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Why The War? When Did It Start?


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It's hilarious how farang women mention that farangs in Thailand don't acknowledge them or talk to them.

Why? Back home if you smile at or chat to a women you dont know you get an eyes rolled condescending look usually attached to a sarcastic or belittling comment.

The difference with Asian girls is they usually give a reciprical smile or pleasant non-sarcastic chat in return.

If you were in our shoes, who would you rather acknowledge?

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I have read this thread for the first time today , and will admit that I skipped over a few of the posts . But this unwritten law about acknowledging fellow foreigners , is really rediculous .

I do my own thing in Thailand , I am not of similar character to all Australians . Most of the time we are from completely different parts of the continent . I have a large circle of friends already , and really don't need any more .

If someone speaks to me in a polite manner , I will acknowlege and join conversation with them to see what interests we share . 99% of the time , that is where the relationship ends . If we don't share common interests , there is simply no point in forming a friendship . If I see the person at a latter date , I will acknowlege him/her with a smile or a wave and that's it .

I would not try to start conversation in a bar with a woman ( farang or Thai ) , as that could send a message that I was available , or actually interested in them or what they had to say .

Quite often I get introduced to Australians in my regular bar , and occasionally I have been ashamed to be a fellow countryman . I have made an excuse that I needed to go home for a shower , and got out of there .

Maybe a smaller town would be slightly different , but I am happy as I am now .

I don't look women in the eye going down the street , as I have a partner and am content .

I also believe that the lawyers have made friendships harder between Farang women and myself , as I have been down that road 2 times myself . Yet I have friends/relatives back at home that have perfect Farang partners whom I used to envy .

But not anymare as I am content .

Just my thoughts . :o

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Actually, Dgoz, maybe my comments and Fruitbatt's should tell *you* something. Presumably you should be interested in what Western women feel about Western guys- that's why you're posting here- so if the "problem" is only perceived by certain men who have strong sexual interest in women, then perhaps it may give you some perspective on the answer to why there is a "problem," or the perception of one. However, for you to benefit probably requires a certain ability and inclination to imagine and empathise with persons who are not exactly like you, which your response to my post already demonstrated is probably not a strong suit for you.


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It's not only white women but we seem to be the ones who come under so much fire & that just becuase the person being rude is a western women in thailand, then we are all somehow tarred with the same brush or that we must bend over backwards to be nice to people we don't know, have no intersting in knowing & may think is being intrusive/creepy etc.

I, for one, feel the same... it feels (sometimes) that we males are 'tarred with the same brush' when we face situations like the ones i have described. Its a horrible situation to be branded a "Male chauvinistic pig" or a "Bitter western woman hater" just because the last male she met was one.

Been chatting with Kat? :o

Just because a farang guy avoids eye contact with you, it doesn't mean they have a big problem with farang women, and to think that way seems a little over sensitive to me. Or am I missing something here?

Maybe you don't. :D

Let me make something perfectly clear to you *(BKKmadness), which you obviously failed to grasp the first 100 times: the issue you are alluding to had nothing to do with all farang men here, but to those who held similar attitudes such as yours, as evidenced by comments such as yours, both previously and in comments as the one above.

I have absolutely zero interest in getting into a discussion with you on this topic again, so please refrain from bringing up my name without any provocation, as I don't go around posting with a chip on my shoulder about you, despite your continuing harangues and vapid statements.

I'll just turn it over to the mods next time.

By the way, I think Fruittbatt is 100 percent on the money. Cheers to all the great women on TV: Fruttbatt, Sheryl, Cathyy, SBK, Boo, Elejique, LC; and to all the men out there: Guesthouse, Steve-O - he knows who he is - :D, Cent, and so many others. You've made my time on here worthwile.

But, as I am now back in farangland, I want to concentrate on a vastly larger number of men who really don't have a problem with grown-up, self-actualized women.

Peace, and Good night all.


Edited by kat
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It's not only white women but we seem to be the ones who come under so much fire & that just becuase the person being rude is a western women in thailand, then we are all somehow tarred with the same brush or that we must bend over backwards to be nice to people we don't know, have no intersting in knowing & may think is being intrusive/creepy etc.

I, for one, feel the same... it feels (sometimes) that we males are 'tarred with the same brush' when we face situations like the ones i have described. Its a horrible situation to be branded a "Male chauvinistic pig" or a "Bitter western woman hater" just because the last male she met was one.

Been chatting with Kat? :o

Just because a farang guy avoids eye contact with you, it doesn't mean they have a big problem with farang women, and to think that way seems a little over sensitive to me. Or am I missing something here?

Maybe you don't. :D

Let me make something perfectly clear to you *(BKKmadness), which you obviously failed to grasp the first 100 times: the issue you are alluding to had nothing to do with all farang men here, but to those who held similar attitudes such as yours, as evidenced by comments such as yours, both previously and in comments as the one above.

I have absolutely zero interest in getting into a discussion with you on this topic again, so please refrain from bringing up my name without any provocation, as I don't go around posting with a chip on my shoulder about you, despite your continuing harangues and vapid statements.

I'll just turn it over to the mods next time.

By the way, I think Fruittbatt is 100 percent on the money. Cheers to all the great women on TV: Fruttbatt, Sheryl, Cathyy, SBK, Boo, Elejique, LC; and to all the men out there: Guesthouse, Steve-O - he knows who he is - :D, Cent, and so many others. You've made my time on here worthwile.

But, as I am now back in farangland, I want to concentrate on a vastly larger number of men who really don't have a problem with grown-up, self-actualized women.

Peace, and Good night all.


Aah, hate to shatter the illusion but "Guesthouse" is a woman masquerading on this site as a man. That's why you like "his" comments so much.

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Aah, hate to shatter the illusion but "Guesthouse" is a woman masquerading on this site as a man. That's why you like "his" comments so much.

Well, not sure about that.

Women like opinions of men, very seldom opinions of other women.

And gentleman does not mean woman... :o

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dgoz, can I make a suggestion? Since the Ladies forum seems to wind you up so much, why don't you stop visiting? Your unwillingness to listen as well as your obvious enjoyment of trolling is starting to make your presence a burden to the women that like to frequent this forum. If you don't like the opinions of others, don't read them. Simple as that.

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Well said sbk,. the sooner these dinosaurs stay off this section of the forum the better :D

There is a bunch of them here, Boo, and not easy to get rid of them.

Like mosquitoes, you think you killed all of them but there is still one biting you... :o:D

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As I said, the war is raging. Just look at this thread.

The female responses are exactly what I expected from western women; Head strong, arrogant, hostile, non-lady like, generally solemn and bitter.

Just like real life, ay girls.

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As I said, the war is raging. Just look at this thread.

The female responses are exactly what I expected from western women; Head strong, arrogant, hostile, non-lady like, generally solemn and bitter.

Just like real life, ay girls.

No, the response is what you expected because of the way your attitudes come across. I am guessing your poor attitude frequently gets you in trouble. Try being nice, polite, gentlemanly and decent and you might find yourself dealing with a whole different set of behaviors.

Anyway, you've had your fun, now run off and play somewhere else. Thanks.

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It's not only white women but we seem to be the ones who come under so much fire & that just becuase the person being rude is a western women in thailand, then we are all somehow tarred with the same brush or that we must bend over backwards to be nice to people we don't know, have no intersting in knowing & may think is being intrusive/creepy etc.

I, for one, feel the same... it feels (sometimes) that we males are 'tarred with the same brush' when we face situations like the ones i have described. Its a horrible situation to be branded a "Male chauvinistic pig" or a "Bitter western woman hater" just because the last male she met was one.

Been chatting with Kat? :o

Just because a farang guy avoids eye contact with you, it doesn't mean they have a big problem with farang women, and to think that way seems a little over sensitive to me. Or am I missing something here?

Maybe you don't. :D

Let me make something perfectly clear to you *(BKKmadness), which you obviously failed to grasp the first 100 times: the issue you are alluding to had nothing to do with all farang men here, but to those who held similar attitudes such as yours, as evidenced by comments such as yours, both previously and in comments as the one above.

I have absolutely zero interest in getting into a discussion with you on this topic again, so please refrain from bringing up my name without any provocation, as I don't go around posting with a chip on my shoulder about you, despite your continuing harangues and vapid statements.

I'll just turn it over to the mods next time.

By the way, I think Fruittbatt is 100 percent on the money. Cheers to all the great women on TV: Fruttbatt, Sheryl, Cathyy, SBK, Boo, Elejique, LC; and to all the men out there: Guesthouse, Steve-O - he knows who he is - :D, Cent, and so many others. You've made my time on here worthwile.

But, as I am now back in farangland, I want to concentrate on a vastly larger number of men who really don't have a problem with grown-up, self-actualized women.

Peace, and Good night all.


I suggest you add me to your ignore list Kat. In fact I'm not sure why you took me off it. Ignoring people is easier.

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As I said, the war is raging. Just look at this thread.

The female responses are exactly what I expected from western women; Head strong, arrogant, hostile, non-lady like, generally solemn and bitter.

Just like real life, ay girls.

DGOZ.. If you poke a stick at a dog it will shurly bite you.. Stick your chin out as you have done someone will Punch it..

I guess you are an Australian who has been taken to the cleaners by the unjust OZ law and your still bitter..

Happened to me Twice, just realized I'm a two time loser..But Guess what ?? I still like women..

13 years in Thailand I finally met a very nice local lady..We have mutual respect and actually like each other..

I think most of the girls on this forum make a lot of sense..However if they do something silly or say something silly I'll tell them so, at the end of the day we are all foreigners in a foreign country..

I for one Dont believe there is a WAR...

Sorry Mate but Stop and smell the roses...

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As I said, the war is raging. Just look at this thread.

The female responses are exactly what I expected from western women; Head strong, arrogant, hostile, non-lady like, generally solemn and bitter.

Just like real life, ay girls.

DGOZ.. If you poke a stick at a dog it will shurly bite you.. Stick your chin out as you have done someone will Punch it..

I guess you are an Australian who has been taken to the cleaners by the unjust OZ law and your still bitter..

Happened to me Twice, just realized I'm a two time loser..But Guess what ?? I still like women..

13 years in Thailand I finally met a very nice local lady..We have mutual respect and actually like each other..

I think most of the girls on this forum make a lot of sense..However if they do something silly or say something silly I'll tell them so, at the end of the day we are all foreigners in a foreign country..

I for one Dont believe there is a WAR...

Sorry Mate but Stop and smell the roses...

No mate. Never married or divorced, never taken for a cent. Got lucky with a biz and some investments in Oz and still have that money which I could live off until I'm 100 if I wanted to.

I also like and respect women. I have had a few very good relationships with both Farang & Asian girls. I currently have a fantastic Thai gf and am very happy. I have a great relationship with my sister and her friends and have gone out with them on many occassions as one of the girls.

What I have become from being well read and having years of dealing with people in business and travelling the world is an excellent observer of people and cultures. Being able to actually see what is going on and why isn't easy. You have to learn to just observe things for what they actually are without having pre-conceived opinions,not having a personal agenda, without letting political correctness cloud your judgement and especially, not to take the critism of yourself personally(as is done on this forum by most people). You also need to know a lot about history, as it can explain a lot about the present and it also has a tendency to repeat.

One of my more interesting observations is the enormous difference between western and Asian women. I have extensive experience with both and I like to use my observing skills to study them and try to learn how they can possibly live on the same planet and yet be so different.

My posts and comments are from my observations and studies. Whilst a lot disagree for personal reasons, these observations are logical and accurate.

One of my favourite books is "the Naked Ape" written in the 60's by Desmond Morris. Read it and you will get a good basis for observing people and behaviour.It was very controversial when it was first published but then again, so was Socrates, Colombus, Galileo etc.

Edited by dgoz
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As I said, the war is raging. Just look at this thread.

The female responses are exactly what I expected from western women; Head strong, arrogant, hostile, non-lady like, generally solemn and bitter.

Just like real life, ay girls.

DGOZ.. If you poke a stick at a dog it will shurly bite you.. Stick your chin out as you have done someone will Punch it..

I guess you are an Australian who has been taken to the cleaners by the unjust OZ law and your still bitter..

Happened to me Twice, just realized I'm a two time loser..But Guess what ?? I still like women..

13 years in Thailand I finally met a very nice local lady..We have mutual respect and actually like each other..

I think most of the girls on this forum make a lot of sense..However if they do something silly or say something silly I'll tell them so, at the end of the day we are all foreigners in a foreign country..

I for one Dont believe there is a WAR...

Sorry Mate but Stop and smell the roses...

No mate. Never married or divorced, never taken for a cent. Got lucky with a biz and some investments in Oz and still have that money which I could live off until I'm 100 if I wanted to.

I also like and respect women. I have had a few very good relationships with both Farang & Asian girls. I currently have a fantastic Thai gf and am very happy. I have a great relationship with my sister and her friends and have gone out with them on many occassions as one of the girls.

What I have become from being well read and having years of dealing with people in business and travelling the world is an excellent observer of people and cultures. Being able to actually see what is going on and why isn't easy. You have to learn to just observe things for what they actually are without having pre-conceived opinions,not having a personal agenda, without letting political correctness cloud your judgement and especially, not to take the critism of yourself personally(as is done on this forum by most people). You also need to know a lot about history, as it can explain a lot about the present and it also has a tendency to repeat.

One of my more interesting observations is the enormous difference between western and Asian women. I have extensive experience with both and I like to use my observing skills to study them and try to learn how they can possibly live on the same planet and yet be so different.

My posts and comments are from my observations and studies. Whilst a lot disagree for personal reasons, these observations are logical and accurate.

One of my favourite books is "the Naked Ape" written in the 60's by Desmond Morris. Read it and you will get a good basis for observing people and behaviour.It was very controversial when it was first published but then again, so was Socrates, Colombus, Galileo etc.

I dont get to read much these days as I lost the sight of one eye..

However I see a totally differnt man in this reply, I'm glad to see your not a cynic..

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Well, some people always have to be right, and then wonder when they have difficulties :o

Let me rephrase this: the insistence on being the person in the right is an unattractive trait and could sometimes lead to conflict in situations where conflict isn't necessary.

I have found that those who complain the loudest are usually the ones who insist the most that the fault lies in others. Sometimes, it requires reflection on one's own attitudes and behaviors to find the truth, rather than the assumption that the problem lies elsewhere.

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Honostly the most trouble I have had are with Farang girls who are behavioral science majors.

I came here to study in 2005 with quite a few and it was hel_l listening to them go on.

After going back home I realized I couldn't date an a farang girl anymore after being here...

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One of my more interesting observations is the enormous difference between western and Asian women. I have extensive experience with both and I like to use my observing skills to study them and try to learn how they can possibly live on the same planet and yet be so different.

David Attenborough, I presume? :o

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I've got no problem with farang women and never have. At least I can have a meaningful conversation with them and their not after my cash.

It's not like every farang I meet or talk to is spouting on about it. Plenty of farang friends back home.

Funny though about the money thing, it seems so many of the farang guys are surrounded by bar girls. I have found the secret and now all the girls I know are getting their BA or MA. I seem to have more boring conversations with farang girls though. The majority I meet over here are party girls/ farang kii nok or completely organic and totally anti patriarch, funny since the system of Thailand is so male driven.

But if you try hard and don't give up you meet some wonderful and sane people. I think after awhile we begin to see only the majority and just lump the rest in because it is easier that way.

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The only time I had a farang girl ask for money was in 6th grade when she ask to borrow $1 and never give it back. That was the only time. I always have good conversation with farang girls cause there is always commonalities btw us. Talking to Thai girls gets boring real quick outside of how are you, where you frong, where you go, where r u now. I dont think I ever had a farang girl ask "where r u now?" ever

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The only time I had a farang girl ask for money was in 6th grade when she ask to borrow $1 and never give it back. That was the only time. I always have good conversation with farang girls cause there is always commonalities btw us. Talking to Thai girls gets boring real quick outside of how are you, where you frong, where you go, where r u now. I dont think I ever had a farang girl ask "where r u now?" ever

Again, it must be the quality of girls you talk to, because I talk about anything from movies to politics and education. In both English and Thai.

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Well, I don't really see any need to continue this discussion. The OP has not gotten the answers he wanted from the women of this forum and all the men who had something to contribute have done so.

I am not willing to let this turn into a Thai woman vs Farang woman thread.

Since the women have had their say I am now closing this thread.

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