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US Supreme Court strikes down 'born in Jerusalem' passport law


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Those people, who call themselves Palestinians now, went to sleep Jordanian citizens on the 4th

of June 1967, and woke up Palestinians on the following morning the 5th of June 1967,

where were they all those years not wanting or asking for a Palestinians state?

where were day all those years not wanting or asking for Jerusalem to be recognized

as their capitol?

East Jerusalem was under Jordanian control for many years, while the west side was under

Israeli control, what makes now Jerusalem to be the capitol of the Palestinians people and

and where it their lineage and connection to this city?

And while Jerusalem is mentioned 238 times in the old testament, it's no where to be found

even once in the Quran....

I can on and on, but decision by the US supreme court is myopic and a regrettable one....

first of all its mentioned in the Quran

Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram(Mecca) to al-Masjid al- Aqsa(Jerusalem), whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing. chapter 17:1

everyone knows Masjid al - aqsa refers to the mosque in jerusalem

secondly you should know the fact that muslims do not only believe in the Quran but also books called hadiths and the word jerusalem is mentioned numerous times in the hadiths.

lastly, all muslims who pray today face mecca but earlier muslims in the past used to face the mosque in jerusalem (which shows the importance of jerusalem to muslims)

Jerusalem is important for Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

lets assume based on your theory ( the mentioning of jerusalem in the scriptures) what about the Palestinian christians who also follow the Old testament( not the Quran) in which you said jerusalem is mentioned 238 times ?

Edited by shariq607
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I neglected to clarify that this was given to Israel after WWII, taken away soon thereafter by force by Jordan, and then recaptured by Israel in 1967 in The Six Day War. At this time Israel is occupying only that which was given by international decree after WWII, including Israel's historic E. Jerusalem and the Old City. This was built by Israel over the past at least 3,700 years.

"Palestinians" are newcomers, having named themselves that in 1988 under Yassar Arafat.

As the PLO has been around since 1964..

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