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Thai students detained at Pakistani airport for 'carrying firearms'


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"[We] respect the laws that are in place in each country, but at the same time, we insist the detainees be given fair deliberation of their cases in accordance with the laws."

so what country can you get on a plane with guns and ammo?

water board them for terror info. 10 years prison. next.

My brother once (35 years ago) was returning back to London after a three week vacation with me in Toronto. In his 13 year old innocence he had taken a shine to a particular type of cigarette lighter, without me knowing he bought it and stowed it in his checked baggage... Next thing I knew was an urgent message being broadcast throughout Toronto airport for my Brother to go to security. So we all went over and my brother was grilled over carrying undeclared weapons in his checked baggage!!! Turned out that his favourite lighter was in the shape of a very realistic looking hand grenade... Of course everyone laughed and I became the new owner of a lighter shaped like a grenade... As a matter of fact I've still got it, but I don't take it with me when flying (I ain't stupid, honest! smile.png ). I imagine nowadays he'd end up in the slammer for a while, even though it was fake, unfortunately it's now deadly serious, oh how the world has changed.

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I am assuming these lads were not contemplating highjacking, but attempting to take weapons home for personal use or sale. Even so, it was incredibly stupid.

Let me think now... 5 Muslim students returning from a stint in a religious school in Pakistan. Same students attempting to carry firearms and ammo back to Thailand. Now let me think... I wonder what personal use that would involve?

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I am assuming these lads were not contemplating highjacking, but attempting to take weapons home for personal use or sale. Even so, it was incredibly stupid.

About as dumb as it gets.

Yep, it's easy enough to get weapons and arms in Thailand from the redshirt surplus of war toys stolen from the army. Why travel to Pakistan?

Every gun that was ever made is reproduced in Darra Pakistan, by master gunsmiths and readily available for sale to anyone.

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I am assuming these lads were not contemplating highjacking, but attempting to take weapons home for personal use or sale. Even so, it was incredibly stupid.

About as dumb as it gets.

Yep, it's easy enough to get weapons and arms in Thailand from the redshirt surplus of war toys stolen from the army. Why travel to Pakistan?

The have great tea and rotis.

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Different version in BKK Post that reports one 9mm pistol was found, but all five arrested. Went on to say the five were studying at a religious school in NW Pakistan. NW Pakistan is a known area for Islamic extremists. Unless the students received scholarships from Pakistan, strange the Thai government (assists with funding for Islamic studies overseas) would permit studying at that location.

There is a muslim girl in my office who told us that her brother studied at a madarassa in Pakistan for several years. And that there have been batches of thai muslims graduating from there since almost 15yrs. All sponsored by local mosques here which then get funding from Saudi organisations.

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To answer some of the things that has been posted by those that have not bothered to read the OP or update.

At least one comes from Krabi.

They attended Islamic schools in Thailand then went to an Islamic school in Pakistan to "Farther their education" (in Islam)

The school they were attending paid for their education, (such as it is)


The parents of one were spoken to by police, they said he was a good boy who lives by his religion, (so we are told do the IS).

There was one 9mm pistol which had been dismantled and they were each carrying parts or amo.

The parents want the govt to help them.

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This is a student thing, they were probably for their student gangs to shoot other student gangs, I was always taught that student had a pretty good IQ, but I guess that goes out the window in Thailand, and these will be the next elite generation running the Thai country, a short road back to the old days of no rules

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I am amazed by the complacency of of some people. Carrying a firearm onto an airplane is a red flag.

If the firearm is broken down and it along with ammunition is distributed amongst several passengers that is a larger red flag.

If the responsible parties are coming from Pakistan and are "students" at a "religious" school, there is an even larger red flag.

I see a potential air hijacking or terror plot possibility. The people dismissing this even would be the first to criticize and moan had something tragic occurred. I hope these idiots are kept in jail until the mess is sorted out. If they are indeed involved in a terror plot, I hope they enjoy Pakistani jails.

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"[We] respect the laws that are in place in each country, but at the same time, we insist the detainees be given fair deliberation of their cases in accordance with the laws."

so what country can you get on a plane with guns and ammo?

water board them for terror info. 10 years prison. next.

And if they were just stupid kids who want to own a gun, you can be sure they are terrorists afterwards..

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Cleary not very bright these kids!

1. For going to Pakistan in the 1st place (For whatever reason!) Personally I have een there twice (of necessity)

2. For thinking they could smuggles guns

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I am assuming these lads were not contemplating highjacking, but attempting to take weapons home for personal use or sale. Even so, it was incredibly stupid.

One of them no doubt has a 'connected' wealthy dad and this is likely to get swept under the rug with a big bag of Pakistani tea money..

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