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Huge inflatable air cushion saves Bangkok condo jumper


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"The womans lucky escape"

Not sure she will see it that way!

If someone wants to kill themselves why stop them?

If she really wanted to kill herself why did she wait until they had installed the air cushion and pumped it up, must have taken some time in full view, maybe she even shouted,'' more to the right please''. Drama queens wanting their 5 minuets of fame,a wonder she didn't take a selfy on the way down.

Since most are scared of heights, i suspect she didnt really even want to jump in the end.

Not much point to it really, what with a blooody big baloon below.

I guess, after all the trouble they went to, she could hardly walk down the stairs and say "ka ka khop khun na kaaahh"

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This shows the poor state of the Thai mental health system. Here we have a woman who has been suicidal already. She should have been institutionalized and should definitely not have been living in a high rise.

Terrible. And terrible for the many posters here to make light of her plight.

Wow a person wants to take the final leap and you find time to Thai bash....so your suggesting in those countries which have a robust mental health services no one commits suicide ? :blink:

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Someone should start selling those air beds in Pattaya!

They'd make a fortune

Nah.... i doubt it. They wont go to all that trouble and expense to save a few old farangs.

I'm surprised they have one in BKK. Dont recall seeing it before. Good job. i like the emergency matting next to the bag incase she overshot...lol

I quote you..."I like the emergency matting next to the bag INCASE SHE OVERSHOT... LOL".

This lady who attempted to commit suicide suffers from a mental health condition, and you think that this is worthy of a disgusting attempt at humour. Furthermore, you find this, your own disgusting remark, makes you "laugh out loud (lol). I feel sorry for anyone who suffers with ether physical and/or mental health problems, and that also applies to you, who is by your own remarks, in dire need of mental health assistance.

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"The womans lucky escape"

Not sure she will see it that way!

If someone wants to kill themselves why stop them?

If she really wanted to kill herself why did she wait until they had installed the air cushion and pumped it up, must have taken some time in full view, maybe she even shouted,'' more to the right please''. Drama queens wanting their 5 minuets of fame,a wonder she didn't take a selfy on the way down.

That would be a hell of selfie/selfy (how do you spell that word?).

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looking at the video, it takes about two seconds for her to fall.

that must have been a long two seconds for her, not being totally sure how this was going to go.

hope she gets help.

and well done to the fire department...

Edited by NCC1701A
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I really cant understand these jumpers, be they Thai or foreigners.

<deleted>'s Surely there are better ways to go?

You can even buy a bunch of pills over the counter or even on the street at Sukhumvit *hint*

You will have the legacy of a better looking corpse, and will save some other poor bahstard the trouble of cleaning up the mess,

not to mention save the risk of falling on some poor innocent bastard walking below.

Some of you old dolts make me gag. Comments like this and those above... geez, the comfort you lot must have lived in, never having sampled real pain. You wouldn't make it to the second floor, pal.
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This shows the poor state of the Thai mental health system. Here we have a woman who has been suicidal already. She should have been institutionalized and should definitely not have been living in a high rise.

Terrible. And terrible for the many posters here to make light of her plight.

Wow a person wants to take the final leap and you find time to Thai bash....so your suggesting in those countries which have a robust mental health services no one commits suicide ? :blink:
I don't see any Thai bashing. What they speak is the truth, Thai mental health services are woeful, fact. And they never alluded to your second comment. Behave grandad!
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Pathetic to read what are obviously many people posting who have zero understanding of mental illness. It is pretty fair to assume that somebody who actually jumps out of a tall building has some serious issues that only real professionals can help them with.

This lady obviously has a story, but this is somebody's little gitl, and for all we know the mother was pleading with her and trying to keep her from jumping. I mean I have young daughters, and however bad our relationship got, I would always do anything in my power to stop them doing anything reckless.

All i'm suggesting is, put yourself in this lady's & her mother's shoes. And for the lady, it's very difficult to do so as we (myself included) have very little insight into what serious mental illness entails. Just my 2 cents, not meaning to offend anybody.

PS I hope the lady gets the help she needs, and her mother can rebuild the relationship again

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This shows the poor state of the Thai mental health system. Here we have a woman who has been suicidal already. She should have been institutionalized and should definitely not have been living in a high rise.

Terrible. And terrible for the many posters here to make light of her plight.

It is probably better to make light of it than to spout your simplistic nonsense. Having had a family member who was in need of the country's mental health services I can actually say that I was thoroughly impressed by the dedication of the staff and the thoroughness of all their procedures in providing help. It is easy it criticise but I found a genuine warmth and sense of purpose at the government facility I was obliged to visit regularly for a year. It is never perfect but what health system is? Mental health provision is a huge hot potato in the UK with all its facilities at the moment with the Duchess of Cambridge getting closely involved. The airbag saved a life now all concerned, and especially the mother, need to help insure that it doesnt happen again. Shoving them into an institution or forcing them out of a home sounds Victorian.

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I don't see anything humorous in a person trying to commit suicide. Mental illness is not a joke and the reaction of too many posters to this poor soul's situation is horrid. Where is the compassion for another human beings travail. Most of the posters here know nothing about mental illness, depression or psychosis. Some of the comments on this subject make me wonder if these posters don't have their own mental issues.What if this was your family member- how would you feel reading these cruel comments? Start treating people- the way you would want to be treated.

Edited by Thaidream
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I don't see anything humorous in a person trying to commit suicide. Mental illness is not a joke and the reaction of too many posters to this poor soul's situation is horrid. Where is the compassion for another human beings travail. Most of the posters here know nothing about mental illness, depression or psychosis. Some of the comments on this subject make me wonder if these posters don't have their own mental issues.What if this was your family member- how would you feel reading these cruel comments? Start treating people- the way you would want to be treated.

If you fail to see the funny side of this then you need start answering those voices.

I am no expert on mental illness but I am so at least one of us is.

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"The woman’s lucky escape"

Why was she lucky? she wanted to kill herself, and was unlucky in the attempt

If she wanted to kill herself she wouldn't have sat there for two hours waiting for the airbag. I think of the term "cry for help." She obviously has some mental health issues, but has not been able to get the help she needed via normal channels. I agree, good work by the rescuers.

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I really cant understand these jumpers, be they Thai or foreigners.

<deleted>'s Surely there are better ways to go?

You can even buy a bunch of pills over the counter or even on the street at Sukhumvit *hint*

You will have the legacy of a better looking corpse, and will save some other poor bahstard the trouble of cleaning up the mess,

not to mention save the risk of falling on some poor innocent bastard walking below.

I attended many suicides in my working life. Talking only about jumpers, I believe that the ones who are serious just do it. The ones who wait until the crowds and emergency services have gathered are obviously desperate and need help, but deep down want to be talked out of it. That is when the trained negotiators earn their pay, or sometimes not. IMHO.

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