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British by the back door: Is immigration fuelling the Brexit debate?


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Some in the UK are far to liberal in their thinking. The thought that people DON'T want to work but want to claim any and all possible benefits is a real one, it's even been mentioned to me that it's almost like a full time job reading and working around the rules!

Its a full time job for the '' Yuman Rights '' Brigade.

Who spend all their time pouring over every piece of legislation, white papers and everything else, looking for loopholes.

Not that the Tories hold any sway with me, at least they are making inroads into this abomination that is called the welfare state.

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"Fuelling the Brexit Debate?"

Didn't even know there was a debate. huh.png

Only among the guardian readers and the PC crowd,the rest of us want out

The UK joined the EEC and had a referendum to endorse the decision. The membership of the EEC had many obvious benefits to the UK, and still does.

Now the EEC has changed itself into the EU ("Ever Closer Union") and the UK deserves a referendum to endorse or refuse that . This is minimalist democracy to keep the masses feeling like they have some say in the matter. They don't, of course, but the illusion helps....

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Fifty years ago, Enoch Powell was mercilessly vilified for raising these issues (even though many in his own part agreed with him...and many more in the following decades).

At the very least it's a discussion worth having, just as it was then

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Without the Migrants Britain can close down.

Let them go and live without money from Brussels, then crying will really start.

Britain just want's the best of everything without taking on responsibility.

Let them join the US $.

Bye Bye. clap2.gifcheesy.gifbah.gif

Why would Britain "close down"?

Do migrants become productive before the second and third generations appear.?

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I have no objection to TV coping from this source but agree with others, we should be aware this news source is politically biased and its intention with this story is to cause racial and political unrest in the UK, intended to harm the EU by winding up the racists in the UK with the intent of causing a "Britxit" and breaking up Europe.

Anyone uncertain about the creditability of this source should look at it's other news stories, it is anti American, anti Europe and the sun shines out Putin's backside.

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Why don't we just read the article instead of shooting the messenger?

Who ever said that the EU would be good for the UK economy? Who? Who believed that person?

Immigrants are collecting more money in benefits that are those born in the UK.

The article has a great point to make regardless of who wrote it, and yes there are many people who'd like to get out of the EU. The UK has lost its sovereignty to a group the people of the UK can't fire unless they just exit. In the meantime people have been waltzing over the border and damaging the UK budget severely.


You don't half come out with some rubbish. Just pulling 'facts' out of thin air, presumably because you think it will give credence to your paranoid scaremongering nonsense.

" Immigrants are collecting more money in benefits than are those born in the UK".

Complete and utter tripe. These are the facts. The data from The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) show the following.

In 2014 92.6 per cent of working age benefit claimants were British, 2.5 per cent were EU nationals, the number of recipients from outside the UK - but not from the EU- was 5 percent. So much for your nonsensical claim. You clearly are willing to believe the nonsense you posted because you desperately want to believe it, and wish to persuade others to believe it as well. The fact that it is a blatant falsehood is irrelevant.

Of course there is (rightly) much concern in the UK about immigration, and it is certainly a topic for debate, but when you are reduced to spouting the nonsense you did, which clearly bears no relation to the facts, you have no credibility at all.

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Another great TV clickbait article.

A UK exit from the EU. Out with it goes any cooperation on the thing the little englanders fear the most.

I can see it now, French police at the entrance to the Chunnel shrugging their shoulders as the procession of asylum seekers are waved through to England.

Careful what you wish for.

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Why don't we just read the article instead of shooting the messenger?

Who ever said that the EU would be good for the UK economy? Who? Who believed that person?

Immigrants are collecting more money in benefits that are those born in the UK.

The article has a great point to make regardless of who wrote it, and yes there are many people who'd like to get out of the EU. The UK has lost its sovereignty to a group the people of the UK can't fire unless they just exit. In the meantime people have been waltzing over the border and damaging the UK budget severely.


You don't half come out with some rubbish. Just pulling 'facts' out of thin air, presumably because you think it will give credence to your paranoid scaremongering nonsense.

" Immigrants are collecting more money in benefits than are those born in the UK".

Complete and utter tripe. These are the facts. The data from The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) show the following.

In 2014 92.6 per cent of working age benefit claimants were British, 2.5 per cent were EU nationals, the number of recipients from outside the UK - but not from the EU- was 5 percent. So much for your nonsensical claim. You clearly are willing to believe the nonsense you posted because you desperately want to believe it, and wish to persuade others to believe it as well. The fact that it is a blatant falsehood is irrelevant.

Of course there is (rightly) much concern in the UK about immigration, and it is certainly a topic for debate, but when you are reduced to spouting the nonsense you did, which clearly bears no relation to the facts, you have no credibility at all.

Immigrants can also be British. As in they WERE immigrants but are now British by marriage etc.

But I agree most of the full time unemployed are unfortunately British. But honestly if there are 7.5% of claimants who are NOT British citizens it's still a course for concern!

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Gulf Arabs ship in Pakistanis to do any work that is not in an air conditioned office or where the chance of a cracked nail may occur. Cases like that are unmistakable racial superiority stances more than anything else. I don't believe things are quite that bad in Britain, nor do I think Britain must collapse over night if all migrant workers vanished suddenly.

While media assaults us from an early age that we'll all live the high life, we are still a more practical people than Gulf Arabs. Once the trend of direct recruitment overseas for agricultural work (for example), which bypasses the local population in the sense that you never even get to know about openings for such work, is outlawed, I suspect Brits would go into those roles if UK employement conditions apply, along with minimum wage.

Contrary to popular belief, some of us are practical enough that we're equally as comfortable being on our feet for 12 hours in manual work as we are quietly sitting down all day on an office chair doing PC based work.

For every scrounging workshy dodger, or snooty character who has lost their job and will then spend a year out of work claiming that there is -"nothing out there" due to pride, there are plenty of people who are practical and would work in the roles that some believe would have us crying to mummy after day to one if we ever had to do them, if only we knew about them.

If they aren't on the radar then it must be hirers who wish to recruit people from overseas who are clueless about employee rights previous generations fought hard to secure, or they are trying to pay less than minimum wage (illegal) through dodges like accommodating them in a barn and claiming that the lower wage is simply accomodation costs taken off automatically. Or, quiet agreement that you'll take £3 an hour for a barn and breakfast given for 'free'. If food prices need to go up to combat this culture of shadows that Government must know full well about, in order to open up vacancys for British workers, then we must pay that price. I would, but I accept many won't want to, as they 'don't do' the bigger picture.

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Why don't we just read the article instead of shooting the messenger?

Who ever said that the EU would be good for the UK economy? Who? Who believed that person?

Immigrants are collecting more money in benefits that are those born in the UK.

The article has a great point to make regardless of who wrote it, and yes there are many people who'd like to get out of the EU. The UK has lost its sovereignty to a group the people of the UK can't fire unless they just exit. In the meantime people have been waltzing over the border and damaging the UK budget severely.


You don't half come out with some rubbish. Just pulling 'facts' out of thin air, presumably because you think it will give credence to your paranoid scaremongering nonsense.

" Immigrants are collecting more money in benefits than are those born in the UK".

Complete and utter tripe. These are the facts. The data from The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) show the following.

In 2014 92.6 per cent of working age benefit claimants were British, 2.5 per cent were EU nationals, the number of recipients from outside the UK - but not from the EU- was 5 percent. So much for your nonsensical claim. You clearly are willing to believe the nonsense you posted because you desperately want to believe it, and wish to persuade others to believe it as well. The fact that it is a blatant falsehood is irrelevant.

Of course there is (rightly) much concern in the UK about immigration, and it is certainly a topic for debate, but when you are reduced to spouting the nonsense you did, which clearly bears no relation to the facts, you have no credibility at all.

Immigrants can also be British. As in they WERE immigrants but are now British by marriage etc.

But I agree most of the full time unemployed are unfortunately British. But honestly if there are 7.5% of claimants who are NOT British citizens it's still a course for concern!

This would be expected as the indigenous population are more plentiful. However, you have to apply a percentage or ratio between the various racial/national groupings to gain a truer understanding of the situation. When applied I believe that it was the Guardian who highlighted that those from Somalia and Bangladesh had a very high percentage of their population, both male and female, as being unemployed. Far higher than we Brits. (Somewhere in the 50% plus region.) The same newspaper also once reported in a similar vein on the lines of religion and I think it said over 60% of Muslim women were unemployed.

The truth, as I see it, is that immigration is a necessary factor in any society but for this to benefit the host country it must be controlled not only in numbers but also on skills. I've witnessed competent British craftsmen replaced by Eastern European with far lesser ability due to the greed of employers willing to exploit the latter. I've seen highly skilled immigrants work punishing hours up until the ILR was obtained and then seen their dedication fall by the wayside soon after. And a whole host more examples too....But the truth is that potentially we would all play the same game as these immigrants if it meant we were "bettering" ourselves and our close ones. The same could be said for benefit claimants. (I think it was in one of the broadsheets where I read a lad of African roots say, "why spend all week digging holes for £300 when I could make more than one night dealing and sleeping the day away on the dole?"

I think the question may be, who is the bigger fool, those who graft daft hours or those who sit on their backside all day in the pub? Even as a professional in a well paying job, I often ponder upon this as the alarm goes off at 5am.

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I beleave, EUnion would be better without Brites !!!

( 70% of EU people think like this !! );

There are only 9 countries who are net contributers to the EU budget (2013 figures), of whom, the Brites are the third largest net contributer. If you look further at the per capita contribution the Brites are 1st or 2nd (have not bothered to do the maths).

If what you say is true, I beleave 70% of the EUnion are <deleted> morons.

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Why don't we just read the article instead of shooting the messenger?

Who ever said that the EU would be good for the UK economy? Who? Who believed that person?

Immigrants are collecting more money in benefits that are those born in the UK.

The article has a great point to make regardless of who wrote it, and yes there are many people who'd like to get out of the EU. The UK has lost its sovereignty to a group the people of the UK can't fire unless they just exit. In the meantime people have been waltzing over the border and damaging the UK budget severely.


"Who ever said that the EU would be good for the UK economy? Who? Who believed that person?"

The answer is : Edward Heath the former Conservative British Prime Minister,who lying to the British people promised a Common Trading Market only,but later on British Television before he died admitted,his objectives all along had been to engineer a federal Europe!

But no I didn't believe him! and who would want to be a Traitor to his own people!

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Another great TV clickbait article.

A UK exit from the EU. Out with it goes any cooperation on the thing the little englanders fear the most.

I can see it now, French police at the entrance to the Chunnel shrugging their shoulders as the procession of asylum seekers are waved through to England.

Careful what you wish for.

EU is going to collapse on its own without any help from a Brit exit anyway.

What you paint is what we had before anyway and the chunnel is the least of the border problems to police, its a tunnel and easy to lock down ;)

It is true immigration is essential to the British economy, only the stupid would think otherwise.

It is however becoming increasingly apparent control over its own borders and numbers of immigrants are also essential to the future of the British economy.

The EU was and always been an ongoing experiment, it failed in 08 and its been failing since, there is no progress towards a parable EU wide economy across member nations and stabilising prices nor there is any political will towards closer ties, on the contrary they are widening. The only move towards unity has been to install the same trouble shooting group of bankers and administrators to the ones in financial trouble.... They are the true power in the EU not the member nations.

In short its a un united states and still more like a semi cooperative EEC with regional fluctuating prices using the same currency with open borders thrown in. Unchecked and unregulated immigration with varying prices of the same products with the same currency is a disaster for all EU countries, the skills leave the poor nations undermanned and stagnant while it undermines the skilled wages in the richer economies... everyone eventually loses with drops in living standards in richer countries and the poor ones stay on the bottom while all the skills continue to leave for better wages next door..

The UK and the EU trade is heavily skewed in favour of the EU, we buy far more from the EU than the EU does from us and that would not change with an exit.

Yes the UK needs the EU but the EU needs the UK far more, if only for the credibility it lends to EU and confidence of the markets.

The UK can and will survive without the EU, I dont believe the EU would long survive a UK exit.

This of course wont happen, the palms have already been greased and every single political party in the UK bar one wants to stay in the EU, the UK political elite will all unify and campaign the vote to stay in, they will pretend its close like the always do to scare people but the result will be a clear and convincing IN vote.

The UK will however never join the Euro, never. Any UK political party that tries would be committing political suicide, and they all know it. It will never happen short of a total economic collapse of the UK and thats not going to happen before it does somewhere in Europe again.

The price of the reunification of Germany was the death of the deutschmark and partnering up with France and lending its financial credibility to a weak and failing franc along with some other weak EU currencies and rebadging as the Euro. But it is unsustainable and has been since the outset, Germany has always known this experiment was going to fail, Khol himself said as much at the time, ergo the Euro as an experiment longterm is doomed, short term they have a lot more euros to print for more bailouts, unending....... Germany continues to dominate but will probably eventually be forced to leave itself as the burden of carrying the dross and bailouts mount.

The British political and financial elite are more likely to watch and wait until the Euro is gasping its last breath and then probably enter into discussions of what comes next on the currency front. Probably with Germany, i'm sure the UK in the future would be interested in a currency unification but not one so strongly influenced by France as the euro is now.

The British pound is definitely in the twilight of its years but ill wager with anyone it will outlast the Euro and the EU

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Another great TV clickbait article.

A UK exit from the EU. Out with it goes any cooperation on the thing the little englanders fear the most.

I can see it now, French police at the entrance to the Chunnel shrugging their shoulders as the procession of asylum seekers are waved through to England.

Careful what you wish for.

You can see it now ? Could you not see it in the late 80's ? The French have been turning a blind eye ever since. They only act when pressure is brought to bear and camera are brought out.

And why should they act. These Illegals are trying to get to the UK, France does not want them, makes no sense for the French to impede their illegal onward travel to the UK.

At least try and get the terminology correct. They are not Asylum Seekers, if they were genuine Asylum Seekers they would not be trying to get the UK. They are Illegal Economic Migrants.

The UK have already sold their stake in Eurotunnel. In the interest of National Security, 10KG's of PE4 will sort the chunnel out. Cheap and 100%effective.

The UK has no need to be careful for it wishes for. The EU needs the UK far more than the UK needs the EU.

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They dont try to get to my country do they, its only down the road from France and no checpoints..WHY is that.?.Could it be theres no Handouts ?.. Such a load of Waffle , nothing free they piss off..At least Jock PnB doest talk rubbish.thumbsup.gif

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They dont try to get to my country do they, its only down the road from France and no checpoints..WHY is that.?.Could it be theres no Handouts ?.. Such a load of Waffle , nothing free they piss off..At least Jock PnB doest talk rubbish.thumbsup.gif

Belgium!!!! Is that a country still? I thought it was just a big Euro office block!

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Who is they.?. Do you mean the idiots who also built a multi milion Marina facing the Atlantic that can't shelter boats for 3 months of the year. I cant think of one project that's benefited the general populace, just created a debt for them

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Who is they.?. Do you mean the idiots who also built a multi milion Marina facing the Atlantic that can't shelter boats for 3 months of the year. I cant think of one project that's benefited the general populace, just created a debt for them

The tourists from the OTHER EU nation's!!

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