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Renewed UK passport – what do I need to transfer to the new passport?

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I am currently waiting for my passport to be returned to me in Bangkok from the UK having renewed it via Trendy agency.

In the passport I have renewed I have a non-immigrant O-type Visa valid until July 2016. My admitted until stamp is valid until mid-November 2015.

My understanding is that the actual Visa sticker is not carried over to the new passport just the ‘admitted until’ stamp? That is, when I receive the new passport back from the UK I will I need to transfer the ‘admitted until’ stamp to the new passport at immigration in Bangkok. I would then need to present both the old passport containing the visa as well as the new passport with me when I enter/exit Thailand whilst the current O-type Visa is still valid.

Is this correct?

Do I need any supporting documents/letter from the British Embassy to transfer visas/stamps to a new passport or can I take the new passport directly to immigration and get in done myself? I had checked previous threads regarding this but didn’t really see any up-to-date definitive answers and wanted to check the situation for UK passports.

Many thanks in advance for any advice.

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You don't need to go to immigration to have your entry stamp transferred.

You will show both passports on departure from the country. They will move the entry stamp to your new passport and stamp you out of the country in it.

When you re-enter the country you will use both passports to show your valid visa in the old passport and they will stamp into the country in your new one.

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Thanks for the reply.

Don't mean to question your advice here but would it definitely be okay to turn up at the airport when I wish to exit Thailand with a clipped and therefore invalid Passport and another totally blank passport? I can imagine immigration would do exactly as you say with no questions asked but I seeing as I have time quite some time before I am next scheduled to travel (as long as my passport is returned in decent time!) is it actually possible to transfer the stamps in advance without too much hassle?

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There is no difference between doing it an immigration office or on departure from the country. You can do it at the airport without a problem.

If you go to an immigration office to have the entry stamp transferred they may tell you just do it on departure and refuse to do it for you.

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Having collected my passport yesterday just thought I'd add a few more details.

When you collect the passport you also receive a Pro Forma letter from the consular section of the British Embassy in Bangkok asking immigration to "kindly stamp Mr/Mrs/Ms XXX's replacement passport with a replacement visa" (sic).

I've attached the images of the letters for anyone who wants to see these.


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That is a recently reported improvement in the service. Before they gave you a blank form you had to take to the embassy to be signed and stamped.

The usual incorrect terminology used on the letter though, Visas cannot be transferred only an extension of stay can be transferred.

You don't really need the letter though since you just have a entry stamp that can be transferred on departure from the country..

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  • 8 months later...

Having collected my passport yesterday just thought I'd add a few more details.

When you collect the passport you also receive a Pro Forma letter from the consular section of the British Embassy in Bangkok asking immigration to "kindly stamp Mr/Mrs/Ms XXX's replacement passport with a replacement visa" (sic).

I've attached the images of the letters for anyone who wants to see these.

attachicon.gifLetter 1.jpgattachicon.gifLetter 2.jpg

I just had this letter rejected by a Senior Thai Immigration Officer on the basis that it is a mass produced photocopy and not on original Embassy Letter Head and has a photocopied standard signature and not an original signature. Fortunately the junior officer had already transferred my stamps to my new passport, but the Senior Officer insists that I obtain an original letter on embassy paper with original signature and return to immigration in person.

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I renewed my passport last month and went to immigration after to see if there was anything I needed to do. Although they transferred the information from the old to new passport, the visa is not transferred and I still have to carry both passports and the new stamps and notes took up 2 pages in the new passport!! Not sure if it was worth it but piece of mind whilst travelling back into Thailand

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I renewed my passport last month and went to immigration after to see if there was anything I needed to do. Although they transferred the information from the old to new passport, the visa is not transferred and I still have to carry both passports and the new stamps and notes took up 2 pages in the new passport!! Not sure if it was worth it but piece of mind whilst travelling back into Thailand

Visas can not be transferred between passports

You need to carry both passports.

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