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Two Thai Men Attacked by Four Drunk Tourists


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50,000 each should be enough for them to have to go home, if they actually avoid deportation. I think there is even extra penalties for doing burglary at night. Tresspassing is a fairly serious offense, and while 52 isn't old, that would also be an aggravating circumstance in a Thai court. If they haven't settled it all by now, they are already in very deep. Having a beard and dressing "impolitely" while committing crimes will also work against them.

From my perspective as a permanent resident for 25 years and owner of several hotel resorts. This commentator has made an exactly perfect analysis of the situation and there's nothing more to be said.

If the young lads haven't cleared it up by now, they're just getting in deeper and deeper.

If any of the peanut gallery has any other comment, they should leave Thailand immediately.


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Still, they were wrong. Drunk and break in. The Thai only defended his livelihood. Quality tourists making other farangs look bad.

I'd say it was breaking-and-entering, theft, assault....these scumbags should get a few years in the slammer, deported, and blacklisted. Hope they don't get to pay their way out of it.

What did they steal?

Could have sworn I read they stole something, but perhaps not. Just the assault alone is serious enough in my mind.

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Still, they were wrong. Drunk and break in. The Thai only defended his livelihood. Quality tourists making other farangs look bad.

I'd say it was breaking-and-entering, theft, assault....these scumbags should get a few years in the slammer, deported, and blacklisted. Hope they don't get to pay their way out of it.

What did they steal?


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Still, they were wrong. Drunk and break in. The Thai only defended his livelihood. Quality tourists making other farangs look bad.

I'd say it was breaking-and-entering, theft, assault....these scumbags should get a few years in the slammer, deported, and blacklisted. Hope they don't get to pay their way out of it.

What did they steal?


Maybe a bit of "face", as well.

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Were they pushed to the ground and kicked in the repeated until loos conscious and left for dead? were they rapped,

murdered or threatened with a weapon? were all the valuables stolen and left them penniless?

in No to all the above, than let them go with a warning or a 1,000 baht fine....

Ezzra you have such a negative approach to Thailand and most other things, why do you stay here?

Good question. Some people can't help but bring misery everywhere they go. I doubt his home country wants him back.

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Did the market vendor get kicks to the head when he was down?

Did the alleged assailants call a wolfpack for assistance to beat the s**t out of the market vendor?

Did the police understand that they were prepared to settle for a sum?

Justice in Thailand is an ephemeral phantasma, only the rich and/or connected can afford it

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who wrote this crap, vicious not a mark on them looking for a big pay out, i thinks asr*hol*s

50,000 each should be enough for them to have to go home, if they actually avoid deportation. I think there is even extra penalties for doing burglary at night. Tresspassing is a fairly serious offense, and while 52 isn't old, that would also be an aggravating circumstance in a Thai court. If they haven't settled it all by now, they are already in very deep. Having a beard and dressing "impolitely" while committing crimes will also work against them.

From my perspective as a permanent resident for 25 years and owner of several hotel resorts. This commentator has made an exactly perfect analysis of the situation and there's nothing more to be said.

If the young lads haven't cleared it up by now, they're just getting in deeper and deeper.

If any of the peanut gallery has any other comment, they should leave Thailand immediately.


Really......................2 sets of laws, falong refuses to buy a watch, gets a major beat down & stabbed, what did the Thai get...........500b fine, give me a break..............Your Right...maybe it is time to leave

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As much as we all like to berate the Thais for their behavior in fairness we should really be on their side in this one.

These kids are animals and think that they are untouchable.

Do not lose sight of the fact that they broke into a private place and then did whatever they felt like doing.

In their own country the police would have been all over them and then some. This is home invasion and is unacceptable anywhere in the world. A person should be able to go to sleep in their own place without worrying about morons like these.

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The tables turned,its usually 4 Thais beat up 1 Farang.

regards Worgeordie

I guess we hear and see what we want to, especially here on a farang forum where reports are selected that will inspire pages of posts spewing righteous indignation about the noble farang being victim to the treacherous natives. Of course looking at the bigger picture, I imagine being a farang in Thailand is far safer & less demeaning than being Asian in farangland where things like "paki bashing" are national pastimes in some places.

Midnight in Newcastle. Raj was walking home after working at a take-away when he heard the familiar call: 'Black bastard, black bastard.'

As he turned to face the two white youths, he was punched in the head and then beaten and kicked unconscious. He spent two days in hospital. It was one of a growing number of race attacks taking place in the city, particularly against Asians.

Raj, 23, said: 'When you walk up the street and see some kids you have to duck into someone's house or change direction because you will get spat on or abused - it doesn't matter what time of the day it is.

Edited by Suradit69
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mean while back in real thailand ::::::

BANGKOK — A taxi driver was arrested last night on suspicion of beating an Australian man at the entrance to Suvarnabhumi Airport.

the fun just keeps on coming.....500baht anyone or will this just get brushed aside like all the millions of other assaults on tourists here in the land of smy bah.gif

KARMA is a wonderful thing

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The real train of events.

Four drunken foreigner tourists broke into a store for a laugh. The store owner appeared on the scene and the tourists made a run for it being closely pursued by the store owner. As usual the Thai man called for reinforcements to beat the crap out the tourists, but were overpowered and the tourists turned the tables on them.

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mean while back in real thailand ::::::

BANGKOK — A taxi driver was arrested last night on suspicion of beating an Australian man at the entrance to Suvarnabhumi Airport.

the fun just keeps on coming.....500baht anyone or will this just get brushed aside like all the millions of other assaults on tourists here in the land of smy bah.gif

KARMA is a wonderful thing

I didn't know karma worked that way. So in your mind, if a taxi driver at Suvarnabhumi beats up a farang, the fruit vendor deserved a proper beating just because he's Thai. Nice logic buddy.

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Were they pushed to the ground and kicked in the repeated until loos conscious and left for dead? were they rapped,

murdered or threatened with a weapon? were all the valuables stolen and left them penniless?

in No to all the above, than let them go with a warning or a 1,000 baht fine....

They were let go....it 's the assailants that were charged.

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The doorman at oasis in Pattaya was filmed giving the Aussie quite a licking, he apologized to the police. They said that was enough. Let him go. These Thai guys have no visible marks, yet the white boys will be paying plenty. That's called Thai justice. Can't win here boys, shouldn't have done it.

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Clearly no video exist. Clearly the Thais are not hospitalized. And testimony from these boys are not given. They do not look drunk. These men both seem to have differences. Till then, I side with Australia. Boots & Saddle Bar in Patong had the exact situation. Thai men would enter, causing a commotion, the difference, the Thais would leave everyone in shambles. Australians are no fools, the Thais are setting them up

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I will never get the Thai sense of justice consisting in publicly shaming suspects before they're even judged.

Yes another picture of someone pointing at someone to show the cameras who dun it! Really the mentality here is shockingly childish.

It is pathetic that pointing. What happens if you point back to emphasise that?

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....misrepresentation of the truth....

...they were drunk...they were hungry.....

...they did not attack anyone...otherwise they 2 Thais would have been beaten to a pulp....

...they were chased away....they were pursued.....

...the Thais wanted their money no doubt....and the foreigners tried to 'shoo them away' ....

...I do not see a scratch on the 2 Thais....

...they seem to think that they are entitled to damages....what were the damamges if any.....

...maybe they were in the process of opening their shop and refused to serve the foreigners.....

....I do not buy their bs story.....

...the guys were dancing....happy.....and probably hungry....

...stop the foreigner-bashing....foreigners brought this country out of the mire...almost.....

....fake propriety and indignation....we know what really goes on in this country.....and stop blaming the foreigners and making them pay....because they are different...

...or stop inviting...........and 'welcoming' them here....

(I read that AOT reaps a hidden 700 Baht per head off of every tourist that comes here....31.5 Billion baht......)

...that explains why they give 7 month annual bonuses to their employees....

...still not enough...never enough....all 'other peoples money'.....

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The only thing funnier than the posed picture and pointing fingers...., the typical worn out replies by the (mostly) same worn out TV members. Too many (especially) young westerners come here and think they're outside local laws. I see it all the time..., a blatant disrespect and disregard for Thai people.

Don't care how contrived the pic looks and the absence of marks on any..., if they broke in the guy's store and were dancing on the tables, they're wrong.

Send them home with a stern warning and tell them to grow the <deleted> up before they return.

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