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UK Flr spouse visa check list

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Hi all,

You couldn't script this - I just phoned UKVI again this morning and they told me that I don't need another English. It can be used for FLR the changes are only for Ilr. the agent told me he has had a few calls about this morning. Given I've already paid for a new test and it's in 3 hours we will go anyway. However it just shows Ukvi are giving out different advice which is appalling.

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Not sure what you are saying 7by7. Very often we use the terms HMG, Home Office and UKVI synonymously. It's hard to differentiate them and, in my opinion, they are all collectively culpable. At the end of the day, they are all part of the same organisation.

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Indeed, but what I am saying is don't blame the PBI* at the sharp end who have to try and implement the decisions, and explain them to the public; blame those at the top who make the decisions.

*For those who don't know; PBI = Poor Bloody Infantry.

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UKVI and the Home Office are the public face of the government so perfectly acceptable to blame them for the system. True that the poor sod at the sharp end of the criticism is not personally responsible. Some are pretty incapable but most are victims of an almost unworkable system. They are rarely accountable, however, for their actions!

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If there is any difficulty with the frontline staff interpreting the rules, then I'd like to think this gets transmitted to their superiors and it filters upwards for clarification. However, they all might think they understand it, but each understand it differently! Which doesn't help us customers. Until an anamoly like this reaches someone of a high enough level who can influence the rewording or an update to the regulations, then we just continue to go round in circles.

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As I understand it, the English language requirements are the same for FLR as for the initial settlement. As such 'outdated' tests are still valid. The big however, is that some tests were rendered almost useless by widespread abuse and fraud.

Anyone relying on such a discredited test may be questioned further and perhaps interviewed. Some people were interviewed at the Liverpool UKVI office. Mostly the affected people were based in the UK and claiming to be students. It may be that tests taken overseas were considered less flawed and therefore more acceptable.

Others, including the powers that be, may have a totally different understanding of the situation!

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Well just back from testing centre in glasgow with a pass albeit a C pass. Race a against time as I really do with certificate on Wednesday. Anyone know if they tend to come quicker than the 7 days? Update from MPs office can't get a satisfactory answer so have emailed the UKVI.

C1 or C2?

Level C is higher than levels A and B, so either will be fine for both her FLR and later ILR applications.

See here for an explanation of the CEFR levels.

She does not need to send the certificate with her application, just include her unique SELT reference number in Q 8.4 the FLR application form.

As you say, the new FLR form does indicate that old tests are still acceptable if they have been used previously; as long as the test was taken with one of the providers listed on the form; i.e.:

  • Cambridge English
  • City & Guilds
  • Pearson
  • Trinity College London

and you can provide the information about the test you are using which they ask for.

I owe you, and others, a massive apology for the confusion and panic I caused earlier with my own confusion as to what is now acceptable or not!

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7by7 - no need for an apology. You were doing your best to advise people in what is one of the most confusing areas.

The people who should be apologising are the managers at UKVI for making things so confusing. I won't hold my breath on that one!

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100% agree no need to apologise...given UKVI staff are still giving out conflicting information. You have to rely on what they tell you.

7BY7 it was the A1 test. On the results paper the have a A-d marking. My wife got a C pass so just scrapped it. They also email you the reference code prior to sending you the certificate so we are good to go.

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Hello all

My wife contacted her friend who took the TOEIC English test the same time time she took hers for the initial UK spouse visa and asked her if she was going to use the same certificate for FLR visa. She told her she used the premium service and took the TOEIC certificate with her but they weren't interested in it,all they cared about was the salary,living arrangements etc of the sponsor and she passed so we will do the same and use our expired TOEIC certificate.

Its a load off my mind knowing someone else has passed using the same certificate that my wife has.

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