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Coup Chic For Kids

Jai Dee

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Coup chic for kids

New trend raises concern that parents are teaching kids to glorify military

WAVE of 'coup chic' in children's fashion has hit the Thai capital since the military takeover two weeks ago, raising concern that parents are teaching youngsters to glorify the military.


A boy posing for pictures by saluting on a tank near Bangkok's Government House.

Thousands of parents have taken their children to see the tank units and soldiers that were stationed in Bangkok, often kitting them out in camouflage uniforms and toy guns to take photos for the family album.

Shops selling infant-sized army fatigues have reported booming sales, and the city's BK Magazine has quipped that 'consumer spending on camouflage clothing has provided a much-needed boost to our economy'.

But not everyone is happy about the sight of the pint-sized platoons.


'Parents might want to dress their kids in military uniforms to be trendy, but they should keep in mind the mental impact this might have,' said former senator Pratheep Ungsonhtham Hata, who heads a child protection agency.

'The children wear camouflage outfits and carry toy guns because they think it's cool. But what happens when they grow up without understanding the role of soldiers and what they are doing in the current political situation?'

She added that 'parents should better educate their children that violence is not the solution for problems and conflict'.

Not many parents seem to share Ms Pratheep's concern, according to retailers who report soaring sales since the 19 Sep coup against former premier Thaksin Shinawatra, whom many accused of corruption and abuse of power.

'Some models and sizes have already run out,' said Madam Panida Isarakornkul, 54, who owns two children's wear shops in Bangkok's Maboonklong shopping centre.

'I have ordered extra stock, but I couldn't get any from the wholesaler.'

The size 'S', for 1-year-old kids, had sold the fastest, she said.

'The current situation has spurred demand,' agreed another shop owner, who said he normally sells military gear mostly to tourists.

'Thai parents are now dressing their children like this to be up-to-date.'

Last weekend at Bangkok's Royal Plaza, Mr Putthiapat Dejasarantrikul and his wife, Jindarat, took their 9-month-old son Nattakorn to see the soldiers, the baby dressed in full olive military regalia.

'We just bought this uniform with the cap before taking him here for the photographs,' said Mr Putthiapat, 35.

'This is his fourth camouflage outfit.'

Another youngster happily riding the new fashion craze was 5-year-old Daratchavin Kumchart, resplendent in a crisp air force pilot's uniform his aunt Patcha had bought for him.

'I am not afraid of tanks and soldiers,' he said. 'They are cool.'

His aunt looked on proudly and explained: 'He doesn't know what a coup is. But he can chant 'Thaksin, get out'.'

Source: Associated Press - 5 September 2006

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:o The fact that a child can chant is worrying. I don't like the parents that take their children on marches and demos. The child is unable to decide for themselves what they think. I appreciate that it is not always possible to get child care though.

I won't be buying any camoflage gear for my girls.

Does anyone remember around 5 years ago there was a coup somewhere in the Carribean. One little boy was turned away from immigration for wearing a set of camoflage stuff. It had been purchased in Marks and Sparks in England. Se4curity taken just a tad too far? I have a sneaking suspician it was Haiti. Maybe not. I am tired,

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'Parents might want to dress their kids in military uniforms to be trendy, but they should keep in mind the mental impact this might have,' said former senator Pratheep Ungsonhtham Hata, who heads a child protection agency.

Oh, c'mon! One of the things that makes Thailand a land of opportunity is that anyone can grow up to lead a coup.

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Wow, this is really wonderful place. A kid gets to wear army fatigues and folks are worried.

In a lot of countries kids are carrying AK47's!

Thailand isn't a "Nanny" society...........YET. Hopefully Thai kids will be able to grow up unfettered by politically correct attitudes that have caused so many problems in the West. When I was 7 years old I dressed up as cowboys and indians and carried plastic guns yet I have the greatest respect for the independent cowboys of the world and the aboriginal peoples.

It's only a fad and in a few months it will be passe. No need to get too anxious. This isn't the Congo where many kids have nice military uniforms and, sadly, nice AK47's with live ammo as well.

As long as the Thai kids have some fun is it that bad? Parents: You are in charge.

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