out on your tale spinning. well, next time before you make a wild allegation, think. In this case, a military administration or puppet government has been in place for much of the time Thaksin has been out of office. Common sense would say, the military wasn't going to take advice on appointments from Thaksin.

you telling full Bu.. sh..t !

I have some friends in police !

without high money under table, they will never get a high ranking !!

proofed and trustet source !!

Just some other part of businees - heard today,

RTP stopped to take bribes for bars !!

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A rather stupid move and could be counter productive over a period of time, always remember people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones , it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things Khun Thaksin in public life never used to refer to he's police rank, not like some Generals I know of do, unless the Junta is intending to stay a decade or 2 I wouldn't bother with this petty action. ( I have no interest in the PTP or Khun Thaksin). coffee1.gif

You are quite right : people in glass houses should NOT throw stones.

Remember during the farce when one of Thaksin's other relatives (Paradorn) was making a real mess in the South ?, Sukumpol (the defence minister no less) spent his whole time trying to find bits of paper to strip Abhisit of his military rank in yet another effort to get that fly out of Thaksin's ointment.

Now he has had the same done to him - and I have to say he thoroughly deserves it. To a man of his ego, this is an enormous loss of face.

He is now wondering if he can get away with sending some red thugs out on another terrorist attack without something else happening to him.

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What a surprise!!

And what a waste of time and money on a non-issue!!

He still holds a high ranking position, what a joke. Just the same as when an official is caught being corrupt and rather than sack them they transfer them to start all over again

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What a surprise!!

And what a waste of time and money on a non-issue!!

You may be right! But perhaps not! It is a well known fact that any policeman wanting a high ranking position needed to go see Thaksin to get his approval prior to their promotion. Removing his rank in the police force is just one more notch they have taken from Thaksin that gave him a hold in Thailand. Time will tell!

Should have been done years ago when he became a criminal on the run

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Jeez, I would love to know what Thaksin said that has got this lot running around like headless chickens!!

I watched the interview and basically what he said was (paraphrasing here) was that he wasn't impressed with the performance of the Junta over the last year and thought they were slow at doing tasks. Then he said that he feared his sister would not get a fair trial.. That was it.

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Definition of LÈSE-MAJESTÉ

a : a crime (as treason) committed against a sovereign power
b : an offense violating the dignity of a ruler as the representative of a sovereign power
: a detraction from or affront to dignity or importance

It's not as described in the article. It's insulting the dignity of a ruler as the representative of sovereign power, not the country I watched the interviews, he never said anything disparaging about the King nor the country. Unless the PM feels his dignity has been insulted of course as Thaksin said he wasn't impressed so far by them. If he ever does return these police will be performing the "turn-coat" manoeuvre! Mind you, they've probably been instructed to say and do this.

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Titles and uniforms, along with face, are massive issues in Thailand. Removing his title is therefore a big kick up the bum to him. But I doubt it will affect the lower ranks of the police force as it seems his influence there is all but excised. This is just tidying up loose ends in that respect.

@English 1 - fyi, he was not a politician given a police rank. He was a genuine - oh dear, I've just made myself laugh - copper before he became a businessman and then a politician. By law, he is entitled to keep and use his police (or military) title after retiring/quitting.

And a failed shop keeper & movie theatre owner before the family paid for the the police commission. And somewhere in there he rented PC's to (I think) education institutions & govt departments, if I remember correctly. See, I did read his Bio (and Wikipedia). The memory is working fine. The forgettory works even better.

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convicted crim on the run

still a police officer


Complicated as Thai things are. He is not "still" an "active" policeman. The family presumably "bought" the rank of POL LT COL for him after his retail career & he then retired from the police as a LT Col to enter politics and-or become an IT & coms billionaire, whichever came first.

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What a surprise!!

And what a waste of time and money on a non-issue!!

You may be right! But perhaps not! It is a well known fact that any policeman wanting a high ranking position needed to go see Thaksin to get his approval prior to their promotion. Removing his rank in the police force is just one more notch they have taken from Thaksin that gave him a hold in Thailand. Time will tell!

That is an outright fabrication.

Removing his rank in the police force is just one more notch they have taken from Thaksin that gave him a hold in Thailand.

Your comment is idiotic because it disregards the fact that Thaksin was subject to a military coup d'état that had him leave the country. That government, was replaced by Abhisit's admin. Are you claiming that Thaksin had influence over appointments under those governments? Who did he appoint during that period? Even during the Yingluck admin there was little movement of senior police officers. Do you know why? Because they are protected under the civil service rules. Those rules apply to every civilian government. The only administration that can circumvent the rules is a military administration because of Rule 44.

Tell me how Thaksin has held any sway over police appointments in the past year. Can you even provide one example?

You are probably sitting there all offended that some called you out on your tale spinning. well, next time before you make a wild allegation, think. In this case, a military administration or puppet government has been in place for much of the time Thaksin has been out of office. Common sense would say, the military wasn't going to take advice on appointments from Thaksin.

Not in the last year, but Thesetat never said "in the last year", but policemen DID go to see him (to) including Singapore, Cambodia, Myanmar & Hong Kong to confirm their appointments and other official business while he was officially a fugitive. At least one put the picture on his office wall. Neither that man or the picture are in that office any more. Inspector Clouseau went to see him in Singapore.

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What a surprise!!

And what a waste of time and money on a non-issue!!

I'm curious JOC... Why does it bother you so much? It's not a non issue, and it's not something that TS will take lightly. You need to brush up on your Thainess.

I would not want my name to associated with that committee when mr T comes back into town!

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Most countries would require one to give up a Commission from a police force (or military) before becoming a politician. Interesting how one can still hold the title. I can see as a head of state one would be the honorary head of a force, but to retain the rank and title is absurd. I was browsing the Thai Police Discipline Act, and I guess if they let him "remain" a cop, they could use that act against him too.

If they enforced that act, I doubt any cops would remain on the street.

Police Disciplines Act, B.E. 2477 (1934)

Section 4 Police disciplines are those which the police officials shall have to observe in order to become well conducted officials according to police tradition.

Section 5 Breach of police disciplines shall mean the following actions:

(1) Obstinacy, disobedience, avoidance or negligence to carry out the order of the legitimate superior.
(2) Failure to observe the regulation on respect between the superior and the junior.
(3) Failure to conduct oneself strictly in matter relating to manner and order of the police.
(4) Creating unity among the police force.
(5) Being lazy, abandoning or neglecting the official duty.
(6) Making false statement.
(7) Using improper manner or conduct.
(8) Failure to give warning or penalize those under command who are guilty, in accordance with their punishment.
(9) Taking intoxicating or alcoholic drinks to lose control of oneself or taking drug.
(10) Being negligence or willfully causing damage to the property of the Government.
(11) Whether singly or severally attempting or being an accessory to employ the power by any means in manner to command, which is damaging to the discipline of the police force.
(12) Committing a breach of discipline of the civil servants as prescribed in the Civil Service Disciplines Act currently enforced.

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A rather stupid move and could be counter productive over a period of time, always remember people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones , it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things Khun Thaksin in public life never used to refer to he's police rank, not like some Generals I know of do, unless the Junta is intending to stay a decade or 2 I wouldn't bother with this petty action. ( I have no interest in the PTP or Khun Thaksin). coffee1.gif

( I have no interest in the PTP or Khun Thaksin). Glad to hear it. Are you sure? I suspect you have been leading a lot of us (more than just me) for a long time to the wrong conclusion about your sympathies.

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What a surprise!!

And what a waste of time and money on a non-issue!!

The key problem Thailand’s prolonged political conflicts during the past decade was always associated to one man. Thaksin Shinawatra. But on issues of all evil is attributed to this man?

Answer is again a explicit “NO”. It was Thaksin’s actions contributed to the conflicts as much actions of the traditional establishment that was threatened by the rise of this “have nots” in the country accentuated by the Bangkokians who always looked down on the upcountry pheasants. Then on elections-a win by the "have not" who constitute numbers will win 10 of 10 times in any elections here while fabulously rich and ideologically independent outsider to power by other means and not by ballot. To summarize the legitimacy of any government comes from the ballot an if any time a bad government does come in-to use the famous political cliche "you deserve the government you elect” till they are again replaced by the ballot an not by the bullet. Therefore a government originating out of a coup is just as illegitimate as one which comes from rigged elections.

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What a surprise!!

And what a waste of time and money on a non-issue!!

I'm curious JOC... Why does it bother you so much? It's not a non issue, and it's not something that TS will take lightly. You need to brush up on your Thainess.

I have lived in Thailand for just over 6 years

and I know LOSS o FACE is a big issue to Thais's

This is Thainess

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It doesn't really matter to this scumbag anyway. He's a low, vile hateful, conniving, corrupt piece of sh1t which hanging is too good for.

Other than that he could be a nice guy.

funny...ha ha ha

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This is a surprise to me that the finally had enough balls to do it. Probably because Thaksin does not about title since he is a billionaire. Big news but what does it do to Thaksin really nothing but sounds like the government is really hurting him but really not at all. Maybe he will lose his pension! So Thai!

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How did a Senior Thai Cop amass enough cash to set up a tele-communications company?

Never mind ... it's a rhetorical question.


As the police chief who was a junta appointee who bought shares worth Millions of USD along with his wife last year

They may giver rhetorical answers ?

How do Thai Army Generals amass such huge fortunes based on their State funded salaries?

Yeah you're right, best not to answer these glaring questions under such climes ?

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Can someone who may actually know and understand explain what are the benefits of having a police rank? And losses if one looses it ?

Is there any meaning to it other than just a title?

Status. Hierarchy. Pensions.

What status, hierarchy, pensions you are talking about? Is the rank of a PM lower than the rank of Lt. Col? And hierarchy ? a PM like Taksin would he bother about pension?

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What! AGAIN!!!!

Well, seriously, yet again?.

Went through this 5 years ago as I remember.

Still had his rank at the end of the day, and that may well have contributed to police inaction against the red shirts running rough shod across Bangkok. Can't go against 'one of their own.' at least not publicly.

But this coming unanimously from a high ranked police commission is a definite loss of FACE, with a carrot shredder. More than a slap, and it will move up the chain this time. One more talon of power removed, partly symbolic rather than official enforcement since he is not serving now, because symbolism is still big juju in Thailand. It is a committee of his old brethren deciding his old school tie is now cut off at the knot. Loss of Passport and police generals disowning him on one week. Woowee, that Kuhn T. should have kept his trap shut. This is the new broom sweeping clean, since the last time it was done all too 'thai and forgiving', so that the job wasn't finished.

As much as our socialist brethren will decry this as a blow against the little people, this is more about clipping the wings of a sociopath who has been abusing the trust of the little people for 10 years or more. He raised his voice on the anniversary of his 3rd attempt to take over Thailand for his clans aggrandizement, and the slap down was fast and clear.

Progress will happen for the poor of Thailand, communications interconnectivity makes that assured.

But not with the Shin clan pulling the strings of it's political machine behind a 'friend of the people' political facade.

The continuous culling of corrupt individuals and groups by the current regime seems to indicate it understands that

the job was unfinished last time, and must be complete before a grand and sad change for Thailand takes place.

Other wise it is highly likely chaos will run rampant. Chaos to make Yellows at Gov house, Reds at Central,

and PDRC in the streets seem very, very small indeed.

Edited by animatic
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From a Thai English language newspaper which I cannot name, it was reported that the lese majeste part was told off the record. The clip is posted on a Facebook page.

Jeez, I would love to know what Thaksin said that has got this lot running around like headless chickens!!

I watched the interview and basically what he said was (paraphrasing here) was that he wasn't impressed with the performance of the Junta over the last year and thought they were slow at doing tasks. Then he said that he feared his sister would not get a fair trial.. That was it.

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Why is it only now that a convicted criminal (who is on the run and has several outstanding charges against him) is to be stripped of his high ranking position?

Am I missing something here?

Since when is Lt Col a "high ranking" position? Where I'm from, they don't even rate their own parking space.

Edited by 55Jay
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Why is it only now that a convicted criminal (who is on the run and has several outstanding charges against him) is to be stripped of his high ranking position?

Am I missing something here?

Since when is Lt Col a "high ranking" position? Where I'm from, they don't even rate their own parking space.
But not everyone comes from NK
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What a surprise!!

And what a waste of time and money on a non-issue!!

I'm curious JOC... Why does it bother you so much? It's not a non issue, and it's not something that TS will take lightly. You need to brush up on your Thainess.

I would not want my name to associated with that committee when mr T comes back into town!

He ain't coming back, if he does it will be in an urn.

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