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Foreign spouses of UK nationals

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There is an interesting argument going on in the UK media over Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Health, wife who is Chinese. A Labour MP tweeted that if China is so wonderful doesn't she return there.


The article goes on to say "

Labour's leader in the House of Lords Lady Smith said Goodman's tweet was "absolutely bizarre".

She told BBC Radio 4's Westminster Hour: "Presumably Mrs Hunt lives in the UK because she's married to Mr Hunt and she's in love with him and wants to be with him so end of story"

Very different if you are not in the Conservative Government and earn less that £18600 pa. The question of love and wanting to be with your husband (or wife) doesn't come into it.

But then being and MP and having different rules apply. Who remembers the Liberal MP who employed his Russian mistress as he researcher, while he was married. The allegation was the researcher was a Russian spy with full access to the House of Commons.

How the other half live.

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Nothing to do with immigration IMO. More a suggestion of racism on the behalf of a Labour MP. At best a stupid thing to Tweet.

As Mr Hunt earns well over £18 600 there would be no problem with a settlement visa for her anyway.

The rules our MP's have to follow are the same as everyone else so struggling to see what your point is. Many or most of us realise that the inflexibility of the current rules prevent some families settling in the UK despite being able to cope financially.

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