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France and Russia increase air strikes on ISIL targets


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France and Russia increase air strikes on ISIL targets


DAMASCUS: -- Russia has carried out new air strikes against Islamic State militant targets in Syria.

Moscow says its SU-34 bombers have started hitting ISIL’s oil infrastructure.

However, Britain’s Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond claims Russia has been attacking the moderate opposition in order to prop up the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

France too has increased its air strikes, targeting the Islamic State’s stronghold in Raqaa. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, at least 33 ISIL members have been killed over the last 72 hours.

France has also sent its nuclear powered aircraft carrier, Charles de Gaulle, to the Persian Gulf to expand its operations against ISIL.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-19

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It just proves how naive ISIS is. There idea that they can target the rest of the world with a few guns and shoving explosives onto a couple of planes is futile. By attacking any country or its allies. No-one should call ISIS muslim terrorists. No-one in their right mind ever called the murder preachers Charles Mason and the Waco Warriors real Christians. These followers of ISIS or Al-Qaeda are not followers of a true religion, but a distorted twisted view of religion like Charles Manson.

So they will deserve everything that France, Russia, the USA or anyone else can give them with superior airpower.

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Congrats Russia! Great job...


Russian strikes blamed for 400 Syrian civilian deaths At least 97 children among casualties of military operations which began in late September, two monitoring groups say.

On Sunday, government air strikes killed at least seven people, including three children, in Douma just outside of the capital Damascus, SOHR said.

At least seven civilians were killed in government air strikes in Aleppo on Saturday, SOHR added.

Way to go only bombing ISIS targets. giggle.gif

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It just proves how naive ISIS is. There idea that they can target the rest of the world with a few guns and shoving explosives onto a couple of planes is futile. By attacking any country or its allies. No-one should call ISIS muslim terrorists. No-one in their right mind ever called the murder preachers Charles Mason and the Waco Warriors real Christians. These followers of ISIS or Al-Qaeda are not followers of a true religion, but a distorted twisted view of religion like Charles Manson.

So they will deserve everything that France, Russia, the USA or anyone else can give them with superior airpower.

A few guns? Any poker player will be taking Isis very seriously now. Why the sudden attacks and upping the ante? When a habitually cautious poker player goes "all-in" the chances are that he has a very strong hand. To equate that to ISIS, I think they have acquired WMD most likely nuclear devices and are baiting the civilized world to invade the middle-east more and give an excuse for Isis to detonate their WMD's, and allow the beginning of the endgame which is the so called moderates conceding they were supporters all along and a worldwide Islamic caliphate is the result. Time scale, probably completed by 2025, unless the far right regain power in their respective countries and boot out the enemy lock, stock and barrel.

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