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Done Like A Dinner!

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Hi all,

I know I haven't been an extremly active poster on this board, but I am posting for two main reasons.

Firstly, I just want to thank all the positive posters here on this board for all the usefull information that I have had access to throughout our Spouse visa application. It's been of great help.

Secondly, some advice to all who are applying for spouse visas in the future. Read all the information packs thoroughly and base your applications on the information provided (along with the help provided in this site). You can never provide to much information.... Oh yeah, DON'T RUSH INTO IT AND DON'T BE SCARED BY THE HORROR STORIES, use them to ensure your application is spot on :D

We submitted our application on the 24th of August, had an interview on the11th of September, and then another interview on the 22nd of September... the visa was then approved on the 25th of September... that's 4 1/2 weeks.

After reading about some of the horror stories, I have to say that everyone I had contact with in the Embassy was polite and helplful, and it has given me new found confidence in the services provided by the embassy.

Good luck to you all, and thanks once again!!



Aussie Andy

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Congratulations and thanks for sharing that information.

4.5 weeks must be close to a record.

Could you tell us the reason for the second interview.

Not quite sure to tell you the truth. We had an aussie interview us and ask a few routine questions i.e. Where we met, for how long we have know each other, intensions apon arrival in Australia. And that was about it. I stressed the need from the start to be home for December and they said that the time for processing these days has been sped up quite a bit of late, and not to worry about it.

And before we knew it, a call saying it's approved yesterday. :D More than suprised and more than happy because as most involved in the process know it's soo difficult to plan travel/work/etc... around the application proces. Now we can book flights and organise work plans etc which is a REAL relief. :o

Once again, can't explain how helpful everyone at the embassy was in making the process a stress free experience.

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Congrats Andy. We did hear from another poster stating that their wifes application was quick. But 4 and a half weeks is very quick. I believe the reason is that they are less busy at this time. Or so another poster said regarding his wifes application. Where are you off to in Oz?

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[size=5congratuations on the visa.

i too have read the information on this site, and was filled with trepidation about the spouse visa process.

i think you must have the record.

we applied on the 8/8/2006, the wife attended her interview on the 13/9 and accepted her visa on the 26/9.

this was with waiting for a new passport for 1 week with her married name on the passport.

my wife was very happy with the way she was treated by her interviewer and the courtesy shown to her at all times.

her interview lasted about 30 minutes.

i will be sending an email to the embassy thanking them for their courtesy and treatment of my wife.

far from the horror stories i had read.[/size]

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Congrats on your wifes approval.

Im geting ready to apply for my wifes spouse visa to Oz, so I hope our application goes as smooth......................

Apart from giving the embassy as much paper work, stat decs and other items to proove our relation ship, is there any other adivce or tricks you know that could help with the process???

Do you think it would be a good idea to declare my illegale income here in Thailand as proof that i have been working, not just holidaying here, or do you think 30,000 AUD in the savings plus job offer letters for my wife and I to come home to would be enough for proof of financial support? Thats really the only issue im still undecided on how to handel before i apply......

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IMHO DIMA has been told to soften their immigration interpretations, Vandstone has been under a lot of pressure lately because of stuffups by her department.

I would also like to think that Thaivisa has had a bit to do with the easing of application tensions in Bangkok.

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