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America's bizarre reaction to mass shootings


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The republicans need to seriously reinvent themselves or they will fade into oblivion as the US becomes browner. One of the things they need to change is their pandering to the rabid right and the NRA as too many Americans are pro gun control.

You are soooo wrong!!!

Europeans need to reinvent themselves or they are going to stand helplessly and be slaughter by Islamic extremists.

As for US public opinion on gun control, the Republicans are right on target, pardon.

Americans Prefer Living in Neighborhoods With Guns
Friday, June 12, 2015
"American Voters overwhelming prefer living in a neighborhood where they have the option of owning a gun than to live where nobody is allowed to be armed.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 22% of Likely U.S. Voters would feel safer living in a neighborhood where nobody was allowed to own a gun over one where they could have a gun for their own protection. Sixty-eight percent (68%) would feel safer in a neighborhood where guns are allowed, while 10% are not sure."
The national survey of 977 Likely Voters was conducted on June 8-9, 2015 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.
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The republicans need to seriously reinvent themselves or they will fade into oblivion as the US becomes browner. One of the things they need to change is their pandering to the rabid right and the NRA as too many Americans are pro gun control.

You are soooo wrong!!!

Europeans need to reinvent themselves or they are going to stand helplessly and be slaughter by Islamic extremists.

As for US public opinion on gun control, the Republicans are right on target, pardon.

Americans Prefer Living in Neighborhoods With Guns
Friday, June 12, 2015
"American Voters overwhelming prefer living in a neighborhood where they have the option of owning a gun than to live where nobody is allowed to be armed.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 22% of Likely U.S. Voters would feel safer living in a neighborhood where nobody was allowed to own a gun over one where they could have a gun for their own protection. Sixty-eight percent (68%) would feel safer in a neighborhood where guns are allowed, while 10% are not sure."
The national survey of 977 Likely Voters was conducted on June 8-9, 2015 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

Why with this alleged support for mass "legal" gun ownership in the US are the mass killings continuing !

Why are the police required to end atrocities ?

When was a mass killer last stopped by the armed civilian "militia "

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You are soooo wrong!!!

Europeans need to reinvent themselves or they are going to stand helplessly and be slaughter by Islamic extremists.

As for US public opinion on gun control, the Republicans are right on target, pardon.

Americans Prefer Living in Neighborhoods With Guns
Friday, June 12, 2015
"American Voters overwhelming prefer living in a neighborhood where they have the option of owning a gun than to live where nobody is allowed to be armed.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 22% of Likely U.S. Voters would feel safer living in a neighborhood where nobody was allowed to own a gun over one where they could have a gun for their own protection. Sixty-eight percent (68%) would feel safer in a neighborhood where guns are allowed, while 10% are not sure."
The national survey of 977 Likely Voters was conducted on June 8-9, 2015 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

Why with this alleged support for mass "legal" gun ownership in the US are the mass killings continuing !

Why are the police required to end atrocities ?

When was a mass killer last stopped by the armed civilian "militia "

The US has a huge population. It's the world's third largest. It also has a huge land mass. A lot of everything is going to happen. I don't know anyone who's ever been involved in or even witnessed a gun murder let alone a mass shooting. Like airline crashes, they draw a lot of press. I do know people who have defended themselves by the mere presence of their gun without firing a shot. I know two women who have stopped would-be rapists by the mere presence of their gun. You don't read about that.

These mass shooters choose soft targets which are gun-free zones including the Fort Hood military base shooting where the soldiers weren't allowed to carry guns on base. If the soldiers had been armed the perp would have gone down fast without inflicting so many casualties.

Worry about Europe where the government took away arms and then let in Islamic extremists to out-breed and to butcher. Within 20 years traditional Europeans will be begging for guns but they won't get them and their slaughter will be assured.


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The republicans need to seriously reinvent themselves or they will fade into oblivion as the US becomes browner. One of the things they need to change is their pandering to the rabid right and the NRA as too many Americans are pro gun control.

You are soooo wrong!!!

Europeans need to reinvent themselves or they are going to stand helplessly and be slaughter by Islamic extremists.

As for US public opinion on gun control, the Republicans are right on target, pardon.

Americans Prefer Living in Neighborhoods With Guns
Friday, June 12, 2015
"American Voters overwhelming prefer living in a neighborhood where they have the option of owning a gun than to live where nobody is allowed to be armed.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 22% of Likely U.S. Voters would feel safer living in a neighborhood where nobody was allowed to own a gun over one where they could have a gun for their own protection. Sixty-eight percent (68%) would feel safer in a neighborhood where guns are allowed, while 10% are not sure."
The national survey of 977 Likely Voters was conducted on June 8-9, 2015 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

Actually, the single thing Republicans need to stop doing is pandering to the left.

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"America's bizarre reaction to mass shootings"..............and the ThaiVisa gun haters immature responses to America's mass shootings. You people need to get a life.

You people who dont care about life need to tell us people with a life we would like to keep how one individual can legally purchase 5000+ rounds of amo in a relatively short time without raising some kind of flag?

Probably you give them a license for a machine gun. My god how pathetic you Fox newsers appear to the rest of the world with your anti reasonable gun control rants. What a lot of scared wimps the US has been brainwashed into by one or two raggi pacs. If only Americans knew anything about the rest of the world they might be able to get these infinitesimal pinpricks into perspective. Judging by the number of guns sold in the US over the last 3 days, it makes you wonder who really paid these so-called terrorists.

Since you asked I'll tell you. Someone with a gun club or buying for a large group of friends or family who are going to have a day or weekend outing at the firing range may very easily go through thousands of rounds of ammunition. That's why sales of large amounts of it are nothing unusual. Of course, you fanatical gun haters wouldn't know this because you've never fired a gun nor have you ever been around others who enjoy guns for fun and sport.

And that's the nub of the problem...your kind really know nothing about guns or gun culture but you think you know something about them. And that something is that they are dangerous and should only be handled by police or armed services personnel and their possession and use by anyone else should be prohibited. That ain't gonna happen but you're welcome to keep pounding sand.

Your ad-hominem attacks to little to enhance your credibility; and your calls for "gun control" don't fool anyone about your ultimate goal of gun confiscation.

Edited by seedy
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It's about time you and others cease insulting the memory of Europeans who have lost their lives or been injured fighting Islamic extremism as well as those murdered in Paris and other European cities. You & others should reconsider your ongoing pathetic commentary and mutually congratulatory 'likes'.

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It's about time you and others cease insulting the memory of Europeans who have lost their lives or been injured fighting Islamic extremism as well as those murdered in Paris and other European cities. You & others should reconsider your ongoing pathetic commentary and mutually congratulatory 'likes'.

Boo hoo hoo. Europeans spend countless hours on Thaivisa ridiculing and criticizing the USA and when someone hits back the contemptuously phony indignation appears... Maybe those on the other side of the pond aught to stop their incessant caterwauling insults on American laws, culture and beliefs.

Oh, and by the way, the subject is "Replying to America's bizarre reaction to mass shootings" in case you missed it.

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It's about time you and others cease insulting the memory of Europeans who have lost their lives or been injured fighting Islamic extremism as well as those murdered in Paris and other European cities. You & others should reconsider your ongoing pathetic commentary and mutually congratulatory 'likes'.

"[F]ightning Islamic extremism"...is that what you call what Europe has been doing the past few decades? I'd say surrendering to mass Islamic infiltration of their societies and slitting Europa's throat on the alter of political correctness and multiculturalism is more like it.

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Your ad-hominem attacks to little to enhance your credibility; and your calls for "gun control" don't fool anyone about your ultimate goal of gun confiscation.

Ad-hominem is a big word for an ostrich. I'm not paranoic like you, I don't slaver after "ultimate goals" and you still managed to avoiding addressing the salient point. I would be ashamed to try to defend such a continued useless waste of American lives for the sake of a little sanity. People like you cause the rest of the world to question Americans right to defend democracy in which it should be the leader. But all you do is make people throw up their hands and say "these f... idiots can't even make a reasonable attempt to keep their own house in order, what right have they to tell others what to do". Its so sad and pathetic to see a great nation reduced to such a f...-up place.

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I suppose there are many on the loony left who would consider this as "Bizarre Reaction" to mass shootings......

Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership: Trust Us to Carry Guns In Hospitals


Dr. Sean Brodale writes:

One billion times a year, you trust us with your general health. You trust us to care for you, your family and friends 168 million times a year in hospitals across this great nation. You even trust us to care for your children in 6.3 million hospital stays per year. Yes, the general public, we as Americans, trust our doctors and other health care workers with our lives, every day. Wouldn’t we then trust those same doctors to defend against deadly violence in a hospital? Yet the vast majority of hospitals across this nation will not trust those same physicians who have a permit to carry a weapon for defense of themselves, patients and staff, to do so in the hospital . . .

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Being feckless Europeans, they'll probably just pay the jizya to their new Muslim overlords.

It's about time you and others cease insulting the memory of Europeans who have lost their lives or been injured fighting Islamic extremism as well as those murdered in Paris and other European cities. You & others should reconsider your ongoing pathetic commentary and mutually congratulatory 'likes'.

Boo hoo hoo. Europeans spend countless hours on Thaivisa ridiculing and criticizing the USA and when someone hits back the contemptuously phony indignation appears... Maybe those on the other side of the pond aught to stop their incessant caterwauling insults on American laws, culture and beliefs.

Oh, and by the way, the subject is "Replying to America's bizarre reaction to mass shootings" in case you missed it.

So you believe contemptuous posts belittling all Europeans is the appropriate response? Reply to the individual you disagree with, otherwise you're no better than those you critique

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Being feckless Europeans, they'll probably just pay the jizya to their new Muslim overlords.

It's about time you and others cease insulting the memory of Europeans who have lost their lives or been injured fighting Islamic extremism as well as those murdered in Paris and other European cities. You & others should reconsider your ongoing pathetic commentary and mutually congratulatory 'likes'.

Boo hoo hoo. Europeans spend countless hours on Thaivisa ridiculing and criticizing the USA and when someone hits back the contemptuously phony indignation appears... Maybe those on the other side of the pond aught to stop their incessant caterwauling insults on American laws, culture and beliefs.

Oh, and by the way, the subject is "Replying to America's bizarre reaction to mass shootings" in case you missed it.

So you believe contemptuous posts belittling all Europeans is the appropriate response? Reply to the individual you disagree with, otherwise you're no better than those you critique

I don't believe the posters inference was to ALL Europeans.... just the feckless ones..... But you are certainly entitled to read into a post what you want.

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How The NRA Killed Federal Funding For Gun Violence Research


Gun violence needs research? Sounds like a liberal boondoggle to me.

Do you get as far as the headline before you feel compelled to come out with a cliche? Or did you get as far as it being deemed a Public Health issue (which considering the deaths and injuries caused every year it damned well ought to be).

When in Rome.

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Whats my plan?

Well we could all just throw up our hands and capitulate......

Politics ISLAMIC TAKEOVER: Popular University Announces 911 Remembrance Day Will Now Be BANNED To Appease Certain Students
ISLAMIC TAKEOVER: Popular University Announces 911 Remembrance Day Will Now Be BANNED To Appease Certain Students

On the other hand just kill the B*stards......

Notice you did not address the "who said anywhere any time" commentwink.png
would you like to address the "It's really stupid to believe a ban on guns is going to stop terrorist attacks" who said Ban guns ?? restricting ownership is not a ban.
So your plan is to "On the other hand just kill the B*stards......"

I'll give you this, it is a simple plan

So gun restriction is your preferred "fix". Thats what you profess, right? Don't wanna take anything out of context.

Here is a synopsis of the California Restrictive Gun Laws.

Among other things, California:

In addition, in 2007, California became the first jurisdiction in the nation to require handgun microstamping and, in 2014, was the first to enact a Gun Violence Restraining Order law to help keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people.
So how'd that work out for the San Bernardino 14?
Tell us how restrictions would have prevented the Jihadi massacre in California.

Apparently the Terrorists did not have any trouble getting their weapons so I guess you would agree that the litany of laws you provided were insufficient

Instead of background checks and registries of all gun purchasers and their guns, I'd feel safer if their were background checks and registries of all muslims.

As long as you add all the non-muslims too, the ones that shoot up schools and clinics. And blacks, don't forget the blacks.
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Whats my plan?

Well we could all just throw up our hands and capitulate......

Politics ISLAMIC TAKEOVER: Popular University Announces 911 Remembrance Day Will Now Be BANNED To Appease Certain Students

ISLAMIC TAKEOVER: Popular University Announces 911 Remembrance Day Will Now Be BANNED To Appease Certain Students

On the other hand just kill the B*stards......

Notice you did not address the "who said anywhere any time" commentwink.png

would you like to address the "It's really stupid to believe a ban on guns is going to stop terrorist attacks" who said Ban guns ?? restricting ownership is not a ban.

So your plan is to "On the other hand just kill the B*stards......"

I'll give you this, it is a simple plan

So gun restriction is your preferred "fix". Thats what you profess, right? Don't wanna take anything out of context.

Here is a synopsis of the California Restrictive Gun Laws.

Among other things, California:

In addition, in 2007, California became the first jurisdiction in the nation to require handgun microstamping and, in 2014, was the first to enact a Gun Violence Restraining Order law to help keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people.

So how'd that work out for the San Bernardino 14?

Tell us how restrictions would have prevented the Jihadi massacre in California.

Apparently the Terrorists did not have any trouble getting their weapons so I guess you would agree that the litany of laws you provided were insufficient

Instead of background checks and registries of all gun purchasers and their guns, I'd feel safer if their were background checks and registries of all muslims.

As long as you add all the non-muslims too, the ones that shoot up schools and clinics. And blacks, don't forget the blacks.

There is already a "registry". It's called "The America Community Survey" collected by the US Census Bureau. Very detailed survey. Your name, your race, your marital status, employment status, employer, how long you worked with this employer and goes so far to ask how you get to work, how long it takes to get to work and back home... etc, etc. Several pages and yes, Americans are required by law to complete the Census Survey. If you pay taxes you are in a registry. If you collect benefits you are in a registry. If you collect SS you are in a registry. If you have a passport you are in a registry. If you've flown in a commercial aircraft you are in a registry. If you've used a mobile cell phone you are in a registry. If you've legally purchased a firearm you are in a registry.

Yes, big brother knows more about you than you might think if you live in America unless you are there illegally. Then Big Brother sticks his head in the sand.

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Since you asked I'll tell you. Someone with a gun club or buying for a large group of friends or family who are going to have a day or weekend outing at the firing range may very easily go through thousands of rounds of ammunition. That's why sales of large amounts of it are nothing unusual. Of course, you fanatical gun haters wouldn't know this because you've never fired a gun nor have you ever been around others who enjoy guns for fun and sport.

And that's the nub of the problem...your kind really know nothing about guns or gun culture but you think you know something about them. And that something is that they are dangerous and should only be handled by police or armed services personnel and their possession and use by anyone else should be prohibited. That ain't gonna happen but you're welcome to keep pounding sand.

Your ad-hominem attacks to little to enhance your credibility; and your calls for "gun control" don't fool anyone about your ultimate goal of gun confiscation.

Actually, a comment like this is well beyond credibility. It is inappropriate and reflects the cultural violence attacking America today. Those always seeking to inflict their good upon others tend to have a dark, angry characteristic. to wit

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"America's bizarre reaction to mass shootings"..............and the ThaiVisa gun haters immature responses to America's mass shootings. You people need to get a life.
You people who dont care about life need to tell us people with a life we would like to keep how one individual can legally purchase 5000+ rounds of amo in a relatively short time without raising some kind of flag?

Probably you give them a license for a machine gun. My god how pathetic you Fox newsers appear to the rest of the world with your anti reasonable gun control rants. What a lot of scared wimps the US has been brainwashed into by one or two raggi pacs. If only Americans knew anything about the rest of the world they might be able to get these infinitesimal pinpricks into perspective. Judging by the number of guns sold in the US over the last 3 days, it makes you wonder who really paid these so-called terrorists.

Since you asked I'll tell you. Someone with a gun club or buying for a large group of friends or family who are going to have a day or weekend outing at the firing range may very easily go through thousands of rounds of ammunition. That's why sales of large amounts of it are nothing unusual. Of course, you fanatical gun haters wouldn't know this because you've never fired a gun nor have you ever been around others who enjoy guns for fun and sport.

And that's the nub of the problem...your kind really know nothing about guns or gun culture but you think you know something about them. And that something is that they are dangerous and should only be handled by police or armed services personnel and their possession and use by anyone else should be prohibited. That ain't gonna happen but you're welcome to keep pounding sand.

Now you see that's such a stupid kind of post to make. I was shooting before your mother was born (poor woman to produce such a moron) and I was a crack shot (still am) I don't want to ban all guns, I just want to see sensible gun control in the US and you have to be extremely stupid to want things to continue the way they are now. Even you must agree that if somebody is buying thousands of rounds for a gun club there will be some sort of checks and these are not the kind of people who will be out and about massacring inocent people. So how did a potential terrorist get 5k+ rounds if all is hd.

Your ad-hominem attacks to little to enhance your credibility; and your calls for "gun control" don't fool anyone about your ultimate goal of gun confiscation.

Ad-hominem is a big word for an ostrich. I'm not paranoic like you, I don't slaver after "ultimate goals" and you still managed to avoiding addressing the salient point. I would be ashamed to try to defend such a continued useless waste of American lives for the sake of a little sanity. People like you cause the rest of the world to question Americans right to defend democracy in which it should be the leader. But all you do is make people throw up their hands and say "these f... idiots can't even make a reasonable attempt to keep their own house in order, what right have they to tell others what to do". Its so sad and pathetic to see a great nation reduced to such a f...-up place.

I bet you had to Google it too ?

Still avoiding the issues I see.

Some of us were educated long before google (But I will admit that google and its ilk are great if used sensibly).

Address the pertinent issues and try to show that there is still a soupçon of intelligence left in an American who ought to know better if you live in Pattaya and should have some idea of the world outside of the US.

Its sensible gun control that is needed. Hard though it will be and it will never be perfect, clinging to outmoded ideas like "the right to bear arms" is no different to the right to cut-off non-muslim heads because the Koran says its ok. Its just a rule made by a group of men to suit the times. Nobody came down with those words emblazoned on tablets of stone - which also went out of style as a communications medium some time ago.

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After 20 mostly first graders were blown to dog-meat in their own school and nothing was done I gave up. American gun enthusiasts are so psychologically invested in gun culture myth as no logic or reason can penetrate. They are too far gone to reach. Politicians are helpless before the NRA and their pimps in the congress. Nothing will ever change, it's hopeless- arunsakda (American)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So a certifiably mentally ill individual, who was know to be so for years by his mother who nonetheless taught him to shoot guns, proceeds to steal his mother's guns and kills her with them, and then proceeds to commit mass-murder at a gun-free school zone and what, we're to take away the Second Amendment rights of all the other law abiding citizens of the country. It seems to me you're the one who is psychologically invested in a twisted view of human nature and American society.

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After 20 mostly first graders were blown to dog-meat in their own school and nothing was done I gave up. American gun enthusiasts are so psychologically invested in gun culture myth as no logic or reason can penetrate. They are too far gone to reach. Politicians are helpless before the NRA and their pimps in the congress. Nothing will ever change, it's hopeless- arunsakda (American)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So a certifiably mentally ill individual, who was know to be so for years by his mother who nonetheless taught him to shoot guns, proceeds to steal his mother's guns and kills her with them, and then proceeds to commit mass-murder at a gun-free school zone and what, we're to take away the Second Amendment rights of all the other law abiding citizens of the country. It seems to me you're the one who is psychologically invested in a twisted view of human nature and American society.

What are you bleeting for now. Here you have exactly what you are trying to foster onto us. The kids mother taught him to shoot because it was his "right" under your precious second amendent. Oh but he was insane, Oh but that makes him exactly like all of you gun nuts who think god gave you the right to keep machine guns under your pillows in case the bogy man gets in. I see it is useless to try to get any sensible answers out of you. Get back to dribbling in your beard.

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After 20 mostly first graders were blown to dog-meat in their own school and nothing was done I gave up. American gun enthusiasts are so psychologically invested in gun culture myth as no logic or reason can penetrate. They are too far gone to reach. Politicians are helpless before the NRA and their pimps in the congress. Nothing will ever change, it's hopeless- arunsakda (American)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So a certifiably mentally ill individual, who was know to be so for years by his mother who nonetheless taught him to shoot guns, proceeds to steal his mother's guns and kills her with them, and then proceeds to commit mass-murder at a gun-free school zone and what, we're to take away the Second Amendment rights of all the other law abiding citizens of the country. It seems to me you're the one who is psychologically invested in a twisted view of human nature and American society.

What are you bleeting for now. Here you have exactly what you are trying to foster onto us. The kids mother taught him to shoot because it was his "right" under your precious second amendent. Oh but he was insane, Oh but that makes him exactly like all of you gun nuts who think god gave you the right to keep machine guns under your pillows in case the bogy man gets in. I see it is useless to try to get any sensible answers out of you. Get back to dribbling in your beard.

Gotta love it when they melt down into a frothing heap of nonsense. God. Bogey man. Machine guns under pillows. blink.png

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After 20 mostly first graders were blown to dog-meat in their own school and nothing was done I gave up. American gun enthusiasts are so psychologically invested in gun culture myth as no logic or reason can penetrate. They are too far gone to reach. Politicians are helpless before the NRA and their pimps in the congress. Nothing will ever change, it's hopeless- arunsakda (American)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So a certifiably mentally ill individual, who was know to be so for years by his mother who nonetheless taught him to shoot guns, proceeds to steal his mother's guns and kills her with them, and then proceeds to commit mass-murder at a gun-free school zone and what, we're to take away the Second Amendment rights of all the other law abiding citizens of the country. It seems to me you're the one who is psychologically invested in a twisted view of human nature and American society.

The twisted view is that you come from the only country in the world that have trafic signs that say; GUN FREE ZONE!

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After 20 mostly first graders were blown to dog-meat in their own school and nothing was done I gave up. American gun enthusiasts are so psychologically invested in gun culture myth as no logic or reason can penetrate. They are too far gone to reach. Politicians are helpless before the NRA and their pimps in the congress. Nothing will ever change, it's hopeless- arunsakda (American)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So a certifiably mentally ill individual, who was know to be so for years by his mother who nonetheless taught him to shoot guns, proceeds to steal his mother's guns and kills her with them, and then proceeds to commit mass-murder at a gun-free school zone and what, we're to take away the Second Amendment rights of all the other law abiding citizens of the country. It seems to me you're the one who is psychologically invested in a twisted view of human nature and American society.

What are you bleeting for now. Here you have exactly what you are trying to foster onto us. The kids mother taught him to shoot because it was his "right" under your precious second amendent. Oh but he was insane, Oh but that makes him exactly like all of you gun nuts who think god gave you the right to keep machine guns under your pillows in case the bogy man gets in. I see it is useless to try to get any sensible answers out of you. Get back to dribbling in your beard.

With your impressive knowledge of the US, it is surprising you don't know automatic weapons (machine guns) are extremely expensive, limited in their availability and rarely does the government issue permits for private citizens to own one.

But your claim sounds so much more spectacular than the truth.

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After 20 mostly first graders were blown to dog-meat in their own school and nothing was done I gave up. American gun enthusiasts are so psychologically invested in gun culture myth as no logic or reason can penetrate. They are too far gone to reach. Politicians are helpless before the NRA and their pimps in the congress. Nothing will ever change, it's hopeless- arunsakda (American)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So a certifiably mentally ill individual, who was know to be so for years by his mother who nonetheless taught him to shoot guns, proceeds to steal his mother's guns and kills her with them, and then proceeds to commit mass-murder at a gun-free school zone and what, we're to take away the Second Amendment rights of all the other law abiding citizens of the country. It seems to me you're the one who is psychologically invested in a twisted view of human nature and American society.

What are you bleeting for now. Here you have exactly what you are trying to foster onto us. The kids mother taught him to shoot because it was his "right" under your precious second amendent. Oh but he was insane, Oh but that makes him exactly like all of you gun nuts who think god gave you the right to keep machine guns under your pillows in case the bogy man gets in. I see it is useless to try to get any sensible answers out of you. Get back to dribbling in your beard.

With your impressive knowledge of the US, it is surprising you don't know automatic weapons (machine guns) are extremely expensive, limited in their availability and rarely does the government issue permits for private citizens to own one.

But your claim sounds so much more spectacular than the truth.

But your so much less than impressive knowledge of the English language does not allow you to recognise sarcasm even when it hits you right on the head.

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After 20 mostly first graders were blown to dog-meat in their own school and nothing was done I gave up. American gun enthusiasts are so psychologically invested in gun culture myth as no logic or reason can penetrate. They are too far gone to reach. Politicians are helpless before the NRA and their pimps in the congress. Nothing will ever change, it's hopeless- arunsakda (American)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So a certifiably mentally ill individual, who was know to be so for years by his mother who nonetheless taught him to shoot guns, proceeds to steal his mother's guns and kills her with them, and then proceeds to commit mass-murder at a gun-free school zone and what, we're to take away the Second Amendment rights of all the other law abiding citizens of the country. It seems to me you're the one who is psychologically invested in a twisted view of human nature and American society.

What are you bleeting for now. Here you have exactly what you are trying to foster onto us. The kids mother taught him to shoot because it was his "right" under your precious second amendent. Oh but he was insane, Oh but that makes him exactly like all of you gun nuts who think god gave you the right to keep machine guns under your pillows in case the bogy man gets in. I see it is useless to try to get any sensible answers out of you. Get back to dribbling in your beard.

With your impressive knowledge of the US, it is surprising you don't know automatic weapons (machine guns) are extremely expensive, limited in their availability and rarely does the government issue permits for private citizens to own one.

But your claim sounds so much more spectacular than the truth.

that's true but semi auto weapons can be purchased at the local supermarket, generally with no in-depth background checks. Possibly at the same supermarket you can purchase all the paraphernalia to turn your semi automatic into something that resembles the military issue weapons. Quick release lanyards. Laser sights and most importantly large capacity magazines..
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He described them as "machine guns", not semi-automatic rifles.

I was raised in Texas and know the difference. The bait shops where I come from are good for accessories as well.

I absolutely understand what you're saying. My point was that the guns that people are parading around local supermarkets with look so similar to the US military issue that it is hard to see the difference.. Honestly at say 20ft away could you tell if it was a semi or auto?



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that's true but semi auto weapons can be purchased at the local supermarket, generally with no in-depth background checks. Possibly at the same supermarket you can purchase all the paraphernalia to turn your semi automatic into something that resembles the military issue weapons. Quick release lanyards. Laser sights and most importantly large capacity magazines..

The supermarkets I go to sell food and drink, not firearms. The really small, local shops, that are nearly extinct, don't sell firearms.

I think you trying to regurgitate a gun control clique about Walmart.

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