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Retirement: Thailand vs Spain


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Visited Crete in early March a few years ago. Spectacular. Snow on the White Mountains and a bright blue Med sky. If you are looking to buy a place, and are happy to assume the potential currency risk, there are deals to be had. Lots of Brits who bought at the top of the market are desperate to sell. Buyers are gold dust. Great food, beautiful island, and lovely environment. Just a thought. Also, from what I gather, some Brits live there all-year-round but pay tax in the UK.

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Language is much simpler.

Basic conversational fluency, even for the terminally stupid, in just a year.

That, and you won't find Chef scrutinizing a booger while preparing your meal.

Obviously (DUH) isn't spainish in the same language family tree as english? except english is on a different branch called germanic while spain is in the romantic one.

That's why i hate those europeans that say they speak several different languages and all of them are european ones. How difficult is it to learn how to speak french, italian, spanish and portugese? Definitely easier than speaking thai, chinese, english and cambodian. Damn.

Edited by Howitzer
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The women?

Dont they have those in Spain?

I think they do, but they generally dont come with a sick buffalo and an extended family of 20 people who all want to live in your garage.

which means that if you are 60 years old the chances of you getting a sweet young spanish thing in her 20s is way way harder and you would probably need to be well someone like david beckham who has looks, wayyy more money than the average british citizen and fame to actually be able to pull tail in spain when he's in his 60s. Oh and the EU and pound currency are actually pretty much on par. Not going to be easy trying to get a typical meal at say 1pound over there.

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1) In Spain the cultural fare is far more interesting: art, music, theatre, architecture, etc, etc are some of the best in the world, and far superior to the dummy arts that you find in Thailand.

2) You can have damn good conversations and fruitful discussions with Spaniards, things which are extremely rare in Thailand.

3) In Spain, many kinds of alcohol and especially wine are far cheaper and far easier to find than in Thailand.

Those are the three things that come immediately to mind. I'd move to Spain if I could afford it, but I can't.

you also have to provide a point of reference. Are you a farang the english speaking one from the UK or say an asian let's assume chinese or japanese for example.

Obviously if you come from the UK then spain will be more familiar to you. Let's assume that you come from singapore/malaysia well thailand will be more familiar to you

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Economic issues aside, I'm surprised more people don't consider the Greek Islands. Even Athens for that matter. Cheap, beautiful, decent food etc. and European!

Oh, and NOBODY pays any horrible taxes!

"Economic issues aside"? How does that work? You think you would not find yourself parting with your money in ways you have never thought of yet to be part of their solution in repaying $$M's to Germany and other lenders?

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Spanish living in Thailand: Roads here are really dangerous. For my breadfast, chocolate or cookies i pay a fortune compared with my country. There are no many choice to drink a imported German beer and the ones are very expensive. No many place for do exercise outdoor. If you care your life you will avoid ride bycicle. Poluttion in thailand is really hight. Swim on the Beaches of Thailand is a hight risk "sport". The smell of banana and jet ski will stuck in you body.

Walk after 8.00 pm can be dangerous due to no light working. TV is very bored in Thailand so need to add True TV to my budget.

As i can't own a house here i won't feel like this is "my" country.

Really bored go to buy in big shops (home.pr.., thai watsha...,etc) as you will feel like a "falang".

As Spanish i choose my country 1000 VS 1.

If i would buy a house i always use a lawer. Only need comun sense. If you buy a house 10 times the market prices something smell. That can happend in Thailand too.

If my thai wife could adapt to my country i will move tomorrow morning.

Ok roads are dangerous fine. You eat chocolate or cookies for breakfast? Do they cost more than in spain or did you import them? Well it seems from your culinary tastes you don't really like asian/thai style of beer and food and so you import them so obviously it's going to cost more. That's like a thai living in spain and having to import thai beer and thai ingredients to spain it's going to cost more than eating spanish food (DUH)

What do you mean by outdoor exercise? They don't have parks with the benches and chin up bars? If you do jogging a road is all you need unless you jog in a stadium but i doubt it.

which beaches in thailand are you speaking about btw? Pattaya? If you go to phi phi islands they don't have that.

TV sure is boring if you don't speak and understand thai! News flash! Sure it's the same for the foreigners that live in spain that don't understand spanish. Damn spanish tv sure is boring.

It's funny that you actually want to buy a house in a country that you have already given so many negative points to. i mean it't just 1 pt vs 1000 for your native country.

Of course you feel like a farang in thailand because you are one. I am sure the africans/asians feel like africans and asians in spain don't they? I mean spain isn't like australia or the US right and btw those places still make discriminate minorities.

you know it's funny though. You marry a thai woman who speaks thai and from the looks of things you probably cannot communicate that well with her in thai so you probably use english then you say that spain is 1000 times better than thailand BUT you still chose to live in thailand. Where's the logic in that?

It's like me saying hey you know let me pick a random country say vietnam it sucks, the tv programs suck, the country sucks, it has pollution but i'm going to live there and marry a vietnamese girl. Doesn't make sense. Logic?

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Toured and travelled Spain a lot before coming to TH in 2009. I must have been followed down the motorway into a rest area and robbed by Romany scammers-they look for foreign plates. Had my topbox stolen in an instant off my motorbike. That was enough for me. Ask yourself, what follows high unemployment and a housing bubble that burst !

romani aka gypsies. I heard they are quite a plague in europe. They used to originate from india then moved to europe in romania and romania is actually famous for gypsies and then they move all over europe setting up illegal encampments. I also understand that pikeys are also called gypsies.

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Personally I do not care if Portugal is the <deleted> of the rottenness nation on earth I just want out of Thailand.

At times I wonder "am I as stupid as that" or" is this the dumbest thing on the planet" " No hab" after waiting an hour and being told yesterday they "hab" Those bloody bikes with the bolt on carts trundling back and forth at a steady 10mph Christ they are all over the place

Learned a bit of Thai language,but realised the only Thais you would want to possibly relate to speaking Thai were the ones if you were stuck in a jungle wanting to know the way out

Sounds like it might be time for a change (out of curiosity, how long have you lived in Thailand?)

Have you considered South America (Panama, Ecuador etc...), I've never been but from what I've read it seems a retirement paradise...

Massive crime problems in both countries, as well as most of CA/SA. Seems to be popular with snow birds from NA.

Here's a pic of my guide in Panama. He carried this for protection. Spent a month in both countries. Quite nice, but IMHO, Thailand is better. Warts and all.


Been to Costa Rica once, which is considered the safest country in the region, and I couldn't leave fast enough. In fact I cut my holiday short.

When the owner of the guesthouse in the middle of the capital tells you, take your key with you because after 10pm you can ring the bell as much as you want, we don't open the door under any circumstance then I know enough.

When we a few days later, on a return from a beach resort at the other side of the country, at 6pm walked with our suitcases from the bus station to a hotel 500 meter down the road and in the middle of the capital, and on arrival they declared us crazy for doing that, I understood that was not the place to be.

Also with armed guards outside Mc Donalds and H&M in the middle of the day it is clear that something is seriously wrong in those countries.

My brother lives there for 20+ years. And likewise I'd not consider it. Cannot leave his home without someone staying there to protect it. Thieves would steal the telephone cables running along the road in order to sell the copper. Eventually the telco buried it. In general I found the country apart from the jungle to be very unappealing.
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LL are you residing in Thailand? If you are and hate it and despise it's people so much, why don't you do yourself a favor and leave for Spain?

That will raise the intelligence quotient of Thailand for a start. It's a win/win situation all round

Edited by Linzz
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I've lived in Spain for about 4 years just after 2002. I stayed on UK tax system - it was cheaper. Health issues were covered by eh101 (or what ever the number was on that form) but I believe that situation is changing a bit, but not insoluable. The main reason for posting is to say that - like every country - - there are good places and bad. The Costas are like Phuket/Pattaya - up country is lovely if you stay away from farang ghettos and tourist spots. Cost of living depends on your required standard of living, but can be very cheap in both countries, especially if you go native for food, etc and stay away from the bars and associated leeches ;) Many people go travelling without any clue apart from how to get an airline ticket, and both countries will be difficult for them. The languages are learn-able without drama, but the dialects in both countries vary enormously around the provinces. Both countries have lots of immigrants from all over the place and the associated friction in certain areas. Anyone with a modicum of common sense will work out how to get along happily.

Unchangeable things are the climate and culture.

Spain varies from cold wet gales in Galicia winters to desert conditions in the south in summer. Thailand oscillates between drought and flood with monotonous regularity and frequency.

Spanish culture is nowadays official at many levels, with several police forces applying various parts of the law. Standards are EU - as are punishments, and buying your way out of trouble is basically not possible for anyone who will be reading this ;)

As someone wisely said to me -- if you choose where you live based on the cost - you will be forever unhappy........

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The thing I appreciate most about Spain is the sense of 'community'. Your local bar quickly becomes the centre of your social life.

And this is different in Thailand because...

because bars in Thailand do not serve delicious "tapas" as they do in Spain but some salted and rancid peanuts (if any at all).


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The thing I appreciate most about Spain is the sense of 'community'. Your local bar quickly becomes the centre of your social life.

And this is different in Thailand because...

because bars in Thailand do not serve delicious "tapas" as they do in Spain but some salted and rancid peanuts (if any at all).


I'm sure the bars in Thailand would serve tapas as well, if you paid for it similar as in Spain, but here everyone want it for free.

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The thing I appreciate most about Spain is the sense of 'community'. Your local bar quickly becomes the centre of your social life.

And this is different in Thailand because...

because bars in Thailand do not serve delicious "tapas" as they do in Spain but some salted and rancid peanuts (if any at all).


I'm sure the bars in Thailand would serve tapas as well, if you paid for it similar as in Spain, but here everyone want it for free.

They serve something similar...a bowl of chips... `100 bht

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And this is different in Thailand because...

because bars in Thailand do not serve delicious "tapas" as they do in Spain but some salted and rancid peanuts (if any at all).


I'm sure the bars in Thailand would serve tapas as well, if you paid for it similar as in Spain, but here everyone want it for free.

They serve something similar...a bowl of chips... `100 bht

Not sure what you're talking about, but I've never been asked to pay for the snacks I was served in a Thai bar, in contrast to Spain where you don't get snacks ( tapas) for free.

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LL are you residing in Thailand? If you are and hate it and despise it's people so much, why don't you do yourself a favor and leave for Spain?

That will raise the intelligence quotient of Thailand for a start. It's a win/win situation all round

After a two liner ,a two minute think over,then a edit, yup you could well be right there

Yup AN edit is always good for grammar.

Seriously you've experienced a hard time by your posts and I'm sorry that is the case. The result is you're very scathing of Thai people and their intelligence comparable to primates but fortunately that is not everybody's experience. For better or worse TVF provides a good medium for racist venting and you got passed the Moderators so bully for you

The "go home and grammar police" all in one reply....well done

Thanks but think you misunderstand. LL is the one who wants to leave and comments on my own editing. However sorry for my sarcasm LL but I found your generalized descriptions of Thai's tardy and hypercritical whether you feel justified or not.

Changing the scenery is not necessarily going kick-start a new life, especially when our circumstances are viewed as other people's fault. Our flaws are transportable and bitterness is caustic.But good luck in your decision whatever it may be.

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hi TIMMMMM im from spain i can help you with anything you ask

Rent & housing prices are cheaper

rent and housing are cheaper than uk where everything costs an arm and a leg but i don't think is cheaper than in thailand in which the salary is lower

Food is cheaper and better quality (GMO but no pesticides like in Thailand)

i dont is cheaper either, if the salary is lower thais have to eat, less salary vs more expensive food i dont think is like that, your uk money will buy more things in thailand i think

and gmo are way worst, WAY worst, people hate monsanto so much for a reason, even the famous chuck norris condenmed gmos

Infrastructure is better

i dont know, maybe, buildings in bangkok, phuket etc are very well designed

Crime isn’t low but lower than in Thailand

probably but i heard a spanish citizen who lives in phuket (españoles por el mundo i think, tv program in spain) said its very safe as you can leave a bag in the middle of a place and its very difficult to being robbed

Weather is a bit better

hell no, HELL NO, saying that a tropical-weather-summer-all-year-round is worse than the european weather with the winter etc is kinda a crime

Beaches and water are cleaner

probably, specially the water, but you can only go to the beach 4 months a year

Flight to EU and NA are cheaper

yes, because they are closer

Easier to stay fit (hiking, walking, cycling, etc)

i think its easier in thailand, in winter is not easy to do sports

Healthcare is probably the same (in Thailand is probably more affordable and a bit friendlier)

healthcare in spain is good, i dont know about thailand's healthcare

and about affordable doctors here are free, emergency system is free, you broke your leg they heal you is free, you feel sick the doctor is free, unlike amurica

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We Moved to Thailand in april 1990 lived for nearly 2 years in Cha am before we moved to Hua Hin near the Station,my Australian wife and I. both disabled and in our early 50,s enjoyed our time there till in spring 1994 the Scandinavian and german invasion of huahin, not very pretty I can assure you, estates and bars appeared and bargirls appeared in droves,in 96 we sold up and moved to Australia ,a couple of years ago we moved to spain to care for an aging aunt ,we live permanently on the Costa del expat, in a nice village on the edge of the mountains but still only 10 minutes from the beach, living standard with Thailand no comparison ,in spain once you are registered, everything falls into place , medical care is cheap and better quality than England , we brought the dog from Australia no problem, all our personal effects and car no problem, car registered ,tax, VAT and Insurance 850 euros, no jumping through hoops like in Thailand, no visa runs we think it is great, we still visit north east Thailand every 2 years for a couple of months , but return to live in Thailand , no chance!!here in the tourist hotspotsit is pretty noisy but that's all brits not the Spanish,but to compare it with Pattaya or Phuket is ludicrous, no bargirls or ladygirls here the police haul them away tout suite,and definitely no VD Clinics 5 tourist women were arrested in Alcoi the next village for bathing topless, living is good and good value for money but one thing we do in spain that we did in Thailand, never invest more than we c an afford to walk away from with a smile on our face!!

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Srl1: I missed GMO part in your post. The fact that everybody hates Monsanto is clear. However, do they have GMO in Spain and if yes, to what extent?

My understanding that only Swiss, Japan, and NZ are completely GMO free.

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We Moved to Thailand in april 1990 lived for nearly 2 years in Cha am before we moved to Hua Hin near the Station,my Australian wife and I. both disabled and in our early 50,s enjoyed our time there till in spring 1994 the Scandinavian and german invasion of huahin, not very pretty I can assure you, estates and bars appeared and bargirls appeared in droves,in 96 we sold up and moved to Australia ,a couple of years ago we moved to spain to care for an aging aunt ,we live permanently on the Costa del expat, in a nice village on the edge of the mountains but still only 10 minutes from the beach, living standard with Thailand no comparison ,in spain once you are registered, everything falls into place , medical care is cheap and better quality than England , we brought the dog from Australia no problem, all our personal effects and car no problem, car registered ,tax, VAT and Insurance 850 euros, no jumping through hoops like in Thailand, no visa runs we think it is great, we still visit north east Thailand every 2 years for a couple of months , but return to live in Thailand , no chance!!here in the tourist hotspotsit is pretty noisy but that's all brits not the Spanish,but to compare it with Pattaya or Phuket is ludicrous, no bargirls or ladygirls here the police haul them away tout suite,and definitely no VD Clinics 5 tourist women were arrested in Alcoi the next village for bathing topless, living is good and good value for money but one thing we do in spain that we did in Thailand, never invest more than we c an afford to walk away from with a smile on our face!!

This is what I like,comparison Spain v Thailand. Every week I do get a listing of properties there in Spain,one particular took my eye yesterday villa two bedroom(could be three),two bathroom,really nice,nice estate,pool etc. manicured lawns well built and managed 95000 Euros,so well over a third off with the £,and then another 15% off as a last offer. Compare like for like here in Thailand...well it doesn't because its pure crap,plumbing,electrical work ,tiling pure crap.

Was not the first intended destination Spain,Portugal was and if read I did state in next couple of weeks I am jetting off to do a bit of fact finding there.

Days here are wasted,rip off merchants prevail in every nook and cranny,feel sorry for anybody suckered into buying property here,what a complete waste of money,falling down around your eyes as soon as you move in

...and as for you above well done ,how I envy you,but have a bit of baggage to sort out first then Ill be over there quicker than quick

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This is what I like,comparison Spain v Thailand. Every week I do get a listing of properties there in Spain,one particular took my eye yesterday villa two bedroom(could be three),two bathroom,really nice,nice estate,pool etc. manicured lawns well built and managed 95000 Euros,so well over a third off with the £,and then another 15% off as a last offer. Compare like for like here in Thailand...well it doesn't because its pure crap,plumbing,electrical work ,tiling pure crap.

A friend of mine bought two inland village houses in Spain for the price of my one large studio condo in Jomtien. He spent relatively little money tidying them up and now both are rented most of the year.

And I was looking at beach condos in Spain that are much cheaper and better than ones near the beach in Jomtien.

So no doubt in my mind that much property in tourist areas in Thailand is way overpriced.

Again, it's only really the tax situation and the spicy food that brought me here. Apart from that I would be much better off in Spain or Portugal, and I'm sure it would cost me less to live there than it does to live here given the way I live.

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The irony is that one has to be truly pennyless to reside worry free in Spain and ignore the tax situation.

I don't know how people have properties in Spain or even any assets outside of Spain and pay crazy taxes over there.

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This is what I like,comparison Spain v Thailand. Every week I do get a listing of properties there in Spain,one particular took my eye yesterday villa two bedroom(could be three),two bathroom,really nice,nice estate,pool etc. manicured lawns well built and managed 95000 Euros,so well over a third off with the £,and then another 15% off as a last offer. Compare like for like here in Thailand...well it doesn't because its pure crap,plumbing,electrical work ,tiling pure crap.

if the house in Spain was built 5-10 years ago you get an even crappier house than in Thailand. exception only if the homeowner supervised the construction.

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The irony is that one has to be truly pennyless to reside worry free in Spain and ignore the tax situation.

I don't know how people have properties in Spain or even any assets outside of Spain and pay crazy taxes over there.

Just looked at Spanish tax rates,not a million miles off UK ones ,bit more ,but cost of living more than makes up for it

Plus the tax free allowance of around 6 to 7 thousand Euros

communities of Andalusia and Catalonia apply a higher regional income tax than.docx

Edited by loppylugs1
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