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No shock, awe from 'cyber war' as 'national' gateway moves forward


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Does anyone on here have the technical knowledge to explain what this really means in practical terms??

The whole online world is a series of cat an mouse games... someone encrypts something, someone else cracks the encryption... they block access to something, we load a vpn and access it anyway...

What is the realistic impact of this, assuming it ever actually gets implemented. (which is seriously doubt...)

Imagine a busy 7 lane motorway going to one lane and a police checkpoint stopping every vehicle and you will have a resonable picture

Very simplistic and not a really good explanation of a single Internet highway but it helps spread the scare mongering thanks

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Well sorry but it hasn't and from what I read and for what I do online won't affect little old me on any way so no big deal as far as I'm concerned and most Thais I speak to don't really care either way and before you come back with "most Thais in village don't understand" yes they do they have a great understanding as most now use Internet for there small businesses. Let them do what they want to do call it what you will single gateway whatever it will not impact 99.9% of Farangs here as we don't work or have a business here. Unless of course you use certain websites for your gratification of course.

You say it will have little affect but have you ever seen or heard of the affect the Chinese firewall has on its people. My cousin worked in China for two years and was shocked at how little people really knew about the facts of the countries REAL history. Those that did know were afraid to talk about it.

Sound familiar at all... ??

This has everything to do with control and nothing to do with protecting people... =[

Edited by moon47
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Does anyone on here have the technical knowledge to explain what this really means in practical terms??

The whole online world is a series of cat an mouse games... someone encrypts something, someone else cracks the encryption... they block access to something, we load a vpn and access it anyway...

What is the realistic impact of this, assuming it ever actually gets implemented. (which is seriously doubt...)

Imagine a busy 7 lane motorway going to one lane and a police checkpoint stopping every vehicle and you will have a resonable picture
Very simplistic and not a really good explanation of a single Internet highway but it helps spread the scare mongering thanks

You didn't finish your post.

And until you do, oh wise one, I shall remain scared.

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Does anyone on here have the technical knowledge to explain what this really means in practical terms??

The whole online world is a series of cat an mouse games... someone encrypts something, someone else cracks the encryption... they block access to something, we load a vpn and access it anyway...

What is the realistic impact of this, assuming it ever actually gets implemented. (which is seriously doubt...)

Information is very hard to come by. I doubt anyone really knows, except for a few boffins who keep the information to themselves because it represents a substantial amount of power.

Does it mean, for example, that posters on this forum can be identified through their IP numbers? Does it mean that emails can be read (or at least email headers), even when sent through a vpn? There seems to be no clear (non-contradictory) information available on this.

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It will cease any further rallies if the people have enough of this government. How will the word get out on a single gateway. Meeting,rally etc will be key words that will prompt the administration. It will be then closed down. This is, in my opinion, what the current administration will be using it for. Its called self preservation.

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There is a serious level of insanity to this:

You say we should not have the single gateway, but can you prevent your group from writing things that defame the nation and government? Chan-ocha told local reporters Wednesday, according to Khaosod. If you cannot, then dont tell me what method should be used.

He actually said this. He actually said this! - in other words - we dont want a single item of criticism against the government. Thailand is moving so far away from reform. So far backwards. With a failing, aging, worn out and broke demographic I cant see what future the country will have in the 21st century.

Edited by webfact
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What this silly article fails to mention is that CAT was targeted by the international group that is Anonymous, and thousands of their customers logins, passwords, Thai IDs and much more were compromised. I'm happy I don't have a CAT account. Do you? huh.png

I have a CAT account and internet.

Where I live the service is fantastic.

I may be the only one in this thread who doesn't mind a single gateway.

That's if: all the infrastructure is in place, like all fibre, so traffic is not slowed down. I notice now when I ping past CAT, CAT is the main drag on speed.

I can't see how it will effect business if the speed of data through-put is not altered.

The way I see a single gateway (and correct me if I'm wrong), is that if there are international satellite links (I don't know how many, but let's say 3), and submarine cables (let's say 3), then all these would be routed by fibre to one building and gateway.

Now if the fibre and hardware are all working 'near the speed of light' or a big big bandwidth, how is this going to effect business?

In most countries, large data streams are routed through centralised buildings, and traces can be put on any stream.

To me the moral issues of censoring, and/or causing problems to business are different issues.

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With registration of sim they can now identify the poster so easy. Providing you use your cell. Do not be surprised in future if your visa is a lot harder to get if you have been critical

Indeed. Probably the only reason the Junta has let this forum persist is akin to Mao's policy of "letting the snakes come out of their holes" - encouraging dissent in order to identify the candidates for defenestration.

Edited by ddavidovsky
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Well sorry but it hasn't and from what I read and for what I do online won't affect little old me on any way so no big deal as far as I'm concerned and most Thais I speak to don't really care either way and before you come back with "most Thais in village don't understand" yes they do they have a great understanding as most now use Internet for there small businesses. Let them do what they want to do call it what you will single gateway whatever it will not impact 99.9% of Farangs here as we don't work or have a business here. Unless of course you use certain websites for your gratification of course.

So you agree and support all any restriction of freedom as long as your present daily life is not too much affected?

Just great! I think people who are not willing to defend their freedom don't deserve it.

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Doesnt the millitary have vast experience with allowing control over there own affairs?......I thought this happened when Singapore purchased the satalite that the Thai Millitary rely on.

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There is a serious level of insanity to this:

You say we should not have the single gateway, but can you prevent your group from writing things that defame the nation and government? Chan-ocha told local reporters Wednesday, according to Khaosod. If you cannot, then dont tell me what method should be used.

He actually said this. He actually said this! - in other words - we dont want a single item of criticism against the government. Thailand is moving so far away from reform. So far backwards. With a failing, aging, worn out and broke demographic I cant see what future the country will have in the 21st century.


The last few days have seen, (read about it on the front page of that other Thai English language newspaper we are not allowed to post links to), Der Generalissimo vowing a "blitz" on a particular type of speech crime that has been widened to include anyone who is outspoken regarding democracy. Arrest warrants will be issued and arrests and jail terms given for these crimes he deems crimes whereby people are wanting "unlimited democracy." There seems to have been a change since his return from the UN where his rhetoric and approach is nothing short of heavy handed.

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Well sorry but it hasn't and from what I read and for what I do online won't affect little old me on any way so no big deal as far as I'm concerned and most Thais I speak to don't really care either way and before you come back with "most Thais in village don't understand" yes they do they have a great understanding as most now use Internet for there small businesses. Let them do what they want to do call it what you will single gateway whatever it will not impact 99.9% of Farangs here as we don't work or have a business here. Unless of course you use certain websites for your gratification of course.

You say it will have little affect but have you ever seen or heard of the affect the Chinese firewall has on its people. My cousin worked in China for two years and was shocked at how little people really knew about the facts of the countries REAL history. Those that did know were afraid to talk about it.

Sound familiar at all... ??

This has everything to do with control and nothing to do with protecting people... =[

Try asking Thais about Phibun, cultural mandates or even the origin of their national anthem. Alaiwah?
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Oh shock horror what if tactics start. It hasn't happened why try to scare munger before anything has happened.

If the sun blows up we will all die but is that likely !!!!!

It's not scare tactics. It is raw fact. Today, it can NOT happen because of normal government or military action. It would take extraordinary steps and planning, and would have to overcome very heavy pushback, for even a chance of the government shutting down the internet.

If ... sorry, when the single-gateway is done with full government (or perhaps not; perhaps military) control, it can immediately happen.

It is not scare-mongering to point out the factual, real differences between now and then, which are actually planned. In fact, the entire point of the single gateway through CAT is full, total control of the internet, and, when the internet is running, its traffic.

In short, it is the whole POINT of the military policy for "blowing up the sun", and soon they will have the untrammeled, unopposable means to do it. Unless people like you stop enabling them.

Well sorry but it hasn't and from what I read and for what I do online won't affect little old me on any way so no big deal as far as I'm concerned... [snip] [snip]

Have you heard of Pastor Martin Niemoller? Interesting fellow.

Edited by wandasloan
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Reading the many posts on this topic over past weeks, I get the over all impression people believe that things like this couldn't possibly happen in fluffy smiley Thailand. Well they have before and they can again. Only the methods change. The slowly boiling water's moving up past simmer point and the frogs are still in denial.

Edited by dageurreotype
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Oh shock horror what if tactics start. It hasn't happened why try to scare munger before anything has happened.If the sun blows up we will all die but is that likely !!!!!

It's not scare tactics. It is raw fact. Today, it can NOT happen because of normal government or military action. It would take extraordinary steps and planning, and would have to overcome very heavy pushback, for even a chance of the government shutting down the internet.

If ... sorry, when the single-gateway is done with full government (or perhaps not; perhaps military) control, it can immediately happen.

It is not scare-mongering to point out the factual, real differences between now and then, which are actually planned. In fact, the entire point of the single gateway through CAT is full, total control of the internet, and, when the internet is running, its traffic.

In short, it is the whole POINT of the military policy for "blowing up the sun", and soon they will have the untrammeled, unopposable means to do it. Unless people like you stop enabling them.

Well sorry but it hasn't and from what I read and for what I do online won't affect little old me on any way so no big deal as far as I'm concerned... [snip] [snip]

Have you heard of Pastor Martin Niemoller? Interesting fellow.

Do you live here as a guest or citizen???

I am not enabling anyone to do anything as I am a guest on a country that enables me to live the life I want. I care not about a single/double/1000 lane highway. I came here to enjoy the country and it's people not to jump on any bandwagon or to try and have some sort of deluded influence over the countries own people. The simple truth is Thailand is an independent country ruled by the army for now not Farangs who belive they are somehow better placed to say what this country should or should not do. If you are set against this so strongly the solution us easy GO. Let's not forget here if this so called single gateway stops even one paedophile then to me and to a certain child it is well worth the hassle. So please don't try to spout I'm holier than thow retoric, live with what you have in a country which after all YOU DECIDED to live in

Edited by Sutty
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Reading the many posts on this topic over past weeks, I get the over all impression people believe that things like this couldn't possibly happen in fluffy smiley Thailand. Well they have before and they can again. Only the methods change. The slowly boiling water's moving up past simmer point and the frogs are still in denial.

Never underestimate the power of article number not to be named, like what happened just now with the new alcohol law near schools, PING!!!!! Just like that it was enforced from out of nowhere..........

Edited by MaxLee
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Oh shock horror what if tactics start. It hasn't happened why try to scare munger before anything has happened.If the sun blows up we will all die but is that likely !!!!!

It's not scare tactics. It is raw fact. Today, it can NOT happen because of normal government or military action. It would take extraordinary steps and planning, and would have to overcome very heavy pushback, for even a chance of the government shutting down the internet.

If ... sorry, when the single-gateway is done with full government (or perhaps not; perhaps military) control, it can immediately happen.

It is not scare-mongering to point out the factual, real differences between now and then, which are actually planned. In fact, the entire point of the single gateway through CAT is full, total control of the internet, and, when the internet is running, its traffic.

In short, it is the whole POINT of the military policy for "blowing up the sun", and soon they will have the untrammeled, unopposable means to do it. Unless people like you stop enabling them.

Well sorry but it hasn't and from what I read and for what I do online won't affect little old me on any way so no big deal as far as I'm concerned... [snip] [snip]

Have you heard of Pastor Martin Niemoller? Interesting fellow.

Do you live here as a guest or citizen???

I am not enabling anyone to do anything as I am a guest on a country that enables me to live the life I want. I care not about a single/double/1000 lane highway. I came here to enjoy the country and it's people not to jump on any bandwagon or to try and have some sort of deluded influence over the countries own people. The simple truth is Thailand is an independent country ruled by the army for now not Farangs who belive they are somehow better placed to say what this country should or should not do. If you are set against this so strongly the solution us easy GO. Let's not forget here if this so called single gateway stops even one paedophile then to me and to a certain child it is well worth the hassle. So please don't try to spout I'm holier than thow retoric, live with what you have in a country which after all YOU DECIDED to live in

you don't seem to have a clue what you're talking about. this has got nothing to do with paedophiles so i don't know where on earth you got that from.

it's about control of information, plain and simple. which in turn is about reduction of personal freedom for all residents of the country, be they thai nationals or farang expats or visitors.

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‘National' Gateway Moves Forward

And Thailand moves backward.

Y'all seem to be forgetting that it's only smoke and mirrors now as far as any similarity to a democracy after the major steps backwards not so long ago.

Presumably the words "Quite frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" are about as close to the truth as ever before, and all the comments are similarly dust in the winds pissing in the wind.

I wonder if at the very least we can be sure that whoever monitors this is entertained and gets a real kick out of being mistaken for someone that cares.

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Thailand has no capacity to programming its own softwares, your own security tools, as we already know they buy it all from abroad (hackteam and others .. what a shame guys, huh? ). In my humble opinion, programmers that work for the junta/government to accomplish this kind of project, must be banned from public life, let them rot with the crooks that they work for. It is a war against civil rights, and it will get worst every day until nothing last. I do not believe they will block VPN because if so, a lot of international companies in thailand will need to shut their door. To block VPN, they need to block all internet traffic. Relax guys lets play the game. Buy a good VPN, that give you options to connect (for me looks like they are using DPI for shaping and blocking UDP 1195 (skype use UDP also in another port), but not TCP 443 - some vpns do not work properly, very slow, other go fast enough), encrypt your DNS request, change your DNS in your router also. Basic stuffs that can give confort for you. It is a SHAME!

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Well sorry but it hasn't and from what I read and for what I do online won't affect little old me on any way so no big deal as far as I'm concerned and most Thais I speak to don't really care either way and before you come back with "most Thais in village don't understand" yes they do they have a great understanding as most now use Internet for there small businesses. Let them do what they want to do call it what you will single gateway whatever it will not impact 99.9% of Farangs here as we don't work or have a business here. Unless of course you use certain websites for your gratification of course.

You're right, Sutty. It won't affect you as one of the little guys who doesn't do anything to upset the apple cart. I expect you are like me, using the internet for readinng emails, catching up on the news back home, watching a little bit of sport. We're not trouble-makers.

The problem with a single internet gateway, and I have seen this from my time in both Myanmar and China is one of control. I couldn't access my hotmail because the government said others were using email to spread stuff the government didn't like. Foreign newspapers were also blocked because they criticised the government from time to time. And internet streams on a single gateway were so slow it was impossible to enjoy watching a football game.

So as a little guy, a single internet gateway affected my day-to-day life enormously. Fact,not scare-mongering.

But it's actually much worse than the inconveniences. Now the government controls the internet it can control the news you read. FAA says Thai airline standards are lower than international standards. How much longer will you be able to read such factual stories when the government can control what you can and can't read?

We are all little guys in the big s scheme of things, but it does affect us mightly when the government controls our access to information.

How are your techie skills? Do you want to spend you time jumping from one vpn to another trying to stay one step ahead of the censors? Can you successfully clean up your internet trail. And if not, what will you do when it is time to renew your visa and the authorities know that you are visiting banned sites just because you want to read the news back home?

Bury your head in the sand and hope it all goes away if you wish. Call it scaremongering if you want, but it is all moving in that direction and us little guys will be affected.

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Let's not forget here if this so called single gateway stops even one paedophile then to me and to a certain child it is well worth the hassle. So please don't try to spout I'm holier than thow retoric, live with what you have in a country which after all YOU DECIDED to live in

If you think for a fraction of a second that any of this has anything to do with stopping sex offenders or will do so, you are wandering around in a cloudy room that only you inhabit.

Did you see the documents released by Anonymous today? Did you read the words from Mein General yesterday?

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Oh shock horror what if tactics start. It hasn't happened why try to scare munger before anything has happened.If the sun blows up we will all die but is that likely !!!!!

It's not scare tactics. It is raw fact. Today, it can NOT happen because of normal government or military action. It would take extraordinary steps and planning, and would have to overcome very heavy pushback, for even a chance of the government shutting down the internet.

If ... sorry, when the single-gateway is done with full government (or perhaps not; perhaps military) control, it can immediately happen.

It is not scare-mongering to point out the factual, real differences between now and then, which are actually planned. In fact, the entire point of the single gateway through CAT is full, total control of the internet, and, when the internet is running, its traffic.

In short, it is the whole POINT of the military policy for "blowing up the sun", and soon they will have the untrammeled, unopposable means to do it. Unless people like you stop enabling them.

Well sorry but it hasn't and from what I read and for what I do online won't affect little old me on any way so no big deal as far as I'm concerned... [snip] [snip]

Have you heard of Pastor Martin Niemoller? Interesting fellow.

Do you live here as a guest or citizen???

I am not enabling anyone to do anything as I am a guest on a country that enables me to live the life I want. I care not about a single/double/1000 lane highway. I came here to enjoy the country and it's people not to jump on any bandwagon or to try and have some sort of deluded influence over the countries own people. The simple truth is Thailand is an independent country ruled by the army for now not Farangs who belive they are somehow better placed to say what this country should or should not do. If you are set against this so strongly the solution us easy GO. Let's not forget here if this so called single gateway stops even one paedophile then to me and to a certain child it is well worth the hassle. So please don't try to spout I'm holier than thow retoric, live with what you have in a country which after all YOU DECIDED to live in

Wow, another "if you don't like it go home" post. You must be really, really smart!

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