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Prawit's foreign policy blunders bringing Thailand into disrepute


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There is an acceptance for cheating here. It starts at university where post graduate qualifications are bought and paid paid for. Likewise careers. People are appointed on recommendation rather than the best candidate. Those in top positions don't have the experience or academics know how to do the job because they are cheats. Subordinates do not question their superiors. The result is Thailand today, wasted resource, industrial accidents, daily road fatalities, the god delusion, superstition, and a heard mentality.

Persecute the cheats, eliminate the privileged untouchables, allow free speech and empower the public.

How hard can it be?

Since you're a farang, like me, persecute the military industrial complex in the USA for war crimes, eliminate the British elite.

That's how hard it can be.

Because the elite here are not about to reform themselves, there is no benefit to them, only Thailand as a whole, and they could not give a continental what happens beyond their privileged bubble. Why would They? If you were them, why would you? No one will thank or reward you. I agree with your sentiment, but we're both pissing in the wind old chap.

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The communication device you use to express your view was designed, developed in a free society. Assembled in a communist country and bought by you thanks to capitalism.

Without free speech, scholars, philosophers and collusion your view would not be available to the masses. Yet you feel these principle are abhorant.

What's it to be? Conformity, subservience, repression and stagnation? Or free speech, empathy and social development?

I back free speech and Prayut - O - Cha possibly does 2 , at the tea table, yes darling , no darling.

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Yes - you have the 'right' to be bitter and twisted and to 'vent' about Thailand at every opportunity. But like many other Expats who are happy here, I am sick of hearing BTEWs on TV - Bitter Twisted Expat Whingers. So have many others who have said it better than me:-




Are you a genuine observer and concerned person expressing a view - or are you just a BTEW. Have a look at your own last 20 responses - are most of your responses on TV just venting of your anger and frustrations? If they are then do yourself a favour - take a trip back home/away.

There is a lot of things to complain about - but there is also plenty more to appreciate. Thai Visa is much more then a forum for BTEWs to express their negative views towards Thailand - again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.


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As usual, the ignorant horde of Thai bashers jump at anything negative and vent their feelings. Well here is mine towards you:

To all those who feel the need/desire to 'jump' all over anything negative towards Thailand or the PM - why dont you instead jump on a plane back home?? And take with you your ignorant Expat/Western views on Democracy and Religion what is right and wrong in the Thailand. This is Thailand !!

You are not a Thai citizen. You cannot vote. You have no 'rights'. You cannot stay as long as you like. You are a VISITOR. And anything else I wish to say about you would be edited !!

You may well feel insulted - I DONT CARE. Stop insulting Thailand. This is THEIR country - not yours. Yes - there are many things wrong here. SO WHAT !!

Imagine going to Fiji on a two week holiday and then complaining every day about the military takeover that stopped a civil war/anarchy, and complaining that Fijians all do 'silly' things and behave 'silly' !!

Wake up !! There are problems everywhere in the world - you can get shot at school in USA . If you want the perfect place to live your 'un-enriched' lives - then go home and think about where that is, and then move there. Thailand is not 'perfect' - but I for one love it this way !!


What is a forum for?

Presenting the views expressed by BB24. Views which are not to be questioned or discussed obviously!

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As usual, the ignorant horde of Thai bashers jump at anything negative and vent their feelings. Well here is mine towards you:

To all those who feel the need/desire to 'jump' all over anything negative towards Thailand or the PM - why dont you instead jump on a plane back home?? And take with you your ignorant Expat/Western views on Democracy and Religion what is right and wrong in the Thailand. This is Thailand !!

You are not a Thai citizen. You cannot vote. You have no 'rights'. You cannot stay as long as you like. You are a VISITOR. And anything else I wish to say about you would be edited !!

You may well feel insulted - I DONT CARE. Stop insulting Thailand. This is THEIR country - not yours. Yes - there are many things wrong here. SO WHAT !!

Imagine going to Fiji on a two week holiday and then complaining every day about the military takeover that stopped a civil war/anarchy, and complaining that Fijians all do 'silly' things and behave 'silly' !!

Wake up !! There are problems everywhere in the world - you can get shot at school in USA . If you want the perfect place to live your 'un-enriched' lives - then go home and think about where that is, and then move there. Thailand is not 'perfect' - but I for one love it this way !!

Oh, really? A "dissertation" on reasons not to support change rather than finding ways to support change for the betterment of all Thai peoples and not just the privileged few? Of course it is their country, no argument. But, currently who is "their"? It is the well connected and the privileged people NOT the average Thai person who are still being expected to kowtow to the powerful, rich and influential. Singapore cleaned up their act in 50 years but Thailand seemingly cannot do the same over 100's of years. Food for thought.

Some of us can be farang bashers as well gigglem.gif

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Yes - you have the 'right' to be bitter and twisted and to 'vent' about Thailand at every opportunity. But like many other Expats who are happy here, I am sick of hearing BTEWs on TV - Bitter Twisted Expat Whingers. So have many others who have said it better than me:-




Are you a genuine observer and concerned person expressing a view - or are you just a BTEW. Have a look at your own last 20 responses - are most of your responses on TV just venting of your anger and frustrations? If they are then do yourself a favour - take a trip back home/away.

There is a lot of things to complain about - but there is also plenty more to appreciate. Thai Visa is much more then a forum for BTEWs to express their negative views towards Thailand - again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.


If you lack the intelligence to grasp the distinction between criticism of the current regime and criticism of Thailand, then I suggest as the great Clement Attlee did to a Cabinet colleague " a period of silence on your part would be most welcome".

If I started criticism of Thais ( or Thai bashing to use that foolish term) for their democratic choice after a freely conducted general election that would be a different matter and the charge of negativism would be justified.

Your comment on the many aspects for which we should be grateful is sublimely irrelevant.You may as well say why are you so negative about the Islamic State (ISIL) when there are mouth wateringly delicious kebabs to be enjoyed at every street corner?

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As usual, the ignorant horde of Thai bashers jump at anything negative and vent their feelings. Well here is mine towards you:

To all those who feel the need/desire to 'jump' all over anything negative towards Thailand or the PM - why dont you instead jump on a plane back home?? And take with you your ignorant Expat/Western views on Democracy and Religion what is right and wrong in the Thailand. This is Thailand !!

You are not a Thai citizen. You cannot vote. You have no 'rights'. You cannot stay as long as you like. You are a VISITOR. And anything else I wish to say about you would be edited !!

You may well feel insulted - I DONT CARE. Stop insulting Thailand. This is THEIR country - not yours. Yes - there are many things wrong here. SO WHAT !!

Imagine going to Fiji on a two week holiday and then complaining every day about the military takeover that stopped a civil war/anarchy, and complaining that Fijians all do 'silly' things and behave 'silly' !!

Wake up !! There are problems everywhere in the world - you can get shot at school in USA . If you want the perfect place to live your 'un-enriched' lives - then go home and think about where that is, and then move there. Thailand is not 'perfect' - but I for one love it this way !!

In other words, you have nothing to say.

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