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Went for a Kidney Function Test yesterday.

No emergency.

Got an email back today with the report, but only the data and no written report or comments.

Will research later when I get home.

But before then, how do these numbers and data look? All within the normal range?

I'm dying, aren't I. Only joking.

Male, age 29.



the BUN;Serus less than the reference range. L 7.6.

the reference range indicated 8.4-25.7.



you are everywhere in the reference area, beside BUN Serum. Which I don't know what it is.

So I guess this means you have AIDS, cancer and Ebola tongue.png


you are everywhere in the reference area, beside BUN Serum. Which I don't know what it is.

So I guess this means you have AIDS, cancer and Ebola tongue.png

and live till age 104 wink.png


you are everywhere in the reference area, beside BUN Serum. Which I don't know what it is.

So I guess this means you have AIDS, cancer and Ebola tongue.png

and live till age 104 wink.png

But if he is already 103, this would be just 1 year


Nothing going on here, all appears to be within Normal Limits.

A slight deviation in numbers ie BUN, isn't significant.

For what reason did you have the Test?


Nothing going on here, all appears to be within Normal Limits.

A slight deviation in numbers ie BUN, isn't significant.

For what reason did you have the Test?

Very slight left flank pain from time to time for the past few years, along with slightly darkened urine. Started with full ultrasound, X-ray, CT Scan etc etc.

At a good hospital in BKK.

All came back normal.

Did the same at another hospital one year later, same result. Nothing shown.

Hasn't worsened in that time.

So this year I just went for a blood Kidney Function Test and urinalysis at a clinic.


You could pursue the cause of the Flank Pain, & have more tests & investigations.......

But if your symptoms aren't more frequent/getting worse, then I would question the neccesity of doing so.



It's why I toned down the level of testing - ultrasounds/CT Scans/x-Rays. and this year just went for a basic blood and urinalysis Kidney Function Test.


I had some pain first, than VERY brown urine, than some blood in it, than it got better again. Maybe some small kidney stones.

But stones are shown in XRay.

Are you sure it is the kidneys that hurt. Some tension at the muscles in the back can feel very similar. (On my kidney pain I was 100 % sure that it is the muscles).

When I sweat a lot an get the cold aircon on the kidney area, I also get "kidney pain" but I doubt it is really the kidneys....just some muscles there.

(I am not telling it is not the kidney, just explore other possibilities).


These results indicate normal kidney function.

A slightly low BUN is usually of no significance but can sometimes indicate liver disease. Liver disease can also cause dark urine due to the presence of bilirubin, though one would expect it to be pretty constant in that case, not once in a while. There was no bilirubin in the sample tested. If this was done when the urine was not dark and if dark utine recurs, there is asimple "shake" test: put urine sample in a jar with a lid, shake it very hard and if there is a yellow foam at the top, then the dark color is bilirubin.

Dark urine can also simply indicate dehydration, and that is in fact the usual reason for it. Especially dark urine that occurs only sometimes.

Other possibility - and one that would go along with flank pain - is kidney stones, especially if the flank pain and dark urine occur in tandem or the dark urine a little while after the flank pain.


These results indicate normal kidney function.

A slightly low BUN is usually of no significance but can sometimes indicate liver disease. Liver disease can also cause dark urine due to the presence of bilirubin, though one would expect it to be pretty constant in that case, not once in a while. There was no bilirubin in the sample tested. If this was done when the urine was not dark and if dark utine recurs, there is asimple "shake" test: put urine sample in a jar with a lid, shake it very hard and if there is a yellow foam at the top, then the dark color is bilirubin.

Dark urine can also simply indicate dehydration, and that is in fact the usual reason for it. Especially dark urine that occurs only sometimes.

Other possibility - and one that would go along with flank pain - is kidney stones, especially if the flank pain and dark urine occur in tandem or the dark urine a little while after the flank pain.

He wrote: "Started with full ultrasound, X-ray, CT Scan etc etc." so they would have seen any kidney stones.

Urine Yellow in the test.


As it seems that Kidney issues may not be the cause & if you are still concerned, I suggest a Complete Blood Count in order to get a clearer picture.

Flank Pain can be caused by several things such as Arthritis, Liver involvement or Gall Bladder problems.

How is your digestion?


As it seems that Kidney issues may not be the cause & if you are still concerned, I suggest a Complete Blood Count in order to get a clearer picture.

Flank Pain can be caused by several things such as Arthritis, Liver involvement or Gall Bladder problems.

How is your digestion?

I complete agree, but just because you write serious things: It can be also some harmless muscle tension from wrong sitting, old bed or similar.....Just want to tell not to be scared that it is something serious.


Thanks every one.

Searching the net, the BUN Reference Range is often listed as 7-25, so my data is in that normal range, but the Thai clinic has it listed as 8.4-25.

My issue seems to be with the left ureter. The tube connecting the kidney to the bladder, that there is a small blockage to something hindering the natural flow of urine, causing a small amount of urine retention in the left kidney.

Could be a blood vessel that has got twisted around it for example, after 3 years none of the tests have indicated any issues with the kidney, even though urine is usually dark.

anyway, I will probably just leave it be and continue getting function tests done every 6-12 months unless it worsens.


Nope. That's what is suspected by the symptoms, but not by any tests. Seems to be some sort of minor blockage or restriction that slows the flow from left kidney to bladder, causing some minor discomfort in the left kidney area.

Nothing proven. Just suspected by me and a Thai doctor at one of the hospitals I went to.


Nope. That's what is suspected by the symptoms, but not by any tests. Seems to be some sort of minor blockage or restriction that slows the flow from left kidney to bladder, causing some minor discomfort in the left kidney area.

Nothing proven. Just suspected by me and a Thai doctor at one of the hospitals I went to.

If this were the case it would be evident on ultrasound.


I still think we need a Medical Detectives Sub Forum......

It would scare the bejeesus out of alot of people.

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