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Putin reveals ISIS funded by 40 countries, including G20 members


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From the article..."Its worth noting that within the past 24 hours the U.S. has launched its first strike against an ISIS oil convoy. Prior to Monday, the United States had refused to strike the over 1,000 ISIS controlled tanker trucks out of a stated concern about causing civilian casualties, a dubious assertion at best."... Well, yea, that must have been a tough decision to destroy the vehicles and facilities your own CIA and DoD and Israel and other allies paid for with their own taxpayer's dollars and all that loss of future revenue for your project you spent so long setting up. Shoot. Hopefully, they will release the data on which G20 countries are fronting the money causing all this grief. Chances are they never will though. Pity and the band plays on.

I'm from 'down under', I would like to know where the oil in these trucks comes from and who it is being sold to.

Can you enliten me on the CIA and DoD involvement?

Really I don't know. sad.png

Ha ha ha....you really don't know where that oil is going?

And neither do you,if so name it!

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Putin runs circles around most western leaders. He is a real master of Realpolitik.....

Then why is Russia's economy falling apart, it's hit with sanctions, and it's only serious friends are other dictatorships? And when was the last time there was a demand for Russian made consumer products?

dont know all the facts but I thought high among the reasons the russian economy was crashing was the contrived oil flooding the market by US/Saudi cabal.

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Putin runs circles around most western leaders. He is a real master of Realpolitik.....

Then why is Russia's economy falling apart, it's hit with sanctions, and it's only serious friends are other dictatorships? And when was the last time there was a demand for Russian made consumer products?

dont know all the facts but I thought high among the reasons the russian economy was crashing was the contrived oil flooding the market by US/Saudi cabal.

SA and USA are competing for expanded market share and the earnings advantages that go with that.

So if Putin is stupid or can't for any reason compete then Vlad should find a job he can do cause he can't do the job he has now.

Putin's current job is to run the Russian economy up not down. Instead Putin's off bombing Syria putting Russians at an unnecessary ISIS risk while being frozen stuck in Ukraine after creating a horror show there. His Brics have also fallen into a heap.

Putin is a loser.

So maybe it's a good thing after all that Obama, ISIS and jihadis everywhere are scheming together. laugh.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

So maybe it's a good thing after all that Obama, ISIS and jihadis everywhere are scheming together. laugh.png

Are you serious?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Note the emoticon in the post you quoted. As you take note of posters and their views you can find out who are the 21st century global fascist forces and who are not.

There are people who do support Putin to dominate half the world at the expense of the United States. They can't possibly be fulfilled so there are times they deserve a bit of a tweaking. smile.png .

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I think it is about time somebody told us just who is buying this oil.

1.4 million dollars a day and they don't know who.

We are being fed some bad cooking here folks.

I don't see any difference between oil of Mosul sold by ISIS and delivered clandestinely to neighbouring countries in an incredible war zone and all the oil that has been sold officially from Basra area's by Iraqi-US puppet regime with licenses to corporate major oil companies from the West. You'll never see ISIS near Basra...

Won't find Daesh in the southern parts of Iraq either where the CCP China is spread throughout it drilling oil and hauling it out over to the CCP China. Daesh and the CCP seem to have some sort of cartel understanding about oil and Iraq.

Iran is hopping mad about it but can't stop it.

There are so many CCPs in the southern half of Iraq drilling oil and hauling it off there's been a joke China won the Iraq war. Since the emergence of Daesh however the joke has been modified. CCP gave the northern half to the loonies. Which now includes Putin and Erdogan.


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They who publish the OP Jay Syrmopoulos do so at their own risk. And a great risk it is.

Syrmopoulos is well known to mainstream media as a fool and fringe rightwingnut publicist to obviously avoid and shun. The OP story is splattered all over rightwing media and almost entirely absent from MSM. The stuff about funding ISIL comes straight from the mouth of the criminal Vladimir Putin. Putin of course fails to present any specifics and fails to name names.

Syrmopoulos simply provides a platform for Putin and for his conspiracy fixated fanboyz to launch yet more nonsense.

The sampleing of linked media that published the scatterbrained OP are the usual highly funded mass of well financed rightwing miedia. The Free Thought Project cited to lead the thread is not however necessarily offensive or questionable, but it does have its own idea of what Constitutional freedoms may be. Regardless, anyone who publishes the jerk Jay Syrmopoulos would definitely be straining their own credibility on this one.

Putin Reveals ISIS Funded by 40 Countries, Including G20 Members

By Jay Syrmopoulos









Syrmopoulos is so much on the fringe the boy flew off the handle to write a raging attack of what was in fact a spoof piece that appeared in the satirical website Free Wood Post. As stated by the Southern Poverty Law Center which was jokingly cited in the satirical article, under the headline:


The headlines — widely circulated on social media and a variety of right-wing websites — certainly are attention-grabbing. And many of the posts promoting the pieces on Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere clearly seem to take them at face value.

There’s a big problem, though: The stories are complete fakes.

The Fox News piece was published earlier this week at a satirical “news” site called the Free Wood Post, where the motto is: “News That’s Almost Reliable.” The post contained no links to any such SPLC report because, of course, none existed.


So came this from a site that monitors nutcake scribblers at rightwing publications.....

"However, at least one right-wing blogger — Jay Syrmopoulos at the Free Thought Project — initially succumbed to the hoax and published a breathless post that swallowed the entire tale whole. Afterward, upon learning that the piece was satire, he edited the story to indicate that the source of information was a spoof, but redirecting his ire at the FBI."

Contacted by the SPLC, Syrmopoulos, who is described in his author summary as an “investigative journalist,” was defiant:

"Upon realizing the story was satire I changed the title to state that it was satire and added an update apologizing to my readers and explaining how I was duped. Any other changes made to the piece or title after that did not involve consultation with me.”


SLPC senior fellow Mark Potok released the Center's response letter to the crackpot Syrmopous in which he said, in part....

“{I}t says something important about today’s right-wing media that so many are snookered so easily, and by such transparently false and ridiculous narratives."


So the beat goes on from Putin and his fanboyz who have yet another discredited cause to promote. Putin meanwhile continues to further isolate himself from Europe and the G-20 which as we know is a global organisation that produces 80% of the world GDP.

But then again who can question conspiracy theory when it's a conspiracy is fact. laugh.png

BUT, Publicus my dear friend. You have overlooked one small point.

This is all the written word which is not much different from the spoken word and as such is subject to opinion.

The question with all hearsay is, just who's opinion are we being fed?

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They who publish the OP Jay Syrmopoulos do so at their own risk. And a great risk it is.

Syrmopoulos is well known to mainstream media as a fool and fringe rightwingnut publicist to obviously avoid and shun. The OP story is splattered all over rightwing media and almost entirely absent from MSM. The stuff about funding ISIL comes straight from the mouth of the criminal Vladimir Putin. Putin of course fails to present any specifics and fails to name names.

Syrmopoulos simply provides a platform for Putin and for his conspiracy fixated fanboyz to launch yet more nonsense.

The sampleing of linked media that published the scatterbrained OP are the usual highly funded mass of well financed rightwing miedia. The Free Thought Project cited to lead the thread is not however necessarily offensive or questionable, but it does have its own idea of what Constitutional freedoms may be. Regardless, anyone who publishes the jerk Jay Syrmopoulos would definitely be straining their own credibility on this one.

Putin Reveals ISIS Funded by 40 Countries, Including G20 Members

By Jay Syrmopoulos









Syrmopoulos is so much on the fringe the boy flew off the handle to write a raging attack of what was in fact a spoof piece that appeared in the satirical website Free Wood Post. As stated by the Southern Poverty Law Center which was jokingly cited in the satirical article, under the headline:


The headlines — widely circulated on social media and a variety of right-wing websites — certainly are attention-grabbing. And many of the posts promoting the pieces on Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere clearly seem to take them at face value.

There’s a big problem, though: The stories are complete fakes.

The Fox News piece was published earlier this week at a satirical “news” site called the Free Wood Post, where the motto is: “News That’s Almost Reliable.” The post contained no links to any such SPLC report because, of course, none existed.


So came this from a site that monitors nutcake scribblers at rightwing publications.....

"However, at least one right-wing blogger — Jay Syrmopoulos at the Free Thought Project — initially succumbed to the hoax and published a breathless post that swallowed the entire tale whole. Afterward, upon learning that the piece was satire, he edited the story to indicate that the source of information was a spoof, but redirecting his ire at the FBI."

Contacted by the SPLC, Syrmopoulos, who is described in his author summary as an “investigative journalist,” was defiant:

"Upon realizing the story was satire I changed the title to state that it was satire and added an update apologizing to my readers and explaining how I was duped. Any other changes made to the piece or title after that did not involve consultation with me.”


SLPC senior fellow Mark Potok released the Center's response letter to the crackpot Syrmopous in which he said, in part....

“{I}t says something important about today’s right-wing media that so many are snookered so easily, and by such transparently false and ridiculous narratives."


So the beat goes on from Putin and his fanboyz who have yet another discredited cause to promote. Putin meanwhile continues to further isolate himself from Europe and the G-20 which as we know is a global organisation that produces 80% of the world GDP.

But then again who can question conspiracy theory when it's a conspiracy is fact. laugh.png

BUT, Publicus my dear friend. You have overlooked one small point.

This is all the written word which is not much different from the spoken word and as such is subject to opinion.

The question with all hearsay is, just who's opinion are we being fed?

The young writer who writes only for rightwing journals has no credibility. Zero.

Especially after he took a spoof article in a parody journal seriously in the matter of race in the USA. The writer should have lunch with another spoof and parody sap Kim Jong-Un.

Face it. The "writer" Jay Syrmopoulos is a Putin hack.

We'll never know if Putin's top 40 hit list of countries includes the CCP China.

CCP is throughout the southern half of Iraq drilling oil and hauling it off the the CCP China. No problems from Daesh now or ever up to now. No problems from Daesh anticipated for the CCP drilling oil in the southern half of Iraq or expected. Not now or at any time, for any reason.

It's a cartel formally or effectively. We know that a cartel involves the splitting of big bucks. Each side benefits, ISIS and the CCP..

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Well if they can not figure a way to prevent oil being trucked out of a oil supply depot, nor how to block anyones access to funds in financial institutions private or public that have supported ISIS in the past they better have a good sniff of pure oxygen to clear the cobwebs from last night.

That is easy: bomb the oil supply depot and the trucks.

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They who publish the OP Jay Syrmopoulos do so at their own risk. And a great risk it is.

Syrmopoulos is well known to mainstream media as a fool and fringe rightwingnut publicist to obviously avoid and shun. The OP story is splattered all over rightwing media and almost entirely absent from MSM. The stuff about funding ISIL comes straight from the mouth of the criminal Vladimir Putin. Putin of course fails to present any specifics and fails to name names.

Syrmopoulos simply provides a platform for Putin and for his conspiracy fixated fanboyz to launch yet more nonsense.

The sampleing of linked media that published the scatterbrained OP are the usual highly funded mass of well financed rightwing miedia. The Free Thought Project cited to lead the thread is not however necessarily offensive or questionable, but it does have its own idea of what Constitutional freedoms may be. Regardless, anyone who publishes the jerk Jay Syrmopoulos would definitely be straining their own credibility on this one.

Putin Reveals ISIS Funded by 40 Countries, Including G20 Members

By Jay Syrmopoulos









Syrmopoulos is so much on the fringe the boy flew off the handle to write a raging attack of what was in fact a spoof piece that appeared in the satirical website Free Wood Post. As stated by the Southern Poverty Law Center which was jokingly cited in the satirical article, under the headline:


The headlines — widely circulated on social media and a variety of right-wing websites — certainly are attention-grabbing. And many of the posts promoting the pieces on Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere clearly seem to take them at face value.

There’s a big problem, though: The stories are complete fakes.

The Fox News piece was published earlier this week at a satirical “news” site called the Free Wood Post, where the motto is: “News That’s Almost Reliable.” The post contained no links to any such SPLC report because, of course, none existed.


So came this from a site that monitors nutcake scribblers at rightwing publications.....

"However, at least one right-wing blogger — Jay Syrmopoulos at the Free Thought Project — initially succumbed to the hoax and published a breathless post that swallowed the entire tale whole. Afterward, upon learning that the piece was satire, he edited the story to indicate that the source of information was a spoof, but redirecting his ire at the FBI."

Contacted by the SPLC, Syrmopoulos, who is described in his author summary as an “investigative journalist,” was defiant:

"Upon realizing the story was satire I changed the title to state that it was satire and added an update apologizing to my readers and explaining how I was duped. Any other changes made to the piece or title after that did not involve consultation with me.”


SLPC senior fellow Mark Potok released the Center's response letter to the crackpot Syrmopous in which he said, in part....

“{I}t says something important about today’s right-wing media that so many are snookered so easily, and by such transparently false and ridiculous narratives."


So the beat goes on from Putin and his fanboyz who have yet another discredited cause to promote. Putin meanwhile continues to further isolate himself from Europe and the G-20 which as we know is a global organisation that produces 80% of the world GDP.

But then again who can question conspiracy theory when it's a conspiracy is fact. laugh.png

BUT, Publicus my dear friend. You have overlooked one small point.

This is all the written word which is not much different from the spoken word and as such is subject to opinion.

The question with all hearsay is, just who's opinion are we being fed?

The young writer who writes only for rightwing journals has no credibility. Zero.

Especially after he took a spoof article in a parody journal seriously in the matter of race in the USA. The writer should have lunch with another spoof and parody sap Kim Jong-Un.

Face it. The "writer" Jay Syrmopoulos is a Putin hack.

We'll never know if Putin's top 40 hit list of countries includes the CCP China.

CCP is throughout the southern half of Iraq drilling oil and hauling it off the the CCP China. No problems from Daesh now or ever up to now. No problems from Daesh anticipated for the CCP drilling oil in the southern half of Iraq or expected. Not now or at any time, for any reason.

It's a cartel formally or effectively. We know that a cartel involves the splitting of big bucks. Each side benefits, ISIS and the CCP..

It is rare that I agree with you, but really China is surprising silent.....What you write makes sense.

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