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Defiant Trump dismisses criticism of his Muslim statement


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lostboy, on 10 Dec 2015 - 17:01, said:

Thank you for your compliment. I guess you are trying to insult me but this is so obtuse that it is beyond comprehension. So I appreciate your support by reposting my thoughts for more people to read.

It truly is an amazing phenomenon that the so called educated are so arrogant that they cannot see their own failings.

That is for the lesser folk to point out. If you find this truly amazing, then you have led a very sheltered life. I am ready to defend what I wrote and continue to write but no-one seems to have the ability to make any coherent statements in rebuttal. Just snide, juvenile nonsense from some and stupefying vagueness from others.

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lostboy, on 10 Dec 2015 - 16:39, said:

You don't mean Americans. You mean your type of Americans. The ignorant, low information, hysterical ones. The ones who were involved in my graduate and post graduate instructions were certainly not the anti-intellectual, arrogant bourgeois cretins whose inferiority complex manifests in obnoxious ranting against rational discourse. Again, stereotypical Trump supporters. Own it. It will be all you have left after this circus collapses under the weight of its own ignorance and bigotry. The wonderful thing about Hemingway is that he can be read in Grade School, so poseurs who wish to appear literary can have something to reference. You think you are a straight talker. You think you are a Hemingway. No, your Trump fandom is buffoonery. You disgrace the idea of Hemingway.

Ignorance and bigotry.

This you posted on another thread.

Those of us who do not require the regular and temporary permissions to extend their non-immigrant, immigrant status have protections under Thai law. Our status, earned by justifying what we have contributed and will contribute to the country, is not easily removed.

For those people who are clearly here to exploit the country and its citizens, their presence or absence is entirely meaningless to the people who count. Take what you will and depart when you will. It's just a pity we have to suffer the noise they make while residing here. Eugene Birdick and William Lederer's 1958 book no longer applies just to US officials.

You must be right up there with Buddha

This boy actually is pretty funny. You see this sort of thing in people with a little more educational certification on paper than their intellect can carry. Somehow, I think his "graduate and post graduate instructions" (itself an unwieldy phrase if there ever was one), must have taken place at Crackpot Polytechnic.

Still waiting for anything on topic? Got the cojones for it or are you just happy staying in the sand pit with the rest of your buddies? Make us believe that you are not a global laughing stock like you dream boy. Make us believe that you are someone who contributes to Thailand and are not here just to exploit it in the same way generations of your compatriots have done in the developing world. Make us believe that there is something of substance behind your dream boys foolish gaffes on walls and bans and guns and Mexicans and everyone else that he has dismissed. Make us believe that American society still believes in equality of opportunity instead of the preservation of the status and privileges of a certain class and certain race.

As a stereotypical Trump supporter you will have nothing to offer in response to any of this. You can only attack, insult and sneer just like your hero. How many posts and what do you have to offer except your blind lust for this cretin.


Anything at all?

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Another celebrity has stepped up to criticize Trump.

Mark Zuckerberg wrote on his Facebook page...

“After the Paris attacks and hate this week, I can only imagine the fear Muslims feel that they will be persecuted for the actions of others,” he added.

“As a Jew, my parents taught me that we must stand up against attacks on all communities. Even if an attack isn’t against you today, in time attacks on freedom for anyone will hurt everyone.”

Thank you,Mark, for your courage, humanity, integrity and compassion.

Edited by dexterm
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And it will not be long before there is another muslim terror attack. And another. And another. And another. And then all the establishment business as usual types, such as Ryan, will choke on their own words, as they become irrelevant. Trump is ahead of them all. Sharia believing muslims embrace an ideological system that is antithetical to the way of life of 98 percent of American citizens. And it should not be foisted on the United States through a leaky, open doors immigration system that lets in illegals, people hostile to America, and enemy ideologies intent on destroying the nation.

There are 355 terrorists attacks within USA in last nine months by Christians in mass murders for all type of reasons. We should maybe send Christians back where they come from.

How about a link to this brilliant piece of creative writing?

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Well it seems that it will reach half a million the way things going...


The UK showed its true colors when it banned a Jewish radio show host from the US a few years ago. Micheal savage.

Just goes to show that most if this Islam acceptance is routed in Antisemitism

Nonsense. Savage was banned for "seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts and fostering hatred" As you know so much I'm sure you can provide his words that lead to the ruling.

Most of the resentment against Trump in the UK has been created by his incorrect commentary insinuating cowardice and fear of Muslims by UK Police personnel. Personally I am sure DT will not be banned by HMG.

Perhaps you can use this article to support your claim about the police.


‘Trump is right!’ Police say parts of Britain ARE no-go areas due to ISIS radicalisation
PUBLISHED: 07:20, Thu, Dec 10, 2015 | UPDATED: 07:26, Thu, Dec 10, 2015
Serving officers in terrorist hotspots including London and Birmingham said that forces are becoming increasingly nervy over the rising threat of Islamic State (ISIS) inspired attacks, with some telling staff not to wear their uniforms in their OWN patrol cars.
One officer in London said the firebrand presidential hopeful was “pointing out something plainly obvious” whilst another in Lancashire said the police have to ask local Muslim leaders for PERMISSION before sending patrols into their communities.
Their shocking testimonies are in stark contrast to the official responses from politicians and the Metropolitan Police, who have rounded on Mr Trump’s controversial claims.
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Well it seems that it will reach half a million the way things going...


The UK showed its true colors when it banned a Jewish radio show host from the US a few years ago. Micheal savage.

Just goes to show that most if this Islam acceptance is routed in Antisemitism

Nonsense. Savage was banned for "seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts and fostering hatred" As you know so much I'm sure you can provide his words that lead to the ruling.

Most of the resentment against Trump in the UK has been created by his incorrect commentary insinuating cowardice and fear of Muslims by UK Police personnel. Personally I am sure DT will not be banned by HMG.

Perhaps you can use this article to support your claim about the police.


Trump is right! Police say parts of Britain ARE no-go areas due to ISIS radicalisation


PUBLISHED: 07:20, Thu, Dec 10, 2015 | UPDATED: 07:26, Thu, Dec 10, 2015

Serving officers in terrorist hotspots including London and Birmingham said that forces are becoming increasingly nervy over the rising threat of Islamic State (ISIS) inspired attacks, with some telling staff not to wear their uniforms in their OWN patrol cars.

One officer in London said the firebrand presidential hopeful was pointing out something plainly obvious whilst another in Lancashire said the police have to ask local Muslim leaders for PERMISSION before sending patrols into their communities.

Their shocking testimonies are in stark contrast to the official responses from politicians and the Metropolitan Police, who have rounded on Mr Trumps controversial claims.

read more here: http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/625545/Donald-Trump-Muslims-speech-British-police-ISIS-radicalisation-London

The Met say he is wrong and a couple say he is right. And you take that as the Met is wrong? Edited by Linky
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Nonsense. Savage was banned for "seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts and fostering hatred" As you know so much I'm sure you can provide his words that lead to the ruling.

Most of the resentment against Trump in the UK has been created by his incorrect commentary insinuating cowardice and fear of Muslims by UK Police personnel. Personally I am sure DT will not be banned by HMG.

Perhaps you can use this article to support your claim about the police.


Trump is right! Police say parts of Britain ARE no-go areas due to ISIS radicalisation


PUBLISHED: 07:20, Thu, Dec 10, 2015 | UPDATED: 07:26, Thu, Dec 10, 2015

Serving officers in terrorist hotspots including London and Birmingham said that forces are becoming increasingly nervy over the rising threat of Islamic State (ISIS) inspired attacks, with some telling staff not to wear their uniforms in their OWN patrol cars.

One officer in London said the firebrand presidential hopeful was pointing out something plainly obvious whilst another in Lancashire said the police have to ask local Muslim leaders for PERMISSION before sending patrols into their communities.

Their shocking testimonies are in stark contrast to the official responses from politicians and the Metropolitan Police, who have rounded on Mr Trumps controversial claims.

read more here: http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/625545/Donald-Trump-Muslims-speech-British-police-ISIS-radicalisation-London

The Met say he is wrong and a couple say he is right. And you take that as the Met is wrong?

What I think is immaterial..

If this is main stream media, then please refute it with one that denies the claim the article makes.

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I'll say this, the Donald is certainly good at bringing the racist, misogynist, bigoted, ignorant fools out of the woodwork, as evidenced by some of the posters here. He is a blowhard, demigod, fascist that couldn't get elected dog catcher in a one dog town before America went insane. No, not thank you Republicans, although you and your plutocrat masters are doing your best to destroy America and make it become Amerika. Maybe try reading what a few muslims have to say. http://www.vocativ.com/news/259159/the-father-of-a-muslim-war-hero-has-this-to-say-to-donald-trump/


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Trump hater James Taranto in the Wall Street Journal recognizes what has just happend. Trump is the ONLY candidate supporting a policy that will be endorsed by a majority of the American people. He just won. It's behind a pay wall. But I'm sure someone has reprinted for free somewhere. http://www.wsj.com/articles/did-trump-just-win-1449604108

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The once respectable WSJ is a Rupert Murdock right wing rag and a mouth piece for the scum bag Murdock. Trump may very well win the Republican nomination. Most teabagging Republicans are batshit crazy. He will not win a national election even against the despicable Hillary. Bernie Sanders beats him in all polls. The Republican support for the blowhard fascist demigod shows just how batshit crazy that "party" has become. Completely un-American.

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The once respectable WSJ is a Rupert Murdock right wing rag and a mouth piece for the scum bag Murdock. Trump may very well win the Republican nomination. Most teabagging Republicans are batshit crazy. He will not win a national election even against the despicable Hillary. Bernie Sanders beats him in all polls. The Republican support for the blowhard fascist demigod shows just how batshit crazy that "party" has become. Completely un-American.

Okie dokie.

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And it will not be long before there is another muslim terror attack. And another. And another. And another. And then all the establishment business as usual types, such as Ryan, will choke on their own words, as they become irrelevant. Trump is ahead of them all. Sharia believing muslims embrace an ideological system that is antithetical to the way of life of 98 percent of American citizens. And it should not be foisted on the United States through a leaky, open doors immigration system that lets in illegals, people hostile to America, and enemy ideologies intent on destroying the nation.

There are 355 terrorists attacks within USA in last nine months by Christians in mass murders for all type of reasons. We should maybe send Christians back where they come from.

Post some news clippings of the attacks please. It is complete nonsense.

For your education


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And it will not be long before there is another muslim terror attack. And another. And another. And another. And then all the establishment business as usual types, such as Ryan, will choke on their own words, as they become irrelevant. Trump is ahead of them all. Sharia believing muslims embrace an ideological system that is antithetical to the way of life of 98 percent of American citizens. And it should not be foisted on the United States through a leaky, open doors immigration system that lets in illegals, people hostile to America, and enemy ideologies intent on destroying the nation.

There are 355 terrorists attacks within USA in last nine months by Christians in mass murders for all type of reasons. We should maybe send Christians back where they come from.

Post some news clippings of the attacks please. It is complete nonsense.

For your education


I thought it only counts as terrorism when it's brown people?

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Trump may well be feeding the hate filled xenophobia of the looney right, well evidenced on this forum,

Yes those types are quite happy to bomb the shit out of already <deleted> up countries but cry foul when others strike back.

Anyone think the children of Afghanistan, were guilty of terrorism?

The "war" machine is the enemy


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And here's a couple of comment's that our right wing posters cannot ignore. Especially because Admiral William McRaven has to be a hero of theirs and surely they love William Daniel Johnson chairman of the American Freedom Party. And after all who doesn't luv the Pentagon. Ahem, for those a little slow on the uptake there was a little "tongue in cheek" there.




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And still miss the point. Not my problem if you can't articulate sufficiently for comprehension. You and your fellow fan boys become more marginalised from the mainstream every day that your Deified Fetish opens his ridiculous mouth.

"Mainstream". You far out left wingers think you are the "mainstream". You are the ones on the margin and people, even in European countries are beginning to look to the right to right (pardon) the ship. Even they are sick of being told that this "inclusiveness" is good for them.

When Her Royal ThighnessTM Hitlary Hillary loses the presidential election because she got the smaller percentage of votes, will she still be mainstream?

When Trump becomes the next POTUS because he resonates with a majority of of the people, will he still be "on the fringe"?

Time to go. Your spaceship awaits you.


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And it will not be long before there is another muslim terror attack. And another. And another. And another. And then all the establishment business as usual types, such as Ryan, will choke on their own words, as they become irrelevant. Trump is ahead of them all. Sharia believing muslims embrace an ideological system that is antithetical to the way of life of 98 percent of American citizens. And it should not be foisted on the United States through a leaky, open doors immigration system that lets in illegals, people hostile to America, and enemy ideologies intent on destroying the nation.

There are 355 terrorists attacks within USA in last nine months by Christians in mass murders for all type of reasons. We should maybe send Christians back where they come from.

Post some news clippings of the attacks please. It is complete nonsense.

For your education


Nonsense on all counts. Following the links provided in the article, there are only 353 so called mass shootings and not 355.

This link counts a mass shooting as anytime there are at least four people shot in one incident.

In those same 353 shootings, 151 of them resulted in zero deaths and 99 had only one death.

Your claim that all 353 incidents involved Christian shooters is a blatant falsehood. Having nothing else to do tonight, I looked it up for you.

Of the total shootings, the identity of 281 of them is not even known.

Another 7 shooters have not had their identities disclosed by authorities.

To recap 288 of the 353 shooters for 2015 (81.6%) have never been named so how can you possibly come up with the ridiculous claim that follows:

""There are 355 terrorists attacks within USA in last nine months by Christians in mass murders for all type of reasons."

Further, the FBI classifies a mass shooting as one where at least four fatalities were involved. Of the 353 listed on the provided link, there are a total of 40 shootings that involved four or more deaths and, of those 40, a total of 15 have unknown or undisclosed shooters.

Following is a link to their list. If you don't believe me, check it out for yourselves.


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And still miss the point. Not my problem if you can't articulate sufficiently for comprehension. You and your fellow fan boys become more marginalised from the mainstream every day that your Deified Fetish opens his ridiculous mouth.

"Mainstream". You far out left wingers think you are the "mainstream". You are the ones on the margin and people, even in European countries are beginning to look to the right to right (pardon) the ship. Even they are sick of being told that this "inclusiveness" is good for them.

When Her Royal ThighnessTM Hitlary Hillary loses the presidential election because she got the smaller percentage of votes, will she still be mainstream?

When Trump becomes the next POTUS because he resonates with a majority of of the people, will he still be "on the fringe"?

Time to go. Your spaceship awaits you.


Thank you for this perspective of the lunar right from your Oregon spread. At least it gave me the chance to reflect on all my friends in the North West of that state who are all gun carrying, right wing loons. But I like them anyway.

Since the main race has not yet begun, all you can give us is supposition, unsupported by any quantifiable data and backed by juvenile name calling. Thing is, the mainstream to which I refer is called mainstream for a reason. It comprises those who are not living in gated communities because of their fear of Mexicans. It comprises those who do not earn more than $100K a year mainly from low taxed financial investments inherited from their parents. It comprises those who refer to themselves as middle class but realise this aspiration is beyond them because of the colour of their skin and the status of their employment and the way the right wing keeps convincing people to vote against their economic interests in favour of increased income inequality. It comprises those who have no engagement on issues of geo-politics and national security but who are the ones who send their kids to die in crappy places to serve the interests of certain Americans. It comprises those who live among a range of ethnicities in urban environments who believe in a better life and who will elect leaders who will represent their beliefs, interests and values.

Please, continue to use Leftist in an attempt to insult me. You may call me liberal and progressive as much as you want. These words are empowering. The fact that they scare the lunatic right in fear of losing their guns and of muslim or Mexican invasions and of redistributive economic policies and social justice programs. The world is too complex for a mono-dimensional caricature like Trump. You may have a few more months to wander around your dusty Oregon range, I assume you are in Eastern Oregon, before your bubble is burst.

Edited by lostboy
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The "Trumpster" is anything but mainstream America. And oh so sorry, the fringe right wing lunatics are nowhere near a majority and never will be. In fact their numbers shrink every year. In spite of the gerrymandering, voter suppression and more than probably rigging the electronic voting, which should be done away with, they will not win the presidential election. Hopefully Hillary will be defeated in the primary and Bernie Sanders can bring some sanity to the White House and America, but on the other hand, anybody opposing the batshit crazy Republican clown bus can win. It is the right wing lunatic teabagger types that live in la la land, they are anything but mainstream.

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The "Trumpster" is anything but mainstream America. And oh so sorry, the fringe right wing lunatics are nowhere near a majority and never will be. In fact their numbers shrink every year. In spite of the gerrymandering, voter suppression and more than probably rigging the electronic voting, which should be done away with, they will not win the presidential election. Hopefully Hillary will be defeated in the primary and Bernie Sanders can bring some sanity to the White House and America, but on the other hand, anybody opposing the batshit crazy Republican clown bus can win. It is the right wing lunatic teabagger types that live in la la land, they are anything but mainstream.

So, how will this play (and I'm going to bookmark this and the post above it) out if Trump becomes POTUS? What will you batship lunar express people do then?

Trump got a big jump in the polls over what he said about Muslims. Polls show that a big majority of Americans agree with him, and that's not just Republicans. I posted a link in the past day or two showing that more than 2/3 of all Americans would prefer an armed neighborhood to one where guns aren't allowed.

You only think you are the mainstream. Trump will be the next POTUS because he is resonating with majority of Americans who are fed up with the status quo. Obama's popularity ratings are in the tank which bodes well for change, as history teaches us.

Trump is mainstream. You guys are the vocal minority.

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And still miss the point. Not my problem if you can't articulate sufficiently for comprehension. You and your fellow fan boys become more marginalised from the mainstream every day that your Deified Fetish opens his ridiculous mouth.

"Mainstream". You far out left wingers think you are the "mainstream". You are the ones on the margin and people, even in European countries are beginning to look to the right to right (pardon) the ship. Even they are sick of being told that this "inclusiveness" is good for them.

When Her Royal ThighnessTM Hitlary Hillary loses the presidential election because she got the smaller percentage of votes, will she still be mainstream?

When Trump becomes the next POTUS because he resonates with a majority of of the people, will he still be "on the fringe"?

Time to go. Your spaceship awaits you.


Thank you for this perspective of the lunar right from your Oregon spread. At least it gave me the chance to reflect on all my friends in the North West of that state who are all gun carrying, right wing loons. But I like them anyway.

Since the main race has not yet begun, all you can give us is supposition, unsupported by any quantifiable data and backed by juvenile name calling. Thing is, the mainstream to which I refer is called mainstream for a reason. It comprises those who are not living in gated communities because of their fear of Mexicans. It comprises those who do not earn more than $100K a year mainly from low taxed financial investments inherited from their parents. It comprises those who refer to themselves as middle class but realise this aspiration is beyond them because of the colour of their skin and the status of their employment and the way the right wing keeps convincing people to vote against their economic interests in favour of increased income inequality. It comprises those who have no engagement on issues of geo-politics and national security but who are the ones who send their kids to die in crappy places to serve the interests of certain Americans. It comprises those who live among a range of ethnicities in urban environments who believe in a better life and who will elect leaders who will represent their beliefs, interests and values.

Please, continue to use Leftist in an attempt to insult me. You may call me liberal and progressive as much as you want. These words are empowering. The fact that they scare the lunatic right in fear of losing their guns and of muslim or Mexican invasions and of redistributive economic policies and social justice programs. The world is too complex for a mono-dimensional caricature like Trump. You may have a few more months to wander around your dusty Oregon range, I assume you are in Eastern Oregon, before your bubble is burst.

I don't know what your point really is. See my post above. You are on the fringe of society.

BTW I'm not in E, Oregon, if it matters, so I don't know what that irrelevant rant was about at all. Is that part of your argument? Are you having trouble tracking the topic today?


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Nonsense. Savage was banned for "seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts and fostering hatred" As you know so much I'm sure you can provide his words that lead to the ruling.

Most of the resentment against Trump in the UK has been created by his incorrect commentary insinuating cowardice and fear of Muslims by UK Police personnel. Personally I am sure DT will not be banned by HMG.

Perhaps you can use this article to support your claim about the police.


Trump is right! Police say parts of Britain ARE no-go areas due to ISIS radicalisation


PUBLISHED: 07:20, Thu, Dec 10, 2015 | UPDATED: 07:26, Thu, Dec 10, 2015

Serving officers in terrorist hotspots including London and Birmingham said that forces are becoming increasingly nervy over the rising threat of Islamic State (ISIS) inspired attacks, with some telling staff not to wear their uniforms in their OWN patrol cars.

One officer in London said the firebrand presidential hopeful was pointing out something plainly obvious whilst another in Lancashire said the police have to ask local Muslim leaders for PERMISSION before sending patrols into their communities.

Their shocking testimonies are in stark contrast to the official responses from politicians and the Metropolitan Police, who have rounded on Mr Trumps controversial claims.

read more here: http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/625545/Donald-Trump-Muslims-speech-British-police-ISIS-radicalisation-London

The Met say he is wrong and a couple say he is right. And you take that as the Met is wrong?

What I think is immaterial..

If this is main stream media, then please refute it with one that denies the claim the article makes.

There is a great deal of difference to taking operational precautionary measures for self protection as required by police management, to Trump making insinuations police personnel are in fear of Muslims and in effect calling them out as cowards.

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I'm no great fan of Islam, but tarring all Muslims with the same brush is like saying all Yanks are loud mouthed and arrogant, which thankfully isn't the case.

Right...or all Brits are immature, loud-mouthed, rude, soccer hooligans, which thankfully isn't the case.

laugh.png Then perhaps we're lucky those hooligans don't have the 'right to bear arms' don't you think?. At least in the UK it's quite safe to walk into a school, movie theatre, car park (that's a parking lot to you by the way) or most other public places without worrying that some WASP who was bullied by his Daddy or workmates, or has had a bad week, is going to turn up with guns bought as easily as we Brits buy a sandwich, and with more 'legal'ammo than John Wayne ever had to massacre innocent people going about their lives.

With all that going on, why worry about Muslims when one of your own could be the enemy? Obama has at least tried to do something aout this, but all Trump is worried about is what it says on his birth certificate and whether he is a Muslim. Loud-mouthed and rude is what Trump is full stop (that's a period to you by the way).

Right...still only fitting that one back-handed insult begets another, methinks. Oh and since you didn't spell it out, can this Yank assume that "workmate" would be the same as colleague...or just someone your mating with at work??? crazy.gif

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I'm no great fan of Islam, but tarring all Muslims with the same brush is like saying all Yanks are loud mouthed and arrogant, which thankfully isn't the case.

Right...or all Brits are immature, loud-mouthed, rude, soccer hooligans, which thankfully isn't the case.

laugh.png Then perhaps we're lucky those hooligans don't have the 'right to bear arms' don't you think?. At least in the UK it's quite safe to walk into a school, movie theatre, car park (that's a parking lot to you by the way) or most other public places without worrying that some WASP who was bullied by his Daddy or workmates, or has had a bad week, is going to turn up with guns bought as easily as we Brits buy a sandwich, and with more 'legal'ammo than John Wayne ever had to massacre innocent people going about their lives.

With all that going on, why worry about Muslims when one of your own could be the enemy? Obama has at least tried to do something aout this, but all Trump is worried about is what it says on his birth certificate and whether he is a Muslim. Loud-mouthed and rude is what Trump is full stop (that's a period to you by the way).

Right...still only fitting that one back-handed insult begets another, methinks. Oh and since you didn't spell it out, can this Yank assume that "workmate" would be the same as colleague...or just someone your mating with at work??? crazy.gif

So your intention was to be insulting to this Limey? I could have done likewise but actually offered facts in reply to your snipe at Limeys, as unpalatable as they may be. And if you want to be highfalutin and call them colleagues, that's fine by me. Nothing crazy about my comments.

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I recall at the last election the right wing nutters on here quite verbose and stringent in their support and certainty that the repubs would be in the whitehouse as Obama was useless. How sad for them when Obama was re elected. Must have all gone home to polish their guns and cry into their milk.

Same this year with the same result. Jump up and down and scream at everyone then be depressed again when the dems are elected.

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Anyone that says Trump is not a racist, and doesn't spew racist garbage would probably tell you to your face that Hitler wasn't racist, either. Seriously, there are wackos that claim Hitler hired blacks to fight in his army, 555

For years before Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany, he was obsessed with ideas about race.


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I recall at the last election the right wing nutters on here quite verbose and stringent in their support and certainty that the repubs would be in the whitehouse as Obama was useless. How sad for them when Obama was re elected. Must have all gone home to polish their guns and cry into their milk.

Same this year with the same result. Jump up and down and scream at everyone then be depressed again when the dems are elected.

The Koch Brothers father supported the extremist John Birchers in the 50's. Now they support the "TEA party", which isn't a real party, just a Trojan horse to get them tax breaks and make them richer.

And they are PISSED they can't buy Trump, like all the other "boys" in their pockets.

Trump is just exposing the vile monster they helped fund: ignorance.

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Right...or all Brits are immature, loud-mouthed, rude, soccer hooligans, which thankfully isn't the case.

laugh.png Then perhaps we're lucky those hooligans don't have the 'right to bear arms' don't you think?. At least in the UK it's quite safe to walk into a school, movie theatre, car park (that's a parking lot to you by the way) or most other public places without worrying that some WASP who was bullied by his Daddy or workmates, or has had a bad week, is going to turn up with guns bought as easily as we Brits buy a sandwich, and with more 'legal'ammo than John Wayne ever had to massacre innocent people going about their lives.

With all that going on, why worry about Muslims when one of your own could be the enemy? Obama has at least tried to do something aout this, but all Trump is worried about is what it says on his birth certificate and whether he is a Muslim. Loud-mouthed and rude is what Trump is full stop (that's a period to you by the way).

Right...still only fitting that one back-handed insult begets another, methinks. Oh and since you didn't spell it out, can this Yank assume that "workmate" would be the same as colleague...or just someone your mating with at work??? crazy.gif

So your intention was to be insulting to this Limey? I could have done likewise but actually offered facts in reply to your snipe at Limeys, as unpalatable as they may be. And if you want to be highfalutin and call them colleagues, that's fine by me. Nothing crazy about my comments.

Yet you don't seem to have a problem insulting WASPs.

"without worrying that some WASP who was bullied by his Daddy or workmates, or has had a bad week, is going to turn up with guns bought as easily as we Brits buy a sandwich, and with more 'legal'ammo than John Wayne ever had to massacre innocent people going about their lives."

PS: Does the UK now require a background criminal check and a three day wait before you can buy a sandwich?

PPS: The ammo used by John Wayne was not real. It was fake ammo and those were movies. They are not real either.

Cheers, from a proud WASP.

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