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Thai govt says Yingluck free to attend Thaksin's birthday abroad

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555 just like the rains bring out the croaking fronts at night, so the mention of the good and the great disenfranchised people's choices in Thailand politics brings out the harpies and haters on Thai Visa. Well, love you all some Suthep and the Prime Moaner along with the cancer ridden but won't die judiciary and the monstrosities of power hiding behind the curtains.

Long live Yingluck Shinawatra and Thaksin and the worthies that follow them no matter how vile their opposition. Better than you lot on your best day. Keep foaming at the mouth like dogs with rabies, shows your breeding.

Your hero in action

Yes he is nice pice.


I wish the clowns who give Prayuth heaps for his attitude towards the media would have the guts to click on that link and read about their hero Thaksin's antics regarding the same media.

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there appears to be a lot of political knowalls on thai visa and I wonder how long most of you have actually been in Thailand 5 minutes here and you know everything .

I like the idea that spending a lot of time in Thailand would make a person more knowledgeable about politics. Also, a person doesn't need to have spent decades in prison to recognise liars, larcenists and bandits.

For example, Thaksin's war on drugs, is often viewed more realistically by people who have never even set foot here. Where I come from, executing thousands of people without trial, randomly executing lottery-winners just because they had got suddenly wealthy, is what we daft foreigners call "crimes against humanity." Committing these atrocities as a populist career-move, is evil, and this is clear to anybody regardless of how long they have or have not been living in a specific nation.


Could always go down to Surat Thani and hide in a temple i suppose. whistling.gifcoffee1.gif

Or a mushroom shed in Isaan


I am surprised she has time to attend a birthday party especially when she could not attend an NACC hearing due to her business commitments.

Just shows where her priorities are. Just shows how much she lies as well as on the day she was too busy to attend the NACC her FB page shows her looking at Durian up north.

Contempt for the system and the law yet an undying love for her brother. Sounds like a description of the mafia in Italy.

I wonder if yingluck will kneel and kiss his ring in Dubai cause she certainly kissed his ass in Mongolia.


This is why the new Pm should never be elected again. He lost his powerful military figure. Giving in to students and illegal boat people and now Yingluck . He might be PM and Military leader but he is still a scared to cross Thansin. No PM should be afraid to due the duty to the King!


Happy Birthday Billionaire! I would buy you a gift if I'm a Billionaire...

And what do you suppose it is that Thaksin desires that money can't buy?


Happy Birthday Billionaire! I would buy you a gift if I'm a Billionaire...

And what do you suppose it is that Thaksin desires that money can't buy?
Iam sure many of us could answer that one, but the risks are too high ;-)

Have a huge party. Let them all leave. Then cancel there passports and sieze eveything they own....

Gone off the idea of hanging people in Siam sqare, have you?

What's your proposal ?.

Put them in a crowd with their wives and kids then pay some other baboon 2000 baht to fire an M79 at them ?.

Then have a big party and cheer when you hear the news ?.

The semi-literate hypocrites are out in force today. Either that or they left their PC's logged in and their 6 year old son's are having a go.

Damn those semi-literate hypocrites and their 6 year old son's...


We are SO much better off now aren't we. Economy tanking, no real freedom of speech to speak of. I imagine the best is yet to come!

Practically speaking 'we' are much better off. Baht weakening, 'we' never had a say anyway so 'freedom of speech' moot. The Thai population however, not so much. coffee1.gif


there appears to be a lot of political knowalls on thai visa and I wonder how long most of you have actually been in Thailand 5 minutes here and you know everything .

I like the idea that spending a lot of time in Thailand would make a person more knowledgeable about politics. Also, a person doesn't need to have spent decades in prison to recognise liars, larcenists and bandits.

For example, Thaksin's war on drugs, is often viewed more realistically by people who have never even set foot here. Where I come from, executing thousands of people without trial, randomly executing lottery-winners just because they had got suddenly wealthy, is what we daft foreigners call "crimes against humanity." Committing these atrocities as a populist career-move, is evil, and this is clear to anybody regardless of how long they have or have not been living in a specific nation.


Could always go down to Surat Thani and hide in a temple i suppose. whistling.gifcoffee1.gif

Or a mushroom shed in Isaan

Ouch !


She left the country before and all the TS bashers were sure she wouldn't come back, but she did. The Junta wants her to go..... "take our ex PM...... please!". I'm sure they have plenty of dirt on the current top dogs here.... hate for truth to come out about them.

As far as "convicted criminal" goes, that might be worth something in a country with independent judiciary and rule of law, but we have yet to see that appear here. I would guess that "abuse of power" charges could easily be brought against the whole current bunch running this monkey house. Seems staging a coup is abuse of power, for openers.... military is supposed to be subordinate to elected government in most countries...

Last observation: Is there a Fox News yellow shirt version here? The unbridled hatred from Taksin haters sounds just like Fox addicts rants about that Obama fellow....

Thaksin cheated, broke the law, got caught, convicted and legged it, breaking his solemn promise that he wouldn't.

All the Thakisn lovers come on whining "he's innocent, it's not a good law, everyone's against him, all those who dare post negative comments are politically motivated, fascist Junta fans, he never did wrong and Yingluck's never told a lie in her life".

Get real. He was convicted for one offence and has 15 serious criminal charges waiting in the courts. He tried to bribe the judges and then ran when they wouldn't be bought.

And you lot look up to him like he's some saintly hero of the people and swallow his bullshit PR.

If you want a real debate on the inadequate Thai political and justice systems fine. Or the inherent corruption that pervades all facets of life, regardless of political persuasion. Or the social injustices of the hierarchical patronage system where money and connections are power. Start a thread and we'll discuss. But please don't trot out the Thaksin is innocent fairy stories and expect no reaction - most of us have been here a long time and seen his career unfold. And he's never bothered much about covering the warts.

The problem I have with this oft repeated point is that I have never seen any poster claim that Thaksin is indeed innocent !!

Ive not even read any post even supporting Thaksin !!!!!

There are plenty of posts that don't support the Junta but never have I seen one that actually supports Thaksin !!!!

So why do Thaksin haters keep deriding Thaksin 'fans' when in fact there aren't any ?????

Most longtime expats (including me ) laughed at Thaksins foibles when he was in full flow more than 10 years ago. Nobody actually supported him at all and they don't support him now !!!!

Why is it then that posters who object to the Junta are labelled 'Thaksin' lovers ? It's a pure nonsense !!

Well, when you have some spare time, read through some old threads.

You'll see some posters claim that he simply signed a paper for his then wife. They try to make that law seem silly and one of those laws that no should bother to enforce, etc etc and then add it was all politically motivated. The extension being that all the 15 are also all insignificant silly laws too and really the only reason he's being prosecuted is because of politics and to keep him from his right full position. Some start with "I don't support/like Thaksin but......... Others are more subtle but nevertheless often include outright lies and distortions of fact to show Thaksin in a good light. They often get challenged by other posters.

I'm not going to name them as that is not fare and maybe against forum etiquette. But you can find them easily as they're active in the political threads. They also like to brand any who post negative comments about Thaskin, the Shins, PTP, UDD etc as being anti-democracy fascist, junta lovers etc.

Not everyone is like this, as you point out. Some of us criticize things per se and accept that being anti Thaksin doesn't mean you love the Junta and visa versa.

OK I get your point and for sure Im not going through old threads to find such posters! However, I do make an effort to read all the political posts and have not noticed any poster who is committed to support Thaksin

I have lived and worked here more than 25 years now (maybe too long?) and frankly feel that Thaksin was no different to all the others in control...including all those generals who took power .I never met anyone who liked him (um..in my circles that is!). . He was a figure of derision no doubt.

However, in different social(!)circles, Thaksin is indeed much admired as he was the only leader who ever made any effort to effect policies which actually benefited the poor. I don't see how this can be denied, although some posters do try ! If you can't speak Thai then I don't believe any foreigner can have any deep understanding of how so many Thais realise this. They can't explain in English ..thats for sure


She left the country before and all the TS bashers were sure she wouldn't come back, but she did. The Junta wants her to go..... "take our ex PM...... please!". I'm sure they have plenty of dirt on the current top dogs here.... hate for truth to come out about them.

As far as "convicted criminal" goes, that might be worth something in a country with independent judiciary and rule of law, but we have yet to see that appear here. I would guess that "abuse of power" charges could easily be brought against the whole current bunch running this monkey house. Seems staging a coup is abuse of power, for openers.... military is supposed to be subordinate to elected government in most countries...

Last observation: Is there a Fox News yellow shirt version here? The unbridled hatred from Taksin haters sounds just like Fox addicts rants about that Obama fellow....

Thaksin cheated, broke the law, got caught, convicted and legged it, breaking his solemn promise that he wouldn't.

All the Thakisn lovers come on whining "he's innocent, it's not a good law, everyone's against him, all those who dare post negative comments are politically motivated, fascist Junta fans, he never did wrong and Yingluck's never told a lie in her life".

Get real. He was convicted for one offence and has 15 serious criminal charges waiting in the courts. He tried to bribe the judges and then ran when they wouldn't be bought.

And you lot look up to him like he's some saintly hero of the people and swallow his bullshit PR.

If you want a real debate on the inadequate Thai political and justice systems fine. Or the inherent corruption that pervades all facets of life, regardless of political persuasion. Or the social injustices of the hierarchical patronage system where money and connections are power. Start a thread and we'll discuss. But please don't trot out the Thaksin is innocent fairy stories and expect no reaction - most of us have been here a long time and seen his career unfold. And he's never bothered much about covering the warts.

First, I am not a Thaksin lover, okay? And if you read my post, I didn't say he was innocent either. He and Yingluck are both politicians, so of course they lie. Look to current junta for further examples. You don't go to a whorehouse (which is what Thai politics are, imho) and expect to find stainless virgins... or maybe you do. The judicial process used against Thaksin was done for a facade of "due process" whereas it was a lynching. If applied across the board, no problem. After all you state "inherent corruption that pervades all facets of life, regardless of political persuasion" which would include yellows. Again, I never said Thaksin was "innocent fairy", but bottom line is he got elected, independent international monitoring group reported BOTH sides bribed voters so had negligible effect on outcome. Having coups resets the clock, or even rolls it back, on any evolution towards democracy. I have more faith in the people making the choice rather than the military-industrial elite deciding what's best for them.

Exactly!!! Very well put and I agree 100%! Where are these Thaksin fans ? I can't find them on this board!


She left the country before and all the TS bashers were sure she wouldn't come back, but she did. The Junta wants her to go..... "take our ex PM...... please!". I'm sure they have plenty of dirt on the current top dogs here.... hate for truth to come out about them.

As far as "convicted criminal" goes, that might be worth something in a country with independent judiciary and rule of law, but we have yet to see that appear here. I would guess that "abuse of power" charges could easily be brought against the whole current bunch running this monkey house. Seems staging a coup is abuse of power, for openers.... military is supposed to be subordinate to elected government in most countries...

Last observation: Is there a Fox News yellow shirt version here? The unbridled hatred from Taksin haters sounds just like Fox addicts rants about that Obama fellow....

Thaksin cheated, broke the law, got caught, convicted and legged it, breaking his solemn promise that he wouldn't.

All the Thakisn lovers come on whining "he's innocent, it's not a good law, everyone's against him, all those who dare post negative comments are politically motivated, fascist Junta fans, he never did wrong and Yingluck's never told a lie in her life".

Get real. He was convicted for one offence and has 15 serious criminal charges waiting in the courts. He tried to bribe the judges and then ran when they wouldn't be bought.

And you lot look up to him like he's some saintly hero of the people and swallow his bullshit PR.

If you want a real debate on the inadequate Thai political and justice systems fine. Or the inherent corruption that pervades all facets of life, regardless of political persuasion. Or the social injustices of the hierarchical patronage system where money and connections are power. Start a thread and we'll discuss. But please don't trot out the Thaksin is innocent fairy stories and expect no reaction - most of us have been here a long time and seen his career unfold. And he's never bothered much about covering the warts.

First, I am not a Thaksin lover, okay? And if you read my post, I didn't say he was innocent either. He and Yingluck are both politicians, so of course they lie. Look to current junta for further examples. You don't go to a whorehouse (which is what Thai politics are, imho) and expect to find stainless virgins... or maybe you do. The judicial process used against Thaksin was done for a facade of "due process" whereas it was a lynching. If applied across the board, no problem. After all you state "inherent corruption that pervades all facets of life, regardless of political persuasion" which would include yellows. Again, I never said Thaksin was "innocent fairy", but bottom line is he got elected, independent international monitoring group reported BOTH sides bribed voters so had negligible effect on outcome. Having coups resets the clock, or even rolls it back, on any evolution towards democracy. I have more faith in the people making the choice rather than the military-industrial elite deciding what's best for them.

Exactly!!! Very well put and I agree 100%! Where are these Thaksin fans ? I can't find them on this board!

I like him and her even more, I think she is a yummy mummy.thumbsup.gif May this help you.

First, I am not a Thaksin lover, okay? And if you read my post, I didn't say he was innocent either. He and Yingluck are both politicians, so of course they lie. Look to current junta for further examples. You don't go to a whorehouse (which is what Thai politics are, imho) and expect to find stainless virgins... or maybe you do. The judicial process used against Thaksin was done for a facade of "due process" whereas it was a lynching. If applied across the board, no problem. After all you state "inherent corruption that pervades all facets of life, regardless of political persuasion" which would include yellows. Again, I never said Thaksin was "innocent fairy", but bottom line is he got elected, independent international monitoring group reported BOTH sides bribed voters so had negligible effect on outcome. Having coups resets the clock, or even rolls it back, on any evolution towards democracy. I have more faith in the people making the choice rather than the military-industrial elite deciding what's best for them.

............................"BOTH sides bribed voters so had negligible effect on outcome".................................

BS ! Are you trying to say they spent all that money on bribes for nothing ? How long have you been in Thailand ? When did you ever see a Thai spend money for nothing in return ?

In any other country if a "independent international monitoring group" detected vote buying the election would be declared null and void and the vote buyers would be banned from politics.

Vote buying negates the principle of democracy.

I've been here 15 years, started coming in 82. How long you been here? haven't found the study that was listed in some TV article few years ago, but this bit I will quote may suffice: "

Back when many upcountry electors sold their votes, and as a result their weight in national politics was zero, nobody cared so much about vote-buying.
But now the electors have got smart, they have to be stopped. The bleating about vote-buying and patronage politics is simply an attempt to undermine electoral democracy because it seems to be working.

BP: As we moved closer to the recent election, we saw an uptake in the stories about vote-buying with various amounts being thrown around, although it is worth pointing to a NIDA poll (PDF) conducted just before the election. The poll surveyed 1,289 between June 24-25, 2011. The answers were that 65.94% said they would not sell their votes, 26.3% said they would accept the money but would not vote for the person they were paid to vote for, and 4.11% said they would take the money and vote for the person they were paid to vote for.

Further, in interview with Deputy Democrat leader, this went down:


Deputy Democrat party leader Alongkorn Ponlaboot in an interview that was broadcast on May 31, 2013 on John Winyu’s show (รองหัวหน้าพรรคประชาธิปัตย์กล่าวในรายการ “เจาะข่าวตื้น ตอน 99″) stated:

Recently, if we are speak directly, they [Puea Thai] use little money. I am not saying we [the Democrats] use more money than them [Puea Thai]. [host interprets with statement “they are using less money”]. It has become inverted [host interprets and says “They don’t need to use so much money?”] I say if it is like that then don’t say we lost because of money” (หลังๆมานี้ ถ้าพูดกันตามตรงนะ เขาใช้เงินน้อย ผมไม่บอกว่าเราใช้เงินมากกว่านะ มันกลับหัวกลับหาง ผมบอกถ้าอย่างนั้นอย่ามาพูดว่าแพ้เพราะเงิน”). “For the last election, it may be because we actually used more than them. Therefore, don’t talk about this issue anymore (” เลือกตั้งหลังสุดอาจจะเป็นเพราะเราใช้เงินมากกว่าเขาด้วยซ้ำไป เพราะฉะนั้นอย่ามาพูดประเด็นนี้อีกต่อไป”)."


Unless you go into voting booth and watch them mark ballot, you have to do it on trust. I don't find it hard to believe that voter could take the money, then vote for candidate he wanted. Plus satisfaction of hurting opposition by draining funds with nothing in return. Not hard to understand at all.

"When did you ever see a Thai spend money for nothing in return ?' leads me ask

"Have you ever heard of giving a Thai money and getting nothing in return?" Never? Perhaps I should have asked "Have you ever been to Thailand?"

Here's link to whole article: http://asiancorrespondent.com/116697/vote-buying-thaksin-and-the-democrats/


............................"BOTH sides bribed voters so had negligible effect on outcome".................................

BS ! Are you trying to say they spent all that money on bribes for nothing?

Vote buying negates the principle of democracy

Here's link to whole article:

So an anonymous, unnamed pundit provides the basis for your points?

For others, simply having the name of the blog's author would serve as a minimum requirement. Otherwise, it carries no more weight than the opinion of any other anonymous pundit on any random internet forum such as this one.



Well, when you have some spare time, read through some old threads.

You'll see some posters claim that he simply signed a paper for his then wife. They try to make that law seem silly and one of those laws that no should bother to enforce, etc etc and then add it was all politically motivated. The extension being that all the 15 are also all insignificant silly laws too and really the only reason he's being prosecuted is because of politics and to keep him from his right full position. Some start with "I don't support/like Thaksin but......... Others are more subtle but nevertheless often include outright lies and distortions of fact to show Thaksin in a good light. They often get challenged by other posters.

I'm not going to name them as that is not fare and maybe against forum etiquette. But you can find them easily as they're active in the political threads. They also like to brand any who post negative comments about Thaskin, the Shins, PTP, UDD etc as being anti-democracy fascist, junta lovers etc.

Not everyone is like this, as you point out. Some of us criticize things per se and accept that being anti Thaksin doesn't mean you love the Junta and visa versa.

OK I get your point and for sure Im not going through old threads to find such posters! However, I do make an effort to read all the political posts and have not noticed any poster who is committed to support Thaksin

I have lived and worked here more than 25 years now (maybe too long?) and frankly feel that Thaksin was no different to all the others in control...including all those generals who took power .I never met anyone who liked him (um..in my circles that is!). . He was a figure of derision no doubt.

However, in different social(!)circles, Thaksin is indeed much admired as he was the only leader who ever made any effort to effect policies which actually benefited the poor. I don't see how this can be denied, although some posters do try ! If you can't speak Thai then I don't believe any foreigner can have any deep understanding of how so many Thais realise this. They can't explain in English ..thats for sure

No worries. I'll keep an eye out for you and when one surfaces I'll PM you. The avatars change but the words are often eerily similar. They'll be out again for sure.

I met him in the UK at Manchester City. He very generously provided some free transport, match tickets, lunch, dinner and refreshments to matches for members of the Thai community. Of course he made an appearance and there were photo ops. Some nice pics of him with my missus and kids. Very amenable in some contexts. How times change. My wife and virtually all her friends who supported PTP in 2011 would never vote for them again based on their time in power. And yes, it was Thaksin's attempted amnesty whitewash that was the last straw.

I know some prominent Thai business people who respect him as a businessman but feel he became corrupted with power as well as money when he found politics. Most Thai I know seem to think he took corruption to new levels, got to greedy, upset the apple cart by not wanting to share the spoils and was trying very very hard to become a dictator. What started as a desire to be like the late Mr. Lee from Singapore morphed into a more extreme self-centered desire. Check his family origin and ancestors and you'll probably understand why he thinks like that.

Thaksin's governments did do some good things. The poor received some things. Not all they were promised, not by a long mark. But his own family and cronies benefited considerably more. Something he's never been shy of. They were also always clouded with issues of corruption, lying and cheating. In some areas his PR machine has been very effective in persuading people for many years that his words, and only his words are truthful. My MIL still says Yingluck has never done anything wrong. Ask her to explain the issues and why she believes that to be the case and she's blank, doesn't understand or have any information to support it other than she's been told that by the village leaders and local red shirts.


..........................."anti-democracy fascist, junta lovers etc"..................................

That's my label. Quite a few posters have called me that, and worse.

If musiclover says he has never read a comment by someone supporting Thaksin or claiming he was innocent then he has not read many TVF comments or he is lying and looking for a bite.


This thread is as good as any....

Happy birthday Mr. T

If you could see your way to instruct some of your buddies who have managed to get to your birthday party in Singapore to bring me some Duty Free's on their way back I'd be grateful. Many thanks in advance.

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