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Traffic law violations: Bangkok Administration to lower death toll


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The Thai government and the Bangkok administration may have good intentions with regard to this one. The accidents and fatalities here are horrendous. It is rare for me to drive route 4 for more than 200 km., without seeing a horrendous accident by the side of the road. But, there is a serious issue at stake here. There is no traffic law enforcement. When is the last time you have heard of anyone getting pulled over for reckless driving, speeding, illegal lane change, or any of the other practices that keep people safe in the west? It just does not happen here. The police do not seem to be trained in traffic safety. So, how do you make this happen without re-training the entire police force? It appears to be wishful thinking at best. Pure naivety at worst.

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Ha Ha ha Joke of the week beats the Latest Irish one I heard clap2.gif

you forgot about the 3 new chinese made subs , they have special re-tractable wheels that will enable them to partrol the hiways . the sight of a torpedo grinding its way down the road is enough to scare the bejeebers outta anyone .

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Why traffic rule not caunting in rest of Thailand?

Bangkok Pattaya Hua Hin and Pucket have it's own traffic rule.

Where i get my driving license in DK. Simpel rule do not speeding drive after the other traffic do not drive in to a traffic light if you not can leave it before it change to red and do not make a u-turn if it not are allowed. I can continue. In Surin it's allowed to drink alkohol all do it but if you have a accident where you have drink alcohol then police make harder penalty maybe a fine from 5000 and up, but take the driving licence that will not happen.

I have that felling police not want to make the job they have bean given. they have give up.sick.gifsick.gifsick.gifsick.gif

Edited by beowolf2012
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To cut down on traffic violations you have to have the highway police give out more traffic citations. Death toll rises but citations not on the rise. Wonder what the problem is?

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as seldomn does anyone take responsibility for their acitions and maybe more important the actions of those they are responsible for upbring,. when you allow 6 year old brats to drive motorcycle and they cant read the rules of driving much less road signs, what do you expect? you need to make driving safety films which would include photos of the after gruesome affects of a 12+ person fatility accident. manditory showing on a monthly basis at all schoolsget the monks out of the good luck charm business for personal greed of the monk and those who seek the false assuranses..

there are enough disabled educated people as a result of drunking and driving, doped up, sleeply and maybe a majority of stupid that they could operate handle the national lotto without some group of skimmers getting shares off the top.

when Chaing mai had no traffic lights, published rules of the road, the locals were quite considerate of other vehicles and pedestrians. most of these people had no experience on motorcycle much less auto, etc the first traffic lights were not hooked to electric for closr to 2 years and drivers noted and then ignored as advertisment. then enter the BIB and a chance to make big money on a daily/regular pay schedule. this latter group is thailand major problem.

this same thai copper read the ''godfather'' and its gone downhill from there. the present government is astute enough to know this and seem to be working to rid us of this blight which has invaded thai society in the past 30 years. It was not here back then as the old timers say

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you're reading this all wrong, Thailand to start reporting deaths in different ways, more aand more deaths will be reported as alive, thus admin saves face and slaps collective backs

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6215 road deaths last year? 17 per day? It is more like 30,000 per year

The WHO number is 26.000 deaths within the last year.

From all countries observed by the WHO, Thailand is the only country where those, who die on the way to the hospital or inside the hospital, are not being counted in the statistics. The WHO calculated the death toll to 38 death per 100.000 inhabitants per year.

Yup, think I'll go with the WHO numbers, much more likely to be true than any number the Thai govt quotes.

Such a pity that the govt agencies can't bring them selves to tell the truth. Probably not too many Thais are going to be upset by the 6215 number, perhaps more would sit up and take notice if the WHO number was told to them.

A little bit like the number of children drowing each year, no govt agency will admit the true number is around 2600, the last numer I saw quoted by a govt agency was 900 . . .

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Who says other countries report the true numbers ?

I do not believe that Thailand has the most deaths a year/inhabitants and development stage of the country.

I would be more inclined to accept London's 132 fatal accidents (for 2013) as true than the figure of 262 quoted by Bangkok 's administration.

Edited by Basil B
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Sadly it looks as if we are going to get a round of statistics that in reality have little or no meaning on their own except to reinforce the preconception of some posters on TV.

Confirmation bias is its name, and yah here it supports a great deal of assumptions for which no reason can be deduced.. other than people like to flap their egos.

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Illegal parking represents the majority of traffic violation cases


BANGKOK: -- Illegal parking constitutes 30 percent of all traffic violations in Bangkok for the first six months of this year, according to the Traffic Police Command.

Altogether 442,541 cases of traffic violations were registered and, of these, there were 134,531 cases of illegal parking, followed by 61,541 cases of driving without driving licenses and 42,653e cases of riding motorcycles without crash helmets.

Areas under the jurisdiction of Traffic Police Command scored the highest number of traffic violations at 109,756 cases and, of these, there were 58,046 cases of cars of road unworthiness.

The first division of Metropolitan Police Bureau scored the highest number of illegal parking with 97,812 cases; the ninth division scored the highest number of speeding and 8th division scored the highest number of cases concerning driving without licenses.

The 8th division also ranked top with the highest number of tickets issued, altogether 53,633 tickets. The division covers Talad Phlu, Bopparam, Samrey, Bukkalo, Ratburana, Somdet Chaopraya, Bang Mod, Thung Khru, Pak Klongsarn and Bang Khor Laem police stations.

The 5th division came second with 52,821 tickets issued. The division covers Klong Ton, Thong Lor, Tha Rua, Thung Mahamek, Bang Na, Bang Pongpang, Phra Khanong, Lumpini and Wat Phrayakrai police stations.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/1-7-2558-15-29-08-wpcf_728x410.jpg

-- Thai PBS 2015-07-01

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Well duh ! There is nowhere to park in Bangkok ! Except for private parking of buildings/offices/malls , what else can you do than park illegally.

I guess the same as me...just refuse to drive the car around in the city, driving in bkk is almost as fast as walking,

I,m always amazed at the ability/willingness of the thais to sit in their cars and go nowhere.

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Why is this news? Same same. Without police force and courts overhaul, little will change from these advertised sporadic crackdowns, which really are PR attempts by officials, justifying their jobs. Utter repeated BS, at nauseum.

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why do we bother posting -- but we do -- about time we had the "we are going to crack down on the non wearing of helmets" again, we wil let you know in advance, it starts next Thursday. just like the last time he he !!

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