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Report: Drug overdose deaths surge across US


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You have not provided any substantiation to your position that heroin is less dangerous than alcohol

If you lock up a heroin addict and let them detox, they'll feel like absolute crap for a while, but that's about the lot of it. There's no danger at all, just discomfort. If you force a longtime alcoholic to quit cold turkey, there is a significant chance he'll become hypertensive, have a seizure, go into cardiac arrest, and DIE .

Oh, so the one is the less harmful than the other because if forced off it there is less danger.


I see.

Well that makes heroin deserve to be legalised then!

Oh, Brother! crazy.gif

My understanding is that the OP is suggesting that opiate addicts can function adequately whereas alcoholics usually cannot. Couple that with the personal harm versus social harm evidence it would appear that opiates being illegal substances have a high price....and put users/abusers at risk for contamination or unregulated content. Restoring opiates to the same status as alcohol might reduce the associated social harm due to the criminalized aspects with its associated "enforcement" issues. I neither support or reject the proposal. I am just saying what I think I understand of it.

To my thinking I would prefer greater co ordinated and punitive enforcement for substances such as meth and crack. These create permanent personal harm and serious social harm very rapidly. And there are a greater percentage of them.

No, not at all. Your understanding is quite off......for starters, it's not the OP that argues opiate addicts can function adequately, it's the member who argues that heroin (specifically) is less harmful and addictive than alcohol or tobacco, and that heroin (specifically) should be legalised so that it becomes cheaper and easier to obtain. A totally irresponsible and ill-informed opinion.

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America has gone to hell with all the drug abuse and it sickens me to see what drugs has done to my Country...nothing crass about it. Drug culture destroys families, destroys social fabric, kills innocent people on the roadways, contributes to domestic violence, finances drug cartels in Latin American countries who bring violence to local populations.

You have this completely backwards. The War on Drugs is responsible for all this destruction. And check your stats - booze kills WAY more people on the road than drugs.

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Or alcohol which is more addictive and destructive than heroin.

Nov. 1, 2010 -- Alcohol abuse is more harmful than crack or heroin abuse, according to a new study by a former British government drug advisor and other experts.


Yep, trouble is using the alcohol argument on legalising drugs can easily be countered by well 'we legalised Alcohol and look what a f--- skin mess that's turned into.
How about "we tried make alcohol ILLEGAL and look at what a mess THAT turned into."
Which is true but at the mo the the mayhem that alcohol is causing could be used as an argument against legalizing drugs.

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Legalize and regulate all drugs, so that users will know exactly what and how much they are taking. That would help a lot. The war on drugs has been a complete failure.

Not quite a total failure kept bread on table for thousands of government officers and their families for ?? Decades. God knows how they're gonna do for employment Now there`s a 'softening' on the immediate horizon ,, oh silly me,, terrorism !!

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And how about trial attorneys and Corrections Corporation of America?

In the summer of 2002, the state of Oregon (USA) passed legislation to re-criminalize the possession of less than 1 ounce of marijuana, which had been an offense where a ticket and $100 fine and no resulting record from 1972 or 1973 until that time. The new legislation required the signature of the governor before it could become law; said governor (Kitzhaber) waited until the 11th hour to pass before making a decision to sign or not sign the legislation. The day before the new legislation would expire if not signed, the lobbyist group who had pushed the legislation made a last minute attempt to sway the governor by sending a delegation to his home. The governor decided not to sign the legislation. The following day it was disclosed that the lobbyist group pressing to re-criminalize was a group of trial attorneys.

Oregon was one of the first states to adopt rules allowing the medicinal use of marijuana and this summer (July 1) it became legal for Oregon adults to possess up to 1 oz in public, 8 ounces in their homes, and to grow up to 4 plants. There are now 4 states allowing recreational use (Colorado and Washington in 2012); recreational use also became legal in Alaska, where adults may legally possess in public, as well as the District of Columbia (Washingon, D.C.). 23 states have various rules allowing for the medicinal use of marijuana.

Corrections Corp of America's stock (CXW) has not fared well this year.

Edited by edko
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Yeah, why would a law enforcer want drugs legalized without something coming in to fill The hole.

People have been kept in employment for years

Its been an open ended cheque book for ?? People

But things are changing The few UK cops I've v informally chatted to have said

From above there's no real urgency around drugs but terrorism suddenly

Open ended budgets appear

Not rocket science which way things are gonna go

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I just stumbled across this. It makes my point a lot better than I did:

Heroin is Harmless

"We cannot find any medical research from any source which will support the international governmental contention that heroin harms the body or the mind of its users," concluded a recent Guardian \ Channel 4 investigation into heroin. "Nor can we find any trace of our government or the American government or any other ever presenting or referring to any credible version of any such research. On the contrary, all of the available research agrees that, so far as harm is concerned, heroin is likely to cause some nausea and possibly severe constipation and that is all."

Heroin generally does not cause malnutrition, moral-collapse, or sickness. Death by overdose is possible but not that common, thanks to the wide safety margin between a therapeutic and a lethal dose.

One thing causes heroin related illnesses, crime and death: the black market
Read the whole article for the FACTS on heroin: http://www.thegooddrugsguide.com/articles/h_harmless.htm

Edited by Ulysses G.
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