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Truck crash in southern Thailand kills 8 students, driver


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So sad and today is Mother's Day. When are the Thai

People going to wake up and insist on safer drivers and

Vehicles for,their children. Mass protests by all families

Affected by these criminals and the OWNERS of the Mini

Van companies should start TODAY. BUS COMPANY

OWNERS and Transportation Owners should be held

CRIMINALY RESPONSIBLE for the actions of their

Employees!!! Only then will we see less carnage on the

Roads in Thailand

I predict NEVER. This would require self discipline and a willingness to abide by rule of law. From what I've observed, Thais want to do what they want when they want and don't want anyone telling them anything. They will not abide by any restrictions b/c they are "Free Men." Following rules with restrictions would impede their ME and Me First mentality.

Thais say they love Thailand but......

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I travelled a lot in Namibia and never saw as much carnage on the roads as we see in Thailand.. About time they claimed the top spot !

Sad but true.

They only count the dead at the scene of the accident, if you die on the way to hospital you only get listed as injured.

They are trying to avoid the top spot and be known as "The Hub of road Deaths" facepalm.gif

Correct, and taking it a step further, if a road victim is taken to hospital as a result of an accident and ultimately dies in hospital minutes, days, weeks or months later it can be counted as an accident and not as a "road" death because literally the death didn't happen on the road.

Greetings to all,

I just signed up here on Thai Visa today in order to help clarify this misunderstanding, if I can. I am one of a handful of foreigners who is a sworn and licensed EMT for one of the largest EMS/Rescue organizations here in Thailand. As such, it is one of my duties to fingerprint all deceased persons and submit the forms to the police, including the cause of death as being a result of natural causes, traffic accident fatality, etc. I disagree with the claims made here that a person who dies en-route to the hospital are not recorded as a traffic accident fatality. In addition, I have had numerous patients expire in my ambulance while en-route and their cause of death was always included on the police accident reports, no different than those patients whom I pronounce dead at the scene.

That being said, I am not aware who compiles and tabulates these statistics that are often referenced and quoted in the media. Perhaps they choose to include only those patients who are DOA at the scene? That I cannot verify. However, I can assure you that the forms we complete, which are official, legal supplements to the police accident reports, include ALL persons injured and deceased as a result of the traffic accident regardless of the time or place of death.

Hope that helps shed some light on it a bit! :)

Edited by RKUmedic22
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We have a school bus driver who turns up drunk. in the bus taking kids to school.

Who has to report this?

No one else will. So I do it. Do they care? Not sure yet. Will post.

Have a quite work to the school Director. They are often in charge of employing the drivers to serve the kids from their school.

Breathalise them if they pick up from school, bring in the death penalty for causing death by wreckless use of a motor vehicle.

Tragic loss of innocent life again.


At the school to pick up my daughter, I mentioned this observance of the drunk mini bus driver. The headmistress quickly called him right in. She is a tall woman wiht a commanding presence. She put my story forward. The driver laughed and denied any drinking. The head mistress has a penetrating stare and she fixed this driver with a salutory eyeballing that I think went straight through his brain.

She was not convinced.

Sometimes just facing this sort of treatment, could mend the driver's ways. Getting caught could lose him a cushy job.

We'll see.

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