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Plastic Surgery Disaster Help !


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So you are saying that your wounds would require more work than what is required to seperate conjoined twins (attached at the head no less)?

I am sorry to fall in to the doubting category but from the limited "scan" you have shown, I can't see this. I watched a show on a young man here in the States that was shot in a botched gas station robbery. Half of his skull was blown away. In fact the paramedics pretty much wrote him off. He survived and from the last update a few years ago on T.V. he is in college. He obviously has some neurological difficulties but in all other respects he's made as close to a full recovery as anyone could.

The point I am making is that when they showed the pictures before reconstructive surgery, this boy literally had half a skull. After reconstructive surgery, you could not tell a major difference except for some surgical scars.

Are your wounds anywhere near that?

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one of the best ideas I have ever heard ... they fix one(if not the ) of the worst plastic surgery disasters in US history in Thailand that no one else could fix and it makes thailand the new Plastic surgery king ... the res they would get would be remarkable . Like that guy who went for bypass surgery in Bangkok they have worn that guys story out , his was about cost ... Mine would be about skill and then I could expose the criminal that did this too me . The way to do this would be to get a 20/20 or 60 minutes or dateline to cover the whole thing . John K you are on to something .. I am just so dam sick and have to help to put this together and have almost given up , but when I read and idea like that I must say I am inspired .
good entertainment but accomplishes nothing .... they do those shows for ratings not to help people most of the time ... I have written 20/20 ... 60 minutes ...Dateline ... but you need the the Dr.'s to back you up and they will not .. when the Dr.'s in this country are too afraid of saying anything bad about another Dr. you are screwed ,, that is why they will not work on me here they do not want to be involved in prolonged testimony and court proceeding by coming out and saying how bad you were hurt by another Dr. and what they had to do to try and fix it ... but maybe a Thai Dr. would .

What an entertaining story... the sad thing is I wadding through all 5 pages.

So basically from what I gather, John K, Sobe and little Orphan Annie are one and the same person.

John HAS to be Sobe, as his defense of a complete stranger whom he has not met physically in person, is not logical.

Anne has to be Sobe, as her entrance into the conversation was soley to add some credibility to his existence.

On one hand you want to contact 20/20, but then on the other hand you already have! As though anyone here really believes that with all the arrogant Dr.s that the US spills out, there is not one in all 50 states, that would not love the media attention you would bring to him and his practice.

It makes for a nice epsiode of Nip Tuck (which I am sure is where you got the idea for your baseline story). Maybe I will write a script and send it in and finish it for you.

Call me cruel, but this story has more holes than swiss cheese.

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So you are saying that your wounds would require more work than what is required to separate conjoined twins (attached at the head no less)?

no I was saying just the opposite when I talk with Dr.'s here in the states who tell me they can do nothing and these are guys who separate twins at the head in 24 hour surgeries (obviously much more difficult than anything I would need ) I can only come up with one answer ... the Dr.'s in the states do not want to fix another Dr.'s mess . I have stated this over and over here but I guess I am not making it clear for some reason .

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Sorry Sobe but some plastic surgeons here make their money fixing other plastic surgeons mistakes. From bad liposuctions that leave bad symmetry, tummy tucks where not enough blood supply was left and the flesh began to slough off from gangrene to laser skin resurfacing that has caused severe burns and scars on the face.

You just mentioned that your problem is not that bad (at least not as difficult as seperating conjoined twins).

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:o OK Bendix, you are such a bad influence. Sobe, I think you are masquerading as someone in dire straights, for what reason I can't even being to fathom. The picture you posted is the oddest thing I have ever seen. The reason that I postulated first off that you were someone who had received a burns injury was that you reminded me of an individual that I nursed on the regional burns unit in UK. For whatever reason you posted, I hope you are satisfied with the responses ranging from sympathy to incredulity. You are a sad and tragic individual and I truly hope you get the psychiatric care that you so desperately need.
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Sorry Sobe but some plastic surgeons here make their money fixing other plastic surgeons mistakes. From bad liposuctions that leave bad symmetry, tummy tucks where not enough blood supply was left and the flesh began to slough off from gangrene to laser skin resurfacing that has caused severe burns and scars on the face.

That is encouraging , here that is called a revision but usually the Dr. is not faced with trying to fix damage anywhere as bad as what this butcher did to me .

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i am not an american but lived nearly 16 years in the Greatest Nation on Earth. based on this experience i claim that you could find in no time several dozen lawyers (WITHOUT A SINGLE PENNY DOWN) who would be licking their lips to take your case.

so please stop insulting our intelligence with your raving, ranting and pleading.

by the way, the mistake you made was publishing a picture showing a cranial bone structure deformation caused by "EYEBROW LIFTING". on top of that your quote "taking a Valium pill" which allegedly "put you out" is similar rubbish. Valium (aka Diazepam) is a benzodiazepine and it would take a dose of minimum a dozen pills -each 20mg- to anesthesize an adult.

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Need a Dr. to fix my head not a lawyer , I have $$ and friends with even more but no Dr. that will open my head in the US . I came here looking for people who knew the names of the top plastic surgeons in Thailand again if anyone here has that information please chime in with some names .

I have found it is just best to ignore the negative posts on TV, if you respond to them they will continue. There are all type here and some who post are retired and may have just come back from a beer bar.

this PM was also helpful from a member

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I have $$ and friends with even more but no Dr. that will open my head in the US .

How curious.

In the first page of this thread you said you had all but run out of money.

You really do need to keep a running tab of these claims to ensure you don't contradict yourself.

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It's truly amazing that there are some people who still seem to think there is some element of truth in Sobe's story......even after 5 pages of this drivel.

Granted this has been somewhat entertaining and credit to Sobe for keeping it going for so long, but really people, let's not take this too seriously.

Time to 'fess up Sobe.

PS. my revision/reconstructive surgery was a complete success....see avatar

Edited by sibeymai
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It's truly amazing that there are some people who still seem to think there is some element of truth in Sobe's story......even after 5 pages of this drivel.

What's even more amazing is that the moderators tolerate it, and even go to the lengths of removing posts seeking to expose the loser for trying to ridicule the forum.

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