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Legal Drugs In Thailand


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Just wondering what you can buy over-the-counter in Thailand that is banned in the UK?...

ie. Diazepam, Steroids, Ephedrine, Xanax, Viagra etc?....

Can you simply walk in to the chemist with a list and they'll get you what you want?.... I've heard you can buy most stuff over the counter...

Dodgy subject I know, but can anyone help?

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Can anyone give me any examples or anything worth getting?....

I have to admit I use recreational drugs here in the UK, but there's no chance I'd take anything illegal in Thailand. Especially due to the fear of being caught with them, urine tested, etc. - It's just not worth it...


Just wondering if there's anything you can buy over the counter thats any good?

Ie. to perk you up, etc.

Someone suggested Dostinex (cabergoline)

Ephedrine is like speed I guess

Anything else?

I know this is a bit of a taboo subject, but one mans medicine is another mans poison.

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but one mans medicine is another mans POISON

couldnt have put it better myself.

DOSTINEX....cabergoline is a potent drug. it is used to prevent lactation and in the treatment of parkinsons disease,cyclical benign breast disease,hypogonadism and acromegaly.

it is an ergot-derived dopamine receptor agonist and has been associated with pulmonary,retroperitoneal and pericardial fibrotic reactions.

before using these drugs you should have investigations done into your erythrocyte sedimentation rate,and measurement of urea and electrolytes.

the side effects can include nausea,vomiting,postural hypotension,drowsiness,vasospasm of fingers and toes,confusion,psychomotor excitation,hallucinations,pleural effusions and dyskinesia.

EPHEDRINE...is a sympathomimetic vasoconstrictor used as an emergency measure to raise blood pressure when other methods have failed. the danger with these vasoconstrictors is that they raise blood pressure at the expense of perfusion of vital organs such as your kidneys.

these days the pharmacies here are under instruction from the authorities not to give out everything and anything as before, but you can probably get anything you want if you go to enough pharmacies. restricted drugs,including valium and codiene containing preparations will(should) have a warning printed on the wrapping stating that they should only be used on the advice of a doctor.should you be unlucky enough to be pulled by the police and found with them on you and cant produce a prescription then you may have to answer for your sins.

whether you are liable to be penalised by the police if they find you in posession of anti lactating drugs is another matter, although the hallucinatory nature of the drug is what probably interests you.

as for what you can buy over the counter that is any good, well most pharmacies here sell up to 5 flavours of strepsil throat tablets, they are quite tasty. especially the new blackcurrant flavour. :o

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Right - I think I'll stick to my original plan of a 3-week de-tox in Thailand!....

ie. No Drugs at all!

It's safer and it'll help me in the long run, I'm trying break the habbit I'm currently stuck in at the moment....

I'm smoking loads of weed each night, passing out, waking up, filling myself full of coffee, going to work 9am-5pm, getting home, sparking another joint up, it's just a cycle I'm stuck in and I need to break it!....

I don't care that people say weed isn't addictive, it bloody well is!... Well to me it is anyway and too most of my friends that smoke it. Don't get me wrong I hold down my job and do it well, I just crave that joint when I get home, it's bad shit! Luckily I don't smoke cigarette's or drink alcohol, just need to get away from the evil weed, and there's no chance I'd smoke any in Thailand, far to risky!....

I'll just go with the buzz of being there instead! - The natural way!

Might take a couple of shots of Sustanon before I go though, just for da ladies... :o

Thanks for the feedback!

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I was doing the same thing you are with the evil weed. Work, home/weed/, sleep, work, home/weed.. was kind of hard to get out of that habit since it could be found everywhere in my neighborhood and I was bored out of my skull knowing I was moving here permanently some months later. I think it's also addictive but is more of a mental thing :o rather than the physical cravings one gets from harder drugs.

Came to Thailand for 2 months last year, did not dare touch the stuff here or try and find some... not worth the risk. :D

Went back home afterwards and got into the same habit, work, weed, sleep... again. :D

I am now living in LOS. I just quit, cold turkey, when I came back. I may have had a few cravings the first few days but I can say now that I don`t care for it anymore.

I am not a regular drinker, but I enjoy the beer buzz every now and then:STICK TO THAT AND STAY OUT OF OF TROUBLE.

Ever heard of the Bangkok Hilton? If not, do a little research in the previous posts.


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penzman thanks for your reply mate.

I'm 27, I've been smoking weed for 11 years now, mainly because I've always had sleeping problems and it's always helped me sleep. Unfortunately I know a guy who gets it buy the boat load so v.cheap supply has never been a problem for me, hence the temptation is too easy not to resist.

I have to admit I fell out with my friend so the weed stopped, I did go cold turkey for 2 months, trained like ###### at the gym and slept like a baby each night, then I me and my friend made up, and the habbit started again.

I tried again a while ago to give it up, and had the most awful problems sleeping, in the end I turned to diazepam to help me sleep, again not a great idea, but it saved me lungs for about a month until i'd built up to great a tolerance to the drug and it no longer worked for me, so back to the weed....

Now don't get me wrong, I don't smoke fags, I swim 1 mile each morning before work and I do an hour a night at the gym on my way home from work each night, but that doesn't tire me out, when I jump in to bed I lie there wide awake, my heart beating away, I really do have problems sleeping and also an anxiety - maybe it's from the weed?!... Probably!....

Anyway, my friend has now moved away and I've got about 6 joints of weed left, so it's cold turkey for me after this weekend, then I've got about 2 weeks before I'm off to Thailand, so I reckon 3 weeks of relaxing, breaking the habbit will sort me out nicely for my return. Like I said my friend has moved far away now so at least when I get back from Thailand he won't be there, so no supply which is good.

People say weed isn't addictive, the skunk I've smoked for the past 10 years is, it really is a nasty nasty thing - plus it lasts in your system for so long.

I got so sick of watching boring tv stoned each night I've actually sold my television now and when I get back from thailand I plan to do more on a night instead of wasting my brain watching mind-numbingly boring tv programs - like read, do more sports, see my friends more etc.

As for the Bagnkok Hilton... yes I've heard many stories about that place. My best friend moved to Chiang Mai for 2 years and many of his friends that were involved with even smoking weed got busted and did a few weeks in Chiang Mai jail just for the odd joint! NO THANK YOU SIR!...

I'm keeping well clear of anything whilst I'm there. Thanks for sharing your advice.


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