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Prem urges news journalists to respect professional ethics

Jonathan Fairfield

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If this man was put as a candidate tomorrow in an election He would WALK IT.

Now this small body of TVF members who have not been satisfied since the intervention of the army---that are crying out for elections every day, slagging off the PM---because they hate military rule, are now not satisfied with near the MOST RESPECTED man in Thailand, I have news for you, is it YOU that want what YOU want, or is it the will of Thais ???. % of you are still in denial re Shins sins in government, % of you say you want democracy ( even if it not a democratically run job)

I would love to see stability, elections, after most of the last lot have faced up to wrong doing and Thais can believe what is then out in the open.

Thailand will be lucky if it's squeaky clean in 10 years time. YES I am ready for the clan brigade to slam me for this, as that is all they seem to be on TVF for, topics like this one. Scan every day and see who is answering what------interesting.

The opinion of TVF members is neither here nor there.If however you believe Prem - personally decent though he is - represents the aspirations of most Thais, you are comically deluded.He is no longer widely respected in the way he was 20 years ago.History - not the likes of you and me - will deliver its verdict on Prem.Sadly as a result of his foolish meddling I fear it will be a harsh one and he will be seen as having played a key role in undermining all he holds dear - a terrible irony.

Comically deluded----you speak so nice this new year. Your opinion ONLY, ask any Thai in Thailand if the Guy is still a very respected man--you will get your answer. Ask --sure the Comic you will find is YOU. Just returning the nice gesture. Happy new year, I did notice you did not comment on other FACTS about this grumbling daily % of posters, after all WE do not have a say. so why are they just on TVF mostly on topics to use as an excuse. I comment on some unpopular decisions by the PM, but I am not relentless in a daily assault.

You know all the Thai's then Gingag, you must be a busy fella, I gotta say a lot the people I know don't agree with you at all, true there are also a few gullible people and a few pretty solid ones as well so that probably goes for the foreigners I know too and certainly goes for a few posters on here

Some knowledgeable, some uneducated, some selfish, some indifferent and some downright gullible I think I know where you fit in......

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If this man was put as a candidate tomorrow in an election He would WALK IT.

Now this small body of TVF members who have not been satisfied since the intervention of the army---that are crying out for elections every day, slagging off the PM---because they hate military rule, are now not satisfied with near the MOST RESPECTED man in Thailand, I have news for you, is it YOU that want what YOU want, or is it the will of Thais ???. % of you are still in denial re Shins sins in government, % of you say you want democracy ( even if it not a democratically run job)

I would love to see stability, elections, after most of the last lot have faced up to wrong doing and Thais can believe what is then out in the open.

Thailand will be lucky if it's squeaky clean in 10 years time. YES I am ready for the clan brigade to slam me for this, as that is all they seem to be on TVF for, topics like this one. Scan every day and see who is answering what------interesting.

The opinion of TVF members is neither here nor there.If however you believe Prem - personally decent though he is - represents the aspirations of most Thais, you are comically deluded.He is no longer widely respected in the way he was 20 years ago.History - not the likes of you and me - will deliver its verdict on Prem.Sadly as a result of his foolish meddling I fear it will be a harsh one and he will be seen as having played a key role in undermining all he holds dear - a terrible irony.

Comically deluded----you speak so nice this new year. Your opinion ONLY, ask any Thai in Thailand if the Guy is still a very respected man--you will get your answer. Ask --sure the Comic you will find is YOU. Just returning the nice gesture. Happy new year, I did notice you did not comment on other FACTS about this grumbling daily % of posters, after all WE do not have a say. so why are they just on TVF mostly on topics to use as an excuse. I comment on some unpopular decisions by the PM, but I am not relentless in a daily assault. Quote of yours---"Prems foolish meddling" WOW.......
I did not suggest that Prem lacked respect in Thailand; indeed I respect him for some qualities myself.I argued specifically that he has lost much respect through his ill advised and foolish meddling and does not hold the near universal admiration he once enjoyed.I find an element of Shakespearian tragedy here because the foolishness of a great man - and Prem is an undoubtedly a great man - is always poignant and sad.

Still let history judge.I should add I don't believe Prem has had much influence in the last few years so my remarks do not apply to events preceding and following the last illegal military coup.

The rest of your post is too confused and incoherent to merit further comment.

Edited by jayboy
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If this man was put as a candidate tomorrow in an election He would WALK IT.

Now this small body of TVF members who have not been satisfied since the intervention of the army---that are crying out for elections every day, slagging off the PM---because they hate military rule, are now not satisfied with near the MOST RESPECTED man in Thailand, I have news for you, is it YOU that want what YOU want, or is it the will of Thais ???. % of you are still in denial re Shins sins in government, % of you say you want democracy ( even if it not a democratically run job)

I would love to see stability, elections, after most of the last lot have faced up to wrong doing and Thais can believe what is then out in the open.

Thailand will be lucky if it's squeaky clean in 10 years time. YES I am ready for the clan brigade to slam me for this, as that is all they seem to be on TVF for, topics like this one. Scan every day and see who is answering what------interesting.

The opinion of TVF members is neither here nor there.If however you believe Prem - personally decent though he is - represents the aspirations of most Thais, you are comically deluded.He is no longer widely respected in the way he was 20 years ago.History - not the likes of you and me - will deliver its verdict on Prem.Sadly as a result of his foolish meddling I fear it will be a harsh one and he will be seen as having played a key role in undermining all he holds dear - a terrible irony.

Vey well put!!

The problem with a lot of those in high position or born into the hi-so set in Thailand is that they are surrounded by the worst kind of sycophants, people who will tell them anything at all that they think they want to hear regardless of the truth or the long term effects and unfortunately the higher up the pole they get the more cosseted they are

People like ginjang and EJ and several of the other rose tinted specs brigade cannot see that and just because their trip to the local bar or restaurant is the same as before this lot took power they think there is no problem and all is hunky-dory, guess what, it isn't!!!

Please do not post assumed lies-----I do not drink, so I do not trip to the local bar---do you think everyone is drunk and lives in Pattaya or Nana ?? Agree it is NOT hunky dory, no one in this world thinks it is--But you do not need rose tinted glasses to know it is still better than Shins run--or not run style governing.

Blimey Gingag, who died and made you emperor...

I will post what I see and what I see and hear from the likes of yourself is very naïve, you seem to think you speak for all Thais, something you have in common with a certain sector of the junta, guess what newsflash....you don't and neither do they!!!

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it's rather strange, I interpret the headline as Prem asking journalists to directly clash with him and the junta ???

on a more serious note, what's happening in the West is proving every day that "neutral journalism" is a fata morgana. It's much better in my opinion to just make sure all political parties have their dedicated mouthpiece, but to also make a draconian law that only facts can be reported.

Edited by manarak
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If this man was put as a candidate tomorrow in an election He would WALK IT.

Now this small body of TVF members who have not been satisfied since the intervention of the army---that are crying out for elections every day, slagging off the PM---because they hate military rule, are now not satisfied with near the MOST RESPECTED man in Thailand, I have news for you, is it YOU that want what YOU want, or is it the will of Thais ???. % of you are still in denial re Shins sins in government, % of you say you want democracy ( even if it not a democratically run job)

I would love to see stability, elections, after most of the last lot have faced up to wrong doing and Thais can believe what is then out in the open.

Thailand will be lucky if it's squeaky clean in 10 years time. YES I am ready for the clan brigade to slam me for this, as that is all they seem to be on TVF for, topics like this one. Scan every day and see who is answering what------interesting.

You clearly haven't got a clue about the history of Thailand and what created the present situation.

The situation today should not be blamed on the Shins, but on the Prems and their amart elite club, who refuse to accept, that the good old days when the amart rode in to the villages on their elephants, and the peasants looked down, because they were not allowed to even look a the "semi-gods" are well and truly over !!

Prem has been very verbal the last couple of days, which clearly indicates the coup had backing from the highest place. And that is why Thailand is in dire need of change, and I am not talking about new meaningless elections, but real change.

As for the RESPECT for the amart and their spokespersons, it is on a downward curve among the average Thai. Many simply don't buy the BS anymore !!

Edited by JOC
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If this man was put as a candidate tomorrow in an election He would WALK IT.

Now this small body of TVF members who have not been satisfied since the intervention of the army---that are crying out for elections every day, slagging off the PM---because they hate military rule, are now not satisfied with near the MOST RESPECTED man in Thailand, I have news for you, is it YOU that want what YOU want, or is it the will of Thais ???. % of you are still in denial re Shins sins in government, % of you say you want democracy ( even if it not a democratically run job)

I would love to see stability, elections, after most of the last lot have faced up to wrong doing and Thais can believe what is then out in the open.

Thailand will be lucky if it's squeaky clean in 10 years time. YES I am ready for the clan brigade to slam me for this, as that is all they seem to be on TVF for, topics like this one. Scan every day and see who is answering what------interesting.

You clearly haven't got a clue about the history of Thailand and what created the present situation.

The situation today should not be blamed on the Shins, but on the Prems and their amart elite club, who refuse to accept, that the good old days when the amart rode in to the villages on their elephants, and the peasants looked down, because they were not allowed to even look a the "semi-gods" are well and truly over !!

Prem has been very verbal the last couple of days, which clearly indicates the coup had backing from the highest place. And that is why Thailand is in dire need of change, and I am not talking about new meaningless elections. Hint : 1789

As for the RESPECT for the amart and their spokespersons, it is on a downward curve among the average Thai. Many simply don't buy the BS anymore !!

As I expected and was predicting the replies are coming from the same posters that constantly pick on the topics that fits an YES agenda----up to us all to post a feeling on Thai politics, TVF is all about this BUT it also has other topics. The General TVF poster will flit through most topics-----BUT not you homing pigeons.

There is no way in just over a year ANYONE could even touch the clearing up needed, NO ONE. Look across the whole job lot that was left. I havent a clue but you are looking also in only one direction.

Same one of your fellow anti coup posters, thinks I go out to bars everynight like a drunken Pattays tourist, this is the abuse posters get from this anti PM clan, when MOST recognise there is a vast amount of clearing up to still do. Who ever is in to do it.

Imagine if the army did not intervene and Yingluck and Family backed by the reds got the amnesty--Thaksin back covering up more of the filth with his dictatoral style.

Back to Prem who is aged, and no matter about his wealthy background and agree failing he still has respect and to my mind is NOT meddling.

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If this man was put as a candidate tomorrow in an election He would WALK IT.

Now this small body of TVF members who have not been satisfied since the intervention of the army---that are crying out for elections every day, slagging off the PM---because they hate military rule, are now not satisfied with near the MOST RESPECTED man in Thailand, I have news for you, is it YOU that want what YOU want, or is it the will of Thais ???. % of you are still in denial re Shins sins in government, % of you say you want democracy ( even if it not a democratically run job)

I would love to see stability, elections, after most of the last lot have faced up to wrong doing and Thais can believe what is then out in the open.

Thailand will be lucky if it's squeaky clean in 10 years time. YES I am ready for the clan brigade to slam me for this, as that is all they seem to be on TVF for, topics like this one. Scan every day and see who is answering what------interesting.

You clearly haven't got a clue about the history of Thailand and what created the present situation.

The situation today should not be blamed on the Shins, but on the Prems and their amart elite club, who refuse to accept, that the good old days when the amart rode in to the villages on their elephants, and the peasants looked down, because they were not allowed to even look a the "semi-gods" are well and truly over !!

Prem has been very verbal the last couple of days, which clearly indicates the coup had backing from the highest place. And that is why Thailand is in dire need of change, and I am not talking about new meaningless elections. Hint : 1789

As for the RESPECT for the amart and their spokespersons, it is on a downward curve among the average Thai. Many simply don't buy the BS anymore !!

As I expected and was predicting the replies are coming from the same posters that constantly pick on the topics that fits an YES agenda----up to us all to post a feeling on Thai politics, TVF is all about this BUT it also has other topics. The General TVF poster will flit through most topics-----BUT not you homing pigeons.

There is no way in just over a year ANYONE could even touch the clearing up needed, NO ONE. Look across the whole job lot that was left. I havent a clue but you are looking also in only one direction.

Same one of your fellow anti coup posters, thinks I go out to bars everynight like a drunken Pattays tourist, this is the abuse posters get from this anti PM clan, when MOST recognise there is a vast amount of clearing up to still do. Who ever is in to do it.

Imagine if the army did not intervene and Yingluck and Family backed by the reds got the amnesty--Thaksin back covering up more of the filth with his dictatoral style.

Back to Prem who is aged, and no matter about his wealthy background and agree failing he still has respect and to my mind is NOT meddling.

Imagine - John Lennon

Listen to the lyrics.

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The Thai press have the same ethics as everyone else here.

None. Sold to the highest bidder.

Having the Jonathan Head as president of the 'Foreign Journalists Club' sums this place up. He belongs at some grubby little tabloid like 'The Sun'. His reports during the protests were a disgrace. Lies by omission are lies just the same.

John, please you are making a fool of yourself writing this, but oh yes, we are getting used to your bs.

John, there is no freedom of press , so don't talk about sold to the highest bidder, there is no truth to be sold, as both seller and buyer would be jailed.

Exactly the same attitude as the Junta, you call facts lies, wake up, or maybe grow up ....... lets say denial is the same as lying....

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What is it with "the Jonathan Head?" The definite article is not used when referring to individuals by their names. I think that you are not English, John.

He's a troll. Either that or he has taken his wannabe Thai elitist shtick so seriously for so long now that he is actually writing like one of them.

He probably made the signs for the 200 nationalists that protested outside of the US embassy.

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If this man was put as a candidate tomorrow in an election He would WALK IT.

Now this small body of TVF members who have not been satisfied since the intervention of the army---that are crying out for elections every day, slagging off the PM---because they hate military rule, are now not satisfied with near the MOST RESPECTED man in Thailand, I have news for you, is it YOU that want what YOU want, or is it the will of Thais ???. % of you are still in denial re Shins sins in government, % of you say you want democracy ( even if it not a democratically run job)

I would love to see stability, elections, after most of the last lot have faced up to wrong doing and Thais can believe what is then out in the open.

Thailand will be lucky if it's squeaky clean in 10 years time. YES I am ready for the clan brigade to slam me for this, as that is all they seem to be on TVF for, topics like this one. Scan every day and see who is answering what------interesting.

The opinion of TVF members is neither here nor there.If however you believe Prem - personally decent though he is - represents the aspirations of most Thais, you are comically deluded.He is no longer widely respected in the way he was 20 years ago.History - not the likes of you and me - will deliver its verdict on Prem.Sadly as a result of his foolish meddling I fear it will be a harsh one and he will be seen as having played a key role in undermining all he holds dear - a terrible irony.

you are being far too generous to Prem...

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I'd much prefer living in A Brave New World as an Alpha Plus than living in a 1984 world of totalitarian imperatives. Unfortunately, mankind had chosen the later path, as the fiction of the past melds with the realities of the present.

The message is that journalists need to take this to heart or suffer the consequences - INGSOC


Edited by connda
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Journalist's who do present certain facts, which are uncomfortable to some, find themselves in for a bit of attitude readjustment.


Unfortunately, Orwell was uncomfortably prescient, albeit, just a few decades off the mark. And I'm not ragging on Thailand, by know means, as this has become a universal reality as humanity races toward a dystopian future led by an elite micro-minority with power and control in their dark hearts, and a vision of the future that advances with an inexorable iron grip on the masses.

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Journalist's who do present certain facts, which are uncomfortable to some, find themselves in for a bit of attitude readjustment.


Unfortunately, Orwell was uncomfortably prescient, albeit, just a few decades off the mark. And I'm not ragging on Thailand, by know means, as this has become a universal reality as humanity races toward a dystopian future led by an elite micro-minority with power and control in their dark hearts, and a vision of the future that advances with an inexorable iron grip on the masses.

The message is clear to those who can see: The 'Truth' published by journalist today must concur and harmonize with the popular narrative expounded by the power elites who wish to exert control over all aspects of society without enduring criticism from those who are awake to the geopolitical realities of this increasingly unstable world.

This again is nothing unique to Thailand. In the Land of Smiles the control is being exerted openly, although veiled in a sort of dualistic double-speak that urges conformity while subtly threatening censure and sanctions for those who fail to submit. Contrarily, in the West, the masses are simply allowed to stew in the distraction of unbridled consumerism whilst bombarded with endless propaganda from an already complicit main-steam media, the narrative of which is controlled by a handful of large corporations who are snugly in bed with the prevailing body politic; corvus oculum corvi non eruit. The populace? Frogs in a pot of cool water that is slowly being boiled.

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Ginjag - I'm be really curious to know what country you come from. Where I'm from (Australia and Canada), I can't imagine there are many people who believe that a military occupation, suppression of free speech and thought (aka 'attitude adjustment'), and indefinite (multi-year) suspension of democratic institutions is the appropriate solution for social-political discord.

The Shins may have been corrupt, but they did not create Thailand's social divide. They merely showed the formerly powerless that they actually do have power in numbers and that they shouldn't simply 'accept their place'. Politics was no longer just a game to be played in Bangkok. And for all the reverence you have for Prayuth and Prem, they cannot put that genie back in the bottle. Which is why your 'solution' is no solution at all...

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If this man was put as a candidate tomorrow in an election He would WALK IT.

Now this small body of TVF members who have not been satisfied since the intervention of the army---that are crying out for elections every day, slagging off the PM---because they hate military rule, are now not satisfied with near the MOST RESPECTED man in Thailand, I have news for you, is it YOU that want what YOU want, or is it the will of Thais ???. % of you are still in denial re Shins sins in government, % of you say you want democracy ( even if it not a democratically run job)

I would love to see stability, elections, after most of the last lot have faced up to wrong doing and Thais can believe what is then out in the open.

Thailand will be lucky if it's squeaky clean in 10 years time. YES I am ready for the clan brigade to slam me for this, as that is all they seem to be on TVF for, topics like this one. Scan every day and see who is answering what------interesting.

What drivel,

you can't or don't want to see the facts.

Look at your beloved junta, pardoning their own kind for well documented corruption

You are an embarrassment to the western free world

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Since TV folks love statistics and are always reminding us that Thailand has the 2nd highest traffic fatality rate in the world

( a statistic I have only found on one web site: http://www.livescience.com/43462-countries-crash-death-rates.html), it is nice to know that they are also number 2 in coups d'etat and coup attempts at 21, they lost first place to Haiti which has had 25


None of which could have occurred if advisors had given sage advice

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These guys really don't grasp that the central idea of 'democracy' is having the right to debate issues - all issues - in public. Until Thailand moves from its 'authoritarian' model of society the country will not advance in a meaningful way. The powers-that-be only want their 'story' to be told. Any divergence from their 'storyline' is to be suppressed. It's all very sad as this country has so much potential.

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The Thai press have the same ethics as everyone else here.

None. Sold to the highest bidder.

Having the Jonathan Head as president of the 'Foreign Journalists Club' sums this place up. He belongs at some grubby little tabloid like 'The Sun'. His reports during the protests were a disgrace. Lies by omission are lies just the same.

So who has Jonathan Head sold himself to? Please elucidate.If you can't justify this libel just stop lying.

As I have posted before I was told personally by Khun Anand Panyarachun that in his opinion Jonathan Head (like Anand a product of Dulwich and Cambridge) was a distinguished commentator on Thai politics.

JH has become a hate figure for some Thais as well as a few poorly educated foreign pikeys - because he points out some inconvenient truths.

Don't waste your time trying to reason with English John, the old brownshirt.

He's been an apologist for the Junta from day one.

As far as he is concerned, Thai governments run by the elite families were squeaky clean until that bad man Thaksin came along and spoiled everything.

Now everything is back to normal again, lots of uniforms on telly every night, how reassuring.

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If this man was put as a candidate tomorrow in an election He would WALK IT.

Now this small body of TVF members who have not been satisfied since the intervention of the army---that are crying out for elections every day, slagging off the PM---because they hate military rule, are now not satisfied with near the MOST RESPECTED man in Thailand, I have news for you, is it YOU that want what YOU want, or is it the will of Thais ???. % of you are still in denial re Shins sins in government, % of you say you want democracy ( even if it not a democratically run job)

I would love to see stability, elections, after most of the last lot have faced up to wrong doing and Thais can believe what is then out in the open.

Thailand will be lucky if it's squeaky clean in 10 years time. YES I am ready for the clan brigade to slam me for this, as that is all they seem to be on TVF for, topics like this one. Scan every day and see who is answering what------interesting.

The opinion of TVF members is neither here nor there.If however you believe Prem - personally decent though he is - represents the aspirations of most Thais, you are comically deluded.He is no longer widely respected in the way he was 20 years ago.History - not the likes of you and me - will deliver its verdict on Prem.Sadly as a result of his foolish meddling I fear it will be a harsh one and he will be seen as having played a key role in undermining all he holds dear - a terrible irony.

Vey well put!!

The problem with a lot of those in high position or born into the hi-so set in Thailand is that they are surrounded by the worst kind of sycophants, people who will tell them anything at all that they think they want to hear regardless of the truth or the long term effects and unfortunately the higher up the pole they get the more cosseted they are

People like ginjang and EJ and several of the other rose tinted specs brigade cannot see that and just because their trip to the local bar or restaurant is the same as before this lot took power they think there is no problem and all is hunky-dory, guess what, it isn't!!!

Please do not post assumed lies-----I do not drink, so I do not trip to the local bar---do you think everyone is drunk and lives in Pattaya or Nana ?? Agree it is NOT hunky dory, no one in this world thinks it is--But you do not need rose tinted glasses to know it is still better than Shins run--or not run style governing.

I live in Pattaya and I'm not a drunk, nor are any of the many people I know. Which indicates to me that you have a distorted view of what goes on in Thailand. In fact, your childish rants are becoming a bore.

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