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French Islamic community fears backlash following Paris attacks


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A good start would be to remove all those in the Calais Jungle.

I have tried some thought experiments as to how this could be done, given dictatorial powers, or within existing laws.

I have not come up with a satisfactory solution.

Any Ideas please ?

one thing is for sure imho, there are no liberal solutions. I would suggest internment of all known radical sympathizers and perhaps mass deportation.

It won't happen......and so the madness will continue

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Any Muslim who has expressed support for radical Islam and Jihad should pay a stiff price for it. Truly moderate Muslims should be left alone.

moderate muslim, is there such an animal?


Well Linky please explain WHY these 'moderate Moslems' are not actively eliminating , by informing relevant authorities or physical ejection, of the extremist element within their society? I am guessing(as you like the term) that they are either fearful of repurcussions or passively condone theses actions. Either way they show NO sense of responsibility towards the society that THEY have chosen to live in. We in the west welcomed them into our midst, many then chose to live in ghettos and to try and impose their laws and beliefs upon us. To those that have assimulated into western society, whilst still following Islam, welcome and thankyou, to those that wish to live as they lived in the countries they originated from(with Western conveniences of course,income support, free health etc ), go back, we do not want you or yours.

After the Oklahoma bombing, did you condemn Timothy McVeigh's neighbours and relatives for not dobbing him in? No, of course you didn't, because chances are they had not an inkling of what he was planning...and you guessed or felt that at the time.

You're LOOKING for some reason to blame a big group of people based on that they have, (in name only), the same religion as the terrorists.

It's not a very rational way of looking at the tragedy.

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what a strange religion.! to kill people in mass murder of innocent victims, then think you will go to heaven. they say it's a religion of peace, what mean peace for them?

explain to me.

to me that's not war, war has its rules. this is worse than terrorism. this is just acts of desperation.

It's not desperate, it's deliberate, to do unspeakable things to drive wedge between the Muslim and non Muslim world, to get the West to hate Islam and the moderate nominal Muslims to either join radical Islam or to join the Unbelievers. They are succeeding within their own communities with disaffected youth (the future) and with the backlash in the West well represented on TVF. As Seastallion said stop aiding and abetting their cause. Easy to hate and react but harder to think.

The West has to be careful taking up the cudgel and bombing the sh-t out of them all en mass, the more innocent civilians that are collateral damage, the more their movement grows. All in all they hope to usher in the cataclysmic Armageddon between East and West foretold in their scripture. They are trying to make it happen.

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It is imperative that the French government (and Western governments in general) protect their Muslim citizens and residents against the type of hatred that some members here express. The hatred is what ISIS wants. ISIS wants division, ISIS wants Muslims in Europe to feel ostracised and to experience hatred against them, so that those Muslims become disgruntled and turn to ISIS.

All the rednecks that fall for the propaganda and spill bile and actual violence against Muslims are playing into ISIS's hands. Thanks, rednecks, you are assisting ISIS, which is treasonous.

Of course. All terrorists organizations attempt to stir up hatred and bigotry to drive more recruits and ensure even the most reasonable people are persuaded to their cause.

It would be horrendous if their was an indiscriminate back lash against all Muslims in Europe.

However, the time has arrived when Europeans countries must ensure that Muslims obey the law, the law of the country they live in. If the openly defy the law, try to impose Sharia law or create no go zones, then they must be dealt with. Pandering to Muslim demands for more Islamification has to stop. Any Muslim who does not want to obey the law, respect the host country culture, people and religions should be free to leave at their own expense. Those who wish to stay should be free to practice their religion of choice but not ram it down others throats, or force others to follow their views.

In the UK, Islamic groups try to impose Sharia Law in some places, infiltrate school governor boards to push Islamic views, create no go zones, and have been found to host groups of perverts preying on non Muslim girls. The police and prosecutors have been reluctant to do much about it, very lenient and tolerant and claim it's all in the interests of the big picture community relations. Crap. That will be just as divisive unless they start to take action to enforce the laws fairly, equally and without bias regardless of race, religion or any other factor.

Europeans are also likely to react to ISIS, in the way ISIS would like, and the authorities are doing bugger all about it. Their inaction makes it worse.

I have absolutely no argument with regard to the law applies to everyone equally, and offenders should face the consequences of the law. I would not tolerate ghettos where the inhabitants decided to set up their own little community outside the law of the land.

What I object, most vehemently to, is the irrational "herd them all into a desert" or even worse, "kill them all" mentality coming from rednecks.

Your "and have been found to host groups of perverts preying on non Muslim girls." shows how you see them. The last child sex ring organiser arrested in Britain was a white woman, but you cherry-pick the Muslims. So are white women now on your watch list?

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Well Linky please explain WHY these 'moderate Moslems' are not actively eliminating , by informing relevant authorities or physical ejection, of the extremist element within their society? I am guessing(as you like the term) that they are either fearful of repurcussions or passively condone theses actions. Either way they show NO sense of responsibility towards the society that THEY have chosen to live in. We in the west welcomed them into our midst, many then chose to live in ghettos and to try and impose their laws and beliefs upon us. To those that have assimulated into western society, whilst still following Islam, welcome and thankyou, to those that wish to live as they lived in the countries they originated from(with Western conveniences of course,income support, free health etc ), go back, we do not want you or yours.

After the Oklahoma bombing, did you condemn Timothy McVeigh's neighbours and relatives for not dobbing him in? No, of course you didn't, because chances are they had not an inkling of what he was planning...and you guessed or felt that at the time.

You're LOOKING for some reason to blame a big group of people based on that they have, (in name only), the same religion as the terrorists.

It's not a very rational way of looking at the tragedy.

Here we are...from a new thread:

Friday's attacks by Islamist militants in Paris were planned and organised from Syria, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has said.

So, why should the Muslim residents of Paris be accountable?

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A good start would be to remove all those in the Calais Jungle.

I have tried some thought experiments as to how this could be done, given dictatorial powers, or within existing laws.

I have not come up with a satisfactory solution.

Any Ideas please ?

one thing is for sure imho, there are no liberal solutions. I would suggest internment of all known radical sympathizers and perhaps mass deportation.

I agree. It's perfectly reasonable in my mind.

The delicate point is the yardstick. How do you determine, fairly, what a radical sympathiser is? We don't want to go back to the Inquisition, do we?

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It is imperative that the French government (and Western governments in general) protect their Muslim citizens and residents against the type of hatred that some members here express. The hatred is what ISIS wants. ISIS wants division, ISIS wants Muslims in Europe to feel ostracised and to experience hatred against them, so that those Muslims become disgruntled and turn to ISIS.

All the rednecks that fall for the propaganda and spill bile and actual violence against Muslims are playing into ISIS's hands. Thanks, rednecks, you are assisting ISIS, which is treasonous.

Of course. All terrorists organizations attempt to stir up hatred and bigotry to drive more recruits and ensure even the most reasonable people are persuaded to their cause.

It would be horrendous if their was an indiscriminate back lash against all Muslims in Europe.

However, the time has arrived when Europeans countries must ensure that Muslims obey the law, the law of the country they live in. If the openly defy the law, try to impose Sharia law or create no go zones, then they must be dealt with. Pandering to Muslim demands for more Islamification has to stop. Any Muslim who does not want to obey the law, respect the host country culture, people and religions should be free to leave at their own expense. Those who wish to stay should be free to practice their religion of choice but not ram it down others throats, or force others to follow their views.

In the UK, Islamic groups try to impose Sharia Law in some places, infiltrate school governor boards to push Islamic views, create no go zones, and have been found to host groups of perverts preying on non Muslim girls. The police and prosecutors have been reluctant to do much about it, very lenient and tolerant and claim it's all in the interests of the big picture community relations. Crap. That will be just as divisive unless they start to take action to enforce the laws fairly, equally and without bias regardless of race, religion or any other factor.

Europeans are also likely to react to ISIS, in the way ISIS would like, and the authorities are doing bugger all about it. Their inaction makes it worse.

I agree with your post and conclusions. Seastallion mentioned in a reply to another post that the neighbours/friends of Timothy McVeigh (Oklahoma bombings?) should also be held responsible for his actions. Very weak argument I think, TM was an individual, easy to keep a very low profile, The terrorists in Paris were part of a large organisation, in a specific group of people, not so easy to conceal, there would have been a high possibility that someone would have noticed something odd.

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Sorry Linky , you are right, I should add : I'd love to see an hommage coming from countries claiming Islam is a religion of peace , for Paris as well as for Beirut attacks.

Lebanon, Kenya? What about them?

Kenya was more horrific than Paris but we see or hear NOTHING in sympathy from the West.

Edited by Seastallion
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A good start would be to remove all those in the Calais Jungle.

I have tried some thought experiments as to how this could be done, given dictatorial powers, or within existing laws.

I have not come up with a satisfactory solution.

Any Ideas please ?

one thing is for sure imho, there are no liberal solutions. I would suggest internment of all known radical sympathizers and perhaps mass deportation.

I agree. It's perfectly reasonable in my mind.

The delicate point is the yardstick. How do you determine, fairly, what a radical sympathiser is? We don't want to go back to the Inquisition, do we?

The inquisition was the catholic churches version of Jihad,a lot of attrocities were committed in the name of the Christian faith, the world has moved on since thet,Islam has it seems has .not. The world would not have allowed the destruction of the South American civilizations by the church in todays modern information driven society. It is time that we non Moslems stopped acquiessing to the constant pressure from some parts of the Islamic movement, and put them back in their evil box.

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A few of the people who have their head in the sand and all of the other PCers. Islam is not a religion of peace. Watched the video in chat,all should! Politics are another thing though and just look at their history ts shown they are a far more powerful political force disguised by-religion . If drastic and prudent measures are not implemented now, all of our female grandchildren will be wearin the Bur qua .

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A good start would be to remove all those in the Calais Jungle.

I have tried some thought experiments as to how this could be done, given dictatorial powers, or within existing laws.

I have not come up with a satisfactory solution.

Any Ideas please ?

one thing is for sure imho, there are no liberal solutions. I would suggest internment of all known radical sympathizers and perhaps mass deportation.

I agree. It's perfectly reasonable in my mind.

The delicate point is the yardstick. How do you determine, fairly, what a radical sympathiser is? We don't want to go back to the Inquisition, do we?

Invite them, ask them what they would do if the daughter has a christian boyfriend. Ask what they would do if the son/wife converts to Roman Catholic. What they'll do if they see someone drawing a ugly joke about their religion.

If they say...shocked, sad, etc: OK

If they say they will kill that person than deport them, too radical for Europe.

Some smart one will know what to tell but still you would get many.

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It is imperative that the French government (and Western governments in general) protect their Muslim citizens and residents against the type of hatred that some members here express. The hatred is what ISIS wants. ISIS wants division, ISIS wants Muslims in Europe to feel ostracised and to experience hatred against them, so that those Muslims become disgruntled and turn to ISIS.

All the rednecks that fall for the propaganda and spill bile and actual violence against Muslims are playing into ISIS's hands. Thanks, rednecks, you are assisting ISIS, which is treasonous.

Of course. All terrorists organizations attempt to stir up hatred and bigotry to drive more recruits and ensure even the most reasonable people are persuaded to their cause.

It would be horrendous if their was an indiscriminate back lash against all Muslims in Europe.

However, the time has arrived when Europeans countries must ensure that Muslims obey the law, the law of the country they live in. If the openly defy the law, try to impose Sharia law or create no go zones, then they must be dealt with. Pandering to Muslim demands for more Islamification has to stop. Any Muslim who does not want to obey the law, respect the host country culture, people and religions should be free to leave at their own expense. Those who wish to stay should be free to practice their religion of choice but not ram it down others throats, or force others to follow their views.

In the UK, Islamic groups try to impose Sharia Law in some places, infiltrate school governor boards to push Islamic views, create no go zones, and have been found to host groups of perverts preying on non Muslim girls. The police and prosecutors have been reluctant to do much about it, very lenient and tolerant and claim it's all in the interests of the big picture community relations. Crap. That will be just as divisive unless they start to take action to enforce the laws fairly, equally and without bias regardless of race, religion or any other factor.

Europeans are also likely to react to ISIS, in the way ISIS would like, and the authorities are doing bugger all about it. Their inaction makes it worse.

I have absolutely no argument with regard to the law applies to everyone equally, and offenders should face the consequences of the law. I would not tolerate ghettos where the inhabitants decided to set up their own little community outside the law of the land.

What I object, most vehemently to, is the irrational "herd them all into a desert" or even worse, "kill them all" mentality coming from rednecks.

Your "and have been found to host groups of perverts preying on non Muslim girls." shows how you see them. The last child sex ring organiser arrested in Britain was a white woman, but you cherry-pick the Muslims. So are white women now on your watch list?

Whilst you cherry pick one case to support your argument. Hmmm. Just shows that perverts can be male or female, of any ethnicity and religious believes and seemingly of any social class.

However there have been many cases of Muslim grooming gangs exploiting non Muslim women for many years. Local communities, including social workers and police allowed them to go unstopped and unpunished for far too long, "in the interests of good community policing" presumably considering the victims expendable in the bigger picture.

What I object to to is people claiming any who dare speak out against Islam or Muslim immigrants' acts must be redneck fascist bigots and not supper duper PC.

The fact is, in the UK, Muslims have been the recipients of reverse discrimination and many Muslim law breakers treated with "kid gloves" by police forces anxious to avoid accusations of race bias, racial protests and violence whilst keeping local community leaders "happy".

Sharia Patrols are one manifestation of this. Would the police equally not act if British Culture Patrols went out asking people to dress only in accordance with British customs, and warning them of consequences of they carried on wearing hijabs, burkas or Pakistani style clothes?

What's your solution - embrace their culture, submit to Sharia Law when the demand, allow them to Islamificate all Europe?

This love them, respect them, give them all what they want and more without questioning they do or say, from the PC "let's blame ourselves" brigade is what is truly reprehensible.

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A few of the people who have their head in the sand and all of the other PCers. Islam is not a religion of peace. Watched the video in chat,all should! Politics are another thing though and just look at their history ts shown they are a far more powerful political force disguised by-religion . If drastic and prudent measures are not implemented now, all of our female grandchildren will be wearin the Bur qua .

If I would say give Nazis who get persecuted in Germany asylum than everyone would think I am crazy.

If the next skin head beats someone and I start to argue there are moderate peaceful Nazis and radical Nazis and we must see that all balanced and the peaceful Nazis are part of our culture......everyone would shake their heads.

If you replace Nazi with Islam it is exactly what the PC say and everyone thinks that is reasonable.....No it is not. When you read the Quran it is full of violence. If I would write the h90 holy book with only half the crazy staff inside it would be banned and I would go to court for hate crime.

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French fear backlash from Islamic community. Oh sorry. That was yesterday's news. We are meant to be feeling sorry for the majority of moderate Muslims who do nothing to reign in the growing (minority????) of rabid killers they know are in their midst. They just say, but but but Islam is a religion of peace. Even though the Koran clearly preaches the opposite. View below. Well worth the watch. Just ignore the fact the he is a raving Christian. I forgive him for that for now............ He is doing a great job of clarifying what Islam is and isn't.

The three stages of Jihad.

What stage is France in now?????
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“Since I arrived here in 2000, I’ve never been stopped and checked before,” said Mustapha Zilfi, a North African immigrant, sipping a coffee in a local café. “Yesterday, I was asked, “what’s in your pockets, what’s in your bag?” I feel humiliated, because after 15 years here, I feel that part of me is French.”

Boo hoo. I got stopped and searched after the BKK bombing b/c I fit the profile of people the police were looking for. Thanked the boys for doing their job and wished em a safe evening. Move along. Nothing to see here.

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“Since I arrived here in 2000, I’ve never been stopped and checked before,” said Mustapha Zilfi, a North African immigrant, sipping a coffee in a local café. “Yesterday, I was asked, “what’s in your pockets, what’s in your bag?” I feel humiliated, because after 15 years here, I feel that part of me is French.”

Boo hoo. I got stopped and searched after the BKK bombing b/c I fit the profile of people the police were looking for. Thanked the boys for doing their job and wished em a safe evening. Move along. Nothing to see here.

You won't believe me....but last week when boarding the airplane they checked my bag and pockets....how humiliating....And they checked my backpack in the BTS.....Must be some racism against white non Muslims...

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At Paris central mosque, police guarded the entrance.

Better to send in the bulldozers.


Good idea, but the dozers are too busy dozing the bull that is written on TV Forum.

Edited by nidieunimaitre
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Since I arrived here in 2000, Ive never been stopped and checked before, said Mustapha Zilfi, a North African immigrant, sipping a coffee in a local café. Yesterday, I was asked, whats in your pockets, whats in your bag? I feel humiliated, because after 15 years here, I feel that part of me is French.

Boo hoo. I got stopped and searched after the BKK bombing b/c I fit the profile of people the police were looking for. Thanked the boys for doing their job and wished em a safe evening. Move along. Nothing to see here.

You won't believe me....but last week when boarding the airplane they checked my bag and pockets....how humiliating....And they checked my backpack in the BTS.....Must be some racism against white non Muslims...

No no do not jump to conclusions.

I am sure it was just because of your appearance.

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It is imperative that the French government (and Western governments in general) protect their Muslim citizens and residents against the type of hatred that some members here express. The hatred is what ISIS wants. ISIS wants division, ISIS wants Muslims in Europe to feel ostracised and to experience hatred against them, so that those Muslims become disgruntled and turn to ISIS.

All the rednecks that fall for the propaganda and spill bile and actual violence against Muslims are playing into ISIS's hands. Thanks, rednecks, you are assisting ISIS, which is treasonous.

Of course. All terrorists organizations attempt to stir up hatred and bigotry to drive more recruits and ensure even the most reasonable people are persuaded to their cause.

It would be horrendous if their was an indiscriminate back lash against all Muslims in Europe.

However, the time has arrived when Europeans countries must ensure that Muslims obey the law, the law of the country they live in. If the openly defy the law, try to impose Sharia law or create no go zones, then they must be dealt with. Pandering to Muslim demands for more Islamification has to stop. Any Muslim who does not want to obey the law, respect the host country culture, people and religions should be free to leave at their own expense. Those who wish to stay should be free to practice their religion of choice but not ram it down others throats, or force others to follow their views.

In the UK, Islamic groups try to impose Sharia Law in some places, infiltrate school governor boards to push Islamic views, create no go zones, and have been found to host groups of perverts preying on non Muslim girls. The police and prosecutors have been reluctant to do much about it, very lenient and tolerant and claim it's all in the interests of the big picture community relations. Crap. That will be just as divisive unless they start to take action to enforce the laws fairly, equally and without bias regardless of race, religion or any other factor.

Europeans are also likely to react to ISIS, in the way ISIS would like, and the authorities are doing bugger all about it. Their inaction makes it worse.

I have absolutely no argument with regard to the law applies to everyone equally, and offenders should face the consequences of the law. I would not tolerate ghettos where the inhabitants decided to set up their own little community outside the law of the land.

What I object, most vehemently to, is the irrational "herd them all into a desert" or even worse, "kill them all" mentality coming from rednecks.

Your "and have been found to host groups of perverts preying on non Muslim girls." shows how you see them. The last child sex ring organiser arrested in Britain was a white woman, but you cherry-pick the Muslims. So are white women now on your watch list?

Whilst you cherry pick one case to support your argument. Hmmm. Just shows that perverts can be male or female, of any ethnicity and religious believes and seemingly of any social class.

However there have been many cases of Muslim grooming gangs exploiting non Muslim women for many years. Local communities, including social workers and police allowed them to go unstopped and unpunished for far too long, "in the interests of good community policing" presumably considering the victims expendable in the bigger picture.

What I object to to is people claiming any who dare speak out against Islam or Muslim immigrants' acts must be redneck fascist bigots and not supper duper PC.

The fact is, in the UK, Muslims have been the recipients of reverse discrimination and many Muslim law breakers treated with "kid gloves" by police forces anxious to avoid accusations of race bias, racial protests and violence whilst keeping local community leaders "happy".

Sharia Patrols are one manifestation of this. Would the police equally not act if British Culture Patrols went out asking people to dress only in accordance with British customs, and warning them of consequences of they carried on wearing hijabs, burkas or Pakistani style clothes?

What's your solution - embrace their culture, submit to Sharia Law when the demand, allow them to Islamificate all Europe?

This love them, respect them, give them all what they want and more without questioning they do or say, from the PC "let's blame ourselves" brigade is what is truly reprehensible.

No need to cherry pick. Catholic priests are onto it.

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The Muslim community has a self made problem,they don't integrate,wont integrate, they bring the middle east with them. I have known Turks in Germany, third generation who were born there, went to school there and work there and yet they speak German with a Turkish accent.

So you mean middle east muslims dont integrate. Thats not the same as muslims dont integrate. They do

yeah I see these well integrated Muslims sit with the native people in the pub drinking a beer and eating some pork, while their daughter is joking around with some male kids .....

That is exactly what happens.

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Friday's attacks by Islamist militants in Paris were planned and organised from Syria, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has said.

So, why should the Muslim residents of Paris be accountable?

Because Islam had no borders

It certainly does. Try living as a sh'ite in a sunny community. Muslims in indonesia and malaysia detest the middle eastern extremist muslims.

By your logic then all catholics are homosexual pedophiles because of the actions of quite a lot of catholic priests. And surely the church congregation must have known about it so all the congrgation should be held accountable. Throw away the key.

From posts on here it is becoming clear extremism is certainly not confined to islam.

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It is imperative that the French government (and Western governments in general) protect their Muslim citizens and residents against the type of hatred that some members here express. The hatred is what ISIS wants. ISIS wants division, ISIS wants Muslims in Europe to feel ostracised and to experience hatred against them, so that those Muslims become disgruntled and turn to ISIS.

All the rednecks that fall for the propaganda and spill bile and actual violence against Muslims are playing into ISIS's hands. Thanks, rednecks, you are assisting ISIS, which is treasonous.

Of course. All terrorists organizations attempt to stir up hatred and bigotry to drive more recruits and ensure even the most reasonable people are persuaded to their cause.

It would be horrendous if their was an indiscriminate back lash against all Muslims in Europe.

However, the time has arrived when Europeans countries must ensure that Muslims obey the law, the law of the country they live in. If the openly defy the law, try to impose Sharia law or create no go zones, then they must be dealt with. Pandering to Muslim demands for more Islamification has to stop. Any Muslim who does not want to obey the law, respect the host country culture, people and religions should be free to leave at their own expense. Those who wish to stay should be free to practice their religion of choice but not ram it down others throats, or force others to follow their views.

In the UK, Islamic groups try to impose Sharia Law in some places, infiltrate school governor boards to push Islamic views, create no go zones, and have been found to host groups of perverts preying on non Muslim girls. The police and prosecutors have been reluctant to do much about it, very lenient and tolerant and claim it's all in the interests of the big picture community relations. Crap. That will be just as divisive unless they start to take action to enforce the laws fairly, equally and without bias regardless of race, religion or any other factor.

Europeans are also likely to react to ISIS, in the way ISIS would like, and the authorities are doing bugger all about it. Their inaction makes it worse.

I agree with your post and conclusions. Seastallion mentioned in a reply to another post that the neighbours/friends of Timothy McVeigh (Oklahoma bombings?) should also be held responsible for his actions. Very weak argument I think, TM was an individual, easy to keep a very low profile, The terrorists in Paris were part of a large organisation, in a specific group of people, not so easy to conceal, there would have been a high possibility that someone would have noticed something odd.

You've misquoted me and spun my words. I never said McVeigh's neighbours should be held accountable. On the contrary, I indicated the opposite.

The argument is valid. How do you know these terrorists were not low-key, underground figures? It's MOST likely that they were indeed very secretive.

Why blame the Paris Muslim population is my point, and it's a valid point as it has emerged that the attack was planned in Syria.

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The Muslim community has a self made problem,they don't integrate,wont integrate, they bring the middle east with them. I have known Turks in Germany, third generation who were born there, went to school there and work there and yet they speak German with a Turkish accent.

So you mean middle east muslims dont integrate. Thats not the same as muslims dont integrate. They do

yeah I see these well integrated Muslims sit with the native people in the pub drinking a beer and eating some pork, while their daughter is joking around with some male kids .....

Some of the victims are from Egyptian, Algerian, Tunisian and Moroccan nationality and were killed late in the evening in crowded locations where all average Parisien goes for fun & nightlife.

Many French autochtones with Muslim/Arab origins were also among the victims.

I won't provide numbers and names out of respect.

But to debunk your and others' prejudices that Muslim/Arab culture can not integrate in Europe and they can't adopt European lifestyle :

Djamilla, 41 years old was killed by those terrorists on the terrace of 'La Belle Equipe'.

She was owner of a beer bar 'Le Cafe des Anges' at the Bastille.

Halima, 37 and her sister Hodda 33, went with French friends to celebrate a birthday at the same terrace of 'La Belle Equipe'.

I think you can't blame that their beloved are praying now...RIP

Edited by Thorgal
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The fact is, in the UK, Muslims have been the recipients of reverse discrimination and many Muslim law breakers treated with "kid gloves" by police forces anxious to avoid accusations of race bias, racial protests and violence whilst keeping local community leaders "happy".

Sharia Patrols are one manifestation of this. Would the police equally not act if British Culture Patrols went out asking people to dress only in accordance with British customs, and warning them of consequences of they carried on wearing hijabs, burkas or Pakistani style clothes?

There are, as usual, many ignorant comments in this topic; so I'll just deal with this oft repeated, but totally false, one.

The so called Sharia patrols in the UK were dealt with by the police, and the people who reported these patrols to the police were often Muslim residents of the areas where they occurred!

One example: Muslim vigilantes jailed for 'sharia law' attacks in London

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If I would say give Nazis who get persecuted in Germany asylum than everyone would think I am crazy....

Doubtful; but if you said all Germans are Nazis because a tiny minority still are then, yes, you would be crazy.

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It is imperative that the French government (and Western governments in general) protect their Muslim citizens and residents against the type of hatred that some members here express. The hatred is what ISIS wants. ISIS wants division, ISIS wants Muslims in Europe to feel ostracised and to experience hatred against them, so that those Muslims become disgruntled and turn to ISIS.

All the rednecks that fall for the propaganda and spill bile and actual violence against Muslims are playing into ISIS's hands. Thanks, rednecks, you are assisting ISIS, which is treasonous.

I really don't see any "hatred" in these posts.

I see forum members voicing their displeasure but not hatred.

If I lived in one of these European countries that just allowed all these refugees to enter their countries without serious background checks and documentation efforts I would be darned worried right now.

Personally, I admire Australia's approach.

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French Islamic community should have considered it before slaughtering ~130 people

And there you have it folks, in one ignorant sentence.

I am curious, have you studied Islam? Read Quran, Hadith? Been in a Muslim country?

Im curious to know why you think the French Islamic community slaughtered 130 people.

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