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New Visa Extension Procedure

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Do not listen the staff member she would not know her ass from her face honestly

She just did not want make it easy for you

bad attitudes and ) service is the way they roll... But are happy to take the baht

Every office is different smile.png

Every office is different smile.png

There are a few things that can irritate a Farang in this country, but this must be the "Main-Irritaton" for every Farang living here.

- Why can immigration not function under a centralized "Head-Immigration-Authority", that issues laws and regulations, that are binding for every Immigration office? Local Immigration "Chieftains", still insisting on ruling their little Kingdom by intuition, astrological constellations or simply by occasional mood-swings, would be dismissed.

So, to every advice given here, there should automatically be a "disclaimer" attached, like "This advice concerns Immigration Office XXX. For Immigration Office YYY, this advice may not be complete/accurate".

A sad state of affairs.


When living and working in Zurich I received much conflicting advice from "officials". I wonder why? I also believe the Thais officials have been taking lessons in "confusing" the punter from the Swiss.smile.png

With a 24 % "Foreigner Quote", Switzerland knows how to handle a massive influx of immigrants, (A classification System that issues visas from class B to class L. The system is precise and leaves no open questions). The Germans, at this special time, are actually considering "Swiss-Procedures". No kidding!

Of course, immigrants claiming to be "independent Businessman", not really being able to disclose what "independent business" they actually conduct, but always wearing dark sunglasses, whenever dealing with "Swiss Officials", no wonder that those people get some "Special Attention" from "Swiss Officials".

Oncearugge. Have a nice day. Cheers.

I resent you offensive implication(s)

FYI I was employed by the Klinik Hirslanden a renowned private healthcare facility.

It was not until the Senior HR manager of the Klinic became involved that the nonsensical Swiss bureaucracy was sorted out in my favour.

A precise system which leaves no open questions?

Thanks for the laugh


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Do not listen the staff member she would not know her ass from her face honestly

She just did not want make it easy for you

bad attitudes and ) service is the way they roll... But are happy to take the baht

Every office is different smile.png

Every office is different smile.png

There are a few things that can irritate a Farang in this country, but this must be the "Main-Irritaton" for every Farang living here.

- Why can immigration not function under a centralized "Head-Immigration-Authority", that issues laws and regulations, that are binding for every Immigration office? Local Immigration "Chieftains", still insisting on ruling their little Kingdom by intuition, astrological constellations or simply by occasional mood-swings, would be dismissed.

So, to every advice given here, there should automatically be a "disclaimer" attached, like "This advice concerns Immigration Office XXX. For Immigration Office YYY, this advice may not be complete/accurate".

A sad state of affairs.


Because this is how they scam you. What's really needed are a few videos taken with indiscreet spy cameras posted on a dedicated face book page.

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My life is not miserable. I go with the flow and accept that I am not in control of what happens as far as immigration and other entities are concerned.

Acceptance, tolerance and compliance are tools that I use to make my life here a comfortable one.

Retired and going on my third extension. Good luck to all.

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Do not listen the staff member she would not know her ass from her face honestly

She just did not want make it easy for you

bad attitudes and ) service is the way they roll... But are happy to take the baht

Every office is different smile.png

Every office is different smile.png

There are a few things that can irritate a Farang in this country, but this must be the "Main-Irritaton" for every Farang living here.

- Why can immigration not function under a centralized "Head-Immigration-Authority", that issues laws and regulations, that are binding for every Immigration office? Local Immigration "Chieftains", still insisting on ruling their little Kingdom by intuition, astrological constellations or simply by occasional mood-swings, would be dismissed.

So, to every advice given here, there should automatically be a "disclaimer" attached, like "This advice concerns Immigration Office XXX. For Immigration Office YYY, this advice may not be complete/accurate".

A sad state of affairs.


This thread has run its course but I must add my two cents to above.

I have been doing this retirement extension to KC and Korat and Chok Chai for many years.

Every year I psych myself up to see if I can outwit the maddening endless photocopy requirement (based on the previous year's requirement) I have yet to make it.

For as long as I can remember; I have been paying my bank for a letter of recommendation; every year they never even looked at it.

This year I did not take it; you guessed it, the first thing they asked for at KC was where is the bank letter.

Had to drive back and get the letter !!!

Just imagine how much money and earned productivity Thai immigration would save if they would move to submitting applications on line and just make appointments for passport check and visa/extensions issuance. They must generate genuine mountains of paper work to support the eucalyptus industry, how shameful in this day & age.

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I did my extension the third one at Sakon Nakhon on Thursday October 12th. It was based on 800,000B at the bank. They did not require a visit and it was done on the spot in about 90 minutes. Whenever I have been there they have been brilliant. No problems at all.

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I am going to piggy back on this thread. I will link to the thread I started 2015-10-07 and updated today.

When in Thailand, I live in a government police apartment. I may be applying for a retirement visa, so that I can attend a Thai language school. I expect that I will take the Thai language course for 6 months or longer, perhaps more than a year.

Still hoping for an answer.


Edited by radiochaser
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I am going to piggy back on this thread. I will link to the thread I started 2015-10-07 and updated today.

When in Thailand, I live in a government police apartment. I may be applying for a retirement visa, so that I can attend a Thai language school. I expect that I will take the Thai language course for 6 months or longer, perhaps more than a year.

Still hoping for an answer.


Why not ask your Police relative to confirm your legal presence in Police accommodation to his colleges in the immigration branch of the Police Service.

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Every year Dan Kwian Immigration tries to shift me from an Extension Based on Marriage to Extension Based on Retirement.

And every year I say "No thank you".

"Easier easier"

"Mai ouw khrap"

Why do I not want to switch?

a) Lower financial requirement with marriage-based extension (I could meet the retirement-based requirement as well)

cool.png I may want to work in Thailand again at some point

c) I prefer that my extensions reflect the true reason for my long-term stay

d) However remote the chance is of it ever happening, I would think that if some changes were made to make longer stays easier (say 5 year extensions rather than 1 year), those would be offered to people on marriage-based extensions more readily than retirement-based.

Understand your thoughts but not D. Yes, it would be great if they gave a 5 year extension but do not understand why they should be offered more readily for marriage based extensions, and not retirement. I would like to see your reasoning for such a suggestion. Equality is the name of the game.

If I was a high-level government official looking to modify/improve the immigration process for a group of long-stayers, I would look at those that are offering the most benefit to Thailand.

#prama generalization ON

Someone on a marriage extension, especially over a long period, is likely providing benefits to a larger group (wife/children/extended family) than a person on a retirement extension.

#pragma generalization OFF

I do not understand "Equality is the name of the game" ... this is false more often than not.

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hi can anyone tell me what I need to take to immgration to do my one year retirement extention at jontiem . do I need to take proof of where I live. if so what? thanks

yes you need a statement from your bank on the day photo copies of your rental agreement 2 photos and photo copies of your passport last visa entry and id .

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Kap Cheong;

Yes, I also went to Kap Cheong. I have had my home visit by two immigration officers. They wanted two independent witnesses they must not be related to GF. They have to sign some documents, cash is also the additional incentive. I have to report back on 26th Oct.

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Kap Cheong;

Yes, I also went to Kap Cheong. I have had my home visit by two immigration officers. They wanted two independent witnesses they must not be related to GF. They have to sign some documents, cash is also the additional incentive. I have to report back on 26th Oct.

cash is also the additional incentive

What cash? confused.gif

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