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Immigrants' spouses 'must speak English before entering UK'

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Immigrants' spouses 'must speak English before entering UK'
Press Association

Supreme court judges unanimously dismiss Saiqa Bibi and Saffana Ali’s claim that pre-entry English test breaches their right to a private and family life

LONDON: -- The supreme court has rejected a challenge against an immigration rule requiring spouses to be able to speak English before moving to the UK.

Five justices in London had been urged to rule that the pre-entry measure was “unreasonable, disproportionate and discriminatory”. But the panel, led by the court’s president, Lord Neuberger, unanimously dismissed an appeal by two women, who are British citizens. Their husbands, who cannot speak English, are foreign nationals and wish to join them in the UK.

Saiqa Bibi and Saffana Ali claimed the requirement breached their right to a private and family life under article eight of the European convention on human rights. It was said in both cases it would not be feasible for their husbands to pass a test before moving to the UK. But the supreme court decided on Wednesday that the rule did not infringe article eight.

Although the supreme court rejected the challenge against the rule, the judges asked for further submissions from the parties on “whether a declaration should be made that the operation of the guidance in its present form is incompatible with article eight rights, where compliance with the requirement is impracticable”.

Full story: http://www.theguardian.com/law/2015/nov/18/immigrants-spouses-must-speak-english-before-entering-uk

-- The Guardian 2015-11-19

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'The men would have to learn computer skills'

Good, something else to help them properly integrate into UK society and GET A JOB, as well as learning English to a satisfactory degree.

Win - win for both of them. Now get stuck in and learn to read and write first ...

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I hope Thailand doesn't follow suit.

A very valid point. The UK Government would prefer that all UK spouses go to Thailand to live. Heaven forbid that British spouses were expected to learn Thai to the same level that immigrants to the UK have to learn English.

I assume that the 2 women concerned had met the earnings requirement?

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in uk english...

in france ..french

in germany ...german

and so on....it is incredible as thai woman can't learn any language even living with a foreigner in his own country...i have seen many example allready here....australian , english american etc etc ..!

in our rich countries we have more than enough ...immigration .....who do not integrate themself and use our taxes and laws to get only rights and a better life....and what does thailand for us in return...??????

just nothing ...here if you have money you can stay and if you dont ...even married or whatever ...you have to go.

so if i could decide i would aplicate the same laws as thailand aplicate to other citizens from others countries

eye for eye, teeth for teeth

and have a good day!

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The English language level A1 is pretty basic. Just enough for 'survival' in the UK.

The people applying are about to upsticks and move around the world so a little inconvenience is to be expected. They will need to attend VFS or similar for biometrics to be done so, presumably they will be travelling to a city for this. A little organisation to allow an English test should not be beyond the capabilities of most. It cannot IMO be impractical to apply the ruling but there might be cases where it is difficult.

Of course there are probably more slick ways to organise things but UKVI are unlikely to be too interested in the convenience for applicants.

The legal ruling makes it clear that demanding the ability to speak basic English is not illegal. How the authorities demand this may infringe human rights.

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But a French man is not allowed to bring his 'illiterate' wife to France. A British person can bring their 'illiterate' wife to live in France!

Perhaps not logical but not racist and not discriminatory. The rights of nationals of both countries are roughly equivalent!

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But a French man is not allowed to bring his 'illiterate' wife to France. A British person can bring their 'illiterate' wife to live in France!

Perhaps not logical but not racist and not discriminatory. The rights of nationals of both countries are roughly equivalent!

Ah, but a French man can bring his illiterate wife to Britain, whilst a British cannot.

The ultimate discrimination.

They have got themselves into a horrible mess because of the EU rules. Right now I am working with 2 Indian labourers in London, one with a Portuguese residency and another with Italian.

Neither can speak a word of English, but are free to work and live here. Both have their indian/european wives sitting in Portugal and Italy waiting to come to the UK once they have cash together.

British law cannot stop them.

British law cannot prevent the entry of the spouse of an EU citizen or resident, but it can prevent a Brit. This is ridiculous state of affairs.

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But French law cannot prevent a British person bringing their spouse to live in France! Daft perhaps but equal! The so called Surinder Singh route.

Only changes in EU law will change this or a decision to leave the EU. There will be many, many people avoiding national laws this way.

Doctors need to demonstrate a good standard of English. Not sure that the pharmacist does yet. Attempts are being made to change the rules so veterinary surgeons must meet English language requirements. Hopefully it will come to every job where lives are at stake!

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I hope Thailand doesn't follow suit.

Don't you need language skills for residency and to become a national in Thailand then?

No, but they have some financial advantage.

What has a Thai, non English speaker, probably a bar girl, or worse, an internet girl have to offer ?

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Before you all start saying "Well done!" etc., just remember that this rule ONLY applies to genuine non-EU visa migrants, NOT to anyone entering via the EU or via the "Surinder Singh" route, nor the hordes of non-visa, illegal,"migrants" or any so-called refugees.

The current extortionate costs involved in applying for a UK visa plus the other onerous requirements, I believe, will only deter genuine applicants from taking the legal or formal route into the UK...............I would completely agree with this policy if it applied across the board but as it stands it is totally discriminatory against British citizens wishing to bring their non-EU spouses back to the UK.

Exactly. This is same situation as my brother from Sweden married a girl from Serbia. She waited 3 years to get visa to Sweden but got denied. But all the immigrants can go and do whatever they want.

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'It was said in both cases it would not be feasible for their husbands to pass a test before moving to the UK.' And doubtless they wouldn't bother to learn once they were in. Might not even bother to work. Perhaps the two women could demonstrate their Englishness by adopting more English names.

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