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Boy, 11, dies, crushed by Phuket cement truck

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The motorcycle was in the front with the cement truck following but somehow the motorcycle managed to collide with the cement truck????????

Just think about the situation for a minute----the bike WAS in front of the truck then they got to the traffic lights.Its more than likely that the bike was now on the left SIDE of the truck.They both pulled away on the green light.The bike gives a little wobble on t/o and touches the side of the moving truck----Simple really.I am not saying thats what happened but its a possibility.And a plausible reason how the bike and boy ended up under the truck. My condolences to the Mother and RIP to that poor young Boy

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I want to blame the truck driver..... yet I also want to blame the rider..... But it's useless because the root of the problem is in the behavior in us all.

I do blame the people that is supposed to govern the country, keeping it civilized and safe.

It's easy to blame the rider,... but how do you suppose she takes her kids to school? walk? sit on a bus for 3 or 4 hours? It doesn't take a genius to figure that a scooter will be more efficient. I have tried to play "PM" in my head many times and it's not easy. It's not easy because this country has so much problems that's it's almost impossible to know where to start to get the problems fixed. The PM has a tough job, the people in the country isn't making it easier for him.

But I do want to kick the truck driver in the arse for being and idiot and not being more careful.

The Bike hit the left front wheel of the truck, the driver sits on the right side of the truck, it is not possible to see someone on the left side near the trucks front wheel, bike rider is in the wrong not the truck driver, in Australia on the back of all truck and bus a sign saying no passing or overtaking on the left, because the drivers can not see on that side very well. think about it.


“Both vehicles stopped at the red light in front of Makro. When the light turned green, the motorbike collided with the front wheel of the truck''

If the bike was at the front how can it collide with the truck!!!!


Pointing fingers won't make this tragedy go away, nor would it help to make Thai traffic safer. Shame on the posters who felt they are in any position to make judgements here. The mother faces double hell now for the rest of her life, having lost her son plus will she always feel guilty, regardless of who was at fault. If you people feel you know so much or could make Thai roads safer, then do something, get active! Print posters, flyers, stickers or roadside boards on your own expense and distribute them, whatever, but stop judging people couch potatoe style while expecting change!

RIP to the poor boy - hopefully you are in a better place right now. Hope the mother will find closure and the strength to move on, despite her great loss...


were both vehicles alongside each other at the traffic lights ? I can only assume they were if she caught the front wheel of the cement truck did she have a smart phone in her hand or just plain bloody stupid .

What an idiotic and disgusting post. How can you blame the mother of a dead child, knowing nothing?

Hope there's a heaven for little kids, without cement trucks. RIP, little man.

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