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Concerns over coup 'will only give China more room to woo Thailand'

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hmmm, ...

David Lyman, a former president of the American Chamber of Commerce and veteran officer of the US Navy, said: "My personal, and probably controversial, view is that the Thai military did the right thing. They shut out a [possible] civil war, and their rule made the economy stand still," compared with a worsening situation if the military did nothing, Lyman said.

as a former navy officer, he should ask himself where he would be if he and his military colleagues in the US had done the same thing as the Thai military did in 2014 ... coffee1.gif

He regurgitates the military propaganda about a 'preventing a civil war' and demonstrates a complete ignorance of the economic and political situation in Thailand. Seriously, such an uninformed and unintelligent comment is better left unsaid...

David Lyman is biased. The military could have also prevented civil war by supporting the elected government (which they are legally obligated to do)but chose not to.

It's clear the military resented any change to the status quo. Which is perfect for Mr Lyman's law firm which benefits from the foreign clients ongoing desperation at the state of intellectual property infringements by thai criminals. Not to mention the overall restrictions to business in thailand.

It's financially rewarding for Mr Lyman that the existing difficulties in Thailand continue.

So Mr Time Traveller, you think the military should have supported the actions by the government just as the police did.

By which of course you mean to shield the UDD terrorists from arrest and leave protestors unguarded whilst they get blown up on the streets.

Then once enough of them had been murdered so that the rest ran home, Pheu-Thai could have got back to the Amnesty bill and let themselves off the thousands of crimes since 2004 and clear the way for the most divisive and corrupt figure in Thai politics to cancel his convictions (both proven and pending) and come back a free man to go back into politics.

That attitude disgusts me. Thank God there are a lot of better people than you in the world.

I expect you think the German Army did the right thing by not opposing Hitler when they had the chance. They were legally obliged to do so as well and look how that turned out.

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I hope one day the whole world will understand what damage US does to the world. How US parasites on world's economy by printing worthless paper and forcing other countries to accept it as money.

US self-proclaimed world policeman should be forced to stay inside it's geographical borders.

China is a much better choice for Thailand than US

Agree in general about the USA, but King Kong being a very naughty boy doesn't make Godzilla magically become a great friend. Besides, I thought Thailand didn't need friends because it's so important, so great and has never been colonized... I think it was a Thai told me that.


The reality appears to be that Thailand is not great, not important and has no friends, real or imagined.

Both corrupt systems that only benefit the elite and guises of capitalism and communism. Both a charade and I deplore both. However put a gun to my head and force me to live in one of them then I'm choosing the states. At least I can speak out against the state, freely use social media and research and condemn the current and past actions of the government. You can't do that in China. It's all so controlled.

Timmy seems to be a massive fascist troll so he'd love the repression.

Yeah than get shot dead by a USA cop for jay walking!


hmmm, ...

David Lyman, a former president of the American Chamber of Commerce and veteran officer of the US Navy, said: "My personal, and probably controversial, view is that the Thai military did the right thing. They shut out a [possible] civil war, and their rule made the economy stand still," compared with a worsening situation if the military did nothing, Lyman said.

as a former navy officer, he should ask himself where he would be if he and his military colleagues in the US had done the same thing as the Thai military did in 2014 ... coffee1.gif

He regurgitates the military propaganda about a 'preventing a civil war' and demonstrates a complete ignorance of the economic and political situation in Thailand. Seriously, such an uninformed and unintelligent comment is better left unsaid...

David Lyman is biased. The military could have also prevented civil war by supporting the elected government (which they are legally obligated to do)but chose not to.

It's clear the military resented any change to the status quo. Which is perfect for Mr Lyman's law firm which benefits from the foreign clients ongoing desperation at the state of intellectual property infringements by thai criminals. Not to mention the overall restrictions to business in thailand.

It's financially rewarding for Mr Lyman that the existing difficulties in Thailand continue.

So Mr Time Traveller, you think the military should have supported the actions by the government just as the police did.

By which of course you mean to shield the UDD terrorists from arrest and leave protestors unguarded whilst they get blown up on the streets.

Then once enough of them had been murdered so that the rest ran home, Pheu-Thai could have got back to the Amnesty bill and let themselves off the thousands of crimes since 2004 and clear the way for the most divisive and corrupt figure in Thai politics to cancel his convictions (both proven and pending) and come back a free man to go back into politics.

That attitude disgusts me. Thank God there are a lot of better people than you in the world.

I expect you think the German Army did the right thing by not opposing Hitler when they had the chance. They were legally obliged to do so as well and look how that turned out.

I edited my post after your comment to highlight the misinformation in the post by tbthailand.

Nevertheless my comment was PRIMARILY to highlight the motivation behind David Lymans opinion. So don't jump to conclusions as I did not actually state I agree or disagree with anything.

But let me sum this up for you. One of David Lyman's favorite quotes is "Rule of Law is better than Rule of Man". Yet the military and you (it seems) dislike the former and prefer Rule of Men instead. That's a statement. It's not an opinion. Try to learn the difference.

And if I disgust you, then great! Maybe it's altitude sickness from sitting on your high and mighty chair all the time..


I hope one day the whole world will understand what damage US does to the world. How US parasites on world's economy by printing worthless paper and forcing other countries to accept it as money.

US self-proclaimed world policeman should be forced to stay inside it's geographical borders.

China is a much better choice for Thailand than US

Next you are gonna claim that Thailand should join forces with ISIS right ... facepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.gif

I think you need a reality check it is the USA who is training and equipping ISIS nothing to do with China


hmmm, ...

David Lyman, a former president of the American Chamber of Commerce and veteran officer of the US Navy, said: "My personal, and probably controversial, view is that the Thai military did the right thing. They shut out a [possible] civil war, and their rule made the economy stand still," compared with a worsening situation if the military did nothing, Lyman said.

as a former navy officer, he should ask himself where he would be if he and his military colleagues in the US had done the same thing as the Thai military did in 2014 ... coffee1.gif

He regurgitates the military propaganda about a 'preventing a civil war' and demonstrates a complete ignorance of the economic and political situation in Thailand. Seriously, such an uninformed and unintelligent comment is better left unsaid...

David Lyman is not ignorant, nor uninformed or unintelligent. He has been in the country since the 1950s after his parents owned a well known Thai law firm which he worked at for almost 50 years. He is about as clued in to the inner workings of Thailand as any expat will ever get.

However, David Lyman is biased. The military could have also prevented civil war by supporting the elected government (which they are legally obligated to do)but chose not to.

It's clear the military resented any change to the status quo. Which is perfect for Mr Lyman's law firm which benefits from the foreign clients ongoing desperation at the state of intellectual property infringements by thai criminals. Not to mention the overall restrictions on foreign business in thailand.

It's financially rewarding for Mr Lyman that the existing difficulties in Thailand continue.

Thank you for the clarification... I appreciate the background information.

And here I gave him, as a former American Serviceman and defender of democracy, the benefit of the doubt about his democracy credentials... That only left ignorant and uninformed as reasonable justifications for his statement.

Now I know that he's just another anti-democratic Falang who has all the rights that he needs from his passport and benefits from the status quo. coffee1.gif


Don't know how much more room is really needed. The property's on the market and the prospective buyer is doing a walk-through right now. Once the deal is finalized, the only things left to determine are the final price, what everyone's take is going to be and the method of payment. Sure there are some other issues, but they can probably be made to go away.

Ah the blushing bride awaits for the Sin Sod offer from her enamoured suitor.


Let's face it Thailand wasn't pushed by anyone to cuddle up to China , the response from Prayut - O was like a kid losing his ninja battalion toy set ,went straight away to Beijing to form the Government to Government agreement ( The Prayut - O transparency ) for a H/S Rail system when you come to analyse this, the timeline indicates that this was well truly thought out long before the US and the West Gave Prayut - O a hard time , the concerning point is the relationship and the trade off and whether an Elected Government of the future drops China and what will that incur, China has a horrible reputation of under mining gullible governments and inciting hatred, violence from within the community, Thailand , with the introduction of advanced technology, to the west has no strategic importance , Thailand is just ripe for a dose of Chinese Checkers. coffee1.gif

You must not have been around in the 90s Thailand have leaned towards China since the 90s. BTW can you name any country China is undermining? Who undermined Egypt, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Iraq and so on!

Do a read up on China's activities in Ecuador. 71/5% loans and the government there is still requesting more money from China as they seem to think that China's money is lottery money. China sucked them in and closed the purse strings. Ecuadors oil reserves have tanked in price like in most commodity countries and this is what China was after and why they were so generous. The worlds largest skyscraper anyone? Building these dinosaurs is usually a good sign that an economic cycle is coming to an end. This build to be in the Guiness book of records is taking place all over the Globe.


Wasn't there an attempted military coup in the US back in the 30s? Recall the marine general that stopped it later claimed that all wars are a scam for the rich to make money. Interesting though that the US is no stranger to the concept.

Read the statement Eisenhower(a military man) made when he left the presidency. It was a wake up call ignored by all. Here it is from a 5 star general. Fast forward to now and see how this statement is so so so true

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex," he said in his farewell address. "The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."


Nation Newspaper, shut it.

Get real, whether it's Thaksin in charge, Abhisit in charge, or the junta in charge, it makes little difference to Thailand having greater and greater links with China.

The increasing flood of Chinese tourists turning up in Thailand. Chinese companies building railway lines and other infra-structure in Thailand. China representing a greater and greater percentage of Thailand's exports and imports. All this would have happened regardless of who is in charge in Thailand.

What's wrong with Thailand having greater and greater links with China ? And do you really think that if Thaksin was still in charge, oh, there would be fewer Chinese tourists in Thailand, and it would be a German or American company building Thailand's future railway line ? Thaksin loved the Chinese just as much as the junta does. And as for Abhisit, the bulk of the yellow-shirts are a load of Chinese in Thailand, the yellow-shirts are hardly likely to be against the increasing Chinese presence in Thailand.

Nation Newspaper, stop creating an issue/ problem when there isn't one there.


I hope one day the whole world will understand what damage US does to the world. How US parasites on world's economy by printing worthless paper and forcing other countries to accept it as money.

US self-proclaimed world policeman should be forced to stay inside it's geographical borders.

China is a much better choice for Thailand than US

Agree in general about the USA, but King Kong being a very naughty boy doesn't make Godzilla magically become a great friend. Besides, I thought Thailand didn't need friends because it's so important, so great and has never been colonized... I think it was a Thai told me that.


The reality appears to be that Thailand is not great, not important and has no friends, real or imagined.

Both corrupt systems that only benefit the elite and guises of capitalism and communism. Both a charade and I deplore both. However put a gun to my head and force me to live in one of them then I'm choosing the states. At least I can speak out against the state, freely use social media and research and condemn the current and past actions of the government. You can't do that in China. It's all so controlled.

Timmy seems to be a massive fascist troll so he'd love the repression.

"Timmy seems to be a massive fascist troll so he'd love the repression."

I got that impression as well.


Who said China is wooing Thailand. Seems Thailand is chasing China.

Actually Russia and China are wooing Thailand and Thailand will sign to trade pack with EEU soon


Who said China is wooing Thailand. Seems Thailand is chasing China.

Actually Russia and China are wooing Thailand and Thailand will sign to trade pack with EEU soon

Thailand is buying a Chinese train set and planning to buy their submarines. I don't see China begging them to buy.


Let's face it Thailand wasn't pushed by anyone to cuddle up to China , the response from Prayut - O was like a kid losing his ninja battalion toy set ,went straight away to Beijing to form the Government to Government agreement ( The Prayut - O transparency ) for a H/S Rail system when you come to analyse this, the timeline indicates that this was well truly thought out long before the US and the West Gave Prayut - O a hard time , the concerning point is the relationship and the trade off and whether an Elected Government of the future drops China and what will that incur, China has a horrible reputation of under mining gullible governments and inciting hatred, violence from within the community, Thailand , with the introduction of advanced technology, to the west has no strategic importance , Thailand is just ripe for a dose of Chinese Checkers. coffee1.gif

You must not have been around in the 90s Thailand have leaned towards China since the 90s. BTW can you name any country China is undermining? Who undermined Egypt, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Iraq and so on!

I've been around it seems like for ever , long before the naughty nineties


Who said China is wooing Thailand. Seems Thailand is chasing China.

Actually Russia and China are wooing Thailand and Thailand will sign to trade pack with EEU soon

Thailand is buying a Chinese train set and planning to buy their submarines. I don't see China begging them to buy.

It is actually in the Chinese plan to run a railway line through Thailand and we are buying Chinese sub to piss off the USA


Who said China is wooing Thailand. Seems Thailand is chasing China.

Actually Russia and China are wooing Thailand and Thailand will sign to trade pack with EEU soon
Thailand is buying a Chinese train set and planning to buy their submarines. I don't see China begging them to buy.

It is actually in the Chinese plan to run a railway line through Thailand and we are buying Chinese sub to piss off the USA

I don't see Thailand saying no, or forcing too much out of the Chinese. The Chinese want a railway, Thailand has said, when, and how much. The Thais are paying the Chinese for something the Chinese want.

And yes, Thailand wants to annoy the USA. It's not like China are begging them to buy their subs.


I don't see Thailand saying no, or forcing too much out of the Chinese. The Chinese want a railway, Thailand has said, when, and how much. The Thais are paying the Chinese for something the Chinese want.

And yes, Thailand wants to annoy the USA. It's not like China are begging them to buy their subs.

Let me put it this way the rail is beneficial to all and anyway the Japanese are getting more rail than the Chinese


I don't see Thailand saying no, or forcing too much out of the Chinese. The Chinese want a railway, Thailand has said, when, and how much. The Thais are paying the Chinese for something the Chinese want.

And yes, Thailand wants to annoy the USA. It's not like China are begging them to buy their subs.

Let me put it this way the rail is beneficial to all and anyway the Japanese are getting more rail than the Chinese

So who is wooing who? Thailand is hardly playing hard to get.


I don't see Thailand saying no, or forcing too much out of the Chinese. The Chinese want a railway, Thailand has said, when, and how much. The Thais are paying the Chinese for something the Chinese want.

And yes, Thailand wants to annoy the USA. It's not like China are begging them to buy their subs.

Let me put it this way the rail is beneficial to all and anyway the Japanese are getting more rail than the Chinese

So who is wooing who? Thailand is hardly playing hard to get.

Thailand is doing what Thais are good at that is all! BTW Chinese fighter pilots are already in Thailand


I don't see Thailand saying no, or forcing too much out of the Chinese. The Chinese want a railway, Thailand has said, when, and how much. The Thais are paying the Chinese for something the Chinese want.

And yes, Thailand wants to annoy the USA. It's not like China are begging them to buy their subs.

Let me put it this way the rail is beneficial to all and anyway the Japanese are getting more rail than the Chinese
So who is wooing who? Thailand is hardly playing hard to get.

Thailand is doing what Thais are good at that is all! BTW Chinese fighter pilots are already in Thailand

Really? Where are they stationed?


Really? Where are they stationed?

Can't tell you that

You think airforce can just move their planes around without a spy satellite seeing them, and just Base them out of a foreign military Base without being seen? Or are they supposedly Chinese fighters with Thai signage, because that would really be a first......


Really? Where are they stationed?

Can't tell you that

You think airforce can just move their planes around without a spy satellite seeing them, and just Base them out of a foreign military Base without being seen? Or are they supposedly Chinese fighters with Thai signage, because that would really be a first......

I guess they are more clever than most they didn't bring their planes have you not heard it was actually announced in the press but when they came it was kind of a hush


Really? Where are they stationed?

Can't tell you that
You think airforce can just move their planes around without a spy satellite seeing them, and just Base them out of a foreign military Base without being seen? Or are they supposedly Chinese fighters with Thai signage, because that would really be a first......

I guess they are more clever than most they didn't bring their planes have you not heard it was actually announced in the press but when they came it was kind of a hush

Well if it was in the press, I suppose there is no harm in you letting us know where they are based. U do realise that despite the apparent cooling off between the USA and Thai military, that there is still a massive CIA presence in Thailand?


Well if it was in the press, I suppose there is no harm in you letting us know where they are based. U do realise that despite the apparent cooling off between the USA and Thai military, that there is still a massive CIA presence in Thailand?

CIA isn't that bright as they seem is it! Thai fighter pilots are already in China also


Well if it was in the press, I suppose there is no harm in you letting us know where they are based. U do realise that despite the apparent cooling off between the USA and Thai military, that there is still a massive CIA presence in Thailand?

CIA isn't that bright as they seem is it! Thai fighter pilots are already in China also
U think they wouldn't know?

They have announced joint exercises. Very different from stationing planes permenantly on Thai soil.


Well if it was in the press, I suppose there is no harm in you letting us know where they are based. U do realise that despite the apparent cooling off between the USA and Thai military, that there is still a massive CIA presence in Thailand?

CIA isn't that bright as they seem is it! Thai fighter pilots are already in China also

U think they wouldn't know?

Do you think Thailand cares if they knew? Thai and Chinese have military exercises together over the past 6 years already


Well if it was in the press, I suppose there is no harm in you letting us know where they are based. U do realise that despite the apparent cooling off between the USA and Thai military, that there is still a massive CIA presence in Thailand?

CIA isn't that bright as they seem is it! Thai fighter pilots are already in China also
U think they wouldn't know?

Do you think Thailand cares if they knew? Thai and Chinese have military exercises together over the past 6 years already

You said there were Chinese planes on Thai soil. Very different from joint exercises......there are American planes permanently coming in and out of U Tapao....


You said there were Chinese planes on Thai soil. Very different from joint exercises......there are American planes permanently coming in and out of U Tapao....

I said they were Chinese fighter pilots in Thailand and I don't think America has permanent planes stationed at U-Tapao they come and go


You said there were Chinese planes on Thai soil. Very different from joint exercises......there are American planes permanently coming in and out of U Tapao....

I said they were Chinese fighter pilots in Thailand and I don't think America has permanent planes stationed at U-Tapao they come and go

The US airforce use it as a distribution hub and to manage searches for lost soldiers in Vietnam and Cambodia. They have a permanent presence.

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