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Britain has made 'visionary' choice to become China's best friend, says Xi

Jonathan Fairfield

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UK owned by China. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Indeed, starkly absent is any body in the UK public or private taking ownership in whole or in part of any property or capital asset in the CCP China.

If any leverage resulted from the deals done over the course of the week, it is more likely to be Beijing’s leverage on the UK, through investment in infrastructure and in particular the UK’s nuclear energy sector

Justin Harvey, the chief security officer for the US-based Fidelis Cybersecurity consultants, said there was shock in America about the nuclear deal. “You just don’t mess with nuclear power,” Harvey said. “In this relationship, China has nothing to lose but the UK has everything to lose.”

He said that if current tensions over China’s territorial ambitions in the South China Sea turned into open confrontation, the UK might find itself having to choose between its traditional US ally and a nation that holds significant stakes in its own infrastructure. Harvey said: “You never know when today’s best friend is going to turn into tomorrow’s worst enemy.”


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I can imagine the comments here if this deal had been done by the left wing Labor Party however its been done by the right wing Conservative Party so that makes it okay. Just as Maggie was able to cave in over Hong Kong and hardly a whimper but had a Labor government done the same, there would have been uproar from the right wing.

In this it reflects the situation in the USA anything Obama does must be wrong but when you point out that similar and indeed even more so that previous republican presidents have done the same all is forgotten, e.g. executive orders, immigration reform and amnesties etc.

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I can imagine the comments here if this deal had been done by the left wing Labor Party however its been done by the right wing Conservative Party so that makes it okay. Just as Maggie was able to cave in over Hong Kong and hardly a whimper but had a Labor government done the same, there would have been uproar from the right wing.

In this it reflects the situation in the USA anything Obama does must be wrong but when you point out that similar and indeed even more so that previous republican presidents have done the same all is forgotten, e.g. executive orders, immigration reform and amnesties etc.

Until Thatcher, it's been pointed out by many American conservatives, Britain hadn't had an actual Conservative party since the Chamberlain government. Although this poster is not a conservative, it does seem to be in little dispute that the Torries support a basic Fabian socialism that was implemented over time by Old Labour. It is only since, as occurred with Thatcher, that the old line Torries experienced a surge of 19th century animal spirits (think coal miners et at).

Where as the notorious anti-commie Richard Milhous Nixon and his rightwing cohort Henry Kissinger drew the CCP China into the world community of nations, so too does the "Conservative" David camera on Cameron in UK. The Nixon-Kissinger stroke was however Cold War geostrategic (to counter-balance USSR). The bucks aspects of it came later, after Tiananmen and with Deng Xiaopeng making economic openings of sorts.

Cameron's moves are money based almost entirely, if not completely and entirely. Cameron during his hosting remarks noted that on America's single biggest shopping day, the day after Thanksgiving, $50 million is spent or earned. But that in the CCP China, the New Year there racks up $150 BILLION (to point out the stress in Cameron's voice)$*. Cameron's operatives talking about trying to draw the CCP Boyz away from Russia in UNSC votes is patently laughable as a motive for this new "best" friendship. If anything, one might begin to look closely for the opposite effect to begin to occur.

The Nixon-Kissinger geostrategic move morphed 20 years later in to a synergy of political and economic interaction which is now morphing into a geo-strategic military contest. Cameron and his party however are shamelessly and blatantly pursuing bucks, bucks and more bucks. All of it at any cost to sovereignty.

And here so many among us had thought the Brits during the past several hundred years had learned something about globalism, geostrategies, geo-economics and the like. It could now seem that indeed the American Revolutionary War of Independence had significance and implications beyond anything yet realised or recorded in the history books.

$*:In the CCP China the New Year extends over several weeks.

Edited by Publicus
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Isn't the UK already loaded with too much Chinese maid crap. The US sure is. Hope they enjoy all the leaded toys and crap that breaks after 10 minutes in greater and greater quantity.

Chinese consume a quarter of the world's luxury items. They actually make many levels of quality but usually target a country for export based upon fundamental economics. The US and Britain, consume an unusually large amount of the really cheap stuff.

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Isn't the UK already loaded with too much Chinese maid crap. The US sure is. Hope they enjoy all the leaded toys and crap that breaks after 10 minutes in greater and greater quantity.

Chinese consume a quarter of the world's luxury items. They actually make many levels of quality but usually target a country for export based upon fundamental economics. The US and Britain, consume an unusually large amount of the really cheap stuff.

Well not the day-to-day Chinese. Average salary in China is still 2000 yuan/month, a little over 300 USD. A $5 pack of smokes is a luxury for the average. But the city bosses, building owners, corrupt politicos, and so forth - sure they're into Gucci. Also into abroad travel!

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It's called free enterprise and it doesn't make much difference. The regulations and laws about the exporting of oil and gas will apply regardless of who owns the oil field. The owners will get the benefit of profits; they don't get to overrule existing or future regulations.

The Japanese and the Arabs have had massive investments in the US during various times as have other countries.

If anyone has any fears about China, this isn't a significant one.

The list plse thx of CCP China properties and assets in the CCP China that are owned by foreign governments or any foreign entities.

UK especially and in particular, now, past or even as much as maybe possibly coming soon, if any thx.

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Isn't the UK already loaded with too much Chinese maid crap. The US sure is. Hope they enjoy all the leaded toys and crap that breaks after 10 minutes in greater and greater quantity.

Chinese consume a quarter of the world's luxury items. They actually make many levels of quality but usually target a country for export based upon fundamental economics. The US and Britain, consume an unusually large amount of the really cheap stuff.

Well not the day-to-day Chinese. Average salary in China is still 2000 yuan/month, a little over 300 USD. A $5 pack of smokes is a luxury for the average. But the city bosses, building owners, corrupt politicos, and so forth - sure they're into Gucci. Also into abroad travel!

Thankfully the average Chinese still goes to work Everyday to the factories so that the average American family can afford your luxuries at Walmart and Target

Damn these American city bosses too for partnering with some corrupt Chinese owners for creating slavery, inhumane factory conditions and embittering millions of Chinese lives through their greed for profit and then living up their high lives in villas and Vegas

All should be held accountable but in a world of capitalism best seen in some western markets money still talks

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Isn't the UK already loaded with too much Chinese maid crap. The US sure is. Hope they enjoy all the leaded toys and crap that breaks after 10 minutes in greater and greater quantity.

Chinese consume a quarter of the world's luxury items. They actually make many levels of quality but usually target a country for export based upon fundamental economics. The US and Britain, consume an unusually large amount of the really cheap stuff.

Well not the day-to-day Chinese. Average salary in China is still 2000 yuan/month, a little over 300 USD. A $5 pack of smokes is a luxury for the average. But the city bosses, building owners, corrupt politicos, and so forth - sure they're into Gucci. Also into abroad travel!

Thankfully the average Chinese still goes to work Everyday to the factories so that the average American family can afford your luxuries at Walmart and Target

Damn these American city bosses too for partnering with some corrupt Chinese owners for creating slavery, inhumane factory conditions and embittering millions of Chinese lives through their greed for profit and then living up their high lives in villas and Vegas

All should be held accountable but in a world of capitalism best seen in some western markets money still talks

You really believe America is the root cause of China treating their 1 Billion + people, like cattle?

What were they all doing before the evil empire arrived?

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Culturally speaking, the UK and China have so very much in common, eh ?

I take it that's a Satirical comment!

Nothing much in common culturally but shared trade interests yes .... We don't intend to change the Brits to eat rice and use chopsticks ...after all you guys already gave up your chips for curry

Indians got there first and no complaints from me ...I like butter chicken on a cold winter lunch

We don't intend to change the Brits

That is most comforting not to mention magnanimous, at least to some if not to most. Glad to hear also of the intentions of the CCP Chinese and of what will be permitted given the further rulemaking in store as the Middle Kingdom evens the historical score against the United Kingdom in the United Kingdom.

So kindly pardon the intrusion because it may beg the question as to whether parliamentary democracy will be allowed to continue as is during the condition of United Kingdom as a tributary state of the Middle Kingdom? The Boyz hate parliamentary democracy y'know. The Boyz aren't too big on monarchy any more either. So the visionary aspect of the statement in the headline may need further scrutiny, say out to the year 2040 or so. The word 'visionary' might not be the right one either.

One could view the agreements and unequal treaties signed during this trip by Chairman Xi and PM camera on Cameron as something of a revanchist blast from the past. It must be so given the uncontained enthusiasm of the CCP Dictators in Beijing and the fact it seems contagious to some of their fellows elsewhere..

Go and ask in Texas first, given the the Texans are their flogging oil fields to the Chinese....maybe you will find your answer there comrade, a red flag coming soon to a state near you wink.png

Kindly present the list of capital assets in the CCP China to include property and natural resources that are owned by Brits.

Or owned by Americans.

Or owned by any foreign devil.

As a related aside, there was the laowai Brit capitalist Neil Heywood's murder who had been involved among a bunch of Maoist coup plotters who are now in CCP gulags till their end of days. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-17690925

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Of course there are none. State-Owned Enterprises are CCP sanctioned scams as Trump as obliquely pointed out. Wonder how much of the cash for the Texas deal was made off of one of these agencies. Boy, Marx was wrong.

Of course there are none. State-Owned Enterprises are CCP sanctioned scams as Trump as obliquely pointed out. Wonder how much of the cash for the Texas deal was made off of one of these agencies. Boy, Marx was wrong.

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Of course there are none. State-Owned Enterprises are CCP sanctioned scams as Trump as obliquely pointed out. Wonder how much of the cash for the Texas deal was made off of one of these agencies. Boy, Marx was wrong.

Of course there are none. State-Owned Enterprises are CCP sanctioned scams as Trump as obliquely pointed out. Wonder how much of the cash for the Texas deal was made off of one of these agencies. Boy, Marx was wrong.

The nestled quote attributed to me was not written by me. The nestled quote identified in your post as belonging to me is not my quote. I did not say what the nestled quote in my name that is presented in your post states. I did not write that which in the nestled post is attributed to me, Publicus. The arrow in the upper right corner of the nestled quote does not lead to a post by me containing the nestled quote.

Your post itself makes absolutely less than zero sense to me as well.



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