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Koh Tao: Trial opens for 2 accused of killing British tourists


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Another one of my favorite regular posts here is "My Wife(brother sister, friend, or cousin) is Thai and she thinks the 2 accused didn't do these crimes.

What makes you think for even one second that these people are privy to certain information that we don't have? They are subject to the same Social Media Networks, just like most of you, but this time in Thai. Also where all these Spin Doctors creating doubt through false information to cast a Web to catch Fools in it.

Most Thais I know are much more concerned with Rice and Rubber Prices then they are with some Murder in Tim-Buck-To involving Farangs. ,

Well let me do the same ... unlike on this forum, every Thai friend I know who believed in a cover-up no longer does and are now able to admit they are just angry at the police corruption and those in power being able to get away with things. They thought this was going to be a case that showed the world their corruption. I actually understand their frustration and anger and don't deny their reasons but at least they calmed down and realized this isn't likely an example of these things. No different in the US were those with money and/or power have a different set of justice and where police shoot and kill unarmed blacks at an alarming rate but it doesn't mean every shooting is bad despite some people wanting to believe this and even trying to make every shooting into criminal case. But again, understand the feeling of many inner city people as they have had enough but they lose credibility when they take every shooting and try to turn it into a cop being a cold blooded murder.

cheesy.gif you two are so funny cheesy.gif

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is "dodo" the same person as numbnuts, the one seen running in the video?

Yes, Dodo, or Nomsod. The one who we saw his televised DNA show, and were told he was no match, and then discovered in court yesterday that actually, the report of his DNA test was never recieved - the lead investigator admitted that, and furthermore that he did not know where the samples are.

The police also well aware of rumours that an altercation took place involving him at the AC bar, but they didn't think it was worth following up.

Some people fall so easily for spin it's not even funny.

Do you know why the people investigating the Koh Tao murders didn't get those DNA results?

Because that DNA test was done on the 30th of October, almost a month after the men on trial were arrested and it was done to appease Social Media gossip not as part of the crime investigation; the police never requested a DNA test because he wasn't on the island on the day of the murders.

How strange that they didn't follow the rumors of a fight at a bar involving a person that wasn't physically there at the time.

AleG, you're beyond losing the plot. Reminds me of the Japanese soldier stranded on a remote hill on a Philippine island. He stands there, in tattered uniform, ready to die for the emperor, even tho the war has been over for decades. AleG, talk to your RTP buddies. Even they would have to agree their case is in tatters - yet you still twist yourself in knots trying to defend their mistakes.

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No news prior to the discovery that the DNA why can be retested again.

Why such a Victory Parade over nothing?

Was it because the Top Investigator didn't think to ask the person who was rumored to have an altercation with Hannah? I wonder how he could since his area was on the Island and this Dodo Guy was reported to be in Bangkok. So the person wanted for questioning was now put in the hands of the Bangkok Police. Who cleared him.

Or was this parade about not checking the CCTV Camera at the pier. This pier belongs to the Ferry Boat Company for the loading and unloading of passengers. What do you hope to see from that CCTV Footage. A man getting on board the ferry with a sign on his back saying "I did it"? Or was it the CCTV Footage of some mysterious boat leaving 1 hour after the murders? Wonder how the Defense Team knew this? But if this is it then consider this also.

The time of death for both victims was first reported soon after the discoveries to be between 2 am and 4 am. Obviously 11 months later we know it couldn't be 2 am. But I have never seen one after this report that says different. Not to say it doesn't not exist. Some quoted here 4:30 am. I have no idea where he got that from but lets use that time even for the sake of argument.

This fast Boat was reported to have left 1 hour after the murders. I don't recall it said from the pier, as this is private property of the Ferry Boat Company, but for the sake of argument again, that's say this is so. That places this boat leaving at 5:30 am at the latest. The sun did not come up until after 6 am that day.So how many lights would a Ferry Boat Company put on their pier when they never board passengers at night time or off load them then.

But again if they did have lights how many actually worked? Like 2 out of 3 and like the CCTV Cameras, or less? But under perfect conditions what would you expect to see? Just another grainy picture showing the back of someones head who 25% would say it in Nomsod, 25% would say it was Mon, and 50% would say it looks like there kid brother and wonder where he was that night.

As the Man rightful stated, the CCTV Footage from the pier was not relevant as you are not going to see a bloody thing that time in the morning anyway. Even the partially blind gardener who found his hoe in the dark couldn't see that.

Or lastly was it the Hoe that a police man was questioned about why he didn't turn it in for DNA and he only told the Defense his end of the investigation. That he looked at it through a magnify glass and didn't see any finger prints or blood on it. But then the Specialist for the Forensics comes on the stand and says it was tested for finger prints, and none were found. That the only DNA discovered belonged to Hannah.

I mean if the Defense is going to ask questions why not ask the people involved. How would any police man on the Island know what is going on someplace else with DNA. It is not there job to know that.The same as if you go out and ask a traffic cop in Bangkok to name the 5 Police Men who were on the Island at the morning of these crimes. Chances are he wouldn't know that either, Because it is not his job to know, His job is to direct Traffic in Bangkok. The Investigators job on the Island was to Investigate.

The CCTV footage from the pier is a red herring from the defense, it has no bearing whatsoever in the case against the two Burmese men.

could you take the time to explain to us all what exactly has a bearing on the case against the two Burmese that can be submitted, independently scrutinised and verified

I'll make it easy

Confession - no record and suspected of being extracted under torture and threats, has since been retracted

DNA Match - claimed to exist but as yet cannot be verified or scrutinised by anyone including the court

Running man CCTV - claimed to be one of the defendants but is clearly not for various reasons the most obvious being no wrist bands

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The CCTV footage from the pier is a red herring from the defense, it has no bearing whatsoever in the case against the two Burmese men.

No, it seems to me like it was an obvious path of investigation that was ignored by the cops but that should have, whatever the results, been investigated as a matter of course. A red Herring from the Defence? For what?

It's a red herring because whatever went on at the pier is not part of the case the prosecution has put together against the men on trial.

The investigation team collected enough evidence against the two Burmese to indict them and none of it relates to footage from that pier, harping on that will not prove the DNA evidence is false, it's not going to prove they were not near the scene of the crime, it's not going to prove they were not in possession of one of the victim's phone, it's not going to erase any of their four confessions, etc, etc...

You mean the confessions that were taken under duress and torture, behind closed doors, with no video or audio record or transcript which were later recanted when they got media and human rights involved. Ok.

The investigation's evidence does not relate to the footage? Well no shit sherlock, or they would have used it. The defence is more than justified in asking why it wasn't examined. Thats half the point - the defence needs to question areas of the investigation that are contentious, or things that were ignored.

ANd again with your DNA evidence - they have still to bring this out. And if they have it on stock, but don't have the original swabs, how can that be verified??

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Another one of my favorite regular posts here is "My Wife(brother sister, friend, or cousin) is Thai and she thinks the 2 accused didn't do these crimes.

What makes you think for even one second that these people are privy to certain information that we don't have? They are subject to the same Social Media Networks, just like most of you, but this time in Thai. Also where all these Spin Doctors creating doubt through false information to cast a Web to catch Fools in it.

Most Thais I know are much more concerned with Rice and Rubber Prices then they are with some Murder in Tim-Buck-To involving Farangs. ,

Well let me do the same ... unlike on this forum, every Thai friend I know who believed in a cover-up no longer does and are now able to admit they are just angry at the police corruption and those in power being able to get away with things. They thought this was going to be a case that showed the world their corruption. I actually understand their frustration and anger and don't deny their reasons but at least they calmed down and realized this isn't likely an example of these things. No different in the US were those with money and/or power have a different set of justice and where police shoot and kill unarmed blacks at an alarming rate but it doesn't mean every shooting is bad despite some people wanting to believe this and even trying to make every shooting into criminal case. But again, understand the feeling of many inner city people as they have had enough but they lose credibility when they take every shooting and try to turn it into a cop being a cold blooded murder.

cheesy.gif you two are so funny cheesy.gif


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Sixth highest rank in the commissioned officer group in the RTP and couldn't even organize a piss up in a brewery with all the taps running..... How does one get to be a Colonel (I know, I know.....$$) with this level of incompetence.

Investigating officer Cherdpong Chiewpreecha revealed the shocking failures of the investigation when he appeared in court today.

The staggering blunders include:

  • Failing to confirm whether the mobile phone and SIM card found on the beach belonged to Mr Miller
  • Failing to sufficiently explain apparent discrepancies between the clothing of potential suspects, whose images were caught on CCTV
  • Failing to take into account body measurements of potential suspects when examining CCTV footage
  • Not being present during the collection of crucial DNA evidence, despite being the investigating officer in the case. Colonel Chiewpreecha admitted he had no idea how the DNA was taken and did not know whether the samples had been sent to Singapore for testing.

They are certainly helping the defence but all these failings are not mistakes or errors by doing there work correctly the real killers would have been exposed.

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Another one of my favorite regular posts here is "My Wife(brother sister, friend, or cousin) is Thai and she thinks the 2 accused didn't do these crimes.

What makes you think for even one second that these people are privy to certain information that we don't have? They are subject to the same Social Media Networks, just like most of you, but this time in Thai. Also where all these Spin Doctors creating doubt through false information to cast a Web to catch Fools in it.

Most Thais I know are much more concerned with Rice and Rubber Prices then they are with some Murder in Tim-Buck-To involving Farangs. ,

Well let me do the same ... unlike on this forum, every Thai friend I know who believed in a cover-up no longer does and are now able to admit they are just angry at the police corruption and those in power being able to get away with things. They thought this was going to be a case that showed the world their corruption. I actually understand their frustration and anger and don't deny their reasons but at least they calmed down and realized this isn't likely an example of these things. No different in the US were those with money and/or power have a different set of justice and where police shoot and kill unarmed blacks at an alarming rate but it doesn't mean every shooting is bad despite some people wanting to believe this and even trying to make every shooting into criminal case. But again, understand the feeling of many inner city people as they have had enough but they lose credibility when they take every shooting and try to turn it into a cop being a cold blooded murder.

cheesy.gif you two are so funny cheesy.gif

Wow. I like how not every shooting is bad. And that all these Thai people who couldn't care less about the murders according to GB, are actually all following it according to JTJ, and they now no longer believe its a cover up. I guess these would be the neighbours on KT. Yes I'm sure they will all be keen to broadcast the fact they beleive the Police have done a good job.

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25 July 2015, Last update at 09:48:00 GMT

Koh Tao Murder: Top Forensic Scientist to Testify for Defense
he courthouse on Koh Samui where 2 Burmese men are being tried for the murder of British tourist on Koh Tao, 24 July 2015.

SURAT THANI — The head of Thailand's Central Institute of Forensic Science will testify in defense of two Burmese men accused of killing two British backpackers in southern Thailand last year.

Judges ruled on Friday to add an additional day to the trial, which is taking place over several staggered sessions, to allow for CIFS director Pornthip Rojanasunand to take the witness stand at Koh Samui Provincial Court on 11 September.

Pornthip’s appearance was requested by the defendants’ lawyers because her agency, which falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice, is re-examining several pieces of forensic evidence from the case that have only been tested privately by police.

Pornthip, who is due to retire this October, is well-known in Thailand for disagreeing with Thai police in several high-profile cases.


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The CCTV footage from the pier is a red herring from the defense, it has no bearing whatsoever in the case against the two Burmese men.

No, it seems to me like it was an obvious path of investigation that was ignored by the cops but that should have, whatever the results, been investigated as a matter of course. A red Herring from the Defence? For what?

It's a red herring because whatever went on at the pier is not part of the case the prosecution has put together against the men on trial.

The investigation team collected enough evidence against the two Burmese to indict them and none of it relates to footage from that pier, harping on that will not prove the DNA evidence is false, it's not going to prove they were not near the scene of the crime, it's not going to prove they were not in possession of one of the victim's phone, it's not going to erase any of their four confessions, etc, etc...

spoken like a dyed-in-the-wool Nomsod shielder.

To me, as important as any of the other many screw-ups of the RTP/prosecution is: one of the leading cops admitting that the test results for Nomsod's DNA WAS NEVER SHOWN TO HIM !!! In other words, all the conspiracy stuff (as jdinasia would assert) I've spent hours writing about how easy it would for top brass to skew the DNA .....is all moot.

Top brass probably never mislabeled anything related to DNA. All that has to happen is the Top Cop Somyot, just get in front of a mic with the press corps watching, and say ......whatever he wants. .....'Nomsod's DNA doesn't match' or 'The Burmeses' DNA matches'

Simple. Done. End of story. After that, all the authorities need to do is wait for summer to roll around, tell the judge, and voila, conviction and sentence for the B2. Simple as pie.

Reality check: Unfortunately for Somyot and his crafty crew, the general public aren't as stupifyingly gullible as AleG, JTJ and GB. Sorry about that, RTP. You're going to have to back up your statements with some proof. Don't have any? Oh don't worry, the court will bend over backwards to accommodate.

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Here is an interesting news report with some new discrepancies:


The main gist of the article is that almost nothing was investigated and Investigating officer Cherdpong Chiewpreecha knows next to nothing about the case.

I can understand why the RTP would want to claim no investigation inside AC Bar. If they said an investigation occurred, they would need to answer questions about it. However, some of the points Cherdpong expressed ignorance about were quite unbelievable.

Is the prosecution trying deliberately to lose? If so, has a deal been struck (maybe even with the Burmese kids themselves) to ensure they are found not guilty if they promise to keep what they know to themselves? Any other possibilities?

Just an FYI, that site is blocked in Thailand. You can probably copy and paste a paragraph within the story and do a google search to find another site which ran the same story.

LInk works for me in thailand!

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It's a red herring because whatever went on at the pier is not part of the case the prosecution has put together against the men on trial.

The investigation team collected enough evidence against the two Burmese to indict them and none of it relates to footage from that pier, harping on that will not prove the DNA evidence is false, it's not going to prove they were not near the scene of the crime, it's not going to prove they were not in possession of one of the victim's phone, it's not going to erase any of their four confessions, etc, etc...

You mean the confessions that were taken under duress and torture, behind closed doors, with no video or audio record or transcript which were later recanted when they got media and human rights involved. Ok.

The investigation's evidence does not relate to the footage? Well no shit sherlock, or they would have used it. The defence is more than justified in asking why it wasn't examined. Thats half the point - the defence needs to question areas of the investigation that are contentious, or things that were ignored.

ANd again with your DNA evidence - they have still to bring this out. And if they have it on stock, but don't have the original swabs, how can that be verified??

I mean all the confessions that we know of.

-They confessed to the police investigators.

-They confessed to representatives of the Myanmar Embassy and their lawyers.

-They confessed to the doctor that examined them.

-They confessed to the Human Rights Commissioner.

I'm pretty sure that at least the confession to the HRC had "human rights involved" :rolleyes:

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I always shake my head when I read something like "These Poor Boys!" "Take a look at them!" "They couldn't hurt a flea"!

Now let me point out a "Fact" to you all.

Myanmar, and where these so called "Innocent Boys" come from, has the Highest Murder Rate in all of Asia. All of Asia! The Myanmar Murder Rate is triple what it is in Thailand. Meaning by population for every 1 Murder in Thailand, there are 3 Murders in Myanmar. Thailand's Murder Rate is only slightly higher than the USA. But no small wonder they look at Myanmar Workers first when their is a murder committed nearby.

So could they commit murder? You bet your bottom dollar they could! And there own Government Statistics proves that and they can back that up.


Desperate measures from a person who is struggling to stack it up.

More likely to be killed In the Bahamas. Twice as likely ... doesnt mean you right the whole race off as murderer's. Really that's the most tosh I have read all day.

You could do with a weeks holiday for your racist comments.

God give me strength.

Edit.... And we know the 3 times tables i understand you want us to know you are capable too.

I have worked with more Black, Yellow, and Red People than you will ever see in your life time. Many were my friends. I do not have one once of racism in my body.With what I have seen and read about in this case I could care less if these murders where done by a Migrant Workers, or Thais, or Whites from the UK. My feelings about it all would still be the same.

Yes! Some of these Tourist Hot Spots are high on the list for Murders. Tourist bring money and when you are poor brings crime also. Thailand is a Hot Spot for tourist destination while as it stands now Myanmar is not. But then I wasn't the one who suggested we print this big map to show how dangerous it is in Thailand either.

You say your not a racist but use colours to define your friends? Of course you're not a racist and of course you're not a shill, you're just misunderstood!!

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Yes, Dodo, or Nomsod. The one who we saw his televised DNA show, and were told he was no match, and then discovered in court yesterday that actually, the report of his DNA test was never recieved - the lead investigator admitted that, and furthermore that he did not know where the samples are.

The police also well aware of rumours that an altercation took place involving him at the AC bar, but they didn't think it was worth following up.

Some people fall so easily for spin it's not even funny.

Do you know why the people investigating the Koh Tao murders didn't get those DNA results?

Because that DNA test was done on the 30th of October, almost a month after the men on trial were arrested and it was done to appease Social Media gossip not as part of the crime investigation; the police never requested a DNA test because he wasn't on the island on the day of the murders.

How strange that they didn't follow the rumors of a fight at a bar involving a person that wasn't physically there at the time.

And there's your spinner! So they only DNA tested for the public's benefit, and then tossed the reports and samples in the bin, Yep, that makes sense. How strange they didn't investigate rumours,...........Even rumours should be investigated - Police often have to deal with rumours, some of which turn out to be true.

Did you also read the Daily Mail article that listed all the things the Police, the lead investigator, didn't know, didn't consider, or didn't bother to chase up?

Kindly break it down and send your explanation for each instance of the lead investigator not knowing or doing or investigating something and how it is excusable.

We will wait.

They investigated the rumors, that's how they found out the person being accused was not on the island; that rumor turned out to be false, it hasn't stopped the same people that created it on the first place to keep coming up with new ones.

The Headmans boy has offered exactly two things to try and convince the world he was in Bangkok. A short video clip that's suspicious at best, and DNA that was "tested" under dubious circumstances.

If I were him I'd have a pile of receipts from all the things I bought in Bangkok that day, I'd also have friends to vouch for me being where is claimed to be. If he really was in Bangkok, why not give more evidence? The hiso Thai here has a Facebook "support page".... A little over 1000 people support that page (LMAO) and there are numerous Thais letting him know what they think about him.

Wait I'm just now recalling the phone records they claim could prove it! Another thing that's been claimed but not provided to the public or defense.

If I were NS, my first priority would be giving the defense all of my evidence that indicates I'm in Bangkok.

I wouldn't be crying about how my life is "Ruined" because I've been suspected of a crime. I would be finding anything I could to prove it.

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I always shake my head when I read something like "These Poor Boys!" "Take a look at them!" "They couldn't hurt a flea"!

Now let me point out a "Fact" to you all.

Myanmar, and where these so called "Innocent Boys" come from, has the Highest Murder Rate in all of Asia. All of Asia! The Myanmar Murder Rate is triple what it is in Thailand. Meaning by population for every 1 Murder in Thailand, there are 3 Murders in Myanmar. Thailand's Murder Rate is only slightly higher than the USA. But no small wonder they look at Myanmar Workers first when their is a murder committed nearby.

So could they commit murder? You bet your bottom dollar they could! And there own Government Statistics proves that and they can back that up.


Desperate measures from a person who is struggling to stack it up.

More likely to be killed In the Bahamas. Twice as likely ... doesnt mean you right the whole race off as murderer's. Really that's the most tosh I have read all day.

You could do with a weeks holiday for your racist comments.

God give me strength.

Given the area they come from in Myanmar has seen some of the worst violence in the country and that the army there is widely known to use rape as s means to punish and control, it wouldn't be out of line to consider they have at minimum likely seen a great deal of violence against people.

You and your racist sidekick could do with a spell in the sin bin. I hope a mods reading your malicious and libelous rants. If your theory was correctly every person who witnesses a murder goes and and kills someone then. Ridiculous absolutely Ridiculous. This thread has sunken to a new low...

Your post makes no sense. First, how is anything I said a "malicious and libelous rants"? Second, where did I indicate witnessing a violent crime would make somebody commit a violent crime?

The fact is their country has some of the worst human rights record on the planet and they were from an area where some of the worst violence has taken place. I am not talking about crime but genocide. It is also widely known and reported that the military there often commit rape against it own citizens.

However, it is worth considering these two may have been effected by what happened to them in their own country. Maybe nothing happened, maybe things did and made them pacifists or maybe it lowered their view on the seriousness of rape and murder. All I said is, "it wouldn't be out of line to consider", this.

So, please either set aside your faux outrage or calm down and read what I wrote and do a little bit of research on the area in the country they came from. I added a couple links below Didn't read them but might give you a better understanding of where these two came from and what they "might" have experienced.







Many folk here JTJ come from USA, a country I have never been to but am informed that it is quite common there for white people to shoot people because they are black skinned. I have heaps of American friends and do not believe for a minute any of them are capable of shooting some one from a different race. The logic that all Burmese are killers does not apply because we are not in US and we are not in Myanmar, we are in Thailand.

You and GB are not despicable people but you are doing a despicable act by supporting a sham trial. If the Burmese are guilty, why is it necessary to beat the crap out of them

and then get them to sign a statement in a language they are not literate in? I would have thought that you would just take them to trial and show the world their guilt by following a professional line of presenting the facts. Those two desperately unlucky Burmese have no form and no motive. Those are facts.

The tragedy is that Thailand has put themselves on trial and the world does not like what it sees. The trial lacks fairness and justice. No one is allowed to take notes, foreign correspondents cannot employ interpreters and translators, everyone on the islands is too afraid to talk, Nomsod's bodyguards have gone missing, Nomsod himself has defied all the laws of physics and been able to be in 2 places at once, crime scene is contaminated beyond belief and by some one who may have been a suspect, bodies are moved several times, no independent person is allowed to view crucial cctv footage of what happened inside AC bar,.What also needs to addressed is the fact that the person known as the running man and the person known as Nomsod are clearly one and the same. Except for the characters in the Monty Python sketches no other person on this earth has such distinctive mannerisms when walking. Why the need for so many lies if the Burmese did it ????? I do not know who committed the terrible acts but I do want a fair trial.

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It's a red herring because whatever went on at the pier is not part of the case the prosecution has put together against the men on trial.

The investigation team collected enough evidence against the two Burmese to indict them and none of it relates to footage from that pier, harping on that will not prove the DNA evidence is false, it's not going to prove they were not near the scene of the crime, it's not going to prove they were not in possession of one of the victim's phone, it's not going to erase any of their four confessions, etc, etc...

You mean the confessions that were taken under duress and torture, behind closed doors, with no video or audio record or transcript which were later recanted when they got media and human rights involved. Ok.

The investigation's evidence does not relate to the footage? Well no shit sherlock, or they would have used it. The defence is more than justified in asking why it wasn't examined. Thats half the point - the defence needs to question areas of the investigation that are contentious, or things that were ignored.

ANd again with your DNA evidence - they have still to bring this out. And if they have it on stock, but don't have the original swabs, how can that be verified??

I mean all the confessions that we know of.

-They confessed to the police investigators.

-They confessed to representatives of the Myanmar Embassy and their lawyers.

-They confessed to the doctor that examined them.

-They confessed to the Human Rights Commissioner.

I'm pretty sure that at least the confession to the HRC had "human rights involved" rolleyes.gif

Correct it did get Human Rights involved and as a result they requested on at least 3 separate occasions for the RTP to attend a meeting to investigate the allegations of torture, guess what no show to this day. Are you feeling cheerful this morning with your first smiley of the day......aaaaaaaah rolleyes.gif

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It's a red herring because whatever went on at the pier is not part of the case the prosecution has put together against the men on trial.

The investigation team collected enough evidence against the two Burmese to indict them and none of it relates to footage from that pier, harping on that will not prove the DNA evidence is false, it's not going to prove they were not near the scene of the crime, it's not going to prove they were not in possession of one of the victim's phone, it's not going to erase any of their four confessions, etc, etc...

You mean the confessions that were taken under duress and torture, behind closed doors, with no video or audio record or transcript which were later recanted when they got media and human rights involved. Ok.

The investigation's evidence does not relate to the footage? Well no shit sherlock, or they would have used it. The defence is more than justified in asking why it wasn't examined. Thats half the point - the defence needs to question areas of the investigation that are contentious, or things that were ignored.

ANd again with your DNA evidence - they have still to bring this out. And if they have it on stock, but don't have the original swabs, how can that be verified??

I mean all the confessions that we know of.

-They confessed to the police investigators.

-They confessed to representatives of the Myanmar Embassy and their lawyers.

-They confessed to the doctor that examined them.

-They confessed to the Human Rights Commissioner.

I'm pretty sure that at least the confession to the HRC had "human rights involved" rolleyes.gif

Gee Booboo, ya think they might have been scared and intimidated maybe? Jail is not the safest place to be when you're in enemy territory.

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That, and you can't accuse a Thai big mans son of Murder and remain the head of police in the area. Especially when that big man is connected to another big man named Suthep.

Unless you and your family maybe have more money and better connections that the 'Big Man'.

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It's a red herring because whatever went on at the pier is not part of the case the prosecution has put together against the men on trial.

The investigation team collected enough evidence against the two Burmese to indict them and none of it relates to footage from that pier, harping on that will not prove the DNA evidence is false, it's not going to prove they were not near the scene of the crime, it's not going to prove they were not in possession of one of the victim's phone, it's not going to erase any of their four confessions, etc, etc...

You mean the confessions that were taken under duress and torture, behind closed doors, with no video or audio record or transcript which were later recanted when they got media and human rights involved. Ok.

The investigation's evidence does not relate to the footage? Well no shit sherlock, or they would have used it. The defence is more than justified in asking why it wasn't examined. Thats half the point - the defence needs to question areas of the investigation that are contentious, or things that were ignored.

ANd again with your DNA evidence - they have still to bring this out. And if they have it on stock, but don't have the original swabs, how can that be verified??

I mean all the confessions that we know of.

-They confessed to the police investigators.

-They confessed to representatives of the Myanmar Embassy and their lawyers.

-They confessed to the doctor that examined them.

-They confessed to the Human Rights Commissioner.

I'm pretty sure that at least the confession to the HRC had "human rights involved" rolleyes.gif

Has the court heard the facts of the "confessions" and ruled them as admitted evidence?

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Here is an interesting news report with some new discrepancies:


The main gist of the article is that almost nothing was investigated and Investigating officer Cherdpong Chiewpreecha knows next to nothing about the case.

I can understand why the RTP would want to claim no investigation inside AC Bar. If they said an investigation occurred, they would need to answer questions about it. However, some of the points Cherdpong expressed ignorance about were quite unbelievable.

Is the prosecution trying deliberately to lose? If so, has a deal been struck (maybe even with the Burmese kids themselves) to ensure they are found not guilty if they promise to keep what they know to themselves? Any other possibilities?

Just an FYI, that site is blocked in Thailand. You can probably copy and paste a paragraph within the story and do a google search to find another site which ran the same story.

There are ways and means.

Here is a snippet.

Investigating officer Cherdpong Chiewpreecha revealed the shocking failures of the investigation when he appeared in court today.

The staggering blunders include:

  • Failing to confirm whether the mobile phone and SIM card found on the beach belonged to Mr Miller
  • Failing to sufficiently explain apparent discrepancies between the clothing of potential suspects, whose images were caught on CCTV
  • Failing to take into account body measurements of potential suspects when examining CCTV footage
  • Not being present during the collection of crucial DNA evidence, despite being the investigating officer in the case. Colonel Chiewpreecha admitted he had no idea how the DNA was taken and did not know whether the samples had been sent to Singapore for testing.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3173235/Catalogue-police-blunders-including-failure-investigate-evidence-chase-suspects-revealed-court-judge-doubts-case-conclusive-outcome.html#ixzz3gs2VG0vJ

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I mean all the confessions that we know of.

-They confessed to the police investigators.

-They confessed to representatives of the Myanmar Embassy and their lawyers.

-They confessed to the doctor that examined them.

-They confessed to the Human Rights Commissioner.

I'm pretty sure that at least the confession to the HRC had "human rights involved" rolleyes.gif

Gee Booboo, ya think they might have been scared and intimidated maybe? Jail is not the safest place to be when you're in enemy territory.

Scared and intimidated of the repercussions they would face if they said they didn't do it, not scared or intimidated of the repercussions they would face if they said they had been assaulted/tortured by the people holding them.

And not only they just confess to the murder, they give details of how and why they did it, even if that contradicts what the police were allegedly saying at the time:

Meanwhile, Parinya Sirisarakarn, a member of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), yesterday gave new information about forensic evidence and claims made by the two suspects - Maung Saw and Maung Win - whom he had met.

He said they told him they had not used condoms while sexually violating the female victim, contrary to earlier police statements that sperm carrying their DNA was found on the outside of condoms.

Yeah, right.

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Another one of my favorite regular posts here is "My Wife(brother sister, friend, or cousin) is Thai and she thinks the 2 accused didn't do these crimes.

What makes you think for even one second that these people are privy to certain information that we don't have? They are subject to the same Social Media Networks, just like most of you, but this time in Thai. Also where all these Spin Doctors creating doubt through false information to cast a Web to catch Fools in it.

Most Thais I know are much more concerned with Rice and Rubber Prices then they are with some Murder in Tim-Buck-To involving Farangs. ,

You're right GB, we don't have a lot of data - which could shed light on who the real criminals are. Here's why: the people paid by taxpayers to protect the public, and to properly investigate crimes ......are intentionally withholding/trashing/tweaking/misrepresenting/not-looking-at evidence to try and mislead the public who are paying their salaries.

If I have a broken car and I take it to a car fixing shop, I want them to tell me what's wrong, and hopefully they can fix it. If RTP was running a car repair shop, they would do the following:

>>> grossly mis-diagnose

>>> not look at key indications of problems

>>> intentionally break things

>>> lie to the customer about everything

>>> over-charge, and leave the customer with a car in worse shape than when she brought it in.

Been to that car repair shop myself, wasn't run buy the RTP though.

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you gotta see this. . . . .

< snip >

Good one, Boomer. And just for you, from the same movie:

All right, Mrs. Gale. But some day they're going to erect a statue to me in this town, and --
Well, don't start posing for it now.
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The CCTV footage from the pier is a red herring from the defense, it has no bearing whatsoever in the case against the two Burmese men.

No, it seems to me like it was an obvious path of investigation that was ignored by the cops but that should have, whatever the results, been investigated as a matter of course. A red Herring from the Defence? For what?

It's a red herring because whatever went on at the pier is not part of the case the prosecution has put together against the men on trial.

The investigation team collected enough evidence against the two Burmese to indict them and none of it relates to footage from that pier, harping on that will not prove the DNA evidence is false, it's not going to prove they were not near the scene of the crime, it's not going to prove they were not in possession of one of the victim's phone, it's not going to erase any of their four confessions, etc, etc...

spoken like a dyed-in-the-wool Nomsod shielder.

To me, as important as any of the other many screw-ups of the RTP/prosecution is: one of the leading cops admitting that the test results for Nomsod's DNA WAS NEVER SHOWN TO HIM !!! In other words, all the conspiracy stuff (as jdinasia would assert) I've spent hours writing about how easy it would for top brass to skew the DNA .....is all moot.

Top brass probably never mislabeled anything related to DNA. All that has to happen is the Top Cop Somyot, just get in front of a mic with the press corps watching, and say ......whatever he wants. .....'Nomsod's DNA doesn't match' or 'The Burmeses' DNA matches'

Simple. Done. End of story. After that, all the authorities need to do is wait for summer to roll around, tell the judge, and voila, conviction and sentence for the B2. Simple as pie.

Reality check: Unfortunately for Somyot and his crafty crew, the general public aren't as stupifyingly gullible as AleG, JTJ and GB. Sorry about that, RTP. You're going to have to back up your statements with some proof. Don't have any? Oh don't worry, the court will bend over backwards to accommodate.

you are absolutely 100% correct my friend and is totally in line with my own conjecture

The Police here have gotten away with this type of behaviour for a considerable time, while the rest of the world has moved on from the 1700's it would appear that Thailand's Political Police and Justice System are caught in a time warp

If they want to join the civilised world they need to start and get their house in order

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I mean all the confessions that we know of.

-They confessed to the police investigators.

-They confessed to representatives of the Myanmar Embassy and their lawyers.

-They confessed to the doctor that examined them.

-They confessed to the Human Rights Commissioner.

I'm pretty sure that at least the confession to the HRC had "human rights involved" rolleyes.gif

Gee Booboo, ya think they might have been scared and intimidated maybe? Jail is not the safest place to be when you're in enemy territory.

Scared and intimidated of the repercussions they would face if they said they didn't do it, not scared or intimidated of the repercussions they would face if they said they had been assaulted/tortured by the people holding them.

And not only they just confess to the murder, they give details of how and why they did it, even if that contradicts what the police were allegedly saying at the time:

Meanwhile, Parinya Sirisarakarn, a member of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), yesterday gave new information about forensic evidence and claims made by the two suspects - Maung Saw and Maung Win - whom he had met.

He said they told him they had not used condoms while sexually violating the female victim, contrary to earlier police statements that sperm carrying their DNA was found on the outside of condoms.

Yeah, right.

In that case I wonder why they retracted their statements. If they're found guilty the death penalty awaits. Maybe they mistook their lawyers for Johnnie Cochran and Robert Kardashian.

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Since I just came back from Burma, I think i will take my guitar down to the beach and smoke my burmese ciggarettes that I just brought back with me as I don't like the Thai ones from the Seven, actually I can't afford them on the pay they give me so I very happy to get some today.

Oh, I better take a condom with me as well as I might get lucky when I drunk I can have falang girl so I got to be carefull don't leave DNA,(actually I dont know what is DNA)

I take Hoe with me as well as maybe trouble with boyfriend and need to make the sand look nice when I finish or get the sack from big boss man.


Edited by kiwikeith
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I mean all the confessions that we know of.

-They confessed to the police investigators.

-They confessed to representatives of the Myanmar Embassy and their lawyers.

-They confessed to the doctor that examined them.

-They confessed to the Human Rights Commissioner.

I'm pretty sure that at least the confession to the HRC had "human rights involved" rolleyes.gif

Gee Booboo, ya think they might have been scared and intimidated maybe? Jail is not the safest place to be when you're in enemy territory.

Scared and intimidated of the repercussions they would face if they said they didn't do it, not scared or intimidated of the repercussions they would face if they said they had been assaulted/tortured by the people holding them.

And not only they just confess to the murder, they give details of how and why they did it, even if that contradicts what the police were allegedly saying at the time:

Meanwhile, Parinya Sirisarakarn, a member of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), yesterday gave new information about forensic evidence and claims made by the two suspects - Maung Saw and Maung Win - whom he had met.

He said they told him they had not used condoms while sexually violating the female victim, contrary to earlier police statements that sperm carrying their DNA was found on the outside of condoms.

Yeah, right.

When they confessed to the lawyer from their embassy, who stated in the press they confessed, there was no police around and the two were not scared to tell them police had abused them in order to get the confession out of them.

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The Gentleman who described this case as "perfect" must be feeling rather upset at this time.

Lets hope he shows he really is a man, and takes charge and end this utter and totally farce.

Also show the real Thai people that there is real change in Thailand by starting a new investigation into the crime and arresting and bringing justice to the real perpetrators.

Edited by BoristheBlade
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